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BHS Musicians of Note is May 20 at the high school to spotlight seven honorees

By Press Release

Submitted photos and press release:

Musicians of Note, a wall of fame to honor past Batavia High School graduates in music, will showcase the 2020 honorees in a ceremony at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 20, at the high school.

The selection committee for Musicians of Note received numerous outstanding nominations in January 2020 prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. Rather than have a virtual ceremony in 2020, the Musicians of Note committee decided to postpone the celebration until they were able to properly honor the 2020 recipients.

They are now able to hold the event live by following CDC guidelines and with limited seating. Honorees will be recognized with a video presentation.

The BHS Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Beauty Shop Ensemble, and the BHS String Ensemble will perform for the first time since December 2019.

A plaque featuring the honorees' accomplishments will be displayed on the new Musicians of Note wall at the High School.

The 2020/2021 recipients for the Musician of Note Award are: Ken Hay, Melinda Hay, Joseph Robusto, Harold McJury, Marc Schumann Ferrari, Patrick Jee and Alexander Davis.

Kenneth Hay (1982-2003) -- Former BHS Band Director:

●  Genesee-Wyoming Music Educators President;

●  Conducted All-County Bands in Genesee and Orleans County;

●  Pit Orchestra Conductor for 18 Batavia Rotary Club Productions;

●  Named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Club of Batavia;

●  Presented with the GO ART! Genesee-Orleans Community Arts Award 2003.

Melinda Hay (1983-2003) -- Former Elementary Band Director:

● Helped to organize the First Elementary All-County Festival in Genesee County;



●  Conducted an Elementary All-County Band;

●  Enjoyed starting many young musicians on their first Band instrument;

●  Created “Tour Day” for the Batavia Advanced Band;

●  Was honored to “pin” a flower on each graduating senior at the Batavia Pageant of Bands.

Joseph Robusto -- Class of ‘65:

●  Exemplified his Batavia High Yearbook designations of “Friendliest” and “Best Smile”;

●  Talented classical accordionist and disciplined competitor who attained the Alternate National Accordion Championship title as the youngest recipient at age 16;

●  Competed and adjudicated nationally and internationally;

●  Outstanding musician and dedicated instructor, a loving and supportive family man, a well-known local business owner and community supporter, and a friend to everyone he became acquainted with;

●  Amazing accordion and piano performer whose fine tuned technique and interpretative skills would captivate you by drawing you into the moving story he was telling through his music.



Herald McJury -- Class of ‘68 (inset photo, right):

  • Guest Soloist with Genesee Symphony Orchestra;
  • Batavia Youth Bureau Adult Volunteer of the Year;
  • Drum Corp International Volunteer of the Year 1995;
  • Buglers Hall of Fame 2016;
  • Navy submarine service during the Vietnam War.


Marc Schumann Ferrari -- Class of ‘80 (inset photo left):

●  Salutatorian BHS Class of 1980;

●  Member of major label recording artists Keel and Cold Sweat;

●  Guitarist in the hit movies "Wayne's World" and "Wayne's World 2";

●  Two-time published author -- "Rock Star 101" and "Don't Dilly Dally Silly Sally";

●  Father of the most awesome daughter Sierra.



Patrick Jee -- Class of ‘96 (inset photo left):


●  Joined the New York Philharmonic in 2012.


●  Performed at the United Nations in 2003.


●  Editor for the International Music Company.


●  Performed as music therapist for endangered elephants in Thailand.




Alexander Davis -- Class of '08 (inset photo right):

●  Founder & Artistic Director of Sugar Hill Salon Chamber Music for Black and Brown Classical Musicians;

●  Performed with Detroit Symphony Orchestra;

●  Toured with Orpheus Chamber Orchestra;

●  Administrative Manager for Imani Winds Chamber Music Festival;

●  Teaching Artist at The Park Avenue Armory.

BHS grad credits his coach and a teammate with helping him succeed as a Marine

By Virginia Kropf

A Batavia Marine who never intended to join the military, has recently been promoted to Staff Sergeant (E6).

Terrence Irvin (inset photo left), son of Terrence and Priscilla Irvin, of Batavia, attained this latest rank after serving only seven years in the Marine Corps.

Irvin, a 2011 graduate of Batavia High School, credits his coach and mentor Nick Burk and jumper Ray Williams from his track and field team for the confidence to succeed as a Marine.

“Coach Burk helped me believe in myself,” Irvin said.

Passion & Perseverance

Irvin recalls a track meet at Rochester Institute of Technology in 2010.

“I’ll never forget it,” Irvin said. “It was during a long jump. I kept getting big jumps, but would foul. So I wanted to never jump anymore. I look back now and see Ray Williams limping with a knee injury, but still going out and jumping 20 feet, maybe more.

"To see his passion to win and physical toughness to jump through pain gave me the motivation I so desperately needed. At the same track meet, I went and high-jumped six feet, tying the school record at that time.”

Irvin also played basketball growing up.

After graduating from high school, he was going to join the Marines. But he had a cousin, James Reeves, who was already in the Marines and Irvin asked him about it.

“He said, ‘Do it.’ At that moment my decision was made. My uncle Shawn served in the Army in the early 2000s, but growing up, I never thought or wanted to be part of the military. I gave it a shot and it has worked out perfect for me.”

One of the Few and the Proud

Overall, the Marine Corps and its high standards have given him a greater sense of pride and purpose. Latin for “Always Faithful,” Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine — "an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside."

Irvin was assigned to the Security Guard detail for several government dignitaries in the Trump Administration, including the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, followed by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of Defense -- retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, former White House Chief of Staff -- retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, and the late Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

Irvin also participated in multiple Color Guard ceremonies.

He has served in the Middle East, but says he doesn’t have a favorite detail.

All Business, No Excuses

“It’s all business,” he said. “I get a job and I go out and do it with no excuses.”

He plans to stay in the Marines until his body says it’s time to go, he said. 

His long-term goal is to team up with his cousin Darien and open a fitness/recreation center in Batavia. He thinks the area would welcome a facility with weights, cardio machines, mixed martial arts section, and a 200-meter indoor track above a large basketball court.

“During high school indoor-track season, it would help the next generation by having the right equipment on which to train, as well,” Irvin said. “Maybe we could have some basketball tournaments to reward the top players in the area. I think there is a lot of potential in that area.”

Below, Terrence Irvin, left, and a comrade ready to practice their marksmanship at a gun range.

Bottom, Terrence Irvin's certificate of promotion to Staff Sargeant in the Marine Corps on Feb. 1, 2021.

Photos courtesy of Terrence Irvin.

Previously: Local Marine part of security detail for Secretary of State while in Brussels

Local actors wanted for Buffalo casting call: BHS grad's film begins production next month

By Billie Owens

Batavia High School Class of 2007 graduate James Lullo is living in L.A. these days, developing his entertainment and marketing career, via his company Beauty View Ranch.

He's producing a short film that begins production in late September and is seeking young local acting talent of any experience, specifically children.

The graduate of SUNY Brockport (Class of 2011) contacted The Batavian about a planned Buffalo casting call, date/time to be announced, for "Goldenrod." The plot was not revealed.

The production of the short film is a family affair in that his mother, Cecelia Lullo, is the Costume Designer, and his sister, Michal Lullo, currently a junior at Ithaca College, works as a Production Assistant. His cousin, Jonathon Lullo, has been "an invaluable consultant to the project," as he works in Hollywood at a development studio.

In addition, his brother, Joseph Lullo, also lives in Los Angeles and is on the crew as Transportation Supervisor. His father's insurance company, Marathon, is exploring the financing and insurance carrier sides of film production, and hopes to have a slate of products available this fall for locals as well as visiting productions.

Two other Brockport alums are also working on the film, Paul Overacker and Keenan Miller, and a fourth Brockport grad has graciously donated some film equipment, Kelvon Agee. Overacker has worked on the "Dr. Phil" show "foreeeeever," and Agee is a multi-Emmy winning cinematographer on the show "Deadliest Catch," among many others.

"There's a whole host of Batavians, WNYers, and local college graduates making big things happen in Hollywood," James Lullo says. "Another family with strong Batavia ties are the Beers. Tim Beers Jr. has been an invaluable asset to me here in Hollywood, and helped me gain some of my strongest experience to date."

Former BHS Basketball star Michael Chmielewicz has been spotted out there, too, working in the film industry!

So, if you're interested in acting in "Goldenrod," which is directed by Marjorie DeHey, here's more information about who they are looking for:

  • Currently not a Screen Actors Guild production, but SAG members are encouraged to submit;
  • Real family members and siblings are encouraged to submit;
  • Black female lead, age 9 to 13 (playing age 9);
  • Caucasian female lead, age 9 to 13 (playing age 9);
  • Caucasian female lead, age 30;
  • Caucasion male lead, age 30;
  • Black supporting actor, age 30, male or female;
  • Caucasian female supporting actor, age 13 to 17.

Send headshot, reel, résumé to:


Applaud wildly, cheer madly, honk loudly, wave lots: BHS Class of 2020 Senior Parade is June 20

By Billie Owens

Submitted image and press release:

The Batavia High School Class of 2020 will hold a Senior Parade beginning at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 20.

This was originally the date scheduled for their senior prom, which was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Students wanted to mark the occasion with a fun event that will provide a drive down “memory lane” and a chance for them to see former teachers and supportive family, friends, and community members.

They will begin their parade at Batavia High School, assembling there at 3:45 p.m., then loop around the city to pass by each school building (Robert Morris, Jackson Primary, Batavia Middle School, John Kennedy Intermediate, then back to BHS).

Seniors are strongly encouraged decorate their car, dress up for the occasion, and/or display plans for next year.

The community is highly encouraged to cheer them on and make signs congratulating along the route!

Here's the route*:

  • From the BHS Loop, left on State Street, right onto Richmond Avenue, left onto Union Street;
  • Pass Robert Morris School, turn left onto West Main Street, veer right at the Upton Monument onto Ellicott Street, turn right onto Jackson Street, then left onto South Jackson Street;
  • Pass Jackson Elementary, turn left onto South Swan Street, which becomes Swan Street, then changes into Ross Street;
  • Pass Batavia Middle School, turn right onto East Avenue, then left onto Elm Street;
  • Drive through loop at John Kennedy School, get back onto Elm, southbound, and turn right onto North Street, then right onto Ross Street, left onto Bank Street Road, then right onto Denio Street, and right onto State Street.
  • Finish by rounding the Batavia High School loop.

*Editor's note: The map and written directives sent June 11 by BCSD had a couple of errors. The information has been updated and corrected as of June 12.

BHS grad Maggie Andersen got diploma early so she could attend Air Force Academy

By Jeanne Walton

The next chapter of Margaret "Maggie" Andersen’s life is clearly a result of a lifetime of hard work and dedication.

Andersen is a 2020 graduate of Batavia High School (BHS) and is the sole senior to have already received her diploma.

The certificate was conferred upon her early, last week, so that she could make it to the United States Air Force (USAF) Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., by June 25, where she will be preparing to begin six weeks of basic training. The BHS graduation is June 27. 

Andersen was apparently destined for USAF military service from an early age.  

Her grandfather served as a Captain in the USAF Strategic Air Command from 1964-1968. And her brother, Campbell Andersen, is a fourth-year cadet at USAF Academy, who's had a profound influence on her.

“He has shown me how much the Air Force can do for aspiring leaders,” (Maggie) Andersen said.

She's been a member of the Batavia Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) since the age of 12. CAP is a congressionally chartered, federally supported nonprofit corporation that serves as the official civilian auxiliary of the USAF. 

“My involvement with CAP has motivated me to become more and see all of the good parts of serving my country,” Andersen said.

Her excellence in academics, outstanding athleticism and a very strong desire to take advantage of every opportunity presented, positioned her to be an exceptionally desirable candidate for entrance as a cadet into the USAF Academy.  

“It takes a lot of effort to apply and be accepted to the academy,” said Andersen’s USAF liaison officer, Steven Sharpe.  

Candidates must be very involved in their community and athletics, at a leadership level. They must perform community service work, and their academic performance should be superior.

“The Air Force is seeking well-rounded leaders, and Maggie is very well-rounded,” Sharpe said. 

“She has put herself in a position to succeed, it would be hard for the Air Force to refuse her entrance.”

The application process also requires a nomination from a member of Congress, the President or the Vice President of the United States.  

With the resignation of Congressman Chris Collins, the local district did not have a Congressional representative at the time of Andersen’s nomination application. So she was nominated by members of the USAF Academy along with the staff that was left to handle the 27th Congressional District’s business. 

As a cadet, Andersen plans to earn a Bachelor’s of Science in either Physics or Mathematics. She will likely then fulfill her commitment of five years of service to the Air Force doing research.  

Andersen attributes her success to her parents who told their children to “work hard and open every door” as they were growing up. 

“I think they took it to heart," said her mother, Kristine Andersen, adding “I am really proud of Maggie. She’s had a full life of music, sports, art, and school, while she has still been a kid. She’s worked hard to achieve this, and it’s great that she’s having a great life.” 

Little sister proudly admits to following in big brother's footsteps.

“Campbell's example, and success at the Academy, have been especially inspiring,” she said.

The Batavia School District and auxiliary programs like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and ACE (Achieving a College Education) have also had a huge impact on her.  

“These programs have given me the drive that the Academy looks for when they are making appointments,” Andersen said.

It is now clear to her how much one can accomplish by simply taking advantage of opportunity.

“I hope that more Batavia students go this route after learning about how they can get a first-class education through this program," said the newly minted cadet. "With tuition payment and a stipend, cadets can focus on their performance across the board.”

“I think anyone can do what my brother and I have done…they should take every chance to open every door and walk through it.”

Top inset photo, from left: Campbell Andersen, Maggie Andersen, and their mother, Kristine Andersen.

Bottom right inset photo: The siblings -- Maggie and Campbell Andersen.

Photos by Steve Ognibene.

Tickets on sale now for first ever BHS all Alumni Pep Rally at Eli Fish March 29

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia City School District Foundation Inc. is excited to announce the debut Alumni Pep Rally on Sunday, March 29, from 12-6 pm. at Eli Fish Brewing Company (109 Main St., Batavia).

Tickets to this premiere event are $15 presale and $20 the day of the event (and include food). This event is for ages 21 and older.

There will be raffles, a cornhole tournament (with two-person teams), a DJ, and -- you guessed it --  pep-rally-style contests where a class could win a paver at the Daniel A. Van Detta Stadium and their class name on the Alumni Pep Rally Spirit Stick!

Eli Fish will be renaming one of their beers to “Foundation Beer” for the event with 50 percent of the proceeds going to the Foundation.

So, wear your blue and white, bring your friends, bring your school memories, and join us for the first ever multi-class reunion event!     

Tickets may be purchased online here

Please consider attending even if you are an alum of a neighboring district. All are welcome!   

This pep assembly fundraiser will support the BCSD Foundation Inc. in their various activities within the Batavia City School District.  

Questions may be directed to:

Meat Raffle to support BHS varsity baseball and softball is March 6 at Ascension Parish

By Billie Owens

A Meat Raffle to support Batavia High School varsity baseball and softball teams will be held starting at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 6 at Ascension Parish's Slomba Hall, 17 Sumner St., Batavia.

There will be many raffles and prizes, too.

Tickets are $10 and the price includes a food buffet and beverage. Presale tickets. If any remain, they will be sold at the door on a first-come, first-serve basis.

For groups of eight or more, contact Lori at (585) 409-0452 or email Sue Ryan at:

Any BHS player will have tickets available to sell.

Come out for a great time and support our local teams!

BHS Class of '89 to hold 30th reunion Oct. 12 at Center Street Smokehouse

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia High School Class of 1989 will celebrate its 30th class reunion at Center Street Smokehouse, located at 20 Center St. in Batavia, on Saturday, Oct. 12.

The event starts at 7 p.m.

Ticket prices are $15 per person, which includes appetizers and money to use toward purchasing a brick that will be placed at the new Daniel A. VanDetta Stadium at Woodward Field in our class name.

If you are interested in attending, you may purchase a ticket by Venmo @Melissa-Kasmarek or paying at the door.

There will be a cash bar.

Please feel free to bring any old high school memorabilia to include on our memorabilia tables.

For more information go to the Class of '89 Facebook page here.

BHS Blue Devils Varsity Baseball Team -- 2019 Section V champs -- to be honored at Muckdogs' game Saturday

By Billie Owens

On Saturday, Aug. 31, the Muckdogs franchise will honor the 2019 Boys Varsity Batavia Baseball Team on their Section V victory on the field before the start of the game.

The Muckdogs will play against Auburn on Saturday night; game time is 7:05.

The Blue Devils shut out Geneva June 1, winning 9-0 in the Class B1 title game. It was their first sectional title since 1998.

Everyone is encouraged to come out and show their support of the BHS varsity baseball team in recognition of their victory.

The high school team's boosters will also be raising money for the 2020 baseball season by having a 50/50 and other raffles, selling Batavia Blue Devil apparel, and conducting a tennis ball toss into the ball field after the game.

HLOM to unveil two new paintings by NYC-based Batavia artist on Oct. 4, please RSVP

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

The Holland Land Office Museum is proud to announce on Friday, Oct. 4th, the official unveiling of two new paintings by artist Anthony E. Terrell.

He is a Batavia native now residing in New York City, and a 1967 graduate of Batavia High School.

The two paintings “Listening to Couperin” ("artist & wife enjoying") and “Big Horned Sheep Jumping Fence of Time” are recent works of Terrell's, which were graciously donated to the museum to further promote and expand the collection of works by local artists.

The unveiling will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4th, at the museum.

Refreshments and food will be provided for all in attendance to enjoy. The museum will also be fully open to experience all of the wonderful exhibits on display.

In place of a formal admission, the museum is asking for a small donation. Please RSVP for the event by contacting the museum at 585-343-4727 or by email at

BHS Sources of Strength program donates to local Suicide Prevention Coalition

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

The Genesee County Suicide Prevention Coalition partners with Batavia High School and its Sources of Strength program, which recently made a donation to the local coalition.

Pictured above are students Lily Whiting and Benjamin Best from the BHS Sources of Strength program.

During Sources of Strength Kindness Week, SOS members collected donations in decorated jugs. The donations help to support the coalition work that includes providing resources at community events as well as support for local suicide prevention workshops/trainings.  

The coalition especially thanks Kelly Deneka and Heidi Meides, SOS adiversers at BHS, for their continued support of the SPC and the work they do with young people. You are making a difference!

Community members are wlecome to join the coalition. For more information, email

Batavia Blue Devils Youth Football Camp is July 15-16 at BHS

By Billie Owens

The Batavia Blue Devils Youth Football Camp will be held on Monday and Tuesday, July 15-16, behind Batavia High School, located at 260 State St. in the City of Batavia.

Time is 9 to 11:30 a.m. both days.

Cost is $45. Cash or check (payable to: Blue Devils Touchdown Club).

It is for students entering grades one through eight in the fall.

Hosted by Head Coach Brennan Briggs and the BHS Football staff.

Bring shorts, T-shirt, cleats and water bottle.

Mail payment and the following information to Brennan Briggs, 103 Oak St., Batavia  NY 14020 OR  to: Batavia Middle School, 96 Ross St., Batavia NY 14020, ATTEN: Brennan Briggs.

  • Name of Camper
  • Camper is entering Grade ___
  • Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number
  • T-shirt Size: ADULT ___ or YOUTH ___

Register by July 5 to guarantee correct T-shirt size.

The camp will feature relay races, flag football games at the end of each day; current BHS football players, as well as alumni will speak and work with campers; T-shirts distributed and pizza after Tuesday's camp.

Here's the breakdown of what will be taught for each position; all drills will be modified for age groups:

  • Quarterbacks -- Hand placement, 3-step, 5-step, footwork drills, throwing mechanics, and ball-handling drills;
  • Wide Receivers -- Stance, start, footwork drills, hand drills, route running;
  • Running Backs -- Stance, start, footwork drills, run blocking, pass blocking;
  • Offensive Line -- Stance, start, run-blocking drills, pass-blocking drills;
  • Linebackers -- Stance, start, footwork drills, tackling-form drills, run stopping, pass defending;
  • Defensive Backs -- Stance, start, footwork drills, man coverage, zone coverage, pass defending;
  • Defensive Line -- Stance, start, 1 v. 1 drills, speed and quickness off the ball.

The Batavia Blue Devils are the 2018 Far West Champions and 2018 State Finalists.​ They have been Section V Champions four out of the last five seasons.

BHS senior is Female State Winner of Student-Athlete Essay Scholarship

By Billie Owens
Above, Chapter V representative Patrick Irving and essay winner Brianna Bromley.
Submitted photo and press release:

Batavia High School senior Brianna Bromley was recently recognized by Chapter V of the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association as the recipent of the female winner of the 2018-19 Student-Athlete Essay Scholarship Program.

She read her essay at the annual Dennis E. Fries Luncheon at the Burgundy Basin Inn. She was presented a plaque and scholarship money from the association.

On the plaque was written: "Your essay, which documents how high school athletics have enhanced your educational experiences, was selected as the best entry from your Chapter of the NYSAAA. We salute you and thank you for helping our organization illustrate the many ways that athletics positively influences the lives of student-athletes."

The winning essays from each Chapter of the NYSAAA were then sent to the NYSPHSAA. Brianna was chosen as the 2019 Female State Winner at the NYSAAA annual conference in Saratoga Springs.

She received a plaque and scholarship money from the NYSPHSAA honoring her for "the best entry in the State."

This is the second time that a BHS senior has received these two prestigious awards. Jennifer Adams was a recipient in the 2007-2008 school year.

Reminder: BCSD Foundation accepting nominations for BHS graduating seniors, deadline is May 10

By Billie Owens

Press release:

REMINDER: Nominations are being accepted for the 2019 Batavia City School District Foundation Inc. Scholarship.

This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior from Batavia High School.

The nominee has been successful in his/her educational program and has sought out skills to further his/her career. In addition, he or she has exemplified our Batavia school culture and climate of “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Connected and Be Ambitious.”

Any member of the local community may nominate a Batavia HS Senior who meets the above criteria.

Nomination forms are available on the Batavia City School District website here (print out and mail or fax in) or you may complete the Google Form online here.

All nominations need to be received by May 10.

If mailing a printed form, attach any supporting documentation and send to:

Julia M. Rogers
Coordinator of Assessment and Instructional Services
Batavia City School District
260 State St.
Batavia, NY 14020
Or fax the paperwork to her at: (585) 344-8204
Questions? Phone Julia Rogers at (585) 343-2480, ext. 1010.

BHS A1 Winter Guard earns first place in Northeast championship circuit competition

By Billie Owens
Submitted photo and press release:
Batavia High School's A1 Winter Guard placed first at North East Color Guard Circuit Championships on Saturday, March 30th in Gate-Chili High School gymnasium. It is the local New York State Winter Guard Competitive Circuit.
The Batavia ensemble performed beautifully and gave the audience and judges a lasting memory.
Senior Mary Murphy performed her final show on Saturday. It was a bittersweet performance for her knowing she had the best performance of the season and with a win at championships.
Special recognition must go to our coaches, Bridget Hogan and Gena Rainforth, for the hours of time given to our Batavia Winter Guard members.
Our program succeeds due to a strong parent group and students who are extremely passionate to the sport of the arts.

A trio of new BCSD Foundation Apple awards announced

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos and press release:

The BCSD Foundation lnc.'s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the newest recipients of the BCSD Foundation Apple Award. All of the honorees were nominated by the BHS Production Club (made up of students) involved with the 2019 musical "The Sound of Music."

These awards were presented by some of the seniors in the production.

Caryn Wood is a technology aide at Batavia High School and director of "The Sound of Music." She was awarded a Foundation Apple Award because “we would like to show our gratitude..... She puts countless hours into the musical production each year. We truly appreciate her dedication and devotion to the students and these productions....for being more than a director.

Eric Wood is a BCSD volunteer who also received a Foundation Apple Award. He was recognized because “he volunteers his time to ensure that things run smoothly each year. Volunteering his own time to enhance the “behind the scenes” of our musical.”

David Adams is another BCSD volunteer who was recognized with a Foundation Apple Award. “Mr. Adams has been essential to the success of our musicals. He sees that the backstage crew and sets are smoothly handled and that things are going as they should, behind the scenes. .....(and) for many years of volunteering your time for our success.”

The BCSD Foundation Apple award is given by a member of the school and/or local community to a Batavia City School District employee or volunteer. In the opinion of those giving the honor of this distinction, the awardee has gone above and beyond in their role and is being recognized by one or more people for these accomplishments.

Local artist Mark Jensen will be making each individual resin apple -- none will be exactly the same.

If you are interested in giving a Foundation Apple award, please submit your nomination form and $75 (payable to the BCSD Foundation Inc., 260 State St., Batavia NY 14020 att: Allison Chua).

Nomination forms may be found on our webpage (at under Quick Links).

Community members with questions are asked to email us at:

BCSD Foundation accepting nominations for BHS graduating seniors, deadline is May 10

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Nominations are being accepted for the 2019 Batavia City School District Foundation Inc. Scholarship.

This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior from Batavia High School.

The nominee has been successful in his/her educational program and has sought out skills to further his/her career. In addition, he or she has exemplified our Batavia school culture and climate of “Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Connected and Be Ambitious.”

Any member of the local community may nominate a Batavia HS Senior who meets the above criteria.

Nomination forms are available on the Batavia City School District website here (print out and mail or fax in) or you may complete the Google Form here.

All nominations need to be received by May 10.

Mail printed form, with any supporting documentation attached, to:

Julia M. Rogers
Coordinator of Assessment and Instructional Services
Batavia City School District
260 State St.
Batavia, NY 14020
Or fax the paperwork to her at: (585) 344-8204
Questions? Phone Julia Rogers at (585) 343-2480, ext. 1010.

BHS Class of '88 to hold 30th reunion this month in Batavia, RSVP

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia High School Class of 1988’s Class Reunion is scheduled for Sept. 21st and 22nd. We are looking for help in contacting the members of our class and to inform them of our 30th Class Reunion celebration.

On Friday, Sept. 21st, we will gather at Eli Fish Brewing Company (109 Main St., Batavia) at 7 p.m. and enjoy the music of Justin Williams at starting at 9 p.m. There will be Class of ’88 specials on specific Eli Fish beverages and appetizers.

On Saturday, Sept. 22nd, we will gather at Steve and Lisa Pies’ home at 7 p.m. There will be light snacks available. Members of the classes of 1985-1991 are welcome to join our classmates and their guests at these events. 

RSVPs are kindly requested for both events. (The Pies’ address will be available upon receipt of a RSVP.)

To RSVP, please contact a committee member:

Colleen Odessa Kemp at;

Steve Pies at; or

Julia Rogers at

BHS Coach Jim Fazio to host summer camps for basketball, tennis and softball

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Girls Varsity Tennis and Softball Coach Jim Fazio will be hosting instructional camps this summer for basketball, tennis, and softball.

The Softball Camp will be open to girls ages 9-16 on July 9-11, from 9 a.m. to noon, with rain dates on the 12th and 13th, at the Batavia High School Varsity softball field. Cost is $50; multiple children from the same family pay $40 each.

The Tennis Camp will run July 16-18, from 1 to 4 p.m. with rain dates on the 19th and 20th at the Batavia High School tennis courts for boys and girls entering grades 3-9. Cost is $50; multiple children from the same family pay $40 each.

The Basketball Camp will run Aug. 13-17 at John Kennedy School from 9 a.m. to noon for boys and girls entering grades 3-8. Cost is $65; multiple children from the same family pay $55 each.

All camps will focus on the fundamentals of each sport, sportsmanship, safety, and fair play. Drills and contests will be held daily.

Each participant will receive a free T-shirt.

For more information, and to get applications and the required waivers, please contact Coach Fazio at 585-356-0901 or at

Zonta Club at BHS will sponsor 5K run/walk April 29 to help educate girls in Madagascar

By Billie Owens

From the Zonta Club at Batavia High School:

Let Us Learn Madagascar 5K Run/Walk, sponsored by Batavia High School’s Zonta Club, will be held on Sunday, April 29.

Z-Club members are excited to invite you to participate in this charity run/walk that benefits educating girls in Madagascar.

Registration at 1 p.m., race begins at 2. The race starts and ends on Denio Street, near the Muckdogs' baseball field.

Race Entry: $15 for individuals (prior to April 29); $20 race day registration; $50 for a team registration of five runners/walkers. *Teams need to combine and submit registration forms.

If you have any questions feel free to contact:


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