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Conservative Party

Genesee County Conservative Party announces endorsements

By Press Release

Press release:

We are proud to endorse, what will be the first woman as Genesee County Court Judge, Melissa Ciafrini. We as a committee feel strongly that she will bring to the bench, much-needed diversity and a fair and equitable process for the Genesee County community. She will be bringing a wealth of knowledge and hard work ethic to her position and will do our county proud.  

Genesee County Legislature 

  • District 3 ( Darien/Pembroke) Gordon Dibble 
  • District 4 (Towns of Batavia/Stafford) Brooks Hawley
  • District 5 (Le Roy) Rochelle Stein 
  • District 7 (City of Batavia Wards 1 & 6) John Deleo 
  • District 9 (City of Batavia Wards 4 & 5) Gary Maha 

City of Batavia, City Council at Large 

  • Eugene Jankowski 
  • Jeremy Karas 

Town of Stafford Highway Department 

  • Steven Boldt 

Town of Bergen, Town Board 

  • Anne Sapienza 

Town of Darien, Town Clerk 

  • Alice Calmes 

Town of Le Roy, Town Board 

  • Bill Fox 
  • Dave Paddock 

We are excited to work with each of these candidates, not only during their campaigns but as they serve our communities. We are committed to working with both democrats, republicans, independents, and libertarians to make our Genesee County, the best county in New York State.

Local Conservative Party condemns violence in Washington

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

We at the Genesee County Conservative Party denounce all violence that happened today in Washington, D.C.

While we understand the right to peacefully protest, we do not condone trespassing onto the Capitol, putting police officers' lives at risk, and destroying and stealing property. Political violence is never the answer. 

We strongly support the First Amendment and the ability to speak your mind, peacefully assemble, and protest. We encourage all Americans to stand up for their constitutional rights, voice their opinions, and demand change. 

The way to make change is to get involved with your local elections, make your voice heard, hold our politicians accountable, and most of all, VOTE. 

We will be a stronger country if we work together instead of working against each other.  

Thank you to our law enforcement for keeping us safe and for putting their lives on the line every day. Our prayers go out to the family of the woman killed today, our law enforcement personnel, and most of all, for ALL of America.  

Julie Carasone, Chairwoman, Genesee County Conservative Party. 

Genesee County Conservative Party announces endorsements

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Conservative Party is excited to announce the following endorsements: 

  • Beth Parlato -- 27th District Congresswoman 
  • Ed Rath -- 61st District State Senator 
  • Stephen Hawley -- State Assembly 
  • Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. -- Genesee County Sheriff 
  • Scott German -- County Treasurer
  • Jeremy Karas -- Council at Large 
  • Tom William -- Town Justice, Town of Batavia 

Congrats to all of the candidates.

Hawley earns 92-percent Conservative Party rating, among topmost in state

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today (Dec. 6) that he earned a 92-percent rating from the Conservative Party based on his legislative voting record in 2019, placing him in the upper echelon of all New York State legislators.

The Conservative Party ranked legislators based on 25 bills that passed the Assembly and Senate, and evaluated lawmakers’ votes on crucial pieces of legislation.  

“Being Conservative isn’t about a party or a label, it’s about standing by the principles of smaller government, less taxes and economic freedom, no matter the cost,” Hawley said. “Here in Western New York, we know what’s best for us, our families and our businesses, and some bureaucrat or politician who has never stepped foot on a farm or been on a thrilling hunt has no right to tell us how to live.”

Among the bills at question were allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, sweeping subsidized housing protections, early voting, farm unionization and expansion of abortion deep into the third trimester – all of which Hawley voted against.

“Conservatism is about an individual’s right to govern themselves above all else and those principles guide me each day,” Hawley continued. “Thank you to the Conservative Party and its leadership for issuing these evaluations and holding all lawmakers accountable to liberty and freedom.”

(Photo submitted this summer of Hawley celebrating Dairy Day in Albany on June 5.)

GC Conservative Party announces endorsements for 2019 election

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Today, Feb. 23, at its County Committee meeting, the Genesee County Conservative Party announced the following endorsements for office in the November 2019 elections.
Batavia City Court
  • Judge Durin Rogers for Batavia City Court Judge

The committee had also interviewed Benjamin Bonarigo for City Court Judge. And while he and Durin Rogers both have an excellent record, we decided that Judge Rogers had more experience as a judge already. Except for Judge Rogers, all our endorsements are for incumbents who have had our support in the past.

Genesee County County Legislature
  • Gordon Dibble, District 3 (Pembroke and Darien)
  • Andrew Young, District 4 (Town of Batavia and Stafford)
  • Rochelle Stein, District 5 (LeRoy)
  • Gregg Torrey, District 6 (Alexander, Bethany and Pavilion)
  • John Deleo, District 7 (City of Batavia wards 1 & 6)
  • Marianne Clattenburg, District 8 (City of Batavia wards 2 & 3)
  • Gary Maha, District 9 (City of Batavia wards 4 & 5)
City of Batavia Council
  • Paul Viele, City Ward 1
  • Al McGinnis, City Ward 4
  • Kathy Briggs, City Ward 5

Press release:

The Committee to Elect Judge Rogers is proud to announce that Judge Durin Rogers, Batavia City Court judge, has received the endorsement of the Genesee County Conservative Party for the full-time Batavia City Court position up for election in the fall.

Following the Conservative Party Committee meeting and candidate interviews, the Genesee County Conservative Vice Chairman John Roach said, “We found Judge Rogers to be exceptionally well qualified and he is already a sitting judge—he received the Committee’s unanimous endorsement and we look forward to seeing Judge Rogers on the bench. We encourage all conservative voters to support Judge Rogers throughout the entire process.”

After receiving news of the endorsement, Judge Rogers said, “I am honored to have received the Genesee County Conservative Party’s endorsement for Batavia City Court Judge and I am very thankful for their support. I will continue to work hard for the residents of the City of Batavia.

"As a judge, my commitment is to fairly and impartially apply the law to all of the people of Batavia. Over the coming months, I look forward to talking to the people of Batavia and getting to know them better."  

Judge Rogers’ is now officially endorsed by City of Batavia Republican Committee and the Genesee County Conservative Party. This April will mark Judge Rogers entering his fifth year on the Batavia City Court bench.

County Conservatives announce slate for Legislature

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Conservative Party Executive Committee announced the following endorsements for the County Legislature:

  • Michael Davis, District 3 (Towns of Darien and Pembroke)
  • Rochelle Stein, District 5 (Town of Le Roy)
  • Gregg Torrey, District 6 (Towns of Alexander, Bethany and Pavilion)
  • John Deleo, District 7 (City of Batavia Wards 1 & 6)
  • Marianne Clattenburg, District 8 (City of Batavia Wards 2 & 3)

Conservative Party announces City Council endorsements

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Conservative Party of Genesee County has made the following endorsements:

Paul Viele (Republican) -- 1st Ward
Lisa Whitehead (Libertarian) -- 2nd Ward
Richard Richmond (Republican) -- 3rd Ward
Al McGinnis (Conservative) -- 4th Ward
Kathy Briggs (Democrat) -- 5th Ward
Paul Viele and Richard Richmond will running Republican primaries elections against the incumbents.
We had no request from the 6th Ward.

Conservatives looking for local candidates to back

By Howard B. Owens

The Conservative Party is looking for candidates to run in the upcoming elections throughout Genesee County.

Local Chairman John Roach said there's no "check-off list" of correct issues for potential Conservative candidates, just a general philosophy for candidates to uphold.

"We are just looking for civic-minded people who have the time and desire to serve," Roach said. "Men or women who remember that the money being spent is not theirs; it is the people's and should be spent wisely. People who will do their best to keep the public informed about what is going on."

Those who are interested should send a letter and resume to: 

The Genesee County Conservative Party
P.O. Box 1686
Batavia, NY 14021-1686

GC Conservative Party endorses reelection of Assemblyman Steve Hawley

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Conservative Party has endorsed the reelection of Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

He has shown over and over that he represents the thoughts and wishes of the district. It has been hard for him with the Downstate liberal majority controlling the State. But he has kept on trying and has not gone the path of “go along to get along” that many have taken.

He has been a very strong supporter or the 2nd Amendment and our right to own firearms if we want. He supports the full repeal of the SAFE ACT, which only punishes legal gun owners and does nothing to stop crime. Steve Hawley has been endorsed by the NRA and the local pro 2nd Amendment group, SCOPE.

He is pro-business and has received a 100-percent rating from Unshackle Upstate and the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Steve owns his own local business, hiring local people.

This November, we ask you to vote on the Conservative Party line (Row C) and show your support for Steve Hawley.

On Behalf of the Executive Committee,
Dann G Neale
Vice-Chairman Conservative Party of Genesee County

Genesee County Conservative Party endorses local slate

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Conservative Party released their endorsements for November's election.

Lawrence Friedman, Genesee County District Attorney
Gregg H. Torrey, Genesee County Legislature Dist 6 (Alexander, Bethany, Pavilion)
Frank C. Ferrando Jr., Genesee County Legislature Dist 7 (Batavia, Wards 1 & 6)
Marianne Clattenburg, Genesee County Legislature Dist 8 (Batavia, Wards 2 & 3)
F. Robert Bialkowski, Genesee County Legislature Dist 9 (Batavia, Wards 4 & 5)
Peter N. Yasses, Town of Byron, Supervisor
Debra M. Buck-Leaton, Town of Byron, Town Clerk
Suzanne J. Fuller, Town of Byron, Town Council
Andrew J. Wormuth, Town of Elba, Supervisor
Walter Kershenski, Town of Stafford, Town Clerk
Robert W. Mattice, Town of Stafford, Town Council
Steven B. Boldt, Town of Stafford, Superintendent of Highways
John Deleo, Batavia City Council at Large
Brooks M. Hawley, Batavia City Council at Large
Eugene A. Jankowski Jr., Batavia City Council at Large          

County taxpayers to foot hefty bill to fund Conservative Party squabble over Grisanti gay marriage vote

By Howard B. Owens

A political fight among Conservative Party members in Erie and Niagara counties is going to cost Genesee County taxpayers $28,000.

How's that?

According to Art Munger, Conservative Party chairman and Genesee County resident, Erie County Conservatives won't support State Sen. Mark Grisanti (inset photo) because of his vote in support of gay marriage. A group of conservatives in Niagara County continue to support Grisanti.

Rather than back the slate of committee candidates chosen by the other seven counties in the 27th Congressional District, Niagara is running its own slate of candidates who side with Grisanti, Munger said.

Grisanti's state senate district encompasses parts of both Erie and Niagara counties, but none of Genesee County.

"Niagara forced (the primary) on the eight counties involved in the congressional district," Munger said. "That's their right. They have a right to the ballot, but it's not us local people that are causing this cost. We had a slate. They choose not to cooperate and work with us and instead filed their own slate."

Munger isn't 100-percent certain, but he said as far as he can tell, all 12 members of the Niagara slate are Niagara County residents.

Richard Siebert, the Republican election commissioner for Genesee County, informed the Ways and Means Committee today about the anticipated expense.

While there are only 845 registered conservatives in Genesee County, the election commission must set up 29 polling places throughout the county for the primary.

Each of the 29 polling places must be staffed by four elections inspectors, two Democrats and two Republicans, plus there is the cost of moving and setting up the machines. 

The only other primary Sept. 13 is for Batavia Town Board, which requires three polling places.

Siebert told legislators that a 100-voter turnout for the conservative primary would be a good turn out.

"You can do the math," Seibert said. "That would be $280 per voter."

Outside, Siebert said the last time there was a conservative primary in Genesee County, for treasurer, turnout was very low.

"Personally, I think we'll be lucky to have 100 come out," Siebert said.

Even so, Siebert said, the Conservatives have every right to go to the polling place and decide who should represent them.

"This is the American way," Siebert said. "They represent people in their districts as committeemen and they have a right to be on the ballot. We could have the same thing in our own parties (Republican and Democrat). If somebody wanted to challenge a committeeman, we could have a primary."

Munger said he regrets the expense for county taxpayers.

"I wish we didn’t have the primary," Munger said. "We in Genesee County don't want one, but it appears we're going to have one. We have our slate and we're expecting to go out and win."

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