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Starting July 23: Three evenings of Mars and Beyond VBS at Alexander United Methodist Church

By Tracy Eisele

The Alexander United Methodist Church will be holding its 2021 Vacation Bible School from July 23-25. Registration begins at 5:45 p.m. and the program runs until 8:30 each evening. The church is located at 10540 Main St., Alexander.

The theme for this year's Vacation Bible School is "To Mars and Beyond." Kids entering grades K-6 are invited to "Blast Off on an Amazing Adventure" to learn about Jesus through Bible stories, games and crafts. 

Event Date and Time

FED talks

By Allison Lang

Join us for the first talk in our FED series!

Event Date and Time

First Presbyterian Hosts Emily Hellenbrook

By Glenn Adams

Renowned soprano Emily Hellenbrook will be the featured soloist at the First Presbyterian Church of Batavia this Sunday, December 10. The service begins at 10:45 and will also feature the Women's Choir, congregational singing, and a message by Rev. Dr. Roula Alkhouri. Join us at this special time of the year as we celebrate the advent of Christ's earthly ministry. We are located at 300 East Main Street in Batavia.

Chicken BBQ

By Maggie Nichols

Indian Falls United Methodist Church 7908 Alleghany Rd, Corfu, NY $9 full dinner (Chicken, Potato, Beans and Dessert) $6 Chicken only.  Drive thru only. To reserve your meal please call 585-762-9105.

Event Date and Time

Weeklong Vacation Bible School begins

By Pamela Klotzbach

A Little Bit o' Talent  July 22 -26 Vacation Bible School

Free meal for the whole family begins at 5:30. The program begins at 6:15. From nursery age through 6th grade PLUS discussion format for youth and adults.

Come and join the talent show of Biblical characters who shared their talents for God.

Transportation available:  343-4708 or 716-560-0290

Batavia: First United Methodist Church

8221 Lewiston Rd


Event Date and Time

Searching for Biblical truth

By Lucy Kehoe-Holnbeck

I am in search of true Biblical guidance, from Pastors, Priests, Reverends or any knowledgable, believer in Jesus. I have recently been diagnosed, with severe situational social anxiety disorder and really worried about taking the perscribed medicine. Im struggling to not loose my job, from the stress. Iv reached out for help, but after 3 or 4 days of trying. I guess Iv learned where not to go again. Coping with my loss & isolation through, holidays has turned out to be more then I can bare. I am a devout believer, that Christ died for our sins so that we may have the choice to, be forgiven. Im far from iliterate, but my reading level, comprehension & retension, is a real problem for me. This makes it hard to gain acurate knowledge, in a timely way. To recognize the truth, from a lie. Im not computer savy, but I Googled my biblical concerns & the information below, is what I found. Ill try to include a link, to the site, if that may be of help. What Id need to know, is this Biblical truth. Or just one more of the many, distorted views. Im afraid this will be too large, to post on the Batavian. So if you have the time, @ the web address below, you can read the rest. Please, help…

THE 3 RS OF ACCOUNTABILITY: REPENTANCE, RESTITUTION, AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY By Rev. Renee Pittelli Being accountable for one’s behavior is part of growing up and being a mature adult. It is a fallacy that God is all forgiving, and when unrepentant offenders claim that "God forgives me", they are wrong. God does not forgive us until and unless we confess our sins and repent (change our ways). The Lord holds us accountable for our behavior, and he instructs us to hold each other accountable as well. Accountability consists of three parts, Repentance, Restitution, and Personal Responsibility: Repentance: REPENTANCE: Remorse, contrition, or self-reproach for what one has done or failed to do; making a change for the better as a result of remorse; a turning from one’s sinful ways; feeling of such regret for past conduct as to change one’s mind regarding it, atonement; forsaking of sin; the feeling or act in which one tries to right a wrong, it always includes the admission of guilt, and also at least one of: a solemn promise or resolve not to repeat the offense, or an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible. When we rebuke, set limits on, or break off our relationship with an unrepentant offender, she may shrug and tell us, "I know God forgives me", the implication being that the Lord forgives her even if we don’t. But guess what? She is WRONG. & The Lord NEVER forgives unrepentant evildoers. He REQUIRES that sinners humble themselves and come to him for forgiveness, and that they show remorse and change their ways.

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