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civic pride

Alaska Son Weighs In on Bedford Falls

By Bea McManis
Well, Mom has thrown the gauntlet down for the last time. You want Bedford Falls talk? You must mean two other trees. What are they, ducks? So, how did you happen to fall in? Get me! I'm givin' out wings! Why, I only wear this when I don't care how I look. You once called me a warped, frustrated old man. Well, I guess they do those things. Nope, nope, nope, nope - I mean a BIG case! Are you aware that there is a swimming pool under this floor? I said, "Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death?" "...And dance by the light of the moon"

I moved from Batavia to join the Air Force 28 years ago this summer. Not a day has passed that I haven't thought of my home town at least a little. I do miss it, but - like George Bailey - I needed to see the world. Unlike old "Moss Back" George, a military career just about fulfilled that need! There are a few places I haven't been, but I'l get there. Batavia will always be the best place I could have come from. It was a terrific town to grow up in, and a great place to revisit. I heart Batavia.

"I'm shakin' the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I'm gonna see the world." George, you didn't know how good you had it.
You forgot about putting a rope around the moon and bringing it closer.  It is such a schmaltzy movie, but addicting.
What is Spamalot?

Batavia is MY Bedford Falls

By Bea McManis

Howard's explanation of how he and Billie ended up settling in Batavia reminded me of the first time I moved away for a job and came back for a visit.

I was living on the Main Line near Philadelphia.  The daily commute was by train, then a corporate sponsored shuttle to the office.  The office was located in a huge complex  constructed on farmland serviced by a two lane county road.  If you are familiar with the area, King of Prussia Mall was about 3 miles from my home, but it took almost 1/2 hour to get to it because of the traffic.  

Coming home, my first instinct was to run down Main St. and wave to the buildings that were left,  "Hello Building and Loan", seemed to ring in my head.  I learned, that day, that Batavia was my Bedford Falls.   I hope that Howard and Billie eventually will feel the same way.

You seem to look past the problems facing the city; you look past the mall; you look past the ever growing commercial district west of the city (that makes entering the city look like entering any other city in the country).  What you seem to focus on are the tree lined streets; the cozy little restaurants; and the friendly people.  Coming home gives one a warm feeling.  I hope that never changes.

There is much good to say about our area.  Yes, it has problems, but the naysayers never seem to see the positive.  Without the positive there is no hope of improvement.  The saying, "if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem" is so true.  If you see something that needs to be fixed, talk about it but offer a suggestion or two on how it can be made better. 

The City of Batavia and the county of Genesee offer so much.  Marketing our area to attract businesses seems to fall short of the mark.  Hopefully, this is turning around.  I for one would applaud the effort.

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