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East Pembroke Fire District

East Pembroke Fire District announces meeting schedule for 2023

By Legal Notices

East Pembroke Fire District Meeting Schedule for 2023

  • January 10, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • February 14, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • March 14, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • April 11, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • May 9, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • June 13, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • July 11, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • August 8, 6 p.m budget workshop
  • August 8, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • September 12, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • October 17, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • October 17, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • November 14, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • December 5, 7 p.m. district meeting
  • December 12, 6 to 9 p.m. district commissioner vote
  • December 26, 7 p.m. district end-of-year meeting

East Pembroke holding election for fire commissioner

By Press Release

Press release:

There will be an election for commissioner for the East Pembroke Fire District. This commissioner position is for a five (5) year term beginning Jan. 1, ending Dec. 31, 2027.

The election will be held at the East Pembroke Fire District Hall, 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia, between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 13.

Please email or call (585) 813-6576 if interested in running for this position.  

You will need to pick up a petition and have at least 25 signatures from persons living in the East Pembroke Fire District.   All interested candidates must live in the East Pembroke Fire District.   All petitions must be returned to Mary Ann Chatley by Dec. 5.

PUBLIC NOTICE: East Pembroke Fire District to hold budget workshop

By Legal Notices


Notice there will be a Bugdet Workshop held at the East Pembroke District Hall, at 7 pm, Tuesday August 2,2022. Workshop will be held at District Building located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia NY 14020. 

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

East Pembroke Fire District adopts resolution to buy equipment

By Press Release

Notice of Adoption of Resolution Subject to Permissive Referendum

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Dec. 9 the East Pembroke Fire District, Genesee County, State of New York, at a meeting thereof, duly adopted a Resolution, subject to a permissive referendum, an abstract of which Resolution is as follows:

The Resolution authorized the East Pembroke Fire District to appropriate from the Capital Reserve Fund, a sum not to exceed $400,000, which is the maximum estimated cost for the purchase of a mini pumper, rescue truck and related equipment, after using the proceeds from the sale of the district’s existing rescue truck. The acquisition of the foregoing items are purposes for which such Capital Reserve Fund was established.

That this Resolution shall not take effect until 30 days after its adoption, or until approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of the duly qualified voting electors of this Fire District if a petition, as prescribed by Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law, is duly filed with the Secretary of this District protesting against such Resolution and requesting a referendum as is prescribed in said section of said law.

Dated: Dec. 9, 2020

By Order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District, William R. Joyce, Secretary

Residents of East Pembroke Fire District can vote Jan. 5 on whether to sell rescue truck

By Press Release


HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election for the East Pembroke Fire District will be held on Jan. 5 at the East Pembroke Fire Station, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia, at which time the polls for voting will be open between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. for the purpose of voting on the following proposition:

Proposition #1

Shall the following Resolution of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District, entitled, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE EAST PEMBROKE FIRE DISTRICT TO SELL RESCUE VEHICLE AS SURPLUS PROPERTY, adopted Dec. 9, 2020, and authorizing and empowering the Board of Fire Commissioners to carry out the sale of the East Pembroke Fire District’s 2014 Pierce Medium Rescue Truck, valued at more than one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars, with the actual price of sale to be determined by the market, be approved?

All persons who have been residents of the East Pembroke Fire District for at least 30 days preceding the election, and who registered to vote with the Genesee County Board of Elections are eligible to vote at such East Pembroke Fire District election.

By Order of the East Pembroke Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners William R. Joyce, Secretary

East Pembroke Fire District announces 2020 fire commissioner meeting schedule

By Billie Owens

Here is the Fire Commissioner Meeting Schedule for 2020 in the East Pembroke Fire District. Meetings will take place at 7 p.m. at the district officer, 8655 Barrett Drive, East Pembroke.

  • Tuesday, Jan. 7
  • Tuesday, Feb. 11
  • Tuesday, March 10
  • Tuesday, April 14
  • Tuesday, May 12
  • Tuesday, June 9
  • Tuesday, July 14
  • Tuesday, Aug. 11
  • Tuesday, Sept. 8
  • Tuesday, Oct. 13
  • Tuesday, Nov. 10
  • Wednesday, Dec. 9
  • Thursday, Dec. 30

William R. Joyce, Secretary, East Pembroke Fire District

East Pembroke Fire District's fire commissioner election is Dec. 10

By Billie Owens

Public Notice

The annual election of the East Pembroke Fire District will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10th, between 6 and 9 p.m. at the East Pembroke Fire District Hall, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia.

It is for the purpose of electing one Fire Commissioner for the term of five years, commencing Jan. 1 of next year and ending Dec. 31 2024.

Petitions may be obtained by contacting William R. Joyce, 2539 Main Road, East Pembroke (NY 14056) or by calling 585-762-9913.

Qualified candidates shall file their petitions signed by 25 registered voters of the East Pembroke Fire District. Petitions must be filed with the East Pembroke Fire District Secretary no later than Nov. 30.

This notice is by order of the East Pembroke Fire District Secretary William R. Joyce.

Municipal Cooperation Resolution issued by East Pembroke Fire District to ensure funds' safety

By Billie Owens

Public Notice

Municipal Cooperation Resolution

WHEREAS, New York General Municipal Law, Article 5-G, Section 119-o [“Section 119-o” empowers municipal corporations [defined in Article 5-G, Section 119-n to include school districts, boards of cooperative educational services, counties, cities, town and villages, and districts] to enter into, amend, cancel and terminate agreements for the performance among themselves (or one for the other) of their respective functions, powers and duties on a cooperative or contract basis;

WHEREAS, the East Pembroke Fire District wishes to invest portions of its available investment funds in cooperation with other corporations and/or districts pursuant to the NYCLASS Municipal Cooperation Agreement Amended and Restated as of March 14, 2014;

WHEREAS, the East Pembroke Fire District wishes to assure the safety and liquidity of its funds; Now, therefore, it is hereby resolved as follows:

That the Treasurer of the East Pembroke Fire District is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Cooperative Investment Agreement in the name of and on behalf of East Pembroke Fire District.

William R. Joyce, Secretary East Pembroke Fire District

Public hearing on 2020 budget to be held Oct. 8 for East Pembroke Fire District

By Billie Owens

Notice of Public Hearing

A public hearing will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District in the East Pembroke Fire Hall, 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia, from 6 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 8.

It will be held to permit public review of the proposed budget for the East Pembroke Fire District for the calendar year of 2020, pursuant to Town Law 176.

A copy of the proposed budget has been filed with the town clerks at Alabama, Batavia, and Pembroke, and is available for review.

All persons residing within these areas served have the right to be heard in person or by representative at the public hearing. This includes all persons, firms and corporations owning real property within the service area, and all persons, firms and corporations whose business interests or employment would either be benefited or adversely affected (regardless of whether they reside or own property there).

This hearing is called by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District, towns of Alabama, Batavia, and Pembroke, Genesee County, New York.

William R. Joyce, Secretary East Pembroke Fire District

East Pembroke Fire District to hold 2020 budget workshop Aug. 28

By Billie Owens


East Pembroke Fire District Workshop Meeting

Please take notice that a Workshop Meeting will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 28th.

It will be held at the East Pembroke Fire District Hall, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia.

Purpose of the Workshop Meeting is to discuss the 2020 Fire District Budget.

Fire Commissioner Board Meeting Schedule for 2019 announced for East Pembroke Fire District

By Billie Owens

Public Notice

This is the East Pembroke Fire District -- Fire Commissioner Board Meeting Schedule for 2019; all meetings will take place at the fire hall, located at 8655 Barrett Drive in East Pembroke, at 7 p.m. Tuesdays on the following dates:                                                                                                            

  • Jan. 8                                              
  • Feb. 12                        
  • March 12
  • April  9
  • May 14
  • June 11
  • July 9
  • Aug. 13
  • Sept. 10
  • Oct. 08
  • Nov. 12
  • Dec. 11
  • Dec. 26                             

William R. Joyce, Secretary

East Pembroke Fire District

Public Notice: East Pembroke Fire District to hold public hearing Oct. 13 on proposed 2019 budget

By Billie Owens

Public Notice

A public hearing will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District in the East Pembroke Fire Hall, 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia, on Oct. 13 from 6 to 7 p.m.

It will be held to permit public review of the proposed budget for the East Pembroke Fire District for the calendar year of 2019, pursuant to Town Law 176.

A copy of the proposed budget has been filed with the town clerks at Alabama, Batavia, and Pembroke, and is available for review.

All those residing within the area to be served -- people, firms and corporations owning real property within the area to be served, and all those whose business interests or employment would either be benefited or adversely affected, whether or not a resident or owner of real property within the area to be served -- will have the right to be heard in person or by representative at the public hearing.

This is by order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District, Towns of Alabama, Batavia, and Pembroke, Genesee County New York.

William R. Joyce, Secretary East Pembroke Fire District

Public Notice: East Pembroke Fire District resolution to sell 1991 fire truck

By Billie Owens

Public Notice

Board of Fire Commissioners - East Pembroke Fire District: Resolution to Sell Equipment Subject to Permissive Referendum

Whereas, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the East Pembroke Fire District has determined that the 1991 Pierce Fire Truck is deemed surplus

Whereas, the vehicle is valued at $5,000; and

Now therefore be it resolved, the Board of Fire Commissioners has determined that the 1991 Pierce Fire Truck is deemed surplus and it shall be sold to the highest bidder.

This resolution is subject to permissive referendum of the qualified voters of the East Pembroke Fire District. The resolution shall take effect 30 days from the publication hereof unless a petition requiring a referendum is filed within said 30-day period, pursuant to section 6(g)(7) of the General Municipal Law.


William R. Joyce, Secretary

East Pembroke Fire District

East Pembroke Fire District to hold workshop on 2019 budget Sept. 18 at fire hall

By Billie Owens

LEGAL NOTICE -- East Pembroke Fire District Workshop Meeting

Please take notice that a Workshop meeting will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, between the hours of 7 and 9 p.m. EST.

It will be held at the East Pembroke Fire District Hall, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia.

Purpose of the Workshop meeting is 2019 Fire District Budget.

East Pembroke Fire District approves resolution to buy parts and make $20K in emergency repairs on tanker

By Billie Owens

Public Notice


By resolution dated July 11, 2018, the East Pembroke Fire District has approved a resolution, subject to permissive referendum, to: pay to install 20 amp duplex plugs; purchase three hydrant/spanner wrenches, three Storz wrenches, two Akron Black Max intake valves, MaxFlex for new pumper; pay for the installation of adjustable roll-out-tilt-down tray; and make emergency repairs on tanker truck in the amount of $20,000, which shall be expended from the non-dedicated capital reserve fund.

East Pembroke Fire District holds workshop with district attorney on building policy next Tuesday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Please take notice that a Workshop meeting will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District to be held on Tuesday, March 27, between the hours of 5:30 and 7 p.m.

It will be held at the East Pembroke District Hall, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia.

Purpose of the meeting is review of the Published Building Policy with the District Attorney.

By Order of the
East Pembroke Fire District William R. Joyce, Secretary

East Pembroke Fire District to hold workshop Feb. 21 on insurance coverage for 2018

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Please take notice that a Workshop meeting will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21, between the hours of 7 and 9 p.m.

It will be held at the East Pembroke District Hall, located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia.

Purpose of the meeting is review of quotes submitted for district insurance coverage for the FY-18.

By Order of the East Pembroke Fire District

William R. Joyce, Secretary

East Pembroke Fire District to hold annual election Dec. 5

By Billie Owens

From East Pembroke Fire District Secretary William R. Joyce:

Please take notice that the annual election of the East Pembroke Fire District will be held on Tuesday December 5th, 2017, between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. EST. It will be held at the East Pembroke Fire Department, located at 2620 Main Road, East Pembroke, NY 14056.

For the purpose of electing ONE(1) Fire Commissioner for the term of Five(5) years, commencing Jan. 1, 2018 and ending Dec. 31, 2022.

Petitions may be obtained by contacting William R. Joyce, 2539 Main Road, East Pembroke, NY 14056 or by calling 585-762-9913. Qualified candidates shall file their petitions signed by “25” registered voters of the East Pembroke Fire District.

Petitions must be filed with the East Pembroke Fire District Secretary no later than November 30, 2017.

By Order of the
East Pembroke Fire District William R. Joyce, Secretary

East Pembroke Fire District to hold a 2018 budget workshop Tuesday night

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Please take notice that a workshop meeting will be conducted by the East Pembroke Fire District from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 5th at the East Pembroke Fire Hall, located at 2623 W. Main Road, East Pembroke.

Purpose of the meeting is 2018 Fire District Budget.

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