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east bethany

Local motorcycle club holds a fun run for a good cause

By chris johnson

Local Batavia area motorcycle club, The Mayhem Riders, needs riders to help support a good cause. We will be riding from Stan's Harley Davidson in Batavia to the Arcade Speedway, We will be doing parade laps around the track at halftime just before they present the money to the united way officials. Please come out and help us support the community.

JUNE 12 2009

The sign up and starting point will be at Stan's Harley Davidson in Batavia next to the airport. Sign up will be from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., kickstands up at 5:30 p.m., then we will meet at Tops in Arcade at 6:45 p.m., leaving from Tops at 7p.m., arriving at the Arcade speedway at 7:15 p.m. If you need information go to the clubs website,or email the club:

We will be hosting a "UNITED WAY" night on June 12th. We are working with several people in an effort to raise funds to support the efforts of United Way. Times are tough for all but no matter how tough it is for you it is probably worse for someone else. Please give generously. Check out their website.


mayhem riders motorcycle club-fun run for united way

By chris johnson
 Mayhem Riders & United Way
 -Bring you -

Western New Yorks newest motorcycle club "MAYHEM RIDERS" out of the batavia area,in conjunction with the arcade speedway will be having a charity fun run to benefit the united way. All riders involved will be doing a couple parade laps around the track at halftime to show their support. This will take place on the same night that the arcade raceway is having their united way night.100% of the money raised thru the fun run is going to the united way.sign up for the run is stans harley davidson in batavia.sign up is from 4pm to 5 pm,kickstands up at 5:30,come join us for a great cause.for more information please go to the website or email the club.
Where : we are meeting at Stans harley davidson                           Batavia
When: Sign in 4pm-5pm. Kick stands up at 5:30pm 
Cost : $20 per rider and $10 per passenger

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