Photos: Last Day of the Genesee County Fair

Yesterday was the last day of the Genesee County Fair. Here are some final shots by Kristin Smith. For more, click here.

Yesterday was the last day of the Genesee County Fair. Here are some final shots by Kristin Smith. For more, click here.
Photos by Philip Casper.
Photos by Debra Reilly
By Philip Casper:
It was standing room only at the Demolition Derby put on by Scofield’s Transfer and Recycling last night at the Genesee County Fair. Thousands watched as dozens of cars crashed and smashed into each other through the night, and even experienced a chocolate milk drinking competition - “Gooch” won by drinking 5 pints of milk in under 5 minutes. Mercy Flight landed on the infield to deliver Assemblyman Steve Hawley, and Jack Houseknecht, who says he owes his life to Mercy Flight after his car accident in April 2021, to address the crowd and give thanks for all they do for the community. Red Creek finished off the night in the music tent rocking the night away.
Photos by Philip Casper.
Top Photo: Scott Roblee starting the event with the National Anthem
Today is the last day of the fair. It's also Family Day and Drive Your Tractor to the Fair Day.
Today's schedule:
8:30 AM – NIOGA Dairy Show (Main Show Ring) 9 AM – 4-H Horse Show (Horse Arena)
10 AM – Exhibition Halls & Buildings Open
1 PM – Midway Opens, Wristband Special from 1pm to 5pm
3:30 PM- Small Fry Tractor Pull (Exhibition Building) Sponsored by Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Genesee County Pamona Grange, and Duane Schmigel
6 PM – Racing at Genesee Speedway
6:30 PM—Staggered release of 4-H animals
7 to 11:00 PM – Band – M.A.C. (Entertainment Tent)
10 PM – Exhibit Halls & Buildings Close
Photos by Debra Reilly
Today, the eighth day of the Genesee County, patrons could enjoy English classes in horse riding today along with master showmanship in livestock and a costume livestock class.
Still to go today, Dairy Showmanship at 6 p.m., Demolition Derby at 7, the band Red Creek performs from 7 to 11.
Photos by Kristin Smith. For more, click here.
Photos by Debra Reilly
Photos by Kristin Smith. For more, click here.
Here is Thursday's schedule:
9 AM – 4-H Horses must be in place
9 AM – 4-H Dairy Show (Main Show Ring)
9 AM—4-H Horse Show (Horse Arena)
10 AM – Exhibition Halls & Buildings Open
4 PM – Midway Opens
4 PM – Faith at the Fair (Entertainment Tent)
6:45 PM – 4-H Market Animal Auction Awards Ceremony (Main Show Ring)
7 PM – 4-H Market Animal Auction Sale Begins (Main Show Ring)
10 PM – Exhibit Halls & Buildings Close
Photos by Philip Casper
Photos by Debra Reilly
Photos by Debra Reilly.
Photos by Debra Reilly
Photos by Debra Reily.
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