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Batavia VA Center

Two patients at Batavia VA test positive for COVID-19

By Howard B. Owens

Two patients at the VA Hospital in Batavia have tested positive for COVID-19, according to a spokeswoman for the Veterans Administration in Western New York.


Precautionary measures have been taken to mitigate the risk of transmission to other patients and staff, as the Veterans are being cared for in respiratory isolation by staff who are specially trained on Centers for Disease Control (CDC) treatment guidelines, including the use of personal protective equipment and infection-control techniques.

VA is screening Veterans and staff who present with symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath who meet the CDC criteria for evaluation of COVID-19 infection. Per CDC guidance and VA protocols, patients known to be at risk for a COVID-19 infection are immediately isolated to prevent potential spread to others.

Veterans and staff are encouraged to take everyday preventive actions to avoid being exposed to the virus:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Stay home if you are sick or becoming sick;
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-percent alcohol;
  • If you have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with symptoms, call the VA before going to the facility.

VA officially opens new living center for resident veterans

By Howard B. Owens

A new, $2.8 million renovation project at the VA designed to improve the conditions of long-term veteran residents of the Community Living Center, Maple Lodge, was unveiled today in a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by veterans, VA staff and dignitaries. 

Maple Lodge is a completely gutted, redesigned and renovated wing of the VA Hospital in Batavia and features 19 private rooms and one semi-private room.

There were upgrades to central heating, air conditioning, and ventilation. 

The design consists of an open kitchen, eating areas, and several living room spaces complete with a fireplace. The kitchen table always has snacks or fruit available along with coffee, tea, and the ability to make fresh-baked goods, reinforcing the home atmosphere. Lastly, all rooms now have state-of-the-art lifting equipment for a safe patient environment that concurrently lowers the risk of staff injury.

John McCune, a disabled veteran living at the lodge, spoke during the ceremony and praised the comfort of the renovations and the great care and support he gets from the staff.

"It's a thankless job they do in many instances, but for me, I try to thank them each and every day, because I do appreciate the job they do, especially for somebody like me," McCune said.

He also praised his fellow lodge residents.

"It wouldn't be a brotherhood without each individual's unique story that comes along with living here," he said. "I can't tell you truthfully and honestly from the first time coming onto the ward, it's a home."

Several speakers praised all the individuals who helped make the renovations possible, from the VA leadership to the local maintenance staff and administration staff members.

"This is truly a community living center," said Kimberly Kwietniewski, geriatric and extended care line manager. "As you know, it takes a village, and if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to care for our wonderful heroes."

Kimberly Kwietniewski

John McCune

Richard Collins, a World War II veteran who was awarded a Purple Heart, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Vietnam War event today at 2 at Batavia VA center

By Billie Owens

Information provided by the VA Public Affairs Office:

Today at 2 p.m. at the VA Medical Center, 222 Richmond Ave., Batavia, there will be a Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration. It will take place in the auditorium of Building #4.

The guest speaker will be Mr. Vincent Schollard, who served two tours of duty in Vietnam (1966-68) as a Navy Corpsman. Vietnam Veterans and their families are encouraged to attend to share camaraderie. Refreshments will be served afterward.

VA Western New York Healthcare System is a Federal commemorative partner for The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration. One of the main objectives of these events is to give a long overdue thanks to honor Vietnam Veterans and their families, including personnel who were held prisoners of war or listed as missing in action.

The Commemoration will pay tribute to their service and sacrifice on behalf of the United States. Additionally, it will mark advances in technology, science and medicine related to the military research conducted during the Vietnam War. Lastly, the often overlooked contributions and sacrifices made by our allies will be recognized.

To fulfill President’s Lincoln’s mission to our Veterans and their families "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan,” after each commemoration several VA representatives will be on hand and ready to provide information and answers to questions about VA health care enrollment and other Veterans benefits to include disability claims, employment and educational opportunities, and National Cemetery internment. Many Veterans are still unaware of VA benefits they have earned or may be in need of updated information to qualify and use these benefits.  

Here's the lineup of the event in Batavia:

Invocation -- Father Ivan Trujillo, VA Western NY Healtchcare System

Presentation of Colors -- Joint Veterans Honor Guard of Genesee County

"Star-spangled Banner" -- St. Joe's Brass Ensemble of Batavia

Pledge of Allegiance 

Welcome -- Brian Stiller, Medical Director, VA Western NY Healtchcare System

Keynote Address -- Vincent Schollard, former Navy Corpsman

Musical Tribute -- St. Joe's Brass Ensemble of Batavia

Vietnam Veterans Pin Presentation 

Echo Taps -- Frank Panepento & Tom Cecere

Benediction -- Father Ivan Trujillo

For additional information please contact the VA Public Affairs Office at (716) 862-8753/8754.

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