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Child Advocacy Center

Video: Open house for renovated Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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The Child Advocacy Center has completed phase I of its $250,000 renovation project and on Thursday held an open house, which was attended by Rep. Chris Collins.

Child Advocacy Center receives $16K forensic camera with donation from Chapin golf tournament

By Howard B. Owens

The Child Advocacy Center in Batavia has a new forensic camera that cost about $16,000 thanks to the generosity of the folks at Chapin Industries.

Every year, Chapin hosts a golf tournament and proceeds from the tournament go a local charity. Last summer's tournament was a fundraiser for the CAC.

Justice for Children/Child Advocacy Center is a government program but it is entirely funded by grants and donations. Theresa Asmus-Roth, program coordinator for Justice for Children, said the camera is more advanced than what the center could normally get through grant programs so the donation was most welcome.

The camera is able to take higher resolution photos to document evidence of physical and sexual abuse, which may not be apparent with a standard camera.

The center is also undergoing a major renovation. The renovations will cost about $250,000 and Sheriff William Sheron said there is a possible funding shortfall of $50,000. He's asking members of the community to step up and help fill that gap. To donate visit

Photo: Bill Kegler, Sheriff William Sheron, Theresa Asmus-Roth, Undersheriff Brad Mazur, Norm Hubbard, and Ian Weatherbee.

Justice for Children seeks renovation of Child Advocacy Center to make it a more comfortable place

By Howard B. Owens

The Child Advocacy Center should be a place where children who have been physically and sexually abused feel safe and cared for when they visit.

That means the center needs to have a home-like feeling, not a clinical atmosphere, said Theresa Asmus-Roth, program coordinator for Justice for Children.

While that has always been the goal of the center, Asmus-Roth said she and the staff and the board of directors think it's time to renovate their office location at 301 E. Main St., Batavia, to help make the center more friendly and welcoming.

"We want this environment to feel like the kind of place that you would go to get away from all the worries of the world," Asmus-Roth said during an open house Wednesday unveiling plans to remodel the building.

The First Presbyterian Church of Batavia donates the two-story building to Justice for Children and the agency, supported by grants and donations, has a long-term lease.

When it became clear a few years ago that the center's old location on Bank Street was no longer adequate, the Kiwanis Club of Batavia took on the major financial goal over five years of raising funds to support the center's move to a new building. When the Presbyterian church made its building available, the center moved into the new location and decided to forego building a new structure. The Kiwanis Club raised $190,000, which will go a long way to covering the cost of the more than $250,000 in renovations to the current location.

Asmus-Roth said the Justice for Children Foundation is seeking additional donations from the community in order to complete the project.

The renovations will first create all new office space on the second floor. That will enable the first floor to be dedicated entirely to caring for children and their families in times of crisis.

"We want families coming in to feel like they're coming to visit a friend or relative instead of coming for a doctor's appointment," Asmus-Roth said.

To that end, the renovations will include installing a wraparound porch outside and a waiting room inside. There will be more private meetings rooms as well.

Since construction and visiting with children who have been abused aren't a good match, during the first-floor renovations, clients will be seen in the Albion and Warsaw offices or in space being made available in the church next door.

More than 20 years ago, if a child was abused, if they were believed, the investigation and prosecution involved multiple examinations and interviews and multiple locations. That, in itself, Asmus-Roth said, was traumatic, and by the nature of things, could lead to inconsistencies in stories that made prosecution harder.

Now, because of the center, all of the professionals involved in a case -- attorneys, investigators, caseworkers, victim's advocates, and doctors, are all in one place and can be seen in one visit.

The work of the center is important, Asmus-Roth said, because she remembers what she heard in a previous job from adults who had been abused as children. They were often ignored or told they were making it up.

Today, she said, child abuse is less frequent, but because of greater awareness more often reported.

"Being here enables all of us to make sure that no kid who walks through our doors is going to say 50 years from now, 'no one believed me. No one supported me. I felt like I was all alone,' " Asmus-Roth said.

"I go back to that sense of wanting this to be the shelter in the storm. It's important to me that the children in our community know that no matter what happens outside when they come here, they'll be believed and they'll be supported."

For more about the center or to make a donation, visit

Kathleen Kogut, architect and project manager, from LaBella Associates, and Theresa Asmus-Roth, program coordinator for Justice for Children.

The staff of the Child Advocacy Center: Theresa Asmus-Roth, Brenda McQuillan -- mental health therapist, Amanda Czworka -- mental health therapist, Breana Crane -- victim assistant, Dave Libick -- family advocate, and Jessica Mitchell -- forensic interviewer.

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month

By James Burns

Photos by Jim Burns. Information provided by Paula Savage, Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden.

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. On Friday morning, a total of 241 pinwheels were staked in the dirt of Batavia Peace Garden on Main Street, each representing a child helped last year in the GLOW region (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming counties).

GLOW has an Advocacy Center focusing on providing assistance to child-victims of physical and sexual abuse by reducing trauma and enhancing prosecution. They are teaming up with the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden simply because "Peace and Love is Child Abuse Prevention."

The Justice for Children Foundation, established in 2011, believes every child has the right to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment. The goal is to reduce the number of times a child-victim is interviewed and to take those interviews out of intimidating locations such as police stations, hospitals or the district attorney’s office. By reducing the number of interviews, the possibility of causing further trauma that many victims suffer in the system is also reduced.

This is how it works: members of the legal, medical, social services, mental health and victim advocacy professions are brought together in one child-friendly location. The use of the CAC with its multidisciplinary approach helps to enhance criminal prosecution and can strengthen Family Court dispositions that are in the best interest of the child. All services provided at the JFCAC are FREE

Colorful markers will be on display throughout April in the Batavia Peace Garden representing the numbers of victims identified in the GLOW region.

A coloring page has been created to promote this message and you are encouraged to get out your crayons and show your support. The pages can be obtained at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, 210 E. Main St., Batavia, or by requesting via e-mail:   

The last of 241 pinwheels going in the Batavia Peace Garden on Friday.

Photos: Bidding on a Brighter Future, fundraiser for the Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

The Kiwanis Club of Batavia hosted its fifth annual Bidding on a Brighter Future Gala last night at the Genesee Community College Forum, with David Bellavia (top photo) serving as emcee.

Information is not yet available on how much was raised and whether that amount helped the club achieve its five-year goal of raising $150,000 for the Child Advocacy Center/Justice for Children.

The organizing committee, Jocelyn Sikorski, Anne Bezon, Jeanne Walton, Susan Maha, Gary Maha and Shannon Ford. Not pictured, Lawrence Friedman.

Bellavia to emcee annual gala benefiting Justice for Children

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia resident, decorated Iraq War veteran, author and former congressional candidate David Bellavia (center) will be the emcee for the annual Bidding on a Brighter Future Gala at Genesee Community College on Sept. 19.

The annual event is a fundraiser organized by the Kiwanis Club of Batavia to benefit the Child Advocacy Center and Justice for Children. In its fifth year, organizers expect to cap the initial goal of raising $150,000 for a new CAC center. The CAC is now in quarters on East Main Street and the money may be used for rehabilitation of that facility.

The event is in the Forum starting at 5:30 p.m. and includes live, silent and basket auctions, entertainment and food. Tickets are $50 per person or $400 for a table of 10. 

To make a donation, become a sponsor or purchase tickets, visit

With Bellavia in the photo, District Attorney Lawrence Friedman and CAC supervisor Anne Bezon.

Race downtown this morning benefited Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

The Child Advocacy Center sponsored a 5K run/walk in Downtown Batavia this morning. The event was held in conjunction with a dozen other 5Ks sponsored by CACs in cities around the state.

We've not received race results yet, but we do know that Todd Masters won and all of the top four finishers are all members of the Kiwanis Club's 5K team.

Todd Masters

Photos: Full house for Kiwanis fundraiser to benefit Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

The third annual "Bidding on a Brighter Future" gala and auction was hosted by the Kiwanis club of Batavia on Saturday night at Genesee Community College's forum. Big turn out, lots of auction items -- all signs of a hugely successful event.

Proceeds will go to the Child Advocacy Center/Justice for Children Foundation to provide the CAC with a permenant building for its operations.

No word yet on how much money was raised or the final total of attendees, but it was a full house.

Photos: CAC holds annual ugly tie and ugly purse contest

By Howard B. Owens

Supporters of the Child Advocacy Center gathered at Terry Hills on Friday for the agency's annual fundraiser, the Ugly Tie and Ugly Purse Luncheon.

The ugly tie winner was Brian Paris, top photo on the right with Bob Knipe.

The winner of the ugly purse contest was June Ferry, below. Ann Marie Gsell, bottom photo, also was a finalist in the ugly tie contest.

The keynote speaker was Mary Travers Murphy, executive director of the Family Justice Center in Erie County. She spoke about the center's effort to assist victims of domestic abuse, which she said is an equal problem for all segments of society, regardless of race or religion or level of wealth or degree of poverty. The statistics remain equal in all categories.

Child Advocacy Center planning move from Bank Street to rent-free location offered by Presbyterians

By Howard B. Owens

The Child Advocacy Center should have a new home by this summer.

The First Presbyterian Church has offered the center a rent-free space for the next three to five years at a house it owns on East Main Street, according to Undersheriff William Sheron.

The CAC provides children who have been sexually abused a safe place for assistance, counseling and interaction with law enforcement officials.

It operates under the auspice of Genesee Justice and the Sheriff's Office the county has been paying $1,200 a month in rent for its location on Bank Street.

The discussion about the move come up today during the county legislature's Public Service Committee meeting.

When Genesee Justice was threatened with funding cuts two years ago, it became apparent that the CAC needed to find a way to cut the rent expense.

In response, the Kiwanis Club of Batavia took up the cause of raising $150,000 to help the center get a location that it owned. So far more than $70,000 has been raised. The move to the house owned by the Presbyterian church would give supporters of the CAC more time to close the funding gap.

The Justice for Children Child Advocacy Center operates as a nonprofit organization and is supported by the county, donations and grants.

An in-kind contribution from the local Presbyterian Church would help the center fulfill matching grant requirements.

The house is located on East Main Street, between the Presbyterian church and the First Baptist Church.

The new location would give the CAC more space and be able to offer clients with different needs -- those there for counseling, say, and those for forensic interviews -- separate waiting spaces.

There is remodeling and repair work that needs to take place in the new facility and Sheron told the committee that there will likely be volunteers who do the work.

The only vote the committee took today was to approve a six-month lease on the Bank Street location, giving the CAC until June to prepare the new space.

Brownies donate cookies to the Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

Members of Brownie Troop 42001 dropped by the Child Advocacy Center on Christmas Eve with a cookie donation. Pictured are Claire Taylor. Arianna Armstrong, Grace Flannary and Portia Rannalli.

Winter coats and jackets for children in need can be dropped off at Sheriff's Office

By Howard B. Owens

There are children in our community who need winter jackets and the Justice for Children Advocacy Center, along with the Sheriff's Office and Olympia Sports are teaming up to request donations from people in the community for new or slightly used coats and jackets.

The group is seeking donations from Nov. 14 through 30 for coats and jackets for children of all sizes.

Donations can be dropped off during normal business hours at the Sheriff's Office, 165 Park Road, Batavia. Donors will receive a 10-percent-off coupon from Olympia Sports.

Photo: Stacey Bauer, left, district sales manager for Olympia Sports, Undersheriff Bill Sheron, Grace Flannery, CAC, Shannon Ford, Genesee Justice and Anne Bezon, CAC.

Anne Bezon named supervisor of Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office has recently hired Anne M. Bezon to fill the position of Justice for Children Advocacy Center (JFCAC) supervisor; a position that was created after a vacancy that was left by the resignation of a Sr. Community Victim Services counselor at the center.

Bezon brings many years of social work experience to the Justice for Children Advocacy Center. In addition to previously being employed with Catholic Charities as a co-facilitator for both the Domestic Violence for Men Program and Our Kids Parent Education Program, she held the title of social worker III. She was also the assistant director of the Geneseo Summer Recreation Program for the YMCA.

The 2004 high school alumna from Oakfield-Alabama Central School graduated magna cum laude from Gannon University with a bachelor of arts degree in Legal Studies, with minors in Social Work and Pre-law. In addition, she earned a master's degree in Social Work from University of New York College at Buffalo in 2010 and is currently enrolled in the 2012 class of Leadership Genesee.

Sheriff Gary Maha said “Ms. Bezon is a perfect fit for the Justice for Children Advocacy Center Supervisor position. This position requires patience, compassion, sensitivity and social work experience, all of which Anne possesses. She started in this position July 30 and has been doing an excellent job.”

Photos: Ugly Purse and Tie Luncheon

By Howard B. Owens

It was the Ugly Purse and Tie Luncheon today to raise money for the Child Advocacy Center. The second annual event is a chance for local residents to show off their most gaudy ties and purses.

The luncheon was held at Terry Hills.

Top photo, Susan Privitera, of Le Roy, with a fur-and-bug-covered handbag of her own making.

Sheriff Gary Maha.

Mike Flannery, left, Edgar Lougheed, both from Byron, and Det. Pat Corona.

Photos: Batavia Kiwanis 'Gala and Auction' at Batavia Downs to benefit Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

More than 200 people attended the Batavia Kiwanis Club's auction and gala to raise funds for the Child Advocacy Center at Batavia Downs.

There were certainly a lot of laughs and some great deals were struck at the auction, which brought in more than $15,000.

The few somber minutes of the evening where just before the live auction when a video about the Child Advocacy Center turned the talkative room quiet. Watch the video below. It will give you a good idea of what the CAC is all about.

If you're unable to view the slide show below, click here.

More than 200 items up for auction to benefit Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

Kiwanis members in Batavia have compiled more than 200 items that will be auctioned off Saturday at Batavia Downs to help raise funds for the Child Advocacy Center.

The center provides assistance to children who are victims of sexual or physical abuse and helps with the investigation and prosecution of such crimes.

Kiwanis has set an ambition goal of raising $150,000 to help the CAC move into a non-rental location as a cost-saving measure in an era of tighter budgets and reductions in state and federal grants.

(See previous story).

Tickets for the event Saturday are $40 per person or $75 per couple. The event starts at 6 p.m. and tickets are available at the door.

After a jump, a list of the items available at the auction.

Bidding on a Brighter Future Gala 6 p.m. Sept. 17, 2011

1. Picnic Basket (Misc.) donated by gflannery -- value $25
2. Champagne Christmas basket donated by gflannery -- value $25
3. Christmas Basket and Delevan’s GC -- value $45
4. Music Basket (limited CD, Harmonica, etc.) by GF -- value $30
5. Precious Moment Basket donated by GF -- value $30
6. Christmas Basket donated by GF -- value $25
7. Christmas Plate/Sweet Esctacy Gift Certificate -- value $35
8. Misc. Kids Basket/$50 bond donated by First Niagara -- value $15
9. Valentine Basket donated by GF value $20
10. Misc. Kids Basket donated by CAC -- value $20
11. Misc. Kids Basket donated by GF -- value $15
12. Misc. Kids Basket donated byGF -- value $25
13. Points of Harmony Acupuncture Gift Certificate and basket -- value $60
14. Misc. Kids basket donated by CAC -- value $20
15. Precious Moments Basket donated by GF -- value $30
16. Photo Album/Candle/Precious Moments/misc. by GF -- value $25
17. Red Hatter Bear/Mother Basket/$20 Delevans GC -- value $40
18. Misc. Kids Basket donated by GF -- value $20
19. Misc. Kids Basket donated by CAC -- value $20
20. Misc Kids Basket donated byCAC -- value $15
21. Man's gift set mug/beer/hat/Buck knife donated by MF -- value $35
22. Misc. Kids Basket donated by CAC -- value $15
23. Misc. Kids Basket donated by CAC -- value $15
24. Precious Moments Basket donated by GF -- value $40
25. Precious Moments Basket donated by GF -- value $25
26. Precious Moments Basket donated by GF -- value $35
27. Princess Basket donated by GF -- value $20
28. Misc. Kids Basket donated by Flannery’s -- value $25
29. Pet Basket donated by Golden Oak Kennels -- value $75
30. Christmas Basket -- value $15
31. Longaberger Basket -- value $35
32. GCC Basket mugs/shirt -- value $25
33. Picnic Basket -- value $30
34. Fairy Basket -- value $15
35. Wine/Snacks -- value $35
36. Tastefully Simple donated by Deborah Snyder -- value $75
37. Buffalo Bills Basket
38. Chamilia Bracelet donated by Valle Jewelers -- value $115
39. 26” Men’s Mongoose Bike donated by Andre Dunlap NYSP -- value $200
40. Child Rocking Chair donated by Solar Giant -- value $30
41. Child Rocking Chair -- value $30
42. Child Rocking Chair -- value $30
43. Bank of Castile Snack Basket -- value $100
44. Hilton Head House, S.C. -- one week Nov. 5-12 -- value $7,000
45. Sea Glass Tower condo -- one week -- value $1,348
46. Carolina Grande Condo -- one week -- value $1,404
47. Country Comforts B & B, Keuka Lake -- one night -- value $115
48. Deep Blue Pool and Spa -- 4 person -- value $8,000
49. Seneca Niagara Casino bus trip and $35 free play for two -- value $130
50. Free Weight Machine donated by Affordable Floorcovering -- value $450
51. Beaded necklace and bracelet set donated by Batavia Peace Garden
52. Photography Gift Certificate -- value $150, donated by Robert Knipe
53. Bill's Auto: one-week stay at 5 bedroom, 3 bath condo in Myrtle Beach
54. D and R Depot -- 2 chicken pot pies every week for a year!
55. Pancake Breakfast Basket donated by Donna Lougheed -- value $40
56. Chest of lottery tickets, Gen. Co. Clerk's office staff  -- value $25
57. Cooler items donated by Bivona Child Advocacy Center -- value $40
58. Sofa donated by Max Pies
59. Seneca Niagara Casino bus trip and $35 free play for two -- value $130
60. YMCA membership 3-month membership
61. Stay and Play from Batavia Downs food/free play
62. Basket donated by Country Cottage
63. Shop Vac from Donna Ferry -- value $75
64. Party Lite basket from Tara Pariso -- value $50
65. Hardcor Audio -- car starter $270
66. Keurig coffeemaker and 4 boxes of coffee -- value $158
67. Wine/Cheese/Food basket
68. Wine/Cheese/Food basket
69. Wine/Cheese/Food basket
70. Wine/Cheese/Food basket
71. Terry Hills Golf 18 hole, Greens fee for two --  value $90
72. Terry Hills Golf 18 hole, Greens fee for two -- value $90
73. Vintage purse/Valle Jewelery donated by Larry -- value $150
74. Billy Idol album donated by Larry -- value $50
75. Mark Sanchez frame donated by Gary Maha -- value $300
76. Handmade jewelry donated by Mary Pat Magde -- value $100
77. Little Girls Birthday Party donated by From Toes to Bows -- value $40
78. Golf Bag donated by Waste Management -- value $150
79. Wine/Candle Basket -- value $40
80. First Birthday -- value $15
81. Wine/Glasses -- value $35
82. Sport Basket/Digital photo value$40
83. Deluxe Car Basket Donated by Ed Minardo -- value $70
84. Cooking Basket -- value $20
85. Christmas Basket -- value $20
86. Summer Pack -- value $20
87. Christmas Basket -- value $20
88. Salad Bowl -- value $20
89. Child Basket -- value $20
90. Eight bottles wine -- value $100
91. Johnson Guitar donated by Larry Friedman -- value $70
92. Adam Miller Basket -- value $ 30
93. Flower Basket donated by Pavilion, Leroy, Stafford Kiwanis -- value $30
94. Golf pack donated by Mike Flannery -- value $30
95. Wine Basket -- value $30
96. Baby Basket with personalized baby announcement frame -- value $80
97. Wine/Cake Basket donated by Frank Ciaccia -- value $100
98. Back-to-School Basket with Microscope -- value $ 50
99. Paris Hilton Bag donated by Days -- value $100
100. Guys T-Shirt and Beer Basket donated by Eastown Bev -- value $50
101. School Supply Basket donated by Judy Lamanna -- value $50
102. Christmas Mugs -- value $20
103. Garden Bag -- value $25
104. Snowman Basket -- value $ 30
105. Coffee/Chocolate Basket by Ler, Staff, Pav Kiwanis -- value $35
106. Girls night out by Ler, Staff, Pavilion Kiwanis -- value $60
107. The Color Salon Basket -- value $50
108. Chocolate/Wine Wyo. Co. DSS -- value $100
109. Godiva Basket donated by Boshart -- value $100
110. Lottery Ticket and $50 bill donated by Pat Corona -- value $52
111. Bathroom makeover gift basket from Sonya G. -- value $40
112. Victorinox Knife Set from Batavia Resturant Supply -- value $58
113. Harley Davidson Basket from Stan’s H.D. -- value $40
114. Two urns -- value $120
115. Japanese Maple from Pudgie's -- value $89
116. John Hodgins painting value -- $100
117. Chevall Mirror donated by Zeches -- value $89
118. Wine refrigerator from John Forsyth CPA -- value $800
119. Wortzman Sofa
120. four prints of Roy Mason paintings framed, from Pacinos
121. Five small gardens -- value $50
122. One large lamp from Attica Furniture -- value $150
123. Floor mirror donated by Mike and Norma Day -- value $300
124. School Basket donated by Santy's -- value $25
125. Delta Sonic donated by Santy's -- value $60
126. Handmade pottery donated by Practical Potter -- value $40
127. B&B Liquor w/glasses donated by Joan Ferry -- value $25
128. Breakfast Basket donated by Donna Ferry -- value $35.00
129. Perry Farmer’s Market by Megan Hauser -- value $25.00
130. Large dog bed donated by ARC -- value -- $60
131. Wine tray and chocolates donated by Donna Ferry -- value $50
132. Hand-painted glasses Stabell Studios -- value $50
133. Box of 25 cigars -- value $135
134. Godiva Chocolate Liquor, Tequila Rose w/chocolate – Joan Ferry -- value   $40
135. Dog Lover’s Bag from Donna Ferry -- value $35
136. Candle Basket  from Joan Ferry -- value $35
137. Terry Hills greens fees for 4 -- value $180
138. Gas grill w/cover Lowe's -- value $200
139. Bill’s merch. Donated by Oakfield M&T Bank -- value $50
140. Oliver's chocolate basket -- value $30
141. Four box suite seats for Buffalo Sabers game in Nov. 11 or March 12 -- value $500
142. One-year membership to BJ’s Wholesale Club
143. Fountain of Youth Organics gift bag w/kids art supplies
144. Gift basket of 31 bags donated by Greta Barnet -- value $48
145. Baking basket -- Pacinos -- valued at $25
146. Gevalia Coffeemaker and accessories donated by Days Inn -- value $50
147. Christmas lap quilt donated by Caroline Milligan -- value $200
148. Cathedral window lap quilt donated by Caroline Milligan -- value $250
149. Certificate for a handmade memory quilt donated by Caroline Milligan -- value $100
150. Original watercolor by Lucy Norton, Notre Dame student, value -- $50
151. Car detail kit -- value $50
152. (2) Treasures of Batavia Photos donated by St. James church -- value $80
153. Kindle and cover -- donated by Mary Ann Wiater/ Gen. Co. Bar Assoc. -- value 250
154. Tea and cookies -- Pacinos -- value $50
155. Spaghetti dinner -- Pacinos -- $25
156. Wine and sweets -- Pacinos -- value $25
157. Curves Basket -- value $50
158. B. Conable art work
159. B. Conable art work ES
160. Original Lorie Longhany drawing -- value $75
161. Original Lorie Longhany drawing -- value $75
162. Original Lorie Longhany drawing -- value $75
163. Original Lorie Longhany drawing -- value $75
164. Weekend at Beaver River Lodge -- Barry Miller -- value $400
165. ESL promotional items -- value $20
166. Hans Moller Jeweler sterling silver pendant -- value $80
167. YMCA three-month membership
168. Dog bed/grooming basket from DAS PetTails -- value $40

Gift Certificates

1. TF Brown-s -- $20
2. Alabama Hotel -- $25
3. Center Street Smoke House -- $20
4. Alex’s Place -- $25
5. Delevan’s -- $20
6. Spa by Artemis -- $50
7. Genesee Carquest -- $20
8. Village Inn -- two brunches -- $20
9. Darien Lake -- two passes -- $85
10. Rancho Viejo dinner for two -- $30
11. O’Lacy’s -- $20
12. O’Lacy’s -- $20
13. Tops Market -- $20
14. Continental School of Beauty -- $25
15. S & S Limo -- $50 off future rental
16. S & S Limo -- $50 off future rental
17. Batavia Tailors & Cleaners -- $50
18. Carlson's Studio -- $100
19. Sport of Kings -- $10
20. Sport of Kings -- $10
21. Twilight Meadows Restaurant -- $15
22. Twilight Meadows Restaurant -- $15
23. Twilight Meadows Restaurant -- $15
24. Mt. Morris Furniture -- $25
25. S & S Limousines -- $50 off future rental
26. Carlson's Studio -- $100
27. Kravings Kafe -- four $5 off coupons
28. Scooter's Family Restaurant donated by Gui’s -- $10
29. Scooter's Family Restaurant donated by Gui’s -- $10
30. M and M Meats -- $25
31. Radiance Spa -- $80
32. Blue Pearl Yoga -- seven classes -- $70
33. Select Collision Detail -- $175
34. Tops Market Gift Card -- $20
35. Oil Change donated by Santy's -- $30
36. Oil Change donated by Santy's -- $30
37. Bourbon & Burger Co. -- $25
38. First Choice Travel -- $250
39. Hot Head Salon -- $20
40. Red Osier -- $15
41. (3) Mark's Pizzeria gift certs good for one large pizza each
42. (2) Adult passes for Hidden Valley Animal Adventures -- $32
43. Lambert’s Design Jewelers -- $100
44. Larry’s Steakhouse -- $20
45. Gerace’s Hair Care Center -- $25
46. Alex’s Restaurant -- $15
47. The Mane Attraction -- $20
48. JCPenney -- $20
49. Alex’s Restaurant -- $20

Kiwanis Club sets ambitious goal of raising $150,000 to benefit Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

There was a time when a child who was victimized would have to go through a gauntlet of police and medical exams while a case was built against the perpetrator.

And at the end of the process, the child and his or her family was left alone to figure out how to deal with trauma and its aftermath.

Then a group of leaders in the local criminal justice system got together and created Justice for Children and the Child Advocacy Center.

Today, when a child is sexually or physically abused, the child is no longer brought to an intimidating police station for an interview, then driven up to Strong Memorial Hospital for a physical and forensic exam, and then perhaps put through interviews with another investigator or two.

Rather, at the CAC on Bank Street, the child is welcomed into a kid-friendly environment where the investigators, medical examiners and other specialists are brought in to simplify the process for the child.

The CAC also provides ongoing counciling, support and even clothing and school supplies to families that need the assistance.

"I can't imagine going back to the way that it was before," District Attorney Lawrence Friedman said. "It's just a great place."

Friedman is also president this year of the Batavia Kiwanis Club. As a national organization, Kiwanis has a mission of engaging in charitable and civic work on behalf of children. The Batavia Kiwanis adopted the CAC as its long-term project.

The first order of business is to raise $150,000 to buy a new building to house the CAC. The club's goal is to raise $100,000 itself and is asking other Kiwanis clubs to contribute a combined $50,000.

"It's hard for me to imagine a more worthwhile long-term project for our club," Friedman said. 

Currently, the CAC pays $1,300 a month in rent -- down from $1,500 when the landlord provided lawn care that is now performed by volunteers -- mostly Kiwanis members. 

Friedman said that $1,300 a month that could be used to benefit children directly, and it's also a big expense in an age when state and federal grants are being reduced.

According to Genesee Justice Director Tiffany Szymanek, the CAC receives money from three primary grants -- National Children's Alliance, NYS Office of Child and Family Services and NYS Office of Victims' Services.

A new formula for state grants has more funds going to CACs in larger cities and cuts to smaller cities, Szymanek said.

Cuts have forced CAC to reduce staffing from two full-time employees to one and a half, with the hours of Grace Flannery, a child advocate (pictured) having her hours cut in half.

Flannery's job is to help guide a child and family through the process, from the day the child first walks into the toy filled waiting room through the criminal investigation, the court proceedings and any counseling.

The waiting room, Flannery said, "at least makes them feel a little more comfortable."

It's a symbol of what the CAC tries to accomplish -- avoid victimizing children again by putting through the trauma of reliving their experiences in sterile, adult environments.

"If they are escorted from service to service, they are just re-victimized and re-victimized," Szymanek said.

In a tour, Flannery showed off the CAC's child-friendly exam rooms, the clothes closet, the school supplies stacked in the employee break room and a boardroom filling up quickly with donations for an upcoming fundraiser. She said many times she thinks the community needs to know about the work the CAC does to help victimized children.

"The CAC is a marvelous resource that the community should know about," Flannery said. "Anything you can do to help get the word out, we really appreciate."

The Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a "Bidding on a Brighter Future" Gala and Auction at 6 p.m., Sept. 17 at Batavia Downs. Donations of items for the auction are still being accepted. Tickets for the gala are $40 per person or $75 per couple. Checks can be mailed to: Justice for Children GLOW Foundation, Inc., 108 Bank St., Batavia, NY 14020.

Disclosure: As of Thursday, Howard Owens is a member of the Batavia Kiwanis Club.

Photo: Foster children donate funds to Child Advocacy Center

By Howard B. Owens

Lawrence Friedman, president of the Batavia Kiwanis Club, accepts a $350 donation from Bleyke Culver for the Child Advocacy Center.

With some grant funding being cut, local Kiwanians have stepped in to try and fill any potential budget gap. Batavia Kiwanis set a goal of raising $100,000 for the center, which provides assistance to abused children. Other area Kiwanis clubs are being asked to raise another $50,000.

Bleyke, a 16-year-old Batavia resident, was representing the Genesee County foster care program. The county's foster care program provides a number of field trips for foster children throughout the summer.

Typically, the foster children raise funds for their own field trips, but this year, the program received an unexpected donation from a former county employee. The foster children decided to donate some of the extra money in the program to the CAC.

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