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Administrator: No vaccine issues at The Manor House, but NYS reimbursement for testing is welcome

By Mike Pettinella

Early confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine’s effectiveness has kept The Manor House free from any health problems for residents and staff alike, according to the administrator of the upscale assisted living facility at 427 East Main St.

“All of our staff were really confident in the vaccine in the beginning so most of us were already vaccinated,” Kristin Cronk said on Thursday. “We had a very high vaccination rate to start with so fortunately for us it has not affected our staffing.”

All of the building’s 65 residents and all but two of the 50 employees have received the vaccine, she said, “and we’re working on the last two right now.”

“Vaccination-wise we’re doing really well. We’ve never had a COVID case to date in this building,” she added.

Cronk said The Manor House is experiencing the same staffing issues that similar agencies are experiencing, but noted they are not related to the vaccine mandate.

When asked about applying for financial relief from New York State, she said she is looking into that.

“Relief is something that many of the buildings are advocating for, especially because a lot of the employees, us included, had to cover the cost for their testing – when we did have to do testing for so long,” she said. “That’s something that is very important to us but we haven’t gotten very far on that yet.”

Human Resources Director Renee Arieno commended The Manor House team “for keeping our residents safe.”

“We’re really fortunate that we’re not experiencing the hardships that others are with the vaccine mandate,” she said.

A private-pay facility, The Manor House offers 89 studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments, which are rented on a monthly basis. Employees include licensed practical nurses, aides, receptionists, cooks, housekeepers, servers and security.

Currently, 12 apartments are available, Cronk said.

Health Department announces Pfizer booster dose vaccination clinics

By Press Release

Press release:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that certain populations receive a booster shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at least six months after the completion of their Pfizer vaccine primary series (two doses). In addition, the CDC recommends that individuals that are in high-risk occupational and institutional settings should also receive a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

Based on these recommendations, the following groups should receive a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine at least 6 months after completing their Pfizer vaccine primary series:

  • People 65 years and older
  • Residents in long-term care settings 
  • People aged 50 to 64 with certain underlying medical conditions

The following groups may consider receiving a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine at least 6 months after completing their Pfizer vaccine primary series, based on their individual benefits and risks:

  • People aged 18 to 49 who are at high risk for severe COVID-19 due to certain underlying medical conditions
  • People aged 18 to 64 who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting

Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health) are promoting booster shots to those that are eligible beginning the week of October 4th.

“We are prepared to provide booster shots to eligible residents who received their second dose of the Pfizer vaccine six months ago, stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for GO Health. “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective and this will help provide these individuals with the extra protection needed against COVID-19.”

Appointments are required for Booster shots. Individuals will self-attest that they fall under one of the above categories to receive a booster shot. At this time, boosters are only recommended for those who have received the Pfizer vaccine for their primary series. The CDC is continuing to evaluate the data to make recommendations for those that received Moderna and Johnson & Johnson for their primary vaccine series.

Wednesday 10/6

12:45pm - 3:30pm


Genesee County Health Dept.

3837 W Main Street Rd

Batavia, NY 14020

J&J: Walk-ins & Appt.


Moderna: Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Booster: Appointment required

Thursday 10/7

12:45pm - 3:30pm

Orleans County Health Dept. 14016 State Route 31


Albion, NY 14411

J&J: Walk-ins and Appt.


Moderna: Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Walk-ins and Appt.


Pfizer Booster: Appointment required

“We also encourage anyone who has still not received their primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine, to do so and to talk with their primary care provider with questions related to the vaccine,” stated Pettit. “Everyone should also continue to practice the public health prevention precautions detailed below.”

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • If water is not readily available, use hand sanitizer, containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • Wash and sanitize frequently shared/touched items.
  • Stay 6 feet away from others and avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Wear a face mask indoors in public and crowded outdoor settings.
  • Monitor your health daily and stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms.
  • Get tested if you are experiencing symptoms and self-isolate until you get your results back. If you test positive for COVID, you are to isolate for 10 days.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, booster shots or to make an appointment, visit

            For COVID-19 updates, visit

RRH announces 99 percent compliance with vaccine mandate, including exemptions

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Per the New York State  COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare workers, Rochester Regional Health is currently nearing 99 percent compliance. This percentage includes individuals who have received at least one dose of the vaccine, or have been granted religious or medical exemptions. Rochester Regional Health is proud of all of its employees for their hard work and dedication in keeping the community safe through the pandemic and beyond. We remain committed to serving the community and taking care of all individuals who seek care. “

Hawley defends unvaccinated health care workers

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) expressed outrage today as the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers takes effect, forcing countless healthcare employees throughout the state to resign from their positions. Many of these healthcare workers have for months now been on the front lines of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and have been left without recourse in the face of a mandate that does not permit regular testing of unvaccinated healthcare workers

“Taking jobs from healthcare workers who have been working harder than anybody to combat the COVID-19 pandemic is a slap in their face, and I am incensed by the governor’s willingness to cast aside a group of highly skilled people who have saved the lives of so many New Yorkers,” said Hawley. “The valuable experience these professionals have in fighting COVID-19 will be squandered, and the ones who will pay the price for this decision are those who need the highest quality of care possible to save their lives. I am vaccinated and would encourage anyone who wishes to be vaccinated to do so, but I also believe in personal choice, and with no option for unvaccinated healthcare workers to elect for frequent testing, this mandate will only harm our ability to help patients who need care most.”


Hawley applauds resignation of Health Director Zucker

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today expressed his relief as news broke that Health Commissioner Howard Zucker has resigned from his position, though his resignation will only take effect when Gov. Hochul puts forward his replacement. 

Hawley has been a frequent critic of Zucker and demanded his resignation on many occasions, deeply questioning the role Zucker may have played in the potential cover-up of the true number of fatalities that occurred in nursing homes during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also spoke out against the mandates placed on small businesses and public institutions that restricted their operations.

“While I am of the opinion that firing Howard Zucker should have been one of the first things Gov. Hochul did after being sworn in, it is better to see him leave late than never,” said Hawley. “Zucker has mismanaged this pandemic since day one, and his highly questionable actions likely contributed to the personal and economic pain of countless people throughout our state. In managing our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to be smart about recognizing the realities people in the different, distinct regions of our state face in their personal lives and careers. A continuation of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to the pandemic, characterized by burdensome, widely-applied mandates, will only stifle our state’s recovery from the pandemic. It’s my hope Zucker’s successor takes a more balanced and reasonable approach with local control, so that it won’t have the same negative impact on our communities and small businesses as Zucker’s mandates.”

Resist. Refuse. Revolt. Group protests mandates forcing healthcare workers to take the coronavirus vaccine

By Mike Pettinella

PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  Comments are closed.  It's become too much of a battle, taking too much time, to deal with all of the misinformation being posted in comments.

Several Genesee County residents exercised their right to peacefully assemble this afternoon, gathering in front of the Upton Monument at the Route 5 and 63 fork to protest governmental COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

“We’ve been rallying to help the cause of healthcare workers,” Roxie Winegar said. “I’m a DSP (Direct Support Professional) for ARC (The Arc of Genesee Orleans) and I don’t want to lose my job; I don’t want anybody to lose their job over being forced to be vaccinated when it’s a choice to put something into your body.”

Winegar said she believes vaccines cause death and impairment, “and long-term effects that you can not get out of your body – you cannot reverse.”

“They are not a vaccine. They are an mRNA (messenger RNA) genetic changer, and once you have that, you don’t have the human genetic makeup anymore – it’s totally changed,” she stated.

She said she has done much research into the vaccine, and doesn’t buy most of mainstream media’s reporting on the matter.

“They are so very evidently biased … they all say the same thing. It’s the same script. They’re all given a script and they all say it,” she said.

Sue Wlazlak, an employee (analyst) of United Memorial Medical Center, said the mandate is violating people’s freedoms.

“They’ve taken away our freedom of choice and it’s completely against the Constitution. I don’t understand any of this,” she said.

When asked if she thought natural immunity for those who have had COVID should be considered, she replied, “That’s the other piece that is huge. They’re not testing for the immunity. I had to get tested for the chicken pox and that proved that I had immunity, so they didn’t offer me a vaccine. They should be doing that.”

Wlazlak said she sees the vaccines as experimental and full of risks.

“So, if you have reasons why (you don’t want it), you shouldn't be forced to infect your body to go to work,” she offered.

Another protester said the issue goes beyond just the vaccine mandate.

“Vladimir Putin said it best: The United States is heading toward communism with breathtaking speed,” Gary DiSanto said. “We’re becoming a totalitarian, one-party state.”

Thousands of healthcare workers at hospitals run by New York State could face suspension or loss of jobs beginning on Monday as a result of the mandate originally ordered by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo and kept in force by Gov. Kathy Hochul.

The directive does not allow for regular testing instead of being vaccinated. Hochul’s administration and numerous labor unions are in negotiations to see if an agreement could be reached. Mass firings or resignations would cripple the state’s healthcare system.

In a related development, as first reported by The Batavian, the Genesee County Legislature yesterday passed a resolution adopted by the Ways & Means Committee to modify the COVID-19 mandate by providing options such as regular testing for those opting to not take the vaccine at this time.

Copies of the resolution are being sent to Hochul, Health Commissioner Ann Marie T. Sullivan, State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt.

Photo: Among those protesting vaccine mandates today are, from left, Gary DiSanto, Roxie Winegar, Bob Hoskins, Sue Wlazlak, Jo Coburn, Theresa Wlazlak and Evelyn Aubrey. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

City Schools board getting parent feedback on bus issues indirectly

By Joanne Beck

There have been many complaints and much concern expressed about Batavia City Schools’ current busing situation, Board President Alice Benedict says. Parents have been quite vocal about the need to put three students per seat on Jackson and John Kennedy school buses, however, it has all been online.

Board meetings have been void of any such vocal discourse, she said.

“No parents have ever attended. But there have been lots of comments on social media,” Benedict said during an interview Saturday. “We’re criticized for the choices made, but nobody has taken the time to come and talk to us. Unfortunately, it’s something we don’t have any control over.”

A lack of drivers at the district’s bus operator, Student Transportation of America, has in turn meant fewer buses per run. To accommodate all of the students needing transportation, they have been assigned three per seat, she said.

“There’s not anything the school district can do about it, other than ask parents to take their kids off the bus and drive them to school themselves,” she said. “We’re still talking to the bus company … for me personally as a board member, (Business Administrator) Mr. Rozanski is doing the best he can. They just don’t have the bodies to drive.”

Batavia is far from alone in this dilemma. states that schools across the country, from Pennsylvania and Virginia to Missouri, Ohio, and Texas, have reported similar shortages. Georgia’s Savannah-Chatham County Public School System reported a 30 percent decrease of more than 110 drivers upon the start of this school season, the website states. Covid is to blame for the lack of drivers, Paul Abbott, executive director for transportation for the district, said to ABC News, it states.

The city school district is short some four buses, which has caused delays, late arrivals and the three-per-seat set-up. STA operates more than 16,000 vehicles for over 300 school districts, according to its website, and is “committed to providing our customers with the highest level of safe and reliable transportation solutions available.” The company’s public relations department did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

Students are required to wear masks on the bus, and they can take brief mask “breaks” if the weather is nice and the windows are open, Benedict said. Many of them have been told by their parents to wear the mask for the duration of the bus trip and not take them off at all, she said.

As for other virus-related measures, Covid testing equipment has been issued to the district by the Genesee County Health Department, Interim Superintendent Scott Bischoping said during the board’s Thursday meeting. Students with potential symptoms of the Covid-19 virus can be tested during the day.

The Health Department will notify school officials if anyone does test positive, and contact tracing will begin to track down who the infected person was in contact with prior to being tested, he said, “and making the determination if a quarantine is necessary.” The total quarantine would be for 10 days, minus any days already lapsed before diagnosing the Covid case, he said.

Having access to on-site testing and wearing masks are two methods to maintaining a healthy environment, he said.

“Our families want our kids in school as much as possible,” he said.

The next board meeting is set for 6 p.m. Oct. 21 in Batavia High School library, 260 State St.

A related Q&A was posted Thursday on the district’s website to clarify its protocols for Covid-19 guidelines. That is shown below:

SEP 16, 2021

Dear BCSD Parents and Guardians, 

Over the last few days, we’ve received a few questions from parents about protocols regarding our COVID-19 guidelines that we want to clarify for the larger community.

We appreciate the questions and will continue to update you as they arise.  

Q: Are there outbreaks of the virus in our buildings? 

A: While cases of the virus have been reported to us by the Genesee County Health Department, only a small number of those cases resulted from a spread within our buildings. Most reported cases are due to a spread of the virus outside of school, and families have taken the necessary steps to quarantine. While this situation could change, we will report any significant issues directly to families.

In an effort to provide transparent information on COVID-19 cases reported throughout the Batavia City School District, going forward, each Monday, we will be posting the number of positive student and staff cases reported from the previous week on our website:

Q: How will families be made aware of cases within the schools?

A: We are working in collaboration with the Genesee County Health Department who is providing guidance when there is a positive case in any of our district buildings. 

Once a positive case is identified, the Health Department determines who that child or staff member has been in contact with. From there, Health Department officials determine what action is warranted (i.e., testing, quarantine, etc.).

You will be contacted directly by the Health Department if your child was in contact with another person who has tested positive, and they will work with you to determine the next steps.

Q: Are there three students per seat on our buses?

A: Yes, there are three students per seat on our Jackson and John Kennedy bus runs in many cases. While we would have preferred to have enough buses to have separate bus runs for each building with fewer students on each bus, our transportation contractor has been unable to provide the necessary buses due to the nationwide bus driver shortage.

Q: What are you doing to try to get more buses?

A: We will continue to work with our busing contractor STA to find more opportunities to increase the number of buses servicing our district, including using subcontractors. But as of today, we don’t have a solution in place. 

Q: Is it true that students are allowed to take mask breaks on buses?

A: We have advised our bus drivers to allow students to take brief mask breaks – especially on hot days. These breaks are permitted (but not required) to avoid students getting overheated. Weather permitting, we are also opening our bus windows. 

As a parent, you can certainly advise your child not to remove their mask during these breaks.

As a reminder, if a student or staff member exhibits any COVID symptoms, they should not report to school that day and should contact the building nurse immediately. 

Please reach out to your child’s principal if you have any additional questions or concerns. 


Scott Bischoping

Interim Superintendent  

Inmate visitation resumes at Jail today

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. announces that inmate visitation resumes at the Genesee County Jail effective today. 

Jacobs reacts to Biden's vaccine mandate

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement regarding President Biden’s announcement of vaccine mandates. 

“We have come a long way from the beginning of Operation Warp Speed to now over 75% of U.S. adults have received at least one dose. I believe the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and I encourage my constituents to consult their doctor about getting vaccinated – this a personal medical decision that should be made between a citizen and their physician. I am opposed to the President’s mandates and believe he has overstepped his authority in announcing them. In addition, I disagree with the President pitting vaccinated Americans against their unvaccinated peers. This serves no public health interest and only further divides an already fractured nation. 

Hawley opposes mandate for health worker vaccinations

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is joining his colleagues in the Assembly Minority calling on Governor Hochul and Health Commissioner Zucker to reverse the decision to mandate vaccination of healthcare workers. They argue that any public health benefit a mandate would provide would be outweighed by the detriment such a requirement would have on staffing levels within hospitals and health centers, as 20-25% of health workers within New York are unvaccinated. Hawley asserts that rather than implementing this mandate and potentially losing nearly a quarter of the state’s healthcare staff, an option for frequent and regular testing for unvaccinated people should be offered and access to effective PPE such as N95 masks should be increased.

Hawley is also concerned about how the mandate will affect people who either cannot be vaccinated due to their medical circumstances, and those who work remotely like coders and transcriptionists who do not come into contact with patients.

“Losing even a fraction of our medical personnel in this time of need would have a catastrophic effect on our efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and to think we could lose a quarter or a fifth of our already-overburdened healthcare workers is incredibly troubling,” said Hawley. “We need to be pragmatic about how we fight this virus, and while I encourage anyone to get the COVID-19 vaccine and believe it’s safe and effective, forcing nurses, doctors, and other health staff who have worked tirelessly throughout these last many months to choose between taking a vaccine or losing their jobs is not going to convince any skeptics that efforts to increase vaccine rates are well-intended.”

Doctors, medical experts call on residents to reject social media misinformation about COVID-19

By Howard B. Owens

More than 40 health care organizations along with 40 physicians from throughout Western New York have issued a statement calling on area residents to ignore social media misinformation about COVID-19 treatment and prevention and asking them to follow the recommendations of doctors and scientists. 

Among the organizations: Erie County Medical Center, Veterans Affairs, Kaleida Health, Horizon Health, Lake Plains Community Care, and Independent Health.  

Among the physicians signing the letter is Dr. Michael Merrill, former chief medical officer at UMMC and currently an executive with Independent Health. 

To view the document with the statement and a list of all the supporters of the statement, click here (pdf).


These organizations and the individuals signing below say the following message is correct and reliable. Social media posts may be incorrect. Find reliable, science- based information sources, such as the CDC.

We are experiencing a high number of COVID-19 cases in the region. You should wear a mask in indoor public places, even if you are fully vaccinated. Please wear a mask in outdoor settings if it is crowded or you expect close contact with others.

Wearing a mask will protect you. It will protect people around you. And the more people who do it, the more we protect the community. This is similar to littering. If one person litters, no one notices the impact. If many people litter, it creates a problem for everyone.

The risks of the vaccine are far lower than the risks of COVID-19. Please get a vaccine. Even if you are healthy, it is best not to get the COVID-19 infection, because you can spread it to vulnerable people without knowing.

92% of recent COVID-19 deaths in Erie County are in people who are not fully vaccinated.
There is evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are SAFE during pregnancy. Infection with the COVID-19 virus during pregnancy can cause poor outcomes for moms and newborns. One study showed if a mother gives birth while infected with COVID-19, they have a 5 times elevated risk of dying.

There is NO evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility. However, the COVID-19 infection CAN affect future fertility. You are not protected by your racial, ethnic or age group. COVID-19 is not like influenza. It is 10 times more fatal.

Why get a COVID-19 vaccine if we still have to wear masks and practice social distancing? We must use every tool available to control the pandemic. Each tool contributes toward “flattening the curve” and reducing, for example, the number of critically ill patients.

Why should I get the vaccine when people who are vaccinated can still get COVID-19? The COVID-19 vaccines were designed to prevent serious infection, hospitalization, and death. All of the current US vaccines provide very strong protection against all of these outcomes, with protection against hospitalization and death greater than 90%. Most vaccinated people who do get COVID have either no symptoms or very mild symptoms and are much less likely to be hospitalized or die.

How do we know the vaccines are safe in the long term? In the history of vaccine research, most vaccine side effects appear within a few weeks and almost all appear within six months. We now have data for well beyond six months for people who have received the COVID-19 vaccines, and it continues to show they are extremely safe. More than 360 million doses have been given in the US. At no point were shortcuts taken or safety compromised.

Hawley cancels Patriot Trip to D.C. over COVID concerns

By Press Release

Press release: 

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is saddened to announce that his annual Patriot Trip in which he brings veterans to landmarks and historical sites throughout the Washington, D.C. area will be canceled this year due to concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19, especially as new variant cases in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals continue to increase. All participants who have signed up for the trip will be fully refunded for anything paid toward it.

“Having to cancel a trip that means so much to veterans, their families, and I was an incredibly difficult decision, but ultimately the well-being of veterans and their families has to be our top priority,” said Hawley. “Amidst the spread of COVID-19, it is also very difficult to know for certain that planned destinations will be reasonably accessible. Ultimately, however, the thought of even a single veteran or one of their loved ones falling seriously ill is what caused me to have to make this difficult decision because their well-being is more important than any event.”

Hawley opposes extension of eviction moratorium

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is standing firmly opposed to legislation being taken up today in a special session of the New York State Assembly that would extend the moratorium on evictions in the state into 2022. Hawley has expressed frustration that this moratorium has been extended multiple times, even as the state government sits on the vast majority of $2.6 billion in federal funding meant to address the issue, having distributed only 10 percent of those funds to tenants and landlords in need.

“If we do not do something to help our small landlords in this crucial moment, they may well go extinct within the housing market if forced to sell their property to large conglomerates to escape crushing debts which they cannot collect rent to pay,” said Hawley. 

“More often than not small landlords are retired people with families to feed, tax and mortgage bills to pay, and properties that take time, money, and hard work to maintain. To think we would ask them to continue to absorb the brunt of this housing crisis after holding on for roughly a year and a half now is absurd, especially when incompetency in our executive branch has kept money out of the pockets of the tenants and landlords that truly need it. Had we acted with any reasonable speed or efficacy in distributing the federal assistance that’s been sat on since January, we would not need to be debating this matter now.”

Genesee, Orleans health director mentions possibility of vaccine mandates for school teachers and staff

By Mike Pettinella

Now that a statewide universal masking mandate is in place for all persons in school buildings, a requirement that all teachers and staff be fully vaccinated could be next.

Paul Pettit, public health director for Genesee and Orleans counties, this afternoon said he has heard that Gov. Kathy Hochul is advocating for that to happen, just as she did in instructing the New York State Department of Health to issue the mask mandate -- even after many school districts had developed their own reopening plans based on information that there would be no state guidance.

"The governor is exploring working on requirements for teachers and staff to become vaccinated, or provide and submit to weekly testing that is not in place currently – although we do know that it is one of her initiatives and desires to do that if she does end up with the authority to make that happen," Pettit said on the Zoom call.

To prepare for this situation, Pettit said the local health department is working with schools on testing.

"We do have funds to provide testing supplies to the schools so we’re in the process of getting that to them so they will have that available in their schools for staff or students to provide that onsite," he said.

Pettit admitted that the changing directives pertaining to masks in schools over the past three weeks "has been confusing, and frankly, a ittle frustrating, especially for our superintendents who have really worked hard in the lack of overall state guidance to come up with local plans that accommodated for CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines but also took into account the variance and differences from district to district."

He said his recommendation to superintendents -- who he meets with on a regular basis -- was to use CDC guidance as a blueprint to develop their plans "but ultimately the final decisions on what to include and how it was going to look in every school district was, obviously, we were leaving it up to the local district."

"Some districts already came out with their plans prior to the masking mandate," he noted. "Some we’re waiting to see what happened with the new governor coming in. But, either way, now we do have a new statewide mandate for universal masking which has been put in place by Governor Hochul."

Despite the change of direction, Pettit said the "collective goal all along" for everyone involved was to have all students return to in-person learning this school year ... "and to do it with as few disruptions to that end as possible."

Pettit said the local health department will continue to advocate for local autonomy, something it has been doing throughout the pandemic.

"We’re going to continue to support our schools and the districts as we’re able to," he said, adding that with universal masking in place, the need to quarantine people likely will be reduced. He said CDC guidelines do not require or recommend quarantining exposures to positive cases if both the case and the other contacts were fully masked.

The health director spoke about several other topics related to the coronavirus, as follows:


Genesee County:

  • Number of positives is at 5,615, with 77 active cases (15 hospitalized).
  • Recovered: 4,947. Deaths: 124 (per NYS data).
  • Positivity rate is 5.8 percent over the last seven days, with 114 positive tests out of 1,955 who have been tested.

In August, the county has had 253 cases, with 78 of those people fully vaccinated and 175 not fully vaccinated or status unknown. The breakthrough rate is 30.8 percent.

Orleans County:

  • Number of positives is at 3,304 total positives, with 64 active cases (two hospitalized).
  • Recovered: 2,844. Deaths: 83 (since the beginning of the pandemic).
  • Positivity rate: 5.3 percent over the last seven days, with 55 positive tests out of 1,039 who have been tested.

In August, the county has had 199 cases, with 34 of those people fully vaccinated and 165 not fully vaccinated or status unknown. The breakthrough rate is 17.1 percent.

Pettit said as far as the breakthrough cases, the symptoms aren’t severe or asymptomatic, meaning that the vaccine is working.


Pettit emphasized that health department personnel's main focus is on the unvaccinated, and encouraged those who haven't taken the vaccine to do so -- especially now that the Pfizer vaccine has been fully approved by the Food & Drug Administration. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are still under "emergency use authorization" but are in the process of getting FDA approval.

He said approval for the vaccine to be administered to children 12 and under could happen within the next three months, and that vaccine will be available through the Genesee and Orleans health departments.

People with compromised immune systems or other medical issues will be eligible for a third dose of the vaccine, he said, which also will be available locally.

Concerning booster shots, Pettit said this vaccine will "build up and booster up immunity." Booster shots could be available as soon as Sept. 20, he mentioned, for those who had been fully vaccinated at least six months to eight months prior.

Statistically, in Genesee County 30,078 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine (60.2 percent), with the percentage of those who are fully vaccinated at 53.9. In Orleans County, the numbers are 18,999 (55.4 percent) and 48.6 percent.


  • Both Genesee and Orleans are classified by the CDC as a "high" level of community transmission, based on a seven-day rolling average. Pettit said most of the state and nation are at that level.
  • He said that expiration dates on vaccination cards or Excelsior Pass aren't etched in stone as they were derived from data compiled at that time. He did recommend a booster shot, but said those not getting one still are considered fully vaccinated.
  • There are no local mandates on masking, but the guidance is to adhered to CDC recommendations to reduce spread as much as possible.
  • Local testing is provided by both counties on a weekly basis, currently one day a week (see link below). He said testing is getting more scarce as the level of vaccination increases.
  • Pettit said the health department is unable to verify the results of home test kits as they aren't being reported to the state system.
  • With flu season around the corner, Pettit advised all to follow public health guidelines -- avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; wash your hands frequently; stay six feet away from others; if you're sick, stay home.


CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools:

NYS Department of Education- Health and Safety Guide for the 2021-2022 School Year:

Testing link for both counties:

COVID data is updated on Genesee/Orleans Health Department emergin Issues page on Mondays and Thursdays in the afternoon:

Daily (Monday-Friday except Holidays):

NYSDOH Vaccine Tracker:

Health director: COVID volunteers came through big-time, and could be pressed into action again as cases surge

By Mike Pettinella

More than 400 people volunteered at Genesee and Orleans county testing clinics and mass vaccination sites since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and those individuals – and any others willing to help – could be called into service again depending upon the force of the virus’ Delta variant.

That was the message shared by Genesee/Orleans Public Health Director Paul Pettit during a noon luncheon today at Genesee Community College in honor of those who gave of their time to support health department staff.

“Bottom line, we’re still in an evolving process here; we’re still in the pandemic,” Pettit said, after reviewing the timeline of the pandemic and providing statistics on the number of COVID cases, testing and vaccination to approximately 200 in attendance. “We’re still taking steps to make sure our communities are protected and make them as safe as they can be.”

Pettit said that all told, Genesee County has had 5,508 cases, with 53 active, while Orleans County has had 3,245 cases, with 49 active.

As far as vaccinations, he said that 59.6 percent of Genesee residents age 12 and over have taken the shot(s) while 55 percent of Orleans residents have done likewise (although both are less than the state average).

He reported that 279 different individuals volunteered at testing clinics or mass vaccination sites in Genesee County and 117 did the same in Orleans County. Another 49 staff members who assisted raised the total to 445 “who have given of their time to help during this pandemic.”

In Genesee, volunteers conducted 6,695 tests in Genesee and another 3,465 in Orleans.

Pettit said volunteers helped with 16,176 doses (either first or second shots) in Genesee County and 10,736 doses in Orleans County.

He received a loud applause when he said that the local volunteers did all the work during the New York State-sponsored site at Genesee Community, and so he took the liberty of adding those 2,500 vaccinations to the Genesee/Orleans total.

“Over 35 percent of those vaccinated in both counties was done by this group (of volunteers),” he proclaimed.

Going forward, he said people in certain health categories will be eligible for a third dose, and booster shots likely will be available in late September.

“Apparently at this point, they’re noticing a decrease in efficacy of the vaccine, … so we will be providing booster shots to anybody who has been fully vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna vaccine (and is eight months out from their second shots).

Pettit said cases are climbing back up as the Delta variant takes hold in Genesee and Orleans counties and around the nation.

“We’re spending a lot of time on school re-openings …we’re prepared,” he said. “We have had a lot of opportunity to hone our craft, so to speak.”

COVID cases reported in jail, visitation suspended

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Due to Covid cases within the Genesee County Jail, Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. is suspending all inmate visitations effective immediately until further notice. This is a precautionary measure to prevent the risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to inmates’ families and employees.  

New COVID-related restrictions on visits to UMMC, other RRH facilities

By Press Release

Press release:

Due to the rapid transmission of the Delta variant and increased positive COVID-19 cases, Rochester Regional Health will be re-implementing a stricter visitation policy effectiveWednesday, August 25 at 9 a.m. at the following locations:

  • Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic
  • Newark-Wayne Community Hospital
  • Rochester General Hospital
  • Unity Hospital
  • United Memorial Medical Center
  • Rochester Ambulatory Surgery Center
  • Linden Oaks Ambulatory Surgery Center
  • Westfall Ambulatory Surgery Center

New York State Department of Health continues to require masks inside healthcare facilities this includes visitors and patients. Visitors must have their temperature checked and be screened for symptoms when entering any of these facilities.

No visitation allowed 

  • COVID-19 positive patients 
  • Emergency department patients
  • Cancer infusion center patients
  • Only exceptions: pediatric patients, labor and delivery patients, patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, and cognitive impairments including dementia and patients at the end-of-life (see below)

Hospital visitation policy

  • Each COVID negative patient can have one visitor at a time at the bedside 
  • Different visitors can visit the patient throughout the day as long as it is limited to one at a time
  • Visitors must be 12 years of age or older
  • Labor and Delivery (Obstetrics)
    • One visitor at a time
    • One support person (in addition to a visitor) is allowed at the beside at all times
  • Pediatrics
    • Two supports persons and one visitor
    • One visitor in pediatric ED
    • If the patient is COVID positive, one support person and one visitor
  • Patients undergoing ambulatory procedures or surgeries
    • One visitor only for pre-procedure (surgery) and post-procedure (surgery)
  • Patients with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, and cognitive impairments including dementia
    • One support person may be present on-site at a time in the emergency room or during hospitalization
    • An additional visitor may also be with the patient during hospital-designated visiting hours 
  •  Behavioral Health inpatients
    • There is no change to the current visitation rules for Behavioral Health Inpatients
      • Two visitors during site-specific hours
  • End of life patients (appropriate PPE will be required if the patient is COVID positive):

o   Up to two visitors at the bedside at a time 

o   One support person (in addition to visitors) is allowed at the bedside; clergy are not considered a visitor

o   Social distancing must be maintained

Hospital daily visitation hours 

  • Rochester General Hospital: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Unity Hospital: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic:  12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Newark-Wayne Community Hospital: 12 p.m.  – 8 p.m.
  • United Memorial Medical Center: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. 
  • Behavioral Health Facilities – call specific site for hours

St. Paul Lutheran School issues guidelines on masking, wellness, facility, operations, COVID-19

By Mike Pettinella

St. Paul Lutheran School officials have released their 2021-22 safety plan, a multifaceted set of guidelines that addresses masking, wellness, facilities/school operations, and scenarios concerning the coronavirus and illness.

According to the four-page document, the school, located at 31 Washington Ave., Batavia, will follow all guidelines provided by New York State, including the directive of whether or not in-person instruction of distance learning will take place.

The safety plan could change as guidelines surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic evolve, officials reported, with any changes to be communicated to families, students and staff immediately.

Key points of the plan are as follows:


While masks are not required in classrooms and when proper distancing can be maintained (such as in the lunchroom or chapel), they must be worn by students when they enter the building and are in the hallways.

Families may request that their children wear masks, and all visitors must wear a mask when a distance of 3 feet can’t be maintained.


Anyone with a temperature of 100 or more, or appearing ill, will have to leave the school, and must stay home until they are free of a fever for 24 hours without medication, receive a negative COVID test result and/or approved by a health care provider.

Additionally, anyone who is sick must stay home; handwashing will be required throughout the day, and students must have a personal, refillable water bottle. Hand sanitizer will be in each classrooms and gloves will be supplied to teachers.


Maintenance personnel will clean and disinfect the building, classrooms and bathrooms on a daily basis, and desks will be arranged to accommodate for social distancing.

Sharing of items will be limited, with class birthday treats or food for activities needing to be commercially packaged. Field trips are postponed until further notice.

All bathrooms will be one-person use only, and stairways will be one-directional only.


The school will follow recommendations of the Genesee County Health Department in the event of positive tests for COVID for students, staff and family members, which include notification of families, staff and health department personnel while maintain confidentiality.

Should a student get sick during the school day (cough, fever, etc.), he or she will be removed from the class, have his or her temperature taken, and be required to wear a mask while waiting for transportation (other than the bus) home.

In the event of a school closure, distance learning will take place, under conditions described in the document (see link to the safety plan in the third paragraph of this story).

Genesee County reports eight COVID-19 hospitalizations of mostly unvaccinated patients

By Press Release

Press release:

“Both Genesee and Orleans Counties are now in a high level of community transmission according to the CDC COVID Data Tracker (,” stated Paul Pettit, Director of the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health).  “Genesee and Orleans Counties are currently at 99 active cases.  We are also reporting eleven hospitalizations between the two counties, with eight in Genesee and three in Orleans. All of these hospitalizations are community members across the age spectrum and not nursing home residents. The majority are unvaccinated.”

We encourage everyone to follow the public health prevention precautions as noted below.  It is important for those who are not currently vaccinated to talk with their primary care provider to determine whether getting vaccinated is right for them.  “The best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 or health complications from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated.  The vaccine is proven to be safe and effective,” stated Pettit. 

Per the CDC recommendations for communities with the high spread of COVID-19, we encourage everyone, vaccinated and unvaccinated, to wear masks when indoors in public and when at crowded outdoor settings.

  • Everyone should continue practicing the following public health prevention precautions: 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. 
  • If water is not readily available, use hand sanitizer. 
  • Wash and sanitize frequently shared/touched items.
  • Stay 6 feet away from others and avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Wear a face mask indoors in public and crowded outdoor settings. 
  • Monitor your health daily and stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms.
  • Get tested if you are experiencing symptoms and self-isolate until you get your results back. If you test positive for COVID, you are to isolate for 10 days. 

For up to date data, GO Health updates the Emerging Issues page of the website ( on Mondays and Thursdays and posts the data on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages (GOHealthNY is the user name for each of these platforms). 

The Genesee, Orleans, Wyoming County Health Departments COVID-19 Case and Vaccination Tracker is updated daily (

Jacobs critical of Biden border-COVID policy

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after the Biden administration announced yet another extension of the U.S. – Canadian border restrictions until at least September 21st, 2021.

“Extending the closure of the U.S. – Canada border again without answers demonstrates the sheer inability of this administration to adequately plan or provide transparent answers to the American people. Our shared border should have been open months ago. This administration’s failure to do so has forced our small businesses to suffer economically from another missed tourism season, and more heartbreaking, they have prolonged the suffering of thousands of families. 

“Enough is enough. The President needs to stop passing the buck and reopen the U.S. – Canada border immediately.

The Department of Homeland Security extended the current restrictions on land travel from Canada to the United States until September 21st, 2021. The border has been closed to nonessential travel since March 2020. On August 9th, 2021 Canada began allowing fully vaccinated Americans into the country. 

Jacobs introduced the Northern Border Reopening Transparency Act in June to force the Biden administration to provide answers to Congress and the American people on its efforts to reopen the U.S. – Canada border.

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