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Smoke coming from electrical box reported in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

An electrical box is reportedly smoking at 70 Main St., in Le Roy.

Le Roy Fire has been dispatched and mutual aid has been requested from Bergen.

UPDATE 8:16 p.m.: A police officer who entered the building reportedly told dispatch that there is no fire, but fuses keep popping.

UPDATE 8:20 p.m.: Firefighter on scene and says no smoke, no fire and the thermal camera shows no heat.  Another firefighter, "it looks like the only problem is we've got a burnt fuse."

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House fire reported in Corfu

By Howard B. Owens

Corfu Fire is being dispatched to report of a house fire at 2491 Angling Road, Corfu.

Also dispatched, East Pembroke and Batavia Fast Team.

First responder: "We have a fully involved house fire."

UPDATE 6:33 p.m.: Angling Road at Route 33 is being shut down. Everybody is reported out of the house.

UPDATE 6:40 p.m.: A full crew from Corfu is on scene. The roads are ordered shut to traffic. Two hand-lines are requested.

UPDATE 6:44 p.m.: Fire knocked out; air ventilation under way.

UPDATE 7:02 p.m.: Report is now, "Fire contained to one small area."

UPDATE 9:14 a.m., Friday: We received a fire report from the Sheriff's Office.  The house was a multi-unit dwelling owned by David Martino. The apparent cause of the fire was a space heater that overheated. Additional information left by firefighter Bruce Ross in a comment below, as well.

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Chimney fire reported on Pratt Road, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A chimney fire has been reported at 2651 Pratt Road, Batavia.

Town of Batavia and East Pembroke fire departments have been dispatched.

UPDATE 7:12 p.m.: A thermal imaging camera has been requested.

UPDATE 7:51 p.m.: East Pembroke units returning to service.

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Car hits deer, catches fire on Route 262

By Howard B. Owens

A car is on fire after hitting a deer on Route 262 in the area of Byron-Bergen School.

UPDATE 11:12 p.m.: The car is described as fully involved.

House fire on Skye Road in Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

Flames are showing on the second floor at 199 Skye Road, Alabama.

Mutual aid was requested from Akron and Wilksonville, but both fire departments are tied up on another structure fire in Erie County.

A Pembroke tanker is now being dispatched to aid the Alabama Fire Department.  Mutual aid is also being requested from Oakfield.

The fire is on the reservation of the Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians, west of Alabama.

UPDATE 9:37 p.m.: Alabama first responder reports the house is fully involved. The house is two houses east of Council House Road.

UPDATE: 9:57 p.m.: Water tankers from Darien and Corfu have been requested to assist. Oakfield is on location.

UPDATE: 10:04 p.m. "We're on our last tanker at the scene," said a firefighter there now. Niagara-Mohawk, the power company, is traveling to the fire site, but Alabama #2 says "No truck can get past us." They need lights.

UPDATE: 10:20 p.m. "We should be good on water," says an official on scene, noting there are three water tankers at the location.



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Second combine fire reported in Elba

By Howard B. Owens

For the second time today, the Elba Fire Department is being dispatched to a combine fire.

The fire is described as "fully involved."

The location this time is 7402 Bank St. Road.

UPDATE 3:25 p.m.: The fire is confirmed fully involved. It's about 500 feet from a barn. Byron's grass truck has been requested to the scene.

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UPDATE: A reader sent in the photo below.

Combine fire in Elba this morning

By Howard B. Owens

A reader sent in this camera phone photo from a combine fire on North Byron Road in Elba this morning. We have no further details on the fire at this time.

Car fire at Pavilion Fire Hall

By Howard B. Owens

Pavilion Fire is responding to a car fire at ... the Pavilion Fire Hall.

UPDATE 3:53 p.m.:  Pavilion Chief on scene, Reports the fire appears to be out.

Possible chimney fire reported on Walnut Street

By Howard B. Owens

City fire crews are being dispatched to 60 Walnut St. to investigate a possible chimney fire.

The caller reports sparks coming from the chimney.

Engine 12 and Ladder 15 are responding. Mercy EMS is also responding.

UPDATE 9:24 p.m.: Engine 12 and Ladder 15 back in service.

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Deicer on railroad tracks reported as fire

By Howard B. Owens

Alexander Fire was dispatched to Molasses Hill Road to check the report of an unknown type of fire on the railroad tracks.

It turns out to be a gas-powered deicer for the tracks.

Truck fire reported on the Thruway

By Howard B. Owens

East Pembroke Fire has been dispatched to a truck fire in the westbound lane of the Thruway.

The initial report was of a brake fire, and later it sounded like the rear of a tractor-trailer was on fire.

Dispatch reports multiple phone calls about the fire.

UPDATE 11:39 p.m.: Fire under control.

UPDATE: 11:57 p.m.: East Pembroke equipment clearing the scene.

Black Friday shoppers shooed out of Walmart for apparent small fire

By Howard B. Owens

Black Friday shopping at Walmart was disrupted this morning by a small fire in the back of the store, according to County Legislator Jay Grasso, who was there shopping.

The entire store was evacuated, he said, with people leaving behind shopping carts of merchandise.

"It was orderly, but people were not happy," he said.

We have no further information available at this time.

No criminal charges planned in Byron fire

By Howard B. Owens

The individuals involved in starting a bonfire that apparently ignited a fire in Byron on Sunday night will not face criminal charges, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster sent this e-mail:

District Attorney Friedman recommended no prosecution. He stated that the actions surrounding the fire's start are not criminal in nature.


Last night's Byron fire under investigation by Sheriff's Office

By Howard B. Owens

We heard an investigator was 6296 W. Main St. (Route 262), Byron, the scene of last night fire, and so we e-mailed the Sheriff's Office for more information.

Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster sent the following reply:

The investigator assigned is currently back out at the scene. He will be consulting with the District Attorney's Office about possible charges later this afternoon. As far as arson, that will be one of several possibilities that will be discussed. 

Back unit of apartment house in Byron gutted by fire

By Howard B. Owens

The back apartment in a three-unit complex at 6296 W. Main St. (Route 262) in Byron was completely gutted by a late night fire.

The fire was reported just before 10 p.m. and the cause remains under investigation, according to Tim Yaeger, Genesee County emergency management coordinator.

There are no reported injuries at this time, either to residents or firefighters.

As many as eight or nine people were in the back apartment when the fire started.

The fire was under control by 10:38 p.m., Yaeger said.

Red Cross Director Judith Nagel lives next door to the fire and was already providing relief in her home to a woman and her 17-year-old son. She was ready to provide assistance, she said, to the other residents, but they seemed to have dispersed. She indicated a number of people lived in the building.

"We saw smoke and heard people yelling," Nagel said. "This is my house. We looked out, saw smoke and came out to start assisting.

"The only time I've been able to respond quicker," she said, "was when it was in this place." She was pointing to the house on the other side of her home.

UPDATE: This morning, fire officials are saying the fire may have been caused by a spark from a bonfire in the backyard of the residence. When I was at the fire last night, I was taken into the backyard to take pictures, and there was clearly a bonfire still burning. The bonfire was about 40 yards from the house. The fire caused an estimated $75,000 in damage.

The fire was first discovered in a hallway leading to the back apartment.

Departments responding to the fire: Byron, South Byron, Bergen, Stafford, Bethany, Clarendon, Elba, Oakfield, Town and City of Batavia.

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