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cigarette tax

The Close Ups

By Julie A Pappalardo

I had to make an emergency trip to the vet this morning.  The signs are still there!

New York now boasts highest cigarette taxes in the USA; health officials urge people to quit

By Billie Owens

Kevin J. Keenan, program coordinator Smoke Free Now in Genesee County, sent along this news release today.

On Thursday, State Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines, M.D., urged New Yorkers to quit smoking rather than pay the additional $1.60 per pack state cigarette tax increase that takes effect today.

With the increase in effect, the tax on a pack of cigarettes will rise to $4.35 per pack and $5.85 a pack in New York City – the highest cigarette taxes in the nation.

This tax continues New York's national leadership in the fight against tobacco use, the No. 1 cause of preventable death in the United States. A pack of cigarettes will now cost more than $10 in New York City and more than $8 across the rest of the State.

"This tax increase should be the motivation smokers need to give up this deadly addiction for good," Commissioner Daines said. "The health benefits of quitting smoking are undeniable.

"Smokers who quit are at a lower risk of developing smoking-related heart disease and suffering from strokes, cancer and emphysema. If you smoke, now is the time to talk to your doctor or call the New York State Smokers' Quitline."

The Quitline offers free services to help people stop smoking, including nicotine patches, coaching, quit plans, information and free online help. To access the Quitline, call 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) or visit

Taxes will also increase for other tobacco products, such as smokeless tobacco products and cigars, from 46 percent to 75 percent of the wholesale price.

Increases in tobacco taxes are expected to prevent 170,500 New York kids from becoming smokers, motivate 86,100 adult smokers to quit and save 77,000 New Yorkers from premature, smoking-related deaths.

The increased tax will also save $4.8 billion in future health care costs and raise $290 million in 2010-11 in state revenues.

"This is a win-win for the health of New York State," Daines said. "Fewer adults and children will use deadly tobacco products and the state will generate revenues to help sustain important programs and services."

"Smoking is not a habit," said Jeffrey Willett, director of the state's Tobacco Control Program. "It's an addiction, and it's hard to quit. The State Health Department's Smokers' Quitline provides free services that increase the likelihood that a smoker will quit for good."

Smoking Facts

  • On average, smokers die 14 years younger than non-smokers.
  • Smoking increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer and other cancers.
  • Secondhand smoke also causes heart disease and cancer, and contributes to asthma and other respiratory illness.
  • Infants with a parent who smokes are more likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
  • Babies and children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to have asthma, bronchitis, ear infections and pneumonia.
  • Smokers who quit rapidly lower their risk of heart disease and stroke, and steadily reduce their risk of lung cancer.

Tips on Quitting

  • Set a quit date and mark it on your calendar. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters and cigarettes.
  • Visit your doctor for support and advice with your quit plan.
  • Make a list of reasons why you want to quit.
  • Make a list of family and friends who will support you.
  • Avoid triggers, including alcohol, caffeine and other smokers.
  • Exercise to relieve stress, and to improve your mood and health.
  • Consider using a safe nicotine alternative such as replacement patches, gum or lozenges.

For help quitting smoking call the New York State Smokers' Quitline at 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) or visit <>.

Negotiations over cigarette tax will precede any action by the state

By Philip Anselmo

The Buffalo News reports this morning that Gov. David Paterson will meet and negotiate with the leaders of the Seneca Nation before any shipments of cigarettes to Seneca retailers are halted. Aaron Besecker reports:

During a rally Sunday just south of the Route 438 Thruway overpass, [Seneca President Barry E. Snyder Sr.] read a letter from Gov. David A. Paterson in which the governor indicated his desire to begin talks with the Indian nation about the dispute over tax collection on cigarettes sold by Native American merchants to non-Indians.

It sounds as if the governor is considering backing off from enforcing the law that he himself signed in December that requires wholesalers to show to the state tax department that they are not selling tax-free cigarettes to retailers. If they fail to comply, they could be charged with perjury. In the meantime, a justice of the state Supreme Court "issued a temporary restraining order ... that blocks the state from enforcing its policy."

Paterson spokesman Morgan Hook said he would not comment on a private conversation between the governor and Snyder, but he did say a negotiated compromise on the cigarette tax issue “is an avenue [Paterson] would like to take.”

“The governor sees it as a window of opportunity,” Hook said.

What exactly would Gov. Paterson negotiate? This seems to be a pretty cut and dry issue. Either the state enforces the law or the law is repealed. Can you see any compromise on this?

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