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Ellicott Station

Developer: Production brewery, 32 apartments comprise Ellicott Station plan

By Mike Pettinella

Speaking from decades of experience in property redevelopment, Samuel Savarino, chief executive officer of Savarino Cos. of Buffalo, acknowledged the challenges involved in converting the former Santy's Tire Sales and Soccio & Della Penna Construction sites on Ellicott Street in the city into a successful commercial venture.

But he also said he is encouraged by the "great public support" locally and is hopeful that New York State comes through with the necessary grant funding to make Ellicott Station a reality.

Savarino, whose company was selected by the Batavia Development Corp. in the spring to revitalize the rundown, three-acre parcel in the city's Brownfield Opportunity Area, joined Julie Pacatte, BDC coordinator, and BDC Board members Ray Chaya and Mary Valle at Monday night's City Council meeting to update the governing body on the project's progress.

"We've been refining our plan, and after finding that one of the buildings on the site is unsafe, it will be demolished and is no longer part of our plans," said Savarino, who has spearheaded award-winning projects along Buffalo's waterfront.

However, he said, the main building on the Della Penna lot (phase 1 of the project) features "some unusual characteristics that will work well ... and will become the signature part of the development. Driving down Ellicott Street, you can't help but notice it."

Specifically, he said the Della Penna building that once was a transformer repair facility has room upstairs for a party area that looks out over the production floor.  He said he is "pleasantly surprised" that the building's shape, along with concrete beams and columns, will lend itself to a unique look and feel when completed.

Savarino said his company has been working with engineers and consultants in preparation of possible construction next spring. Plans are contingent on the awarding of an Empire State Development grant -- what Savarino called a "substantial contribution to close the gap" -- for the project, which is expected to cost around $17 million. He and Pacatte said they hope to hear from the ESD in December.

The developer also said that he has applied for new market tax credits to lessen the state's commitment to the project, noting that the fact that the site is in a highly distressed census tract and that Batavia is a rural community work in the project's favor.

He said the project likely will proceed in two phases.

"Della Penna is the first phase; Santy's is the second site," he said, adding that the building there also will come down. "That's the site that the city acquired through foreclosure after we were selected in the RFP process."

Savarino said the plan hasn't changed much from his original vision.

"We're still roughly consistent of what we originally proposed. We're using the existing building as a production brewery and restaurant. We've had some in-depth conversations with two established brewers, both of whom have a strong interest in the site -- I don't think that's an issue.

"We've talked to several commercial tenants for the space -- the two floors of commercial space that we have in both of the buildings. But the first phase would have 16 apartments and the second phase would have 16 apartments, for a total of 32. Commercial space on the first floor could be retail or it could just be commercial office. We've had an awful lot of interest from commercial office users and one bank in particular."

Samuel Savarino talks about the Ellicott Station project at Monday night's City Council meeting. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

Local officials trying to spur fast action from ESD on funding for Ellicott Station

By Howard B. Owens

When it comes to redeveloping the Santy and Della Penna properties on Ellicott Street in Batavia, local officials are ready to go, but on the Empire State Development's map of projects, the project is somewhere five years down the road.

To help move things along, Julia Pacatte, economic coordinator for the Batavia Development Corp., is seeking support from the County Legislature and the City School District, both economic partners in the project, to pass resolutions asking ESD to speed up the process.

"This is an affirmation that the local community is ready to support the project and asking the state to move more quickly than in the next five years," Pacatte said. "We’re ready to go now."

Most of the money for the $17 million Ellicott Station Project is coming from private investment, with a portion of financial support coming from local tax abatements. But officials are also looking for ESD to follow through on its commitment of $2.4 million in grants to pay for environmental cleanup of the properties.

The property qualifies for assistance under state programs because: of the environmental remediation required; the adaptive reuse of property that was developed but fell into disuse; and the economic struggles of the census tract the property is in, with 30 percent of the residents at the poverty level or lower and an unemployment rate of 7 percent. 

The project is expected to produce 60 temporary jobs and 90 permanent jobs.

There are already tenants lined up for office space and the entertainment and restaurant space within the project, and ensuring those potential tenants stay on the hook is one reason for trying to get a faster response from ESD.

The county's Public Service Committee approved the resolution unanimously and the school board will be asked to act on it tonight.

Molino optimistic about prospects of acquiring funds from three grants

By Mike Pettinella

The City of Batavia has an excellent chance to receive a trio of grants that deal with "zombie" properties, low- to low-moderate income housing rehabilitation and mixed-use redevelopment, City Manager Jason Molino said Monday night.

He outlined the three opportunities to City Council, which, in turn, is expected to allow his office to pursue the grants.

The grant programs are as follows:

-- A $13 million grant program with funds generated through a settlement by the state's Attorney General that is open to municipalities with at least 5,000 people and a minimum of 100 vacant homes.

Batavia was not on the original list, Molino said, but was added after the city manager reached out to program administrators. He said monies received will go to compile database informaton and to develop strategies to combat the problem of vacant homes.

-- A Community Development Block Grant to rehabilitate homes owned by those with low- to low-moderate incomes who occupy the home. Molino said grants are limited to $24,500 per house.

"We received $450,000 in 2011 and another $400,000 in 2014 through this program and have applied that money to more than 35 homes," Molino said. "Currently, we have another 30 to 40 in the queue."

Council is expected to act on this on Sept. 12 and set a public hearing for Sept. 19.

-- A Restore NY grant program that is providing up to $50 million for redevelopment projects in urban areas.

Molino said Batavia will seek $500,000 to be used at Ellicott Station, site of the former Santy's Tire Shop and Soccio & Della Penna construction on Ellicott Street that has been targeted for mixed-use redevelopment by Buffalo developer Samuel Savarino.

"(Ellicott Station) is a picture perfect property for this project. It is turn-key, and has all the right elements," Molino said, adding that the city has a "high probability" of getting funded.

As is the case with the CDBG grant, Council has been requested to consider this application on Sept. 12.

In other action, Council:

-- Approved a resolution to accept a supplemental agreement, called Marchiselli funding, that would reimburse the city for the cost of the design aspects of the Summit Street Reconstruction Project. This offers a 15 percent funding grant to the project through New York State, in addition to the 80 percent funding already approved through the Federal Highway program, Molino said. 

-- Approved a resolution permitting the city firefighters' union to open a one-year window for entrance into a more lucrative state retirement benefit plan. Molino said the one-time past service cost will be $27,441 and the estimated annual cost for this fiscal year will be $5,485.

-- Moved to the Sept. 12 Business meeting a request from Public Works Director Matthew Worth to trade or auction off five utility vehicles, with an estimated total value of at least $9,500. The vehicles, and their estimated value, are: a 1998 John Deere Gator 6x4 utility vehicle ($2,000 in trade toward a replacement utility vehicle); 1996 Ford LS9000 dump truck and accessories (auction value $3,000); 1997 Dodge Ram van (auction value less than $500); 1993 Jacobsen HR-15 flail mower (auction value $1,000); and a 1996 Elgin Pelican P series street sweeper (auction value $3,000 to $15,000).

-- Tabled Local Law No. 3, which would amend the Business Improvement District Plan in order for both the City and the BID to continue talks to settle disagreements over the BID's budget management and compliance with General Municipal Law. Molino said he expects to report back to Council with a definitive strategy at the Sept. 12 meeting.

Big plans unveiled today for portion of Ellicott Street, aimed to create 24/7 consumer demand Downtown

By Billie Owens

Photos courtesy of our news partner WBTA. Above, city and county officials gathered at a news conference this afternoon on Ellicott Street where plans were unveiled for the former Della Penna and Santy Tires properties on the Southside.

Press release:

City and county officials gathered today to unlock the “Batavia Pathway to Prosperity” (BP2), a program created through an inter-municipal agreement between the City of Batavia, Genesee County, the Batavia City School District, the Batavia Development Corporation and the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC).

Savarino Companies was selected following a published Request for Proposal issued by the Batavia Development Corporation for the redevelopment of the Ellicott Station site, likely the first project to participate in the program.

Savarino Companies has provided a plan for the development site, including mixed-use residential, office and retail spaces; a brewery; small beverage warehouse and hops processing facility; entertainment and event area; outside seating; and integration of the new Ellicott Trail pedestrian pathway.

When fully realized, the site may accommodate more than 150 jobs and market rate housing to generate around-the-clock consumer demand Downtown.

"We are very pleased that our redevelopment proposal was selected by Batavia Development Corp.," says Sam Savarino, CEO of Savarino Companies. "Now the hard work begins. Our team is looking forward to working with all project stakeholders to make Ellicott Station the transformational development it is expected to be."

The project will consist of several phases and the company is expected to seek incentives from the GCEDC, as well as utilize other state and local economic funds for the project.

BP2 was conceived to pool resources in order to invest in distressed areas in the City of Batavia. The BP2 program will be implemented though PILOT increment financing (PIF), referred to as the “BP2 fund,” which is the first of its kind in New York State where all local taxing jurisdictions are participating.

"Congratulations to the City of Batavia, BDC, Genesee County, GCEDC and the Batavia City School District,” said Batavia City Council President E. Jankowski. “We’re off to a great start, working together to support economic growth in the City of Batavia with the Pathway to Prosperity program. Combining resources will be a force multiplier toward successfully cleaning up distressed areas in our community and benefit all of us who live and work here.”

"Batavia's Pathway to Prosperity is off to a great start with new plans to redevelop Ellicott Station. This program has the potential to increase property values, entice new employers and expand economic opportunities for all residents of Genesee County. I applaud Savarino Companies for investing in our community," said State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer.

“I am very pleased that more economic development will be coming to my hometown of Batavia,” said Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia). “I am excited to be a part of the ‘Pathway to Prosperity’ and pledge my assistance in any way possible.

"Public-private partnerships such as this have the potential to provide huge dividends for the local community and its residents. This is a perfect example of government working for the people instead of against them, and I look forward to experiencing Batavia’s transformation firsthand.”

“This is an exciting time for Genesee County. We have the reality of STAMP, new hotels, a new airport terminal and now the redevelopment of the City’s brownfield area. The County will continue to work with everyone involved to make the Pathway to Prosperity happen and keep our County at the forefront of economic development,” said Raymond Cianfrini, Genesee County Legislature chairman.

Supported by the redirection of 50 percent of new project PILOT payments, the BP2 fund will play a critical role in generating development within the Batavia Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA), a 366-acre area within the City of Batavia containing five strategic redevelopment sites.

“Through the BP2 fund, both the public and private sectors are working collaboratively to increase access to IDA programs and incentives for all project development opportunities within the City of Batavia,” said Paul Battaglia, GCEDC Board chairman.

“By targeting highly distressed locations and brownfield opportunity areas, this program encourages investors and developers such as Savarino Companies to take advantage of development opportunities in Genesee County and invest in the future of the city and region.”

Among the goals of the BP2 program include attracting new employers and jobs to the city of Batavia; increasing property values; and, exploring key market opportunities for economic development.

“Working together is essential to achieve a strong, sure, set of outcomes,” added Patrick Burk, Batavia School Board president. “Our Pathway to Prosperity will become a solid road of economic, educational and community growth. With that growth, we will see better jobs, a decrease in poverty and an increase in family stability and educational success. Our integration will make this possible. Our determination will make this our new reality." 

One of the program’s intentions is to target Millennials by creating vibrant neighborhoods and creating job opportunities in previously economically disadvantaged areas of the city.

Over the past several years the BDC has been persistent in championing community strategic development priorities, encouraging Brownfield Opportunity Area site designation and gaining tax credit eligibility for environmental cleanup of this significant tract of our downtown corridor,” said Ray Chaya Batavia Development Corporation Board president.

“The Pathway to Prosperity agreement is a significant development tool today and it will remain valuable well into our future. It is proof that mutually shared goals and a commitment to community transformation is achievable. The BDC is honored to take on the next development phases ensuring that all required entities are involved and unhindered in fulfilling the community's vision for this important site.”

To learn more about the City of Batavia’s Brownfield Opportunity Area, visit

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