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Batavia Youth Baseball Board of Directors

Batavia Youth Baseball's Board of Directors sets guidelines for the upcoming season during COVID-19 pandemic

By Billie Owens

A letter from the Batavia Minor League Youth Baseball Board of Directors:

Fellow Community Members,

During these trying and uncertain times, the Batavia Minor League Youth Baseball Board of Directors, coaches and players have been patiently waiting for the go-ahead to begin our season. We are very excited that the time has arrived and we look forward to getting back to the game that we love.

The Board has done their best in navigating the many restrictions and rules due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making the necessary changes to our operations to maintain social distancing and helping to ensure the safety of our players.

While we believe that we have the proper plan of action in place, it cannot be achieved to its fullest without the support of our community. 

The Board would like to share a few of our guidelines for the upcoming season.

All individuals should measure their body temperature to ensure that no fever is present prior to participating or attending each League activity. Anyone with symptoms of fever, cough, or worsening respiratory symptoms, or any known exposure to a person with COVID-19 should not attend any League activity until cleared by a medical professional.

Any individual, including players, at risk for severe illness or with serious underlying medical or respiratory condition should only attend League activities with permission from a medical professional.

It is strongly recommended that players travel to the field with a member(s) of their immediate household when possible. Sharing rides is highly discouraged unless absolutely necessary.

Players, coaches, volunteers, and families should vacate the field/facility as soon as is reasonably possible after the conclusion of a game to allow for proper sanitation of the facility and to aid in greater social distancing.

Social distancing is required for the entire complex, and the wearing of face covering is highly recommended when social distancing cannot be accomplished.

The concession stand will NOT be in operation for this season. Players should plan accordingly to bring their own drinks to ensure proper hydration.


  • Spectators must maintain social distancing when possible.
  • Spectators shall have NO access to the field, batting cages or player areas.

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