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fine arts

GCC's 'Recognition Matters' spotlights art professor's paintings for new children's book

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

When artists of different genres come together, their combined creation inspires in new ways seldom seen at the beginning of their collaboration. Such is the case with a new exhibit opening at the Roz Steiner Art Gallery at Genesee Community College on Nov. 12.

The gallery will display a series of 52 acrylic paintings created by Professor of Fine Arts at Genesee Community College, Heather S. Jones. The paintings were created to illustrate a children's book titled "M is for Mindful," written by national award-winning journalist Robin L. Flanigan, which is being published by Good Nature Press in November as part of the exhibition.

"M is for Mindful" is a children's poetry book that cultivates self-awareness, compassion, respect for diversity, and other practices that shape the way people think and act. The story is visually represented by Jones's vibrant nature-themed paintings. The illustrations guide children through the book's concepts, empowering young readers to attain and maintain an intentional, balanced and considerate life.

On Thursday, Nov. 14, a special celebration will take place in the gallery and the entire community is invited to attend any and all parts of the day:

  • 12:30 p.m. -- Meet Jones and Flanigan and hear them talk about their project;
  • 1 p.m. -- View the exhibit, mingle and enjoy refreshments;
  • 2:30 p.m. -- Robin L. Flanigan reads from "M is for Mindful" in the gallery;
  • 5 - 8 p.m. -- Book Launch and evening reception: Purchase a copy of "M is for Mindful" and have it signed by both the illustrator and author to celebrate the project and inspire young and old readers alike.

This exhibit will be on display at GCC's Roz Steiner Gallery from Nov.12 - Dec.12.

The artist and author met through the happy coincidence of a mutual friend in central New York, where a vibrant network of artists in all media and persuasions thrive.

Jones has taught at GCC since 2008, and she is active in many creative pursuits, including but not limited to her role as collaborator with international Vida Design Studio, through which she designs clothing and products; study abroad instructor with multiple colleges; and creative director and illustrator of Good Nature Press.

Through the years, she has also taught at Geneseo State University, Empire State College, as well as public schools and she was the administrative director at Camp Stella Maris.

She earned her MFA from RIT and her BFA from Alfred University, and she received a SUNY Chancellor Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities in 2015.

Besides painting, Jones' professional skills also involve printmaking, photography, glassblowing, metal fabrication, ceramics, textiles and organizational management. Her work can be viewed at the following online websites:

A seasoned writer with bylines covering a dynamic range of topics, Flanigan uses the name and website "The Kinetic Pen" to capture the essence of her gift as an author, observer and her 20-plus year career as a writer. Raised in Sedona, Ariz., and now settled in Rochester, she earned her BA in Language and Literature from St. Mary's College of Maryland, including one year of study at the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance in Oxford, England.

Flanigan honed her craft as a newsroom beat reporter for 11 years, working for the Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester and The Herald-Sun in Durham, N.C. During this period of her career she earned nearly a dozen newspaper and press awards.

Since 2005, Flanigan has been a freelance writer for numerous magazines, newspapers, literary magazines and marketing initiatives, including but not limited to People magazine, US AirwaysEducation Week, The Sun, Motherwell and Talking Writing, and her coffee-table book entitled "Rochester: High Performance for 175 Years" was published in 2009.

Among her many topics are personal profiles, education, healthcare, business, home trends, beauty, fashion and family life. "M is for Mindful" is her first children's book.

The book project is an excellent illustration of how artistry and creativity cross into different media, and when combined the result is truly an enterprising opportunity that inspires in ways that may not be as available singularly.

"I am excited to show my students how the fine arts and painting can create opportunities to be entrepreneurial impacting not only their careers, but also inspiring an audience in ways far beyond the original canvas or exhibit," Jones said. "This project and the exhibit illustrate how careers in creativity can take an artist in all kinds of directions as long as they remain open, receptive and flexible in their life's journey."

Jones's talent and hard work in creating these paintings and contributing to "M is Mindful" have earned her a place in GCC's Recognition Matters series, which highlights the accomplishments of the College's faculty, staff and students. Officials at GCC have embraced this series as a way to acknowledge not only the achievement, but the high quality of the recognized individuals who demonstrate GCC's "beyond expectations" brand.

The Roz Steiner Art Gallery is open to the public Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesdays - Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is also open during special events as published at Admission is free.

For more information, contact Gallery Coordinator Mary Jo Whitman at (585) 343-0055, ext. 6490, or via email:

GCC student art exhibit open through Thursday

By Daniel Crofts

Jennifer Spychalski, a freshman at Genesee Community College, is the winner of the college's "Fine Arts Student Show."

Her work, and that of other students enrolled in GCC's Fine Arts program, will be featured in an exhibit that will be open through Thursday.

According to a press release from Elisa Di Pietro, this exhibit "features two- and three-dimensional artwork" and "reflects the diverse coursework from drawing (to) painting, photography, 2D and 3D design and ceramics."

The exhibit is at GCC's Rosalie "Roz" Steiner Art Gallery at 1 College Road in Batavia.

For more information, contact Di Pietro at 356-2338.

Photo and information submitted by Elisa Di Pietro.

Five new theater workshops offered this summer

By Billie Owens

Genesee Community College and Genesee Center for the Arts in Batavia continue a long-term commitment to the arts with five new theater workshops for people age 15 and up.

These one- and-two day workshops cover a variety of topics and are taught by theater experts who have worked professionally in the theater industry. The workshops take place June 21-28 at the Genesee Center for the Arts at the Batavia Campus.

How to Audition for a Play: 6 to 10 p.m. June 21 & 22  /  $50
Get that role at your next audition! Learn how to pick and perform a monologue. Learn what tools you will need to successfully audition for a play. How your voice and movement make an impression. How to make the best of "cold readings" when you have never read the script before.

Improvisation Workshop: 6 to 10 p.m. June 23  /  $25
Free yourself from the text and learn how to play with a scene. Learn the secrets behind successful improv work. Be as funny as the people on "Who's Line is it Anyway?"

Voice Workshop for the Actor: 6 to 10 p.m. June 24  /  $25
Is your voice holding you back from playing that role you've dreamed of? Learn how to project and articulate.

Musical Theatre Audition Workshop: 10 to 5 p.m. June 26 & 27  /  $75
Learn everything you need to know about auditioning successfully for musical theater. What songs to choose, how to act a song, what general dance steps will help you win the role.

Acting for the Camera: 6 to 10 p.m. June 28  /  $25
Learn the skills necessary to dazzle producers with your "on camera" persona! Learn what to wear, how to interview and what to say through the camera.

Key instructor for the workshops will be Maryanne Arena, director of Fine and Performing Arts at Genesee Community College, and her daughter Jaime Arena. Maryanne was a professional actor, singer, dancer, choreographer and director before turning to a full-time teaching career.

She holds an MFA in acting/theater and has toured the United States with several professional theater companies. Maryanne has created and implemented Theatre Programs for gifted high-school students, as well as college students.

Jaime completed her conservatory training at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. She has worked professionally as an actor and is now teaching at the Performing Arts Academy in Hartford, Conn. Jaime is a sought-after acting coach and has several students in movies and on television.

"In the past we have offered a two-week theater experience for area youth," Maryanne said. "This year we wanted to reach out to another sector of our community and involve adults in the Center for Arts. There is an abundance of talent in our region and our goal here at the college is to educate and provide creative avenues for individuals of all ages."

For further information and/or to register, please contact Ann Winters at 345-6814, or e-mail <>.

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