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County Legislature

It wasn't an easy year in 2009, but the county got through it, Hancock says in annual address

By Howard B. Owens

County officials knew at the start of the journey that 2009 would be a rocky road, and there were many valleys to pass through, but the county managed to ride it out without raising taxes or severely cutting services.

That's the state of the county, according to Mary Pat Hancock, chairwoman of the Genesee County Legislature.

Hancock reviewed 2009 and looked ahead some during her annual address in the Legislature chambers Wednesday night.

"In addition to the known and announced reduction in state aid, we had many fiscal surprises, none of them good," said Hanckock. "They ranged from delayed payment for mandated and already provided services, to lower sales-tax revenues and to retroactive cuts in reimbursements. These continue to plague us. I am not an alarmist, this county has good and varied resources and will survive, but not by hiding its head in the sand -- the fiscal crisis is far from over."

Key points from tonight's address:

  • The rising cost of operating the Genesee County Nursing Home. General Fund contributions to its operation are expected to exceed $4.4 million by 2014.
  • GCEDC participated in 23 projects with an investment in the county of $50 million.
  • The number of Genesee County families turning to the Department of Social Services for Medicaid, Food Stamps and Home Energy Assistance continues to grow. Also up are reports to Child Protective Services for investigation. "It’s not an easy task to raise children in the best of circumstances, and the job becomes even harder when so many of our residents are struggling with their financial difficulties," Hancock said.
  • More than 6,000 residents have received seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccines.
  • The downturn in the county has contributed to an ever-increasing caseload for the Office of the Public Defender.
  • Federal stimulus money has meant the Job Development Bureau has seen its budget double. The number of clients in job training has increased 93 percent.
  • Genesee Community College’s enrollment hit an all-time record during the fall 2009 semester with 7,208 credit students.

After listing these and other departmental challenges and accomplishments, Hancock said:

"It is impossible for me to end this address without acknowledging the impact of this difficult year on our constituents. We relate to the high level of frustration and fear experienced as jobs were lost, retirement funds shrank and healthcare costs soared. Change was promised in good faith, but no one anticipated the type of change. It is said that the economy is back on track. Genesee County’s unemployment is the lowest in the area, but it is still too high. Small and large businesses are still struggling. Folks are having a hard time meeting their financial obligations. We hear you and will continue to do everything possible to contain the costs and support and attract and retain 'economy builders.'"

Hancock then called on the State Legislature to clean up its act and start governing with greater fiscal responsibility.

"It is all about jobs," Hancock said. "All efforts should focus on a new and improved economic development plan for New York State. Is it impossible? No. Empower local governments, regional governments like counties, individually or acting in groups, to attract and maintain jobs to turn the state around. Counties should have a say about what industries contribute to their communities."

Hancock closed with a call for all county residents to participate in the 2010 Census.

"It is crucial to return your form," Hancock said. "Take the 10 minutes to be counted. So much depends on the data received from this one effort. Do what you can to make this an accurate count."

State of Genesee County Address set for 7 p.m. Feb. 3

By Billie Owens

The State of the County Address will be delivered at 7 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Old Courthouse building on Main Street in Batavia.

Genesee County Legislature Chair Mary Pat Hancock will deliver the address.

County Considering Sale of Nursing Home

By Jennifer Keys

What is your opinion about the potential sale of the Genesee County Nursing home? Keep in mind that this is all preliminary, but it certainly appears that the county has begun the process. Take a look at this article:

As always, thank you for your time and consideration. Please don't forget to take a look at my blog considering a Women's Caucus as well.

Re-elect Hollis Upson For County Legislator

By Hollis Upson

My name is Hollis Upson and I have lived in the City of Batavia my entire life. I have been married to my wife Joy for 25 years. I have a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Gettysburg College and have been involved with many civic groups and community boards over the years. These include Rotary, City Planning board, County Planning Board, YMCA Board, City Charter Review Commission, and the County Youth Board.

As the operator of a third generation, family owned business, I personally understand the struggles facing small businesses in today’s economy and how hard it is to create and preserve jobs in New York State.

I was first appointed to serve on the County Legislature in 2001 and was elected to my first term in 2002. I have faced opponents in two previous elections.

As the legislative liaison to the Genesee County Economic Development Corporation, I have worked with GCEDC board to create and retain over 5,800 jobs since 2005. In addition, as the Vice-Chairman of the County Legislature, I have fought hard to reduce taxes for Batavia residents. The tax rate was lowered in 2006, 2007 and 2008. In fact, even in the current economic crisis, Genesee County has held the line on taxes for 2009. Most people are not aware that positions went unfilled and several county employees were laid off in January 2009. At our most recent budget meeting, it was agreed upon by the Legislature that we would hold the line again on taxes for 2010. I can assure you that I will not be voting for a County tax increase this coming year.

As the County and State face an even more difficult financial situation in the coming year, you may rest assured that I will be as diligent with your tax dollars as I am with my own finances. I feel I have the experience to help assist the City of Batavia and Genesee County through these troubling economic times.

I have greatly enjoyed the discussions and questions during the recent campaign as I have walked the neighborhoods in the district.

I would appreciate your support and continued confidence in this effort as I seek re-election as your representative in the 8th Legislative District (Wards 2 and 3) in the City of Batavia. My experience and dedication to the City and County will serve you well.

Best regards,

Hollis D. Upson

Why I Value Your Vote

By Chris Charvella

Dear Friends and Neighbors of the 8th District,

We are nearing the end of the campaign season and by Election Day I’ll have knocked on every door in the 8th District.  It has been a long and interesting road but meeting and talking with you has made it all worth the effort. 

Over the course of the campaign we have discussed balance, oversight and transparency as being the essential ingredients to an efficient and open government and it is plain to see how much you and I really believe in them.  So, today, I would like to put all of the campaign talking points and issues discussions aside and let you know what your vote means to me.

I believe that your vote is a distinctly personal thing. Your vote means that you believe in my ability to successfully represent you and your ideals with the energy and tenacity that you deserve.  For six months now I have represented the 8th District as a private citizen.  Many of you have witnessed firsthand my willingness to make phone calls, write letters and elevate the issues that are important to you.  As your Legislator, I intend to continue this work and to treat your family as if they were my own.

I believe your vote is a measure of thanks for the time I spent on your doorstep discussing your concerns.  I will commit to you now as much of my time as you need to continue our discussions.  I will not disappear from your neighborhood, like most politicians, until the next election season when I need your vote again. Instead I will continue to walk the Wards I represent and hear what you have to say.  I will actively represent you and your ideas.

I believe that your vote is, at its core, a gift.  I will not take it lightly or treat it with disdain.  If you see fit to give me your vote, I will, in turn, give you the very best of myself.  I will give you the full measure of my time and effort, but more importantly, I will offer you an open door, an open ear and an open mind.

So I am asking you, the people of the 8th District, to give me your vote.  Rest assured, that I will cherish, honor it, and treat it with all of the dignity and respect that it, and you, deserve.


Chris Charvella

County legislature approves raft of resolutions

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Legislature plowed through a 39-item agenda last night, taking vote after vote on a series of resolutions with little discussion of the items.

(The legislature confines most of its discussion and fact finding on proposed resolutions to its committee meetings.)

Among the items approved:

  • Authorization for the Sheriff's Office to accept a $23,000 grant to buy Tasers.
  • Approved $59,100 allocation (part of the funds coming from a Homeland Security grant) for a rapid-response vehicle for the Sheriff's Office. The vehicle will be used in SWAT actions.
  • In order to facilitate the merger of the Le Roy dispatch center with the Genesee County dispatch center, purchase of a $7,200 upgrade to the New World Systems software that powers the dispatch center.
  • Appointed Cheryl Pfund of Batavia to the Mental Health Community Service Board.
  • Authorization of communication tower construction by ITT at the Genesee County Airport. The tower will be a 46-foot high monopole and require .015 acres of land. The FAA is requiring installation of Automatic Dependence Surveillance-Broadcast technology at the airport.
  • Renewed the county's extra 1-percent sales tax for another two years. The tax generates about $8 million annually for the county.

PDF: Download copies of all resolutions passed.

Legitimate News Source

By bud prevost

I am not sure if you are aware of this Howard, but the LeRoy Democratic Committee jumped all over the issue concering Jay Grasso and his posting on your sight under assumed names.

In this past week's Pennysaver, the LDC added a flyer describing what happened several months ago, even using the "sock puppet" definition. I just found it interesting that the LDC realizes the Batavian is a legitamite and viable news source for Batavia and Genesee county. No longer does the "Daily Snooze" hold the title of Genesee's only news.

Legislature receives proposal to create focus group to study new legislative terms

By Howard B. Owens

County Legislators received a memo from County Manager Jay Gsell this evening suggesting that the legislature appoint a volunteer committee to review the idea of changing legislative terms from two years to four and to stagger the terms of the nine members.

The suggestion comes from the imposingly-long titled "Genesee County Comprehensive Plan Government Administration Focus Group," a committee of 11 administrators and community leaders.

The group met May 19.

The consensus was a larger group of volunteers who fairly represent the community should study the idea further and seek broad community input before fashioning a ballot proposal for the 2010 election.

"It is suggested that this volunteer focus/study group be carefully constructed to represent all aspects of the county; i.e., geographical, agriculture, business, construction, municipalities, political, health care, etc., and perhaps each Legislator could propose one group member with the Chair then submitting additional members to represent the various constituencies that should be involved" the memo reads. "There should be careful consideration of selecting a chair for the focus/study group who would provide, as far as possible, an impartial administrative-oriented position to the process."

A 2010 election is preferable, the memo states, to give the proposal a more deliberative process and ensure no changes are made prior to the 2010 census.

Participating in the May 19 meeting were Gsell, Frank Ciaccia, Lorie Cleveland, Susan Conklin, Scott German, Chester Kaleta, Lucine Kauffman, Ester Leadley, Karen Marchese, Don Read and John Rizzo.

County Legislature recognizes Dairy Month

By Howard B. Owens

County Legislator Charles Zambito, Elba, presents a proclamation in honor of dairy month to Dairy Princes Mackenzie Reynolds and Eric Zuber.  Following the proclamation, ice cream sandwiches, an annual tradition, were handed out to every person in the chamber. Um, good.

DeJaneiro, Christian, Charvella receive backing of county Democrats for County Legislature

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from County Democratic Chair Lorie Longhany:

The Genesee County Democratic Committee voted to endorse all announced candidates  unanimously for the Genesee County Legislature tonight at their regularly scheduled meeting on June 9th at the Elks Home.  Incumbent legislator, Ed DeJaneiro, who represents  district 9, is joined by city councilman  Rosemary Christian in district 7 and Chris Charvella in District 8.  These candidates represent a combination of strength and experience along with natural leadership and a new perspective on county government. The Committee is looking forward to an exciting election season and all of us are eager to get behind our endorsed candidates to help them move Genesee County in a new direction."

UPDATE: Russ Stresing submitted this statement on behalf of Rosemary Christian:

I am pleased and honored to recieve the Genesee County Democratic Committee's  endorsement.  Having the committee's enthusiastic support means a great deal as the campaign moves forward and I'm very enthusiastic about working with Chris Charvella and Ed DeJaneiro to try to bring balance, oversight and  transparency to county government.  So much more can be accomplished when people come together as a group than one person can do on her own and its exciting to be part of a real effort to help Genesee County move in a new direction.

UDPATE: Chris Charvella sends along the following statement:

It is with great honor and gratitude that I welcome the endorsement from the Genesee County Democratic committee.  I appreciate their enthusiastic and unanimous support as I continue to address the issues and concerns of the voters in the 8th District in the City of Batavia.  I'm looking forward to being a part of the team with Ed DeJaneiro and Rosemary Christian that can help bring balance, oversight and transparency to county government as we  chart a new course towards the future.

Christian welcomes Radley to the 7th District legislative race

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release from Rosemary Christian, who is running for the County Legislature in the 7th District:

I welcome Bob Radley to the race and look forward to the challenge.  I publicly declared my candidacy  back in April because I believe that its long  past time to bring more balance to the county legislature and because I can  be a force for greater oversight and increased transparency.  I've already  been fund raising and getting out to listen to the voters and have been in  full campaign mode for awhile, so its good to finally know who my challenger  is.  The voters in the 7th District can expect a vigorous race and I look  forward to seeing many of you as I walk through the district in the coming  months.

I believe that its time to elect a legislator who's first concern is to  serve the interests of the District voters.  And I believe that all the  voters know I'm someone who's always ready to speak up for them and stand by  them.

Rosemary Christian

Former school board member Radley gets GOP nod for District 7

By Howard B. Owens

Robert Radley, an engineer who previously served on the Batavia School Board, will be the GOP candidate for District 6 7 of the County Legislature, according to WBTA.

The county Republicans have yet to select a candidate for District 7, Radley will be a candidate for the seat now held by John Hodgins, who is retiring at the end of his current term.

Also getting GOP backing are incumbents Don Read for County Clerk and Lawrence Friedman for District Attorney.

Of 105 Genesee County GOP committee members, 78 attended the endorsement meeting last night.

Christopher Charvella says he's running for 8th district of County Legislature

By Howard B. Owens

We just received this as a press release:

Dear Neighbor;

My name is Christopher Charvella and I would like to take this  opportunity to announce my candidacy for Genesee County Legislature in the  8th District. I grew up in Genesee County and after serving our country for  six years in the United States Air Force I decided to bring my wife back to  Batavia so we could begin our life together in the place I love so much. We  recently had our first child, a girl, and it is my goal to make Genesee 
County a place where she can grow and flourish.

Sadly, our area is in decline. We are facing a multitude of problems: empty  storefronts on Main Street, an unemployment rate at nearly 9% and climbing,  and a local government that seems incapable of coming up with real solutions.  We have watched businesses close their doors or leave town. We have seen  County bids and purchases go to companies that aren’t even based in New  York State and our stagnant Legislature has been a part of the problem  instead of being a part of the solution. It is time for us to change the way  we do business at a local level.

I pledge to bring balance, oversight and transparency to our local  government. When elected I will immediately offer legislation that will open  the County bid process to all qualified local contractors and distributors,  set up a County website that tracks exactly where your tax dollars go and  make County Legislature and Committee meetings accessible to working people.  Together we can bring an end to the ‘rubber stamp’ legislative  environment that has plagued us for so long.

I’m looking forward to meeting you in person as I walk the District over  the next few months. Feel free to stop me on the street and let me know how I  can make Genesee County a better place for you and your family. I am  committed to working hard for the 8th District and all of Genesee County and  I am looking forward to earning your vote and working for you over the next  two years.


Christopher M. Charvella

Minutes from County Legislature Ways and Means Committee meeting, April 1

By Howard B. Owens

PRESENT: Chair Zambito, Legislators Hancock, Leadley and Grasso.  County Manager Gsell. Also Present: Planning Director Duval, Emergency Management Coordinator Yaeger, Purchasing Director Kaleta, Emergency Communications Coordinator Sharpe, Personnel Officer Marchese, Youth Bureau Representative Frank, IT Director Zimmer, Interim Public Health Director Garney, Sheriff Maha, Mental Health Director Reaves, County Treasurer German, Deputy County Treasurer Landers, Concerned Citizen Steve Ferry, Legislator DeJaneiro, Daily News Reporter Mruzak, and Legislature Clerk Pratt.

Chair Zambito called the meeting to order at 4PM in the Legislature Conference Room. The minutes of the March 18 meeting were approved upon motion of Legislator Leadley seconded by Legislator Grasso.


Purchasing Director Kaleta presented a contract renewal with Eagle Systems for the provision of copy equipment under the Cost-Per-Copy program for the final one year period. This includes the copy machine, service, parts, staples, and everything but paper.  It also allows scanning and faxing capabilities. Planning Director Duval who was a member of the original investigation committee for this project noted that when we return to the marketplace next year, the County will have a much better handle on requirements, etc.  Previously, it was a challenge to determine number of copiers, etc.  This will put us in an excellent position to bid.  The renewal was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Leadley seconded by Legislator Hancock.

Mr. Kaleta noted that in 1996 the Legislature did request an annual presentation and review of the Purchasing Policy and Procedures.  He is here today with very minor changes and compliance with a new State Regulation that the person responsible for purchasing must be listed by title and name several places within the document.  At this time he is recommending that purchasing requirement thresholds remain constant. They could be increased but with declining revenues and the need to look hard at all programs he is recommending they be held constant.  This was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Hancock seconded by Legislator Grasso.

Mr. Kaleta noted that he became aware of a question posed at the last Legislature Meeting in relation to a web based auctioneer.  He has done some research and believes he has found some possibilities to consider.  These will not be for all items, but he will bring additional information forward at a later date.

Genesee County, through a Homeland Security Grant, accepted the Interoperable Emergency award in the amount of $200,000 to be used to contract with a Public Services Communications consultant for the evaluation of the low band paging system for Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming counties.  Emergency Communications Coordinator Sharpe recommends entering into an agreement with Trott Communications Group, Inc. to retain engineering consultant services related to the acquisition of a paging/alerting system.  Six responses were received and two were within budget.  Nearly all the current pagers experience problems within structures, and there are too many interferences.  The grant presented an opportunity to seek a regional solution.  The reviewing committee included the Emergency Managers and 911 Directors from the three counties.  Federal funds will be pursued at the time of replacement.  Usually this funding requires a 25% local match.  The consultant contract at a cost not to exceed $117,640 was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Grasso seconded by Legislator Hancock.

County Treasurer German recommended the ratification of the sales of county-owned properties at Saturday’s auction.  Two properties did not sell.  One was withdrawn for legal reasons. The second is a sliver of land and the adjacent land owner has offered to purchase the parcel for $50.00.  It is the recommendation of the Treasurer that this offer be accepted. This was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Grasso seconded by Legislator Leadley.

County Treasurer German distributed Department Review information.  The 6th annual tax foreclosure sales netted a profit of nearly $95,000. An annual auction has been held since 2004 improving the county’s cash flow. The Nursing Home revenue anticipation note ($1,800,000) will be repaid in full this year.  The original note of $2,500,000 was taken out in 2006. The office assumed responsibility for the billing of Payment In Lieu of Taxes when Real Property Director Macaluso retired in 2006. The billing was automated and now allows for a more accurate payment budget for the county and other municipalities and school districts. They have also assumed this function for the City of Batavia. Nursing Home payroll and financial records were combined into the County as of January 1, 2008. This continues to aid in the expense and revenue review for the Nursing Home. The Treasurer continues to implement new technology to increase efficiency and security. These include positive pay, ACH debit blocks, and remote depositing. The first GASB 45 actuarial valuation was completed with very positive results. Genesee County has one of the lowest liabilities in the State. A new purchasing card contract was awarded to M&T Bank streamlining the current procurement process and increasing efficiency. There are no fees, and a cash rebate is possible if certain spending thresholds are met. Retirement rates will increase significantly in 2010 and 2011.  The rates could double which might mean an additional $3,000,000 in costs. Interest earning continues to decline and he expressed concern that budgeted earnings of $800,000 could be as low as $400,000. Genesee County is not following the statewide trend of decreased sales tax proceeds. Sales tax increased in the 4th quarter of 2008 and is currently 4.24% over the first two months of 2009. $320,000 was budgeted for the Bed Tax last year and $354,052 was received. The Bed Tax Reserve carries a balance of $152,174. Mortgage Tax revenues last year were $297,311 down from $363,290 in 2007. This year there is some optimism that the figure may increase due to refinancing.  Currently the figures are down. County Road Fund and Road Machinery Fund year end balances continue to increase.  The Water fund showed a $212,962 decrease in 2008. The self-Insured Medical and Dental fund decreased $552,087 from 2007.  This was done to keep 2009 costs down.

The following referrals from the Human Service Committee were approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Leadley:

Salary Schedule Amendment-Mental Health/Mental Health Therapy which will delete one position of FT Mental Health Therapy Assistant and create two part time positions.  The incumbent is retiring and the change will respond to a State request for additional group sessions. Seconded by Legislator Hancock.

Salary Schedule Amendment-Health Department-CHHA which will eliminate Registered Professional Nurse positions, Supervising Community Health Nurse, and Supervising Community Health Nurse Assistant position effective April 27 or thereafter, following approval of the Management Contract between Genesee County and HCR by the NYS Department of Health. Seconded by Legislator Hancock. HCR has indicated that positions will be offered to the Nurses.  Genesee County has received the initial payment of $140,000 for the CON.

Legislature Clerk Pratt recommended approval of a resolution authorizing a Home Rule Request in relation to extending the additional one-quarter of one percent mortgage tax for local use to our State representatives.  The appropriate state legislation has been introduced by Senator Ranzenhofer S.3175 and Assemblyman Hawley A.6883.  This was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Grasso seconded by Legislator Hancock.

Legislature Clerk Pratt recommended approval of a resolution authorizing a Home Rule Request in relation to extending the additional one percent sales tax to our State representatives. The appropriate state legislation has been introduced by Senator Ranzenhofer S.3176 and Assemblyman Hawley A.6993.  This was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Hancock seconded by Legislator Leadley.

An out-of-state travel request for Youth Department Deb Kerr-Rosenbeck and Kathy Frank to travel to San Francisco, CA to the National Conference on Volunteering and Service June 22-25, 2009 was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Grasso seconded by Legislator Leadley.  This is the third year of a three year grant cycle and it is the intention to reapply. The funding pool has been doubled.  The Americorps Grant has been very successful for Genesee County and attendance at the Conferences is expected.  There will be much information exchanged at the Conference and it will be an excellent way to stay current.  They have attended previous Conferences.

An out-of-state travel request for IT Cheryl Andre to travel to Gahanna, Ohio for ESRI Training May 3-9, 2009 was approved for placement on the next Legislature Agenda upon motion of Legislator Hancock seconded by Legislator Leadley.  This Conference is important to the GIS upgrade and the intent would be to bring system support in-house.  Legislator Grasso asked questions about flying versus driving, the including of taxes in the lodging fee and meal cost. 

An out-of-state travel request for Genesee Justice was withdrawn from the Agenda because outside funding has been secured to cover all costs. The revised request will be submitted to the County Manager and Legislature Chair for consideration.

A concerned citizen, Steve Ferry of Darien, contacted Chair Zambito to address the Legislature on Extending and Staggering Terms.  The Rules of the Legislature refer public comments to Committee, unless they are on the Legislature Meeting Agenda.  Mr. Ferry would also like to discuss that Rule with the Committee.  Mr. Ferry is a representative to Genesee Association of Municipalities and a Darien Board member. The topic of increasing and staggering terms has been raised several times at the GAM meetings.  He would like to see four year staggered terms implemented by this Legislature.  He has reviewed the last five elections and there are not many contested races.  He knows that it takes time to learn fully and function effectively in the role as County Legislature.  Elections in the Town of LeRoy and City of Batavia are the only ones that are usually contested.  He believes two year terms discourage candidates from running.  He is also concerned about continuity should there be several changes at one time. Most of the Towns have implemented four year terms and he would like to see the Legislature do the same.  Chair Zambito thanked Mr. Ferry for appearing before the Committee.  He stated that he had researched the issue and this was adopted by the Legislature in 1990 and defeated at public referendum. He believed that at that time there was a feeling that two year terms provided more accountability.  Legislator DeJaneiro stated that even with his long time experience as a City Council member, it took most of his first term to become knowledgeable about all the county issues.  He believes that the public would need education to understand why this is being considered.  Mr. Ferry stated that he understood that.  The issue was defeated several times in the Town of Batavia before it was adopted.  He believes that GAM members would work to promote the changes.  He would like to see action taken on the issue as quickly as possible. Chair Zambito thanked him for his interest and the Legislature will talk about his recommendations.

The second point he wanted to raise was that the Public was not allowed to just appear at the evening Legislature meetings and address issues.  The current Rules require that the issue must be on the Agenda.  He believes that the Public should be allowed to address the full Legislature without having to go through the Committee process.  The Committee meetings are held during the afternoon and most people cannot leave work to attend these meetings.   He believes that the way to get interest in County government is to offer the public the ability to address the Legislature whenever they wish and that way they will feel more comfortable with the process and attend regularly. The Legislature is losing the public interest and in that way becoming just like Albany.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM upon motion of Legislator Hancock seconded by Legislator Grasso.


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