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Fire reported at composting facility on Alleghany Road, Alabama

By Billie Owens

A fire involving 50,000 pounds of compost is reported at 7795 Alleghany Road, Alabama. Alabama Fire Department is responding along with Pembroke and Indian Falls, as well as tankers from Corfu and East Pembroke. The first chief on scene reports smoke showing from the outside. The location is a composting facility. Responders are told not to use water unless flames are showing.  

UPDATE 9:09 a.m.: When the chief first got on scene he said there was a fire in the center of the building and heavy equipment would be needed to battle it. Then a chief said there is a very small fire "directly against the west wall." 

UPDATE 9:12 a.m.: The fire is out.

UPDATE 9:13 a.m.: "The owner says that's an insulated wall, so there might be some travel up the wall." Reply "That's affirmative; we're opening the wall up now."

UPDATE 9:24 a.m.: They are going to move compost outside to a field and spread it out to keep it from smoldering.

UPDATE 9:49 a.m.: Pembroke, Indian Falls, Corfu and East Pembroke are back in service.

UPDATE 10:51 a.m.: All Alabama units are back in service.

Possible barn fire reported on Alexander Road, Alexander

By Billie Owens

A possible barn fire is reported at 9313 Alexander Road, Alexander. The location is between Pike and Dodgeson roads. A passerby reported seeing smoke coming from the roof. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 3:49 p.m.: It's just steam from processing maple sap into maple syrup. No fire. Responders are back in service.

Kitchen fire reported on Gate Street, Bergen

By Billie Owens

A kitchen fire is reported at 14 Gate St., Bergen.

Le Roy fire and Bergen fire are dispatched.

CORRECTION: The story originally had the address, incorrectly, in Le Roy. Howard heard the call and I put up what he told me. Sorry for the confusion.

House fire reported on Clay Street in Le Roy, smoke and flames showing

By Billie Owens

(Photos by Jim Burns.)

A house fire with flames and smoke showing is reported at 30 Clay St., Village of Le Roy. Le Roy fire and ambulance repsonding along with a ladder, mutual aid, from Bergen.

UPDATE 5:50 p.m.: The city's FAST team is called to the scene along with aid from Pavilion and Stafford. Fire police are asked to shut down traffic at Clay and Wolcott streets.

UPDATE 5:58 p.m.: Le Roy commands advises caution by responders upon approach because live power lines are down in the roadway near the scene. National Grid is notified and has a 30-minute ETA.

UPDATE 6:45 p.m.: The fire is knocked down. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

UPDATED: House fire reported on Knowlesville Road, Alabama

By Billie Owens

A wood-frame, fully involved house fire, with smoke and flames shooting through the second story, is reported at 6324 Knowlesville Road, Alabama, near Roberts Road. The structure has been evacuated. Alabama Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 11:15 p.m..: Oakfield Fire Department is also called to respond, mutual aid. Fire Police are called to shut down Knowlesville Road at Roberts Road. The emergency West Battalion Fire Chanel has been secured for Alabama and Oakfield.

UPDATE 11:26 p.m.: Pembroke and Indian Falls fire departments are asked to stand by in Alabama's hall.

UPDATE March 18: from our news partner, WBTA: The house was extensively damaged and declared uninhabitable. Two adults and three dogs all made it out safely – one dog, did not. The family is staying with relatives. Firefighters from Alabama, Oakfield and Shelby battled the blaze.

Fire alarm prompts evacuation at John Kennedy School

By James Burns

There was a fire alarm at John Kenedy School around 10 a.m. this morning. Batavia Fire Department responded and shortly after their arrival the students were given the all clear to return to the building. 

Fire reported at Baskin Livestock

By James Burns

Town of Batavia, Bethany and Alexander fire departments responded to a fire at Baskin Livestock. The fire is in a silo at the east end of the building, located at 9778 Creek Road in Bethany. The fire is contained and under control. 

Garage fire reported on Pearl Street Road, Batavia

By Billie Owens

An attached garage is on fire at 3933 Pearl Street Road. Flames are showing. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding. The location is between Donohue Road and Treadeasy Avenue.

UPDATE 7:23 p.m.: Command reports the fire is under control. It amounts to "superficial damage to an overhead door."

UPDATE 7:38 p.m.: Fire is out. Command reports it started because a cooking grill was located too close to the garage door.

Attic fire reported on Hutchins Street, Batavia

By Billie Owens

An attic fire is reported at 25 Hutchins St. in Batavia. City firefighters are responding.

UPDATE 8:02 p.m.: Command on scene reports this is a two-story, multi-unit dwelling and that both upstairs bedrooms are on fire.

UPDATE 8:17 p.m.: Fire is out. Checking for extensions.

UPDATE 8:18 p.m.: Capt. Bob Fix praised the residents for quickly pinpointing the fire location and contacting emergency dispatch. The residents said they were in the basement and repeatedly tried replacing a blown fuse. Subsequently, they smelled smoke and then they found a fire in the attic.

UPDATE 9:26 p.m.: City fire is back in service.

Smoking ashtray on sidewalk prompts call to dispatch

By Billie Owens

A caller reports an ashtray on fire or smoking was removed from a home and is now smoldering on the sidewalk at 2879 Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road. Oakfield Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 8:20 p.m.: Oakfield assignment back in service.

Report of heavy black smoke at residence on Myrtle Street

By Howard B. Owens

The call initially came in as heavy black smoke coming from a vent at a residence at 111 Myrtle St., Le Roy, indicating a possible structure fire.

A first responder reported smoke coming from a vent for a heater and another reported smoke in the residence.

Le Roy fire and Le Roy ambulance dispatched. Bergen fire initially dispatched, but now told to stand down.

Report of oxygen tank explosion, burn victim, at Le Roy Meadows Apartments

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reports that an oxygen tank may have exploded, burning a victim, in an apartment at Le Roy Meadows Apartments, 18 Genesee St., Le Roy.

The fire is reported to be out.

Le Roy fire and Le Roy ambulance responding.

UPDATE 5:39 a.m.: Bergen requested to stand by in quarters.

UPATE 5:46 a.m.: Code enforcement requested to the scene.

UPDATE 5:53 a.m.: Bergen can go back in service.

UPDATE 9:32 a.m.: Press release from Le Roy PD on the incident:

At Approximately 5:28 a.m., emergency services were called to the Le Roy Meadows Apartments B-11 Apt-C, Le Roy, for an explosion that occurred inside the apartment. It was determined that a small explosion occurred when the occupant attempted to light a cigarette while connected to a supplemental oxygen source. The Le Roy Police Officer on location advised there was no active fire but there was smoke inside the apartment. The 58-year-old occupant suffered burns to his face and possibly abdomen and was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester by Le Roy ambulance. There did not appear to be significant damage to the structure.

City firefighters respond to apartment filled with smoke from pan left on stove and find no one home

By Billie Owens

City firefighters on are scene at Woodstock Gardens Apartments where they responded to a report of smoke in Apartment #24. They found a smoking pan of food on the stove and no one home. They removed it from the apartment. They are ventilating. The complex is located at 219 N. Spruce St.

UPDATE 11:29 a.m.: Command reports no damage to the apartment. The assignment is back in service.

Possible commercial building fire on Center Street, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A possible commerical building fire is reported at 12 Center St. The smell of smoke is said to be in the building and smoke is reportedly visible in the office. City fire is responding. The location is an accounting office next to Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle.

UPDATE 12:21 p.m.: A responder on scene says its possibly a wood-burning stove; no fire found. Continuing to investigate. 

Possible fire reported at Walmart

By Howard B. Owens

A manager tells a deputy on scene that he's seen smoke from a possible fire in a wall at Walmart.

The alarm originally came in as a pull station activation.

A first responder reports the possible electrical fire may be out.

Town of Batavia fire was dispatched.

Fully involved garage fire reported on Perry Road, Pavilion

By Billie Owens

A fully involved garage fire is reported at 10231 Perry Road. It is attached to a house. Pavilion and Le Roy fire departments are responding. The location is between Heffer and Telephone roads.

UPDATE 8:26 p.m.: This is now a working house fire. Stafford is also called to the scene and asked to provide a crew to fill in at Pavilion's fire hall. Bethany Fire Department is also called to respond.

UPDATE 9:01 p.m.: Fire police are called to Route 20 (Telephone Road) and Perry Road for traffic control and/or to close the roadway to northbound traffic.

UPDATE 9:42 p.m.: Joel Murcin, who owns the property, said he was charging a battery for a skid-steer loader and had gone out to buy a new battery. When he returned, he went to check on the battery that was being charged. "I was either going to put the new battery in or try to start it," Murcin said. "When I went to take the clamps off the battery from the charger, it was arcing -- almost like welding sparks -- and the rubber hose or rubber coating or whatever was burning." There was no fire extinguisher around, "so I ran up and got one out of the garage and by the time I got halfway down the hill I could see flames, orange inside there, so I just stopped. And in the meantime, while I'm doing all this, I called 9-1-1 to tell them it was fully going and helped keep (dispatchers) updated." Murcin lives at 10235 Perry Road with his wife and 3-year-old daughter, who stayed inside their house. No one was harmed. The house where the fire occured, at 10231 Perry Road, was built in 2009. The family lived there for seven years while their current place, adjacent to it, was being built.

UPDATE 10 p.m.: Pavilion Fire Chief Sean Vogt said firefighters responded to a reported garage fire and that quickly went a second alarm for a fully involved structure fire. When they arrived they found "heavy fire coming out of every window and door." Cold weather and an uphill, ice-covered driveway challenged the seven crews that responded.

Porch fire reported on Clinton Street in the city

By Billie Owens

City fire crews are at a house on Clinton Street where they just extinguished a "a big porch fire." They are checking for extensions. A second platoon was asked to report to fire headquarters. Didn't hear the exact address. 

UPDATE 7:13 a.m.: Code enforcement requested to the scene. 

UPDATE 8:11 a.m.: Clinton Street assignment back in service. Estimated $2,500 damage. The cause was an overheated light fixture.

Fire reported at Brigman Apartments on Main Road, Stafford

By Billie Owens

A working fire is reported at the Brigman Apartments at 6275 E. Main Road, Stafford. Several calls have been made to dispatch and flames are now through the roof. It is believed to have started in a rear apartment. It's gone to a second alarm. Stafford Fire Department is responding along with Le Roy, Town of Batavia, the City's FAST Team, Pavilion, and South Byron. South Byron is also requested to provide a crew to stand by in Stafford's fire hall.

UPDATE 8:35 p.m.: The third platoon is called to city fire headquarters.

UPDATE 8:52 p.m.: A witness at the scene reports seeing no flames or smoke at this time and believes the fire may be out.

UPDATE 9:14 p.m. (by Howard): The fire seems to have been caused by faulty insulation installation around a water heater. There were flames showing when firefighters arrived on scene. The attic had some damage. The structure was saved.

Possible rekindle of Bethany house fire reported

By Billie Owens

A possible rekindle of last night's house fire at 1137 Molasses Hill Road is reported. That's at the corner of Chaddock Road in Bethany. Bethany Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 4:10 p.m.: A responder to the scene determined there was no rekindle. The assignment is back in service.

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