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Brooks Hawley

Hawley says farewell to City Council, expects to stay involved in local government

By Mike Pettinella

Brooks Hawley bid farewell to his fellow (and lady) City Council members Monday night, ending a five-year run that saw him advance to president of the board, but left stating that his interest in politics and local government is as keen as ever.

"I'm not leaving and going away to never be heard from again," Hawley said following the meeting at City Centre Council Chambers. "I'm looking forward to staying inovlved and helping out in areas that need working on."

Hawley is relinquishing his Councilman-At-Large seat due to the relocation of his family from the city into his late grandfather's house in the Town of Batavia, thus making him ineligible to serve on City Council. So far, three people have emerged as possible candidates to replace him (subject to a recommendation by the City Republican Committee).

"It has been amazing," Hawley said after receiving well-wishes from the other council members and city employees.

"I've been on the Council for five years; I was appointed to Marianne Clattenburg's position where I had to run once to finish out the term and the next year I had to run again to do the four-year term. You don't know what goes into making the city work until you get inside and serve on committees and boards and the Council. It's very indepth and I've learned a lot and I believe the city is going in the right direction."

Hawley said he was pleased that several important projects have moved forward during his tenure.

"When I first ran I actually ran on neighborhood revitalization and infrastructure. Since I've been on City Council, we've done the most roads and sidewalks in the past 20 years for Council and, in neighborhood revitalization, there are lots of programs and grants that are out there to help communities build ... and celebrations. And I do see the (City Centre) Mall situation coming to fruition in the next year."

When it was mentioned that public service is in his famiy's blood -- his father is Assemblyman Stephen M. Hawley and grandfather was Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley -- he reiterated that he would welcome the chance to serve in Town of Batavia government.

"I would definitely be interested if the right opportunity came up," he said. "I would definitely think about anything that's out there."

Hawley was Council president for two years before being defeated by Eugene Jankowski Jr. in January.

According to City Republican Party Chair David Saleh, to date three people have expressed interest in the City Council post -- Bill Cox, president of Marktec Products of Batavia and a former City Councilman; Mike Rapone, vice principal and athletic director at Notre Dame High School, and Bob Bialkowski, president of Great Lakes Aviation and a former City Councilman.

The city's Republican Party committee will interview candidates for the post and make a recommendation to Council no later than early next month, Saleh said.

Whoever is selected would serve the remaining year of Hawley's term, and then have to run for re-election (if he or she so chooses) next November.

City Council at Large Candidate Questions for Incumbent Brooks Hawley - Republican

By Bonnie Marrocco

There's a lot of concern from city residents about activities on Jackson and State Street. Do you consider those streets problem areas and if so, what should be done about them?

Any street is a problem where people are involved in activities that break the law. This problem deals with a socioeconomic impact. The city police department needs to continue to work with the residents and landlords to attack this situation. Residents should be helping by calling 911 if they see any suspicious activity and not send complaints to their landlords or neighbors. If any resident would like to meet with the police department, they would be glad to work with the public.

What level of code enforcement do you favor to deal with seemingly problem properties?

I favor city code officers and firefighters to be out on the streets doing surveillance of houses to make sure that the neighborhoods are being maintained. It is also the responsibility of the landlord to keep their properties up to code in the City of Batavia.

How should garbage collection be handled in Batavia?

Just the way it is. Garbage tax was removed from the city taxes. People now have a choice on who they want to do business with. ARC still has 80% of the business in the city. Now that ARC is not the sole provider for garbage collection, this has provided growth for other businesses. We have had one or two new garbage collection companies form since the change.

What should be the city's role in economic and job development be in Batavia?

To create and encourage investment in the city’s commercial and industrial areas. Provide direction and momentum to businesses that are interested in investing in the community. Maintain a business and investment friendly atmosphere to encourage economic development.

If the choice came down to either  A) raising taxes and maintaining the city's own police department and/or fire department; or, B) consolidating police protection with the city or going to some form of volunteer fire department, which option would you choose?

I am very supportive of our local police and fire departments. I feel that it is important to keep them intact. As long as they are providing a service that is adequate and meets the needs of the residents of Batavia at a reasonable cost to the taxpayers.

Are you satisfied with how the city is run? Are there changes you would like to make? If you were going to change one thing about how the city operates, what would it be?

The administration needs to be more people-friendly and more available to the community. They could offer interviews with the media to improve open communication. "City manager and head of the departments." I would also like to have meetings in each district for city council to meet and hear the concerns of the residents of Batavia.

Why have you decided to run for City Council and why should people vote for you?

Experienced, I have been in office for two years. Reliable, you can count on me. Open minded, willing to hear new and interesting ideas. Good listener, I feel that this is very important when a person holds a public position.

Sponsored Post: Brooks Hawley for City Council

By Lisa Ace

My name is Brooks Hawley. I am currently serving in the position of City Council at large. I was appointed in January to take over for Marianne Clattenburg, who was elected as a legislator. I have grown up in politics, with my grandfather and father both serving as Assemblymen. When I started a family in the City of Batavia, I wanted to be more involved in the community because I truly care about this city. Being a city councilman gives me the opportunity to work with the community and then use that input when helping to focus the direction of the future of Batavia.

My campaign has been positive throughout its inception. My three main issues that I am running on are public safety, neighborhood revitalization, and infrastructure. These are all important issues that can and will build Batavia to be a great place to live. I always strive to work together with others with an open mind for new and interesting ideas. Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to serving you in the future.

Paid Political Advertisement. Paid for by Brooks Hawley.

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