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corvette raffle

Batavia Rotary Club announces winner of 2023 Corvette Raffle

By Press Release

Press release:

The major fundraiser for the Batavia Rotary Club concluded with the grand prize drawing Saturday night, but the real winners are the many local organizations that receive support from Rotary all year long. 

"This is the major fundraiser that allows our club to make so many contributions to the community, such as $18,000 in college scholarships to area students each year," said President John McGowan.

Rotary is also contributing $250,000 toward the Healthy Living Campus under construction on Main Street, a joint project for the YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center.

Most recently, Rotary has offered a $150,000 matching pledge for the renovation of the local hospital's Intensive Care Unit, McGowan said.

Rotary's motto is Service Above Self, he explained.  Rotarians actively engage in projects to improve the local community. 

"Fundraisers like this Corvette event are critical for helping us help others," said Lisa Ormsbee, who co-chairs the event with Laurie Mastin.  Once again a Corvette or $50,000 is the prize.  The winning ticket that was drawn Saturday belongs to John Kinsella. 

In addition to the grand prize, there are 10 additional prizes of $500 each, Mastin explained.

Those winners are:

  • Tom Mazurkiewicz
  • Dan Ireland
  • Todd Bender
  • Vincent Bucciferro
  • Paula Wortzman
  • Bobbie Griffin
  • John Green
  • Nicolas Roth
  • Daniel D'Amico
  • Mine VanDenwere

Submitted photo:  Woman on the left, unidentified, with Laurie Mastin, co-chair of the fundraiser, and Rotary Past President Marlin Salmon. 

Rotary rolls out annual Corvette raffle, club's major fundraiser

By Press Release

Press Release:

The major fundraiser for the Batavia Rotary Club is underway, and once again a Corvette or $50,000 is the prize. 

"This is the major fundraiser that allows our club to make so many contributions to the community, such as $18,000 in college scholarships to area students each year," said President John McGowan.

Rotary is also contributing $250,000 toward the Healthy Living Campus under construction on Main Street, a joint project for the YMCA and United Memorial Medical Center.

Most recently, Rotary has offered a $150,000 matching pledge for the renovation of the local hospital's Intensive Care Unit, McGowan said.

Rotary's motto is Service Above Self, he explained.  Rotarians actively engage in projects to improve the local community. 

"Fundraisers like this Corvette event are critical for helping us help others," said Lisa Ormsbee, who co-chairs the event with Laurie Mastin. 

In addition to the grand prize, there are 10 additional prizes of $500 each, Mastin explained.

Only 4,500 tickets are sold.  The drawing will be Jan. 21, 2023, at 7:30 pm live on Facebook.

Persons interested in purchasing tickets may go to or contact any Rotarian. 

Photo: Lisa Ormsbee and John McGowan. Photo by Howard Owens.

Batavia Rotary Club's popular Corvette raffle is back this year, get your tickets now

By Press Release

Press release:

Looking for that perfect last-minute gift? A stocking stuffer for that sports-car buff in the family? How about a new ‘Vette? 

OK, so a chance on one. And more likely, just in time for Valentines’ Day. Either way, the odds are decent. 

Batavia Rotary Club has reintroduced its popular Corvette Raffle.

“We took a break for several years, but realized it was time to bring it back” says Rotarian and event chair Lisa Ormsbee. “The raffle raises money for all of Rotary’s good causes locally and worldwide. And we sell only up to 3,999 tickets.” 

Tom Turnbull, 2020-21 Rotary president, adds We’re thrilled to be able to bring back this project after several years’ hiatus. 2020 will surely go down in history as one to remember. We are happy to be back doing what we do best: supporting our communities. All proceeds support Rotary’s charitable causes, which this year included $20,000 in direct COVID-19 relief, in addition to support of a dozen or more community nonprofits who take care of so many needs right here in Genesee County.” 

Tickets are $50 each or three for $100. Donations are fully tax deductible.

First prize is a new 2021 Corvette or $40,000 in cash, with 10 second prizes of $500 each. The drawing will be held on Feb. 6. Tickets may be purchased from any Batavia Rotarian, or online.

“Or ask your Rotarian friend to mail you one or three tickets, and take care of it that way,” says Ormsbee. “Either way you’re doing a lot of good, and who knows, you might be driving around in style next Spring!” 

Hawley supports Stafford firefighters, introduces bills to allow charities to advertise raffle tickets for sale online

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In light of the Stafford Volunteer Fire Department canceling its annual car raffle due to fundraising restrictions, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia), a Life Member of the Stafford Fire Department, announced today that he has introduced legislation to allow Internet advertising by charitable organizations.

Currently, the New York State Constitution does not allow online advertising of charitable games of chance or allow checks or credit cards to be accepted as payment for these raffles.

“I stand in complete support of the Stafford Fire Department,” Hawley said. “Volunteer fire departments are the crux of any successful public safety apparatus and they deserve our utmost respect, help and assistance in every capacity. Clearly, this is an example of the State Constitution lagging behind in technology and adhering to archaic laws.

"The Legislature should immediately consider a constitutional amendment to right this injustice, and I have introduced legislation that would allow charitable organizations to advertise raffle tickets online, boosting sales and reaching more residents. I love attending the Stafford Fire Department Raffle and realize its importance to the sustainability of the department and the local community. I pledge to help in any way I can.”

Hawley is co-sponsoring two bills which would allow charitable organizations holding raffles to accept checks and credit cards. Hawley said he will also be introducing a constitutional amendment to allow nonprofit organizations more latitude in their fundraising efforts.

“Again, this is an example of selective enforcement,” Hawley said. “I sponsor two bills, A.9322 and A.4716, which would address this issue: one allowing checks as payment for raffle tickets; and the other allowing credit as acceptable payment for games of chance.

"This would allow all of our other not for profits, churches, veterans clubs, service clubs and others who strive to help themselves and our communities to sell tickets online and engage more supporters. These bills are currently being held in the Racing and Wagering Committee, and I will do all that I can to get them passed.”

EDITOR'S NOTE: In response to The Batavian's request for more information on the Stafford Fire Department's situation, NY Gaming Commission Spokesman Lee Park e-mailed the following today. We did not hear back from Stafford fire officials.

From Lee Park, NYS Gaming Commission:

The laws and regulations permitting raffles in New York State have been on the books for 20 years and have not changed. All charitable organizations operating in the state are expected to adhere to these laws.

In late 2015, the Gaming Commission received a complaint that this organization was operating in violation of law and regulations. We investigated the matter and informed the organization of the violations and steps needed to correct them.

We sincerely hope that this organization – and all charitable entities in the state – will legally raise funds for their important causes. To this end, the Commission regularly conducts outreach to charitable organizations to ensure they are aware of these laws and regulations, including the prohibition of credit card payments and non-contiguous county sales of raffle tickets. The Commission holds charitable gaming seminars each month at its headquarters in Schenectady and regularly goes into the field to educate organizations on these important measures.

More information about charitable gaming in New York can be found here:

NYS Gaming Commission suspends Corvette raffle for Stafford Volunteer Fire Department, refunds will be issued

By Billie Owens

We received this from the Stafford Volunteer Fire Department:

Under our licensing agreement with the New York State Gaming Association Commission, our activities are audited just to make sure that we follow their rules and regulations.

As we understand it, there were some changes in the rules and regulations that we inadvertently did not notice. As a result, they have suspended our raffle for this year.

Therefore, we are in the process of returning all funds received in connection with this year's raffle. We are very sorry for what has happened and wish to thank all of you for your continued support over the years.

We have contacted the Gaming Commission and Stafford fire officials for more details and will provide them as able.

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