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It's World Press Freedom Day

By Billie Owens

Local news sources are vital to the safety, security and knowledge of our communities, never more so than in these difficult times. We encourage you to find a local news organization you trust and support it at: #worldpressfreedomday

Renowned Onondaga Turtle Clan storyteller speaks in Oakfield tonight on their influence on U.S. democracy

By Billie Owens

Tonight the Oakfield Historical Society will offer a free special presentation with an Onondaga Turtle Clan storyteller and educator at the Oakfield Community and Government Center.

At 7 p.m., Perry Ground will speak on the "Haudenosaunee Influence on American Democracy."

Everyone is welcome to attend.

This engaging and informative talk will focus on how the founders of the United States were influenced by ideas that had been a part of the Haudensausee Native Americans for hundreds of years.

Learn about the Great Law of Peace and the story of how the Five Nations came together. Learn about how the ideas of the Haudensausees influenced Benjamin Franklin and George Washington in the forming of the U.S. Constitution.

The Oakfield center is located at 3219 Drake Street Road in Oakfield.

Questions? Call Laurie at (585) 259-4145.

(Onondaga (the keepers of the Central Fire) is considered to be the capital of the Haudenosaunee, a name meaning “People of the Longhouse.")

Photo: Perry Ground, from his Facebook page.

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