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Northgate to host vintage Christmas event

By Press Release

Press release:

Northgate Church invites the community to its annual Vintage Christmas event on Friday, December 3, and Friday, December 10, 2021.  This family-friendly event will be “come and go as you please,” from 6:00-8:00 p.m. each Friday evening.  Enjoy a guided tour of a live nativity through the community prayer walk, complete with carols, tractor rides and hot chocolate.  Come celebrate the season, enjoy a few classic Christmas movies on our outdoor movie screen, all while staying cozy around a campfire.  There will be a small devotional, presented at 7:00 p.m., to ready our hearts and minds for the Christmas season, accompanied by a magnificent tree lighting.  This is a free event, open to all ages.  Northgate Free Methodist Church is located at 8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia, New York. For more information, contact the Northgate office at 585-343-4011 or visit

Mazurkiewicz and Hoy sponsor annual toy drive

By Press Release

Press release:

Doctors Tom Mazurkiewicz and Noah Hoy are sponsoring the Annual Toy Drive at their 184 Washington Ave. office.

Bring a new, unwrapped toy to receive a complimentary adjustment during your next scheduled visit. This offer applies to new patients, as well. We are accepting donations through Dec. 17. Limit of one complimentary visit per patient.

All donations will benefit the local families of Genesee County who would otherwise not be able to receive a gift this Holiday due to economic hardship. Your generosity will provide a happier holiday for the families of these deserving children.

Thank you for your continued support during this holiday season.

WNY Gas & Steam Engine Grounds to host 2nd annual drive-thru light display

By Press Release

Press release:

Come Enjoy the 2nd Annual Drive-Thru Country Christmas Light Display at the Western New York Gas & Steam Engine Grounds.

Bring the family out for a festive holiday experience. Enjoy a mile-long light display and get dinner starting Thanksgiving night, November 25, and every Friday and  Saturday night through December 18th.  Gates open 5-9p.m., enter at 3000 Walker Rd., Alexander, NY.  $10 per vehicle, $20 larger vans and buses. Cash only at the gate, no presale tickets needed. Food and beverages are available. For more information like our Facebook page or visit

Photos: File photos by Howard Owens from last year's display.

Sponsored Post: Crossroads House to host Christmas Garage Sale this weekend

By Lisa Ace

Crossroads House will be having our annual Christmas Sale again this year. It will be a downsized version from the last couple of years and take place right in our garage.

The “Comfort Foods” Cookbook will be available at the sale or you can purchase online at

We will be observing standard safety precautions including masks, social distancing, and sanitizing. Enjoy great gift and collectible shopping while supporting comfort care in your neighborhood. We'll see you this weekend!

Video: Christmas lights in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Merry Christmas.

Resurrection Parish Faith Formation brings holiday cheer to homebound parishioners

By Billie Owens

Pictures courtesy of Jason Smith.

On Dec. 8, Resurrection Parish Faith Formation celebrated a Sacrament of Confirmation Commitment Mass. Then families prepared greeting cards and children colored pictures and they prepared to distribute cookies to homebound parishioners.

Lunch for students and families was donated by Sodality of Resurrection Parish.

Three sisters and a pal brighten the holidays for residents and staff at Washington Towers

By Billie Owens

Above, Vicki McKeirnan, Gail Montgomery, Sandy Tabone, and Joe Zaso and the cache ready to distribute for the annual Washington Towers Christmas Door Decorating Contest: 

On Dec. 10th, Washington Towers held its Christmas Door Decorating Contest, a longstanding tradition.

Fifty residents participated in 2018 and received a prize. This year even more tenants signed up.

It should not have to be said, but fairness in these matters is of utmost importance.

"Several years ago we decided we needed 'outside' judges so it would be fair," says Washington Towers property manager Valerie Tidwell, who was not forthcoming about the backstory or how the tipping point was reached in determining the "need."

Yet, paradoxically, without any whiff of concern over whispers of nepotism, Tidwell took it upon herself to enlist her three aunts, "The Sisters," and one of their friends and they've been at the annual task ever since -- for more than 12 years now.

With the contest reins firmly in hand, Vicki McKeirnan, Gail Montgomery and Sandy Tabone, along with Sandy’s friend Joe Zaso, all "fun and funny" people with "huge laughs" set their hearts and minds to make the holidays special inside Washington Towers.

The Sisters donate all of the gift bags, each filled with a pleasing array of items including: slippers, socks, hats and gloves, kitchen and bath towels, stationary, candies, holiday items and more. And the cache is brought in in advance and organized.

For their mission, which they volunteered to accept, they don't dillydally. They take their judging duties very seriously although their attire suggests otherwise.

They painstakingly go to each contestant's entrance and critique the door decor by means of an intricate scoring system. Ask the details though you may, they will not be shared. (The Batavian, though tempted, dared not broach the subject.)

The judges pick the mise-en-scène winners and deliver the prizes of gift bags.

Despite the purportedly elaborate scoring calculus, all participants receive a prize, definitely a case of “Everyone Gets a Trophy.”

Regardless, competition for one of the top spots is consistently fierce. After all, bragging rights last an entire year!

The denizens of Washington Towers are so grateful to The Sisters -- and The Friend -- for their time, the gifts and most of all, the holiday cheer they bring.

"They brighten the season for our residents and our staff," Tidwell said. "The residents love it and I love it, but I also know that they love it!"

Photo and information courtesy of Valerie Tidwell, property manager, Washington Towers.

Donations from third annual 'Living Manger' in Pembroke Town Park will help local food pantry

By Virginia Kropf

Photo: James Childs, 9, left, and Charles Stringham, 9, are shepherds posing with sheep belonging to Ed and Julie Keller, of Corfu, during the Living Manger Saturday night in Pembroke Town Park.

CORFU – For the third year, several churches in the Corfu/Pembroke area have combined their efforts to enact a live nativity scene in the Pembroke Town Park.

From 5 to 7 Saturday night, members of the Indian Falls United Methodist Church, High Point Community Church and North Darien Bible Church donned Biblical attire and took up their roles as shepherds, angels, Wise Men and Mary and Joseph.

Corfu Presbyterian Church also provided assistance, said Meagan Stringham, who helped organize the event with Celinda McQuistion.

There was no charge to drive through the displays, but donations were accepted for the Corfu Presbyterian Church food pantry.

Bales of straw were piled high along the driveway and a variety of live animals, including sheep, goats and a donkey nibbled at the bales.

Dan Spoth, of Clarence, said the Phelps family brought in a goat and the donkey, while two sheep came from Ed and Julie Keller, of Corfu.

After driving past all the stations set up, drivers could stop at the last tent to enjoy a hot beverage and cookies.

Photos by Virginia Kropf.

Below, Christina Sosnowski, rear, Allie Stringham and Jessica Soskowski are three angels.

Bottom, Sisters Makena (kneeling), Brooke and Josie Reding watch two goats eat in one of the scenes of the nativity.

Better Watch Out, Better Not Cry

By David Reilly

(Warning: Christmas spoilers are contained in this article.)

When people reminisce about Christmas when they were little, different remembrances about the holiday come to their minds. The tree, the dinner, the church, and the presents they received are all standouts.

The best thing about Christmas for me is the magicality of it for kids. When I was young I fell hook, line, and Rudolph for the whole thing. Santa Claus, the reindeer, the sleigh -- all of it. Then, when I became a dad and had little ones of my own, it brought me back to my own childhood to see the awe and wonder on their faces on Christmas morning.

My Santa-believing years were mostly spent at 26 Thomas Avenue where we lived from when I was 1 to 8 years old. My parents, especially my mom, really stoked the imaginations of my younger brother Dan and me with the fantasy aspect of Christmas.

In the days leading up to Santa's visit we were encouraged to write and mail our toy list to the North Pole, first dictating to mom and later scratching out our own missive complete with misspellings. Then, we would walk holding mom's hand to the nearby mailbox to send them off. I guess now kids would text Santa or maybe the Jolly Old Elf is on Twitter.

Putting up the tree is not a great memory though. Going to pick one out at the tree lot was fun, usually combined with stopping for hot chocolate. But, once we got it home it was my dad's responsibility.

Troublesome Tree Stands

Apparently no one had yet invented an easy to use stand and this task was rife with a lot of yelling and epithets. My dad's favorite was “Judas Kraut!” We knew things were really going badly when we heard, “Oh fall down why don't ya!” Usually we'd retreat to our room to avoid this yearly outburst.

Almost worse than erecting the tree was the putting on of lights. First, the snarled wires, which had somehow become entwined like a ball of snakes up in the attic since last year, had to be untangled. Then, those who lived back in the '50s will remember that if one bulb went out they all did. Consequently, an exhaustive and profane process had to be carried out to find the faulty offender. I was never good at science so I'm not sure of why this was electrically speaking, but it sure caused dad to give off sparks.

Once the tree was up and lit (temporarily until another bulb shorted out the whole string) it was mom's purview to decorate it. As you can see by the accompanying photos, this meant applying mounds of silver tinsel. If the old theory of improving TV reception by putting aluminum foil on the antennas was true, Christmas trees back then were capable of picking up alien signals from distant galaxies. There must have been ornaments under there somewhere but who could tell?

Keeping Score on Outdoor Decor

A week or so before Christmas, we'd all pile into the family car (probably a Pontiac) to drive around Batavia and look at people's outdoor displays. My mom would bring a pen and paper and we'd give scores and vote on whose decorations were the best.

Since it was 65 or more years ago now, I can't recall any streets or houses which stood out except for Redfield Parkway. This street is in the western part of the city by the racetrack and the Veterans Hospital and has a median down the middle. Almost every house would put a tree on their front lawn and light it up in different ways. Individually each house wasn't much to see, but taken as a whole it was impressive.

I haven't been in Batavia at Christmas for a number of years, but I think this neighborhood tradition is still going on.

Christmas Eve Day must have been a real challenge for my (and all) moms. The anticipation of Santa coming was almost too much to bear. Activities had to be found for us so we wouldn't go completely out of control. You know how your puppy gets when it's been in a crate all day waiting for you to get home from work? That was us minus the barking and jumping. Well, the barking anyway.

So the day would be spent baking and decorating cookies and getting Santa and the reindeers' snacks ready. Cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer were placed on the hearth with a note. One year mom apparently thought it would be cute for me (Dan was too young) to write a poem about Santa.

Santa Claus lives way up north,

On Christmas Eve he goes forth,

To bring presents to girls and boys,

Books and balls and lots of toys.

You better watch out,

And you better not cry,

Or Santa right by your house

Will fly.

If you are good,

Do not fear,

Santa will come down the chimney

This year.

OK, it didn't win a Pulitzer Prize, but it was cute, wasn't it?

The Grip of Insomnia

Like many parents ours had to struggle to get us to sleep on the Big Night. The tactic of telling us that Santa wouldn't come if we were awake only seemed to make our eyes bulge wider. My mom told us that if we were really quiet we could hear the bells of the reindeer jingling. I was positive a couple of years that I actually heard them on the roof, but when I got up and looked out the window there was nothing there but the cold dark night.

To make it even harder to drift off into dreamland my mom had a tradition, maybe from Denmark from where my grandparents emigrated, to hang our stocking on the foot of our bed instead of the hearth. Imagine trying to fall asleep when you thought Santa would imminently be standing right there in your bedroom.

I swore that I never closed my eyes, but all of a sudden at 3 or 4 in the morning I would check my stocking for seemingly the 20th time and it would be full! Talk about magic! Then I had to restrain myself from looking through everything until morning.

One thing I could count on being in there once I learned to read was a Hardy Boys book. I loved them and for my parents' benefit it served the purpose of keeping me busy all day. I would usually have read the whole book by bedtime on Christmas night. Besides the book and maybe a small toy, the rest of the stocking was filled with nuts and tangerines. We weren't wealthy by any means.

Sneaking a Peek

One Christmas Eve, or more accurately early in the morning, I couldn't restrain myself and decided that I just had to see Santa. I tiptoed, probably in my slipper socks, to the stairs and positioned myself where I could see the tree.

I'm not sure how long I sat there, but at some point my dad discovered me and shooed me back to bed. He probably admonished me that if Santa had seen me he would have gone back up the chimney without leaving any presents. Dads are well known to be more blunt than moms about such things.

After all that anticipation, Christmas morning was almost anticlimactic.

The Big Bonanza

Nonetheless, we kids were up at the crack of dawn dragging a half-asleep mom and dad behind us down the stairs. Like in most every other household there ensued a hullabaloo of torn wrapping paper, opened boxes, and Oohs!, Aahs!, and Oh Boys! galore.

Presents for little boys in those days would certainly include cowboy gear, including the dreaded cap pistols with mom's admonishment, “Those are for outdoors only!” Also in the Santa bonanza would be baseball mitts and/or bats and footballs and equipment, including one year my prized red helmet, which I reminisced about in a previous story.

If you look carefully at one of the accompanying photos you can make out a toy gas station. Today it would possibly be an electric charging station for the kids' toy Prius or Tesla.

My parents' gift from me consisted of a construction paper covered packet in the shape of an angel or a bell made at school. Inside I would promise them a bunch of rosaries and prayers (pretty sure I never paid up) with a message that the nun would have us copy from the blackboard: "Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for all you do for me. Your son, David Reilly.” (Good thing I put my last name so mom and dad wouldn't think some other kid named David made it.)

Round Two -- Cedar Street

After mom calmed us down enough to eat some breakfast, we were lucky enough to embark on a second round of gifts at our Aunt Kate and Peg's house. My dad had two sisters who never married and lived together in the family home at 27 Cedar Street (previously mentioned in "The Blizzard of '66") where they grew up. They doted on Dan and I (they embarrassingly referred to us as “Honey Boys”) and somehow persuaded Santa to make a stop at their place, too. So, the ripping and tearing and opening and shouts of “Yippee!” took place all over again.

Later in the afternoon, usually at our house because mom was the only family member who could cook, we'd sit down to Christmas dinner. This was somewhat of an adventure in itself.

Our Uncle George was a plumber and to be blunt, he kind of smelled like it. So Dan and I would jockey for position at the table so as not to sit by him. His wife, Aunt Helen, apparently had a food issue and while we ate turkey with all the trimmings, mom had to fix her what seemed to be a shriveled piece of some kind of meat. When we got a little older Dan and I would joke that we needed to get it analyzed by a laboratory to see what it actually was.

Once every few years my aunts would cajole everyone to have the dinner at their house. This announcement always led to loud protesting and whining including by my dad and they were his sisters.

They were raised in the Irish style of cooking, which meant boiling everything in water. This included the ham. Just the odor would make us gag. I think there were a couple of years when all I actually ate was those little gherkins that came in a jar. At least they weren't boiled.

Finally, as Christmas night arrived, the big day began to wind down. Uncle George and Aunt Helen headed home in the plumbing truck and my dad had to drive aunts Kate and Peg to their house as they both lived to old age without ever learning to drive.

Christmas Concludes

Little brother Dan conked out somewhere and would eventually be carried up to bed. I would be curled up in a quiet spot absorbed in whether Frank and Joe Hardy would solve the case of “The Sinister Sign Post.” I assume that our parents were relaxing, too, and breathing a sigh of relief that it was over for another year.

Between the ages of 8 and 10 we lived for a couple years on Ellicott Avenue and then when I was 10 we moved across town to 122 North Spruce Street. Of course, Christmases continued on with many of the same people and traditions.

But at some point, like all kids, I realized the truth, and the magic of Santa vanished. Thankfully, the enchantment returned in the 1980s when my children were born and I got to again suspend reality for several years through their wide and happy eyes.

Photos courtesy of Dave Reilly.

PCD Kiwanis host breakfast with Santa Claus, Cindy Lou and The Grinch tomorrow at St. Maximillian Kolbe Hall

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and (most of the) information:

The Pembroke Corfu Darien Kiwanis Club is hosting breakfast with some special friends on Sunday and you're invited.

Santa Claus and his seasonally intermittent chums Cindy Lou and The Grinch (left to right, inset photo) will be there as guests, so bring the kids and cameras! There is a free gift for each child, too!

Breakfast will be served from 9 a.m. to noon in East Pembroke at the St. Maximillian Kolbe Parish Hall, located at 8656 Church St.

There will be pancakes, sausage, applesauce and a beverage.

Cost is $6 for adults; $5 for children age 6 to 12; children 5 and under eat free.

The Kiwanis Club is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and community at a time. For more information about the PCD Kiwanis, call Pat at 762-8429.

FWIW: The Grinch might not be too thrilled about attending, but he said he'd be there, albeit begrudgingly. (Not much of a smiler, that guy.) Miss Cindy Lou Who, of Whoville, on the other hand is perked up by the prospect and the chance to show off her distinctive coiffure with yuletide touches. Santa, of course, is an old pro at these kinds of photo ops and doesn't mind sharing the limelight.

'The Sounds of Christmas' by the DelPlato family

By Howard B. Owens

The DelPlato family has provided us with a new Christmas song: "The Sounds of Christmas," written by Mary DelPlato, performed by Anthony DelPlato, and video submitted by Carmen DelPlato.

Northgate church invites community to free annual Vintage Christmas event on Dec. 6

By Billie Owens

Submitted image and press release:

Northgate Free Methodist Church invites the community to its annual Vintage Christmas event on Friday, Dec. 6. This family friendly event will be “come and go as you please,” from 6 to 8 p.m.

Enjoy a guided tour of a live nativity through the community prayer walk, complete with yuletide carols and hot chocolate. Come decorate cookies, visit with Santa, enjoy a few classic Christmas movies on our outdoor movie screen, all while staying cozy around a campfire.

There will be a small devotional presented at 7 p.m., to ready our hearts and minds for the Christmas season, accompanied by a magnificent tree lighting.

This is a free event, open to all ages. Northgate Free Methodist Church is located at 8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia.

For more information, contact the Northgate office at 585-343-4011 or visit

This Saturday: St. James church in Batavia holds pie and soup sale, plus basket raffles and a 50/50

By Billie Owens

Press release:

St. James Episcopal Church announces its Pie Sale/Basket Raffle will be held this Saturday, Nov. 23, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the church, 405 E. Main St., Batavia.

Admission is free.

Known for the wonderful desserts served at Lenten Fish Fries, the bakers of the parish have been busy in the church kitchen making apple and pumpkin pies for next week's Thanksgiving holiday.

There are still pies available, so stop in and buy a 9” homemade pie for $9 before they are gone. Hot soups (eat-in or take-out) will also be available for sale.

Raffles include a 50/50 and more than 60 gift baskets/items, including luggage, a garden wagon, a bench, lottery tree, a “green salad,” handpainted child chair, Oliver’s Candies, Christmas wrappings, and lots more! What a fun way to do some of your holiday shopping!

Tickets will be on sale throughout the event and you need not be present to win.

Dorian Ely, one of the organizers, said, “We hope the community will support this beautiful historic church by stopping by on Saturday, purchasing some raffle tickets, a pie, and maybe even grabbing a cup of hot soup to speed them on their way during this busy holiday season.”

Sponsored Post: Batavia Players present: A Charles Dickens Christmas

By Lisa Ace

A Charles Dickens Christmas -tickets on sale now! Please join the Batavia Players for this tender and poignant musical on how Charles Dicken’s life was inspired and shaped while writing one of his most famous stories.  Jam packed with holiday favorites as well as some incredible new music, this is a must-see production for the holiday season featuring a wide ranging in age cast.  A truly gracious and wonderful way to end our 2019 season and to bring about some holiday cheer! Directed by Patrick Burk. Musical Direction by Kathy White

7:30 PM Friday, December 13th & Saturday, December 14th Friday, December 20th & Saturday, December 21st
2:00 PM Sunday, December 15th
Tickets Adults $15 Students/Seniors $13


St. Jerome Guild holds annual 'Noel Nook' with gifts galore on Nov. 1-2

By Billie Owens

By Marilyn Dickinson, Board Secretary, St. Jerome Guild Board of Directors

The St. Jerome Guild Inc., annual "Noel Nook" will take place at The Jerome Center at 16 Bank St., Batavia, on Friday, Nov. 1 from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 2 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. All customers will enjoy a 10-percent discount on the entire order (some exclusions apply).

The Guild, a not-for-profit volunteer organization has been serving the healthcare community for decades and celebrated their 100-year jubilee a few years ago. The Guild continues to be an active organization donating vital equipment to UMMC.

The Guild operates the Jerome Center Gift Shop at the Bank Street Campus and we invite the community to enjoy punch and cookies and browse our new Christmas and holiday items in the Shop and in the enormous "Nook" room.

If you like home goods then you will find bar and wine accessories, eclectic and wine caddies depicting doctors, golfers, nurses, firefighters, musicians, athletes, and gardeners are customer favorites.

You will love the expressions of wall and counter art, kitchen towels, spatula sets, mugs, aprons, Santas, snowmen, crystal candle holders and warmers, angels, elegant glittered and country trees, hundreds of ornaments, cardinals, llamas, holiday wreaths, flags, hundreds of ornaments, throws, centerpieces, night lights, jams and jellies.

Gift cards are also available.

‘Tis the season to wear customer favorites of stylish ponchos and shawls, woven caplets, fur-trimmed and wool hats and gloves, gorgeous scarves, and headbands. Petite Ginger Snaps, that are interchangeable with bracelets, necklaces and rings come in a variety of colors, shapes, and stones.

We continue to carry our selection of stylish handbags. Our reasonably priced "Jerome Jewelry Collection" includes rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces sets, some with semi-precious stones, and a wide assortment of watches, and children’s jewelry.

Other popular items are cozy baby jackets in blue, pink and leopard, oneses, tummy blankets, picture frames, milestone items, and a variety of children's toys and plush animals.

You will be surprised at the price point of our Famous Beekman Brothers’ products of hand creams, soaps and lip balms. We offer Warm Buddies, too, which include anti-stress spa mist, and eye masks.

The St. Jerome Guild Inc., has fulfilled pledges of well over $100,000 to the UMMC facilities expansions and initiatives, and supports the UMMC Foundation projects as a major sponsor.

Last spring, the annual fashion show and basket raffle proceeds purchased a needed Accuvein illuminator for the Maternity Department, and the year prior fashion show proceeds purchased four neonatal basinets from the hospital wish list.

For years, the Guild offers to UMMC employees pursuing educational careers, our annual Health Professional Scholarships.

Children who visit the Jerome Center Urgent Care are comforted with plush animals and cancer patients receive care bags of personal items.

The Guild sponsors the Jerome Center Annual Employee Recognition Day in thanks for their efforts serving the community.

Guild members donate thousands of volunteer hours working at the Shop and for UMMC events, including the Teddy Bear Clinic.

St. Jerome Gift Shop business hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon, managed and operated only by Guild volunteers.

New members are welcome to join the Guild throughout the year and a membership tea is held in September. Members attend regular monthly meetings that include a program and guest speakers.

The Guild also manages a monthly lottery and the community is invited to participate. Please join our Facebook page to view our inventory at: St. Jerome Gift Shop.

(Submitted photo.)

Contrary to appearances, Clark Griswold did not move to Pavilion in time for Christmas

By Howard B. Owens

A family in Pavilion had a very Griswold-Christmas this year, outfitting the family wagon with an uprooted Christmas tree, decorating with a greased-up sled, tangled lights on an old camper -- all staples of the 1989 classic comedy, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," starring Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold.

“We watch the movie every year,” Jesse Coots told 13WHAM. “We love it.”

What started as a good laugh about imitating the movie became a reality for the Coots family.

“We got joking about how the movie goes, and how they uproot the Christmas tree and all that jazz,” he said. “We like to laugh around here, so I was sitting around one day, just screwing around and looking for station wagons, and we found this one, and it’s got 33,000 original miles.

“I kind of surprised the wife and the kids and made a deal in the middle of the night, and this guy brought it out,” he continued. “Bought it, and we uprooted a Christmas tree with a couple of friends of mine and tied her up, strapped it up, Chevy Chase-style.”

The Coots family had intended for theirs to be an inside joke – but they couldn’t contain their neighbors’ glee.

“Really, it was just going to be between us, then a couple people posted videos of us driving through town, and the community kind of laughed,” said Coots.

And that humor, says Coots, is what the display is all about.

“Every night, there’s cars pulling up, and I like it because they’re here to laugh, and that’s what we like to do, is laugh,” he said. “It’s good for your heart.

“I have gotten so many nice phone calls and emails and text messages about how it’s brightened people’s spirits and made them laugh,” he said, “and a lot of people have told me they get on Facebook every day to see what kind of nonsense we’re up to with this.”

Will it be a Christmas tradition? Coots isn’t sure – but he says, if it is, his kids will be on board.

“I build custom cars for a living,” he said. “You’d think, all the great cars I have, they would love some of the hot rods. They love this stock station wagon more than anything. They don’t want it to go!”

Story and photos courtesy our news partner, 13WHAM

St. Paul Lutheran School's annual Christmas program highlights the simple joys of the season

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos and press release:

St. Paul's Lutheran School in Batavia held its annual school Christmas program on Dec. 20.

The mission of St. Paul Lutheran School is to enable the families of the community to know Jesus as their Savior by providing a Christian educational environment which fosters academic excellence.

At St. Paul's, school is a family!

All teachers, staff, students and families work together to create a loving, inspiring and encouraging environment in which children can thrive to their greatest potential -- a great way to begin your child's education experience.

At St. Paul's they like to say "We don't raise little Lutherans, we develop Disciples of Christ."

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