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Winners of GCASA poster contest

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted by Laura Russell Ricci:

On Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 GCASA honored winners from schools throughout Genesee County at our Annual Poster Contest. Pictured are our winners: Caitlin Napper, Aidan Berne, Aiden Sisson, Gemma Bochicchio, Stephanie Hoy,  Jacob Cryer, Laura Winspear, Austin Hynes-Fisher, Michael Shepard and Grand  Prize winner Sarah Scott. Our other winners not pictured are Nathan Moore and  Olivia Marchese. Congratulations to all of the students!

GCASA director reports significant drop in alcohol and marijuana use among students

By Howard B. Owens

Marijuana and alcohol use among Genesee County's 11th graders has dropped significantly since 2000, GCASA Director David Markham reports on his blog, GCASA cares.

In 2000, 25.7 percent of the 11th graders surveyed reported using marijuana in the previous 30 days. By 2008, that number dropped to 15.9 percent. (post)

In 2000, 51.9 percent reported drinking in the previous 30 days. In 2008, the number dropped to 38.2 percent. (post)

He said the data comes from a survey administered by GCASA every two years to the county's 6th through 12th graders.

Apparently, the 2010 data is not yet available since Markham does not share those numbers.

Markham concludes his post with a question: How do you account for the change?

GCASA director suggests marijuana should be legalized

By Howard B. Owens

In a blog post, GCASA's executive director David Markham muses that perhaps society would be better off if marijuana were legal and taxed.

But it's no libertarian turn by Markham. He also suggests that the legal drinking age should be raised to 35.

Markham cites a recent study that looks at the benefitial impact of drinkers and drug users substituting cannabis.

I found this study interesting because I have observed the use of cannabis in my private practice clients who often report beneficial effects. It seems to me that cannabis is less toxic and has fewer behavioral and social negative consequences than alcohol. I have also noted that cannabis seems to have fewer adverse side effects and better symptom relief than prescription drugs.

GCASA staffers earning less than most in the county, director reports

By Howard B. Owens

GCASA Executive Director David Markham addresses persistent claims that agency employees are money grubbers leaching off of taxpayers.

According to Markham, most GCASA employees earn substantially less than the Genesee County's median income of $49,133. The average GCASA salary is $26,500, with 81 of GCASA's 92 employees earning less than $40,000 per year.

Markham said he has a master's degree and 41 years experience, yet earns only $74,459.32, and he turned down a $1,400 raise.

The agency is currently facing a $135,000 budget deficit.

GCASA official suggests agency being captured by government to promote 'social control'

By Howard B. Owens

Interesting post from David G. Markham on the GCASA Cares blog.

We've seen comments before from readers on The Batavian that suggest that the criminal justice system is in cahoots with GCASA just to funnel substance abusers into the program to subsidize GCASA's payroll, at taxpayer expense, of course.

Markham's post suggests that there is a different attitude at GCASA.

It has been impressed on me once again that self destructive behavior should not be equated with criminal behavior. Most of the clients I evaluated were sent by the criminal justice system or other governmental bodies such as the Department of Social Services, the Department of Motor Vehicles, Probation, the courts, etc. The health care system for substance abuse disorders has been captured by government to coerce behaviors which government has determined is in its own best interest and not necessarily in the individual's. What Michel Foucault calls "governmentality" increasingly deprives individuals from their freedom. There is a fine line between whether agencies like GCASA are health care agencies whose mission is to help individuals improve their health or coercive agents of social control. It looks to me like 75% of GCASA's services are designed to exert social control and the client's right to self determination is marginalized if respected at all.

Markham has recently had to put more time into the Albion office because of the recent departure of three counselors. He's been buried in government-mandated paperwork that he says has nothing to do with ensuring good outcomes for patients.

Regulatory agencies have no viable means of measuring beneficial treatment and good outcomes, so they rely on compliance with paperwork completion as a proxy. This is a false assumption, and a dangerous way of evaluating quality care.

It sounds like something is broken in the system.

For further reading, and it's not light reading, here's the Wikipedia entry on governmentality.


By Melissa George



The Batavia Area Jaycees, GCASA, Batavia Youth Bureau, and Oliver’s Candies


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2009: Line Forms at 12:45pm, West Side of Genesee Country Mall/City Centre (near Dan’s Tires)



~Wagons or sleds strongly suggested~



Parade route begins on the west side of the Mall near Dan’s Tires

**NO RAIN DATE, Listen to W.B.T.A. for Cancellations by 11:30am


Event Date and Time


By Melissa George
SPONSORED BY: The Batavia Area Jaycees, GCASA, Batavia Youth Bureau, and Oliver’s Candies
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2009: Line Forms at 12:45pm, West Side of Genesee Country Mall/City Centre (near Dan’s Tires)
~Wagons or sleds strongly suggested~
Parade route begins on the west side of the Mall near Dan’s Tires
**NO RAIN DATE, Listen to W.B.T.A. for Cancellations by 11:30am
The First 100 Children 10 & under IN COSTUME ONLY will receive a special free gift!!!
Popcorn and other goodies for kids (IN COSTUME ONLY) at end of parade compliments of the Batavia Area Jaycees

Deputies and GCASA team up to crack down on under-age drinking at concert

By Howard B. Owens

The Sheriff's Office announced today that during Friday's Def Leppard/Poison concert at Darien Lake Theme Park 15 young people were arrested for alleged under-age drinking.

The operation, aimed at aggressively clamping down on under-age drinking during the concert, was co-sponsored by GCASA.

The names and ages of the people charged are:

  • Kaitly M. Rozwood, 18, Blasdell
  • Kayla M. Kinsley, 19, Blasdell
  • Timothy L. Kiebzak, 18, Kenmore
  • Brandon C. Costanzo, 20, Buffalo
  • Ellie N. McGee, 18, Williamsville
  • Jillian E. Pettis, 20, Williamsville
  • Thomas D. Meyer, 20, Belfast
  • Ashton M. Meyer, 20, Bath
  • Joey J. Ruderman, 19, Cheektowaga
  • Tara M. Wojtkowski, 18, Savona
  • Michelle C. Schwegler, 20, North Tonowanda
  • Valerie D. Kostart, 20, Noth Tonowanda

Plus one 17-year-old male and a 16-year-old male from Rochester.

GCASA and Sheriff's Office message: Don't host underage drinking parties

By Howard B. Owens

Found this video on GCASA's blog.

In another item, there's also this:

GCASA held the annual DWI Victim Impact Panel Recognition Dinner on Friday, June 19, 2009 at Bohn's restaurant in Batavia, NY. At that dinner, Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Howard J. Carlson was honored for his exeptional service having made 22 DWI arrests in 2008 with a 98% conviction rate.

New York State Trooper, Eric J. Daigler was also honored. He had 19 DWI arrests.

Anti-teen drinking campaign in Genesee County June 20

By Howard B. Owens

Local teens are being recruited to head into stores where alcohol is sold and, with the merchant's permission, place stickers on the booze warning about the dangers of under-age drinking, according to the GCASA blog.

The program is called "Sticker Shock."

News roundup: Woody the Wayward Steer is home... for real this time

By Philip Anselmo

It's true. Woody the show steer that escaped from the Genesee County Fairgrounds early last week has been apprehended and settled into a stall back home. We swear. Dr. Cricket Johnson says so in her very own words on WBTA. She and her crack team of cow catchers picked him up last night. They say he has lost some weight and will need some fattening up before being sold for... slaughter.

It may not be easy, but all alcoholism and substance abuse facilities in the state will have to go smoke free. Executive Director of GCASA David Markham told Dan Fischer that between 80 and 90 percent of people in treatment are smokers.

News roundup: Shopping, rabbits and community action

By Philip Anselmo

Look no further than the front page of today's Daily News for all you need to know about what it's like to be the first shopper at a new Target store — Janet Saile bought Tic Tacs — or why rabbits make good pets — they "take up less space" than a cow — or, on a more serious note, how to stay drug free — "just walk away," says 15-year-old Tessa Williams.

For more on that last item, check out the article by Joanne Beck about National Night Out, a "fun night to learn how to make your neighborhood safer" taht will be held from 5:30 to 8:30pm August 5 at St. Anthony's Parish Center, 114 Liberty St.

This year's night out will include a new focus on drugs with the Drug-Free Marshals program and a venue for residents of Highland Park and Pringle Avenue to share their concerns during a special community meeting

There will also be youth activities, interactive games, a DJ, Safe Child identification kits, caricatures and information booths about ways to get or remain drug-free.

Today's sports section of the paper is heavy with local sports coverage — congrats to the staff for filling the whole front page with it. We got up a link in our Local Headlines about the Muckdogs loss, which is covered. But there's also a preview of the upcoming Empire State Games with a focus on some Batavia representatives on the hockey and basketball teams.

LeRoy beat Batavia 12-5 in the District 3 youth baseball championship game Tuesday for 9-10 year olds. The team will advance to the Section 1 Tournament in Olean where they will face District 8 champs Fayetville Manlius at 12:30pm Saturday.

As always, we encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News wherever the paper is sold. Or, better yet, subscribe at

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