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Genesee County Democratic Committee

News roundup: Meltdown? What economic meltdown?

By Philip Anselmo

Economist William G. Cheney stopped in Batavia yesterday to tell folks to calm down about the incessant, emphatic, sky-is-falling bad news about the national economy, according to the Daily News. Reporter Scott DeSmit does a great job with this article, drawing out some of the seeming contradictions between the advice (everything is just fine) and the market performance that is signalling real and serious decline. Here's the lede:

One of the nation's leading economists was in Batavia ... attempting to allay fears about financial markets just as Wall Street took another beating, dropping more than 4 percent and sending world markets into further turmoil.

Hmm. How about this:

"I still haven't given up," Cheney [said]. "It still doesn't feel like an honest-to-goodness recession. Outside of the housing market, the economy is generating growth."

Still, he said, the financial events of the last month are like nothing he's ever seen.

Come again? Does anyone sense a mixed message here? DeSmit qualifies Cheney as the chief economist for John Hancock Financial Services in Boston—for more than 20 years—and an Oxford-educated economist.

Check out the article by DeSmit. It's a good read.

In other news... Lorie Longhany was elected as the new chairperson of the Genesee County Democratic Committee by a vote of 31-7, according to the Daily News. Longhany, of Le Roy, was previously the the vice-chair of the group. The term is two years. She is an art teacher.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Kryzan: "I am honored..."

By Philip Anselmo

We just now received this statement from Alice Kryzan:

“I am honored that the Democrats of this District have chosen me to represent them in the upcoming general election to be their next representative in Congress. From day one this campaign has been about you and the serious issues facing the 26th District and the country. Today, you sent a clear message: You want an independent voice in Washington, one that will focus on the issues, one that will put you before the Washington special interests and tired old-establishment politics.

As we look towards November, I am excited by the promise in our District. We have so many wonderful assets in our community, the most important being our hardworking men and women who have persevered through good times and bad, never losing sight of the core values we share.

As I’ve said many times in the past, I pledge that as your Congresswoman, every morning I will look at my schedule and ask, “Is what I’m doing today going to benefit the people of the 26th District?” If the answer is no, then it’s coming off my agenda. I look forward to ensuring in November that the men and women of this District finally have a representative they can be proud of.”

Alice also congratulated her opponents, Jon Powers and Jack Davis on a hard fought race and is looking forward to working with them to ensure this District has the representation it deserves.

Alice Kryzan is an environmental attorney and lifelong Democrat who has lived and worked in Amherst for more than 30 years. She has been in the forefront of change for her entire career, becoming the first woman partner at what was then Buffalo’s largest law firm. She is a long-time community volunteer who has been involved in environmental, energy and women’s issues. She currently lives with her husband of thirty-five years, Bob Berger. They have one son Sam, who is a law student.

Kryzan looks to pull an upset win in the 26th — Williams gets Republican nod for town justice

By Philip Anselmo

It's still unofficial, but it looks like Alice Kryzan will take home the party nod for the Democrats in the 26th Congressional District and face off against Republican Chris Lee in the general election this November. We have not received notice from the Genesee County Board of Elections, but culling the numbers from Niagara and Monroe counties, we show Kryzan with between a four and six percentage point lead over Jon Powers. Jack Davis trails in a distant third.

Fellow bloggers WNYMedia in Buffalo are hosting a live blog tonight with real-time video feed and chat. Until we hear back from the campaigns about their thoughts on the race turnout, the bloggers may be a good source for info and perspective.

Erie County's Board of Elections is showing Joe Mesi with a commanding lead and a likely vitory in the race for the 61st Senate. mesi is holding strong with 52 percent of the vote. Michele Iannello is in second place with 35 percent. Dan Ward is in third with 13 percent.

Locally, the Republican primary for Batavia town justice was not much of a contest, according to figures posted on WBTA by Dan Fischer (no source cited). The final results are in and Thomas Williams is the winner with a total of 318 votes. Dennis Rider pulled in 62 votes.

Dan Fischer also posted the results specific to Genesee County in the races for the 26th Congress and the 61st Senate. Powers led with 621 to Kryzan's 524 votes in the 26th. Mesi commanded with 1,042 votes.

Other races...

61st Senate (Independent):

  • Michael Ranzenhofer: 70 percent
  • William Walters: 30 percent

We're still waiting on messages to the campaigns. Some we have just had no luck in reaching. We'll do our best to post more perspectives, reactions and statements as they come in. For more in the meantime check out some of our other area blogs: the Fighting 29th, Buffalo Pundit, WNYMedia and the Albany Project.

News roundup: In the end, city may just nix the ethics board

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia's City Council met for a brief session last ight in City Hall and in that time unofficially decided to nix the city's ethics board and rely on the county's one if needed—though I imagine any formal vote on it would come at the next meeting, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. Council also decided to switch the meeting schedule so that council will only meet once a month on alternating Mondays. Council will continue to meet twice a month, but its meetings will be split. That means one Monday will be a business meeting and another will be the conference meeting.

In other news, City Council President Charlie Mallow has decided to step down as chairman of the Genesee County Democratic Party. Mallow will give up the post on September 17, though he plans to remain active in the group. He was chairman for a year and a half.

My Endorsement for the 61st Senate District

By Patrick D. Burk

You know sometimes first impressions are right.  Often that is not the case with politicians.  In an effort to ingratiate large numbers of party members to thier campaign they often are nice to all and go out of thier way to show interest in you and your ideas.  Basically, you get a bunch of smiling candidates that nod thier heads to comments you make and inflect that they are caring.  I have seen a ton of that this year with our Senate and Congressional Races.

In the 61st Senate Race, I did see someone different.  I also did a ton of homework to insure that if I supported this person,  I would not be disappointed in the outcome.  I am very careful whom I endorse for political office because I want to be sure that those I tell others to vote for really are deserving.  I also weigh heavy the service that they will support and provide for our children.  The City of Batavia residents and our Youth Bureau fought hard for our kids last year in maintaining our Youth Bureau standards.  One of the reasons, was that there was constant support from our current State Senator, Mary Lou Rath.  I liked Mary Lou.  She is a classy lady that liked her constituents and it showed.  She was a helper, she listened and she reacted.  She served us well.

This Primary Season, we have three candidates in the Democrat Party asking for our support to be placed on the ballot in November.  The object is to pick the one that will serve the Senate District the best as well as be a listener, a problem solver and a helper.  In listening and talking and reading, I have realized which one of the three would be the best for us and the youth of our 61st Senate District.  I care about the young people in Batavia and Genesee County.   I want to see who will stand with them and deliver education, services and opportunities.  I want to maintain the high level of service we have enjoyed with Mary Lou Rath.

Michele Iannello is that person.  She has the experience, the will and the grit to make our district important in Albany.  I also think she will represent our children and fight for our Western New York area.  She has sound ideas about limiting the rural tax burden and knows that most of what local governments have to deal with are mandates from the state.  She rightly realizes that the change we need for economic stimulus upstate really needs to come from Albany.  Time after time, she tells it like it is without the sugar-coating or nodding head.  Michele Iannello has proven that she will represent all of us, including the Batavia and Genesee County area.  We will be an intrical part of her constiuency. 

Needless to say, my first impression was right.  I know Michele Iannello will talk, listen and support all of us, but first Democrats need to support her.   Please vote in next Tuesday's Democratic Primary and for the sake of our young people and our future.  Please pull the lever for Michele Iannello.   


Candidates debate in Geneseo... well, some of them

By Philip Anselmo

Democratic congressional contenders Jon Powers and Alice Kryzan faced off in a debate yesterday, and Mark Gillespie put together a fine, if lengthy, article on the showdown for the Daily News. Powers and Kryzan met in Geneseo to present their platforms. Fellow Democrat Jack Davis, Republican Chris Lee and Independent Anthony Fumerelle, all of whom were invited to attend, skipped out on the debate. All five candidates are vying for the soon-to-be open seat to represent the 26th Congressional District.

Davis announced last week that he would not join any debates with candidates who did not pledge to turn down special interest money and a five-point pledge to preserve Social Security—a decision roundly criticized in the media from Niagara Falls to Rochester.

Kryzan, "a retired environmental lawyer," took the opportunity to go on the offensive. She criticized Powers for accepting special interest money, claiming that she was the only Democratic candidate that had not taken any money from special interest groups. (It seems each candidate is making the claim not to be taking special interest money while accusing the other two of doing just that.)

Powers countered that the groups that have been supporting him are unions that have members in this district.

Kryzan repeated her charges, including an accusation that Powers has accepted money from a defense contractor—at which point an audience member shouted "Lay off it, already!"

(I wonder if that was our very own Russ Stresing.)

Powers did not shy from getting in a jab at the absent Davis—who refused to shake hands with Powers at a parade in Clarence Monday. "He isn't here tonight to address the challenges facing America's middle class workers," he said of Davis in his closing remarks.

Both candidates repeatedly cited their strengths—Powers as a former army captain, Kryzan's experience in law—but when it came down to the questions, they gave most of the same answers. Both support incentives for small businesses to help them better compete with national retail firms—who would say no to that. Both support renewable energy. Both vow to bring the federal funds home. Both oppose a constitutional ban on gay marriage and drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge.

Where they differed most is in the relationship of a U.S. representative to his or her constituents.

Powers spoke of fostering national service programs such as Americorps, the Peace Corps, and similar programs for teachers and nurses to service inner city and poor rural areas. He specifically cited a nursing shortage in Dansville.

Kryzan said she would focus more on developing projects that would more directly benefit the 26th District.

All in all, fine coverage from Gillespie.

And the Winner Is......$$$$$........ Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

By Patrick D. Burk

So here we are.  Only in Western New York would the Democrat Party take a wonderful chance and screw it up by having two forced primaries.  Now I know this is the Amercian way of democracy....but it goes to prove what has been said before, " I don't belong to an organized political party.... I am a Democrat."   Here we sit and with just a few days to the Primary,  the Democratic Candidates for Congress are battling on the airwaves, in the media and on the stump.  One has too much money, one has raised money wrong and from the wrong people and one did legal work for chemical companies at Love Canal so therefor she must be a demon.  Whew...and we thought Clinton and Barack were ununifiable? (THANK GOD THAT IS OVER AS WELL!!!!!!)  

The most important thing the Democratic Party had to do was to have a strong candidate to win against the Republican, rich guy - power broker and overseas job shipper who turned more jobs over to overseas companies and sold out on Western New York. I guess the Republican guy just wants to earn his Western New York Congressional salary and live in Washington, DC.  I hear the cherry blossoms are beautiful there.  Let's hope the rich can't buy thier ticket to see them....let's hope the voters look long and hard at this one.

Anyway...that is what is happening on the Congressional side.

On a "happier" note (Did I say Happier????), the race to run for the 61st Senate Seat is also equally challenging for the Donkeycrats.  (Are you sure I said happier???) Here we have a popular, hard-working, competent Erie County Legislator who is endorsed by the County Democratic Committees pitted against a former boxer and "you guessed it"....Her brother-in-law.  If this was Texas, this would be a episodic plot for that old TV Show "Dallas".  As the Republicans put up yet another upper crust muckety-muck, the Democrats roll around in the muck to see who can run and win 8 weeks later.  I am keeping my idea for a TV Script because there has to be one in here somewhere.  I can just see the pan of the camera on the field as the three candidates come toward the camera on sturdy horses... the dust settling as their faces are shot one-by-one into the camera frame with dour expressions..... too funny...anyway I digress.

 I am a BIG supporter of Mary Lou Rath and have always known that her shoes would be hard to fill...she truly cares about our communities and serves us well.  She will be a tough act to follow. Michele Iannello is a tough woman with a lot to be said about what she will do for this district.  She, like Mary Lou, cares about us and our communities.  The brother-in-law, on the other hand, has run for many public offices including Eire County Legislator and Executive, has won a few and has lost a few.  He currently sits on the Amherst Town Board and he talks a lot about his past......maybe that is because there isn't too much on his plate for the future.....I think Amherst should keep him.

Then we have Baby Joe Mesi.....nice guy.  While I was President of the New York State Junior Chamber of Commerce I bestowed upon him the honor of Outstanding New Yorker.  This was given to him because of his powerful approach to being a positive influence on young people's lives.  He didn't just box.... he showed us all what an organized program for young people can do?  He cares about his community.  I give him that much but I guess I find that the toughness that a boxer needs to survive is just not what I think we need in the "Ring of Albany".....  You need to be smart, savvy and quick.  You need to look for opportunities to help Western New York and you have to bring that home.  Baby Joe is a nice guy.....Michele Iannello is a hard-working public servant.  I hope when the dust settles, Baby Joe will still be doing his community service and the brother-in-law is sent back to Amherst.  Let the tough lady from Kenmore take on the upper crusty Republican in the General Election.

So that is that.  Instead of duking it out and coming up with two solid for each position, the Democrats come up with three, forcing a primary that is sure not to hand any one candidate the 50% for either race. In the midst of this whirl of politics, we can only hope that the regrouping, refunding and campaigning can be accomplished in 8 short weeks, but then again...I wish all elections in total only took 8 weeks.  I wonder if I would miss all the signs in my yard....  Please vote in the Democrat Primary.


"Where am I? How did I get here?"

By Russ Stresing

     Is Jack Davis completely out of touch with reality?  It seems so, given his statements during a  rare public appearance.  Making an infrequent foray outside of the confines of his cozy  headquarters, Jack set up a campaign appearance for the press in Genesee County.  That's usually how it works with Jack.  See, he doesn't think much of actual campaigning, things like going door to door to ask for your vote.  He does like waving from one of  his show cars in parades, but otherwise, he's content to let his $3 million dollars do his talking and, boy, does Jack like to be the one doing the talking.  He's not big on listening.  That fact is apparent from what he said on Friday.

      Here's what he's promoting on his own website. “The farmers claim they need more foreign labor to pick those crops and some have asked for more visas for immigrant farm workers. But with our high unemployment, how can we justify hiring someone other than our own unemployed to do this work?”  Its obvious Jack hasn't heard any of the problems the local growers have had in recent years.    Does Jack really want to add to the risks that farmers already brave every year?  Or was he that clueless about where he was when he made that statement?  As rarely as he goes out on the trail, it might've made sense for him to do a little background research on the GLOW region.  Agriculture is the backbone of our local economy.  Now, Jack says he wants to deny our local farmers the labor force they depend on to get their crops out of the fields or orchards and onto our tables.

       Anyone could be forgiven for thinking this is Jack's first try at office after reading this.  But, Jack's had two tries at this seat in the past.  In fact, Jack used to be a Republican but after he donated $2,000 at a Republican fundraiser and was told he couldn't personally speak with Vice President Cheney, Jack quit the party in a huff.  That next year, in an expensive fit of pique, Jack spent 1.2 million dollars of his own personal fortune campaigning against Tom Reynolds.  He lost.  So, in 2006, he spent even more.  In fact, Jack spent a million dollars that year on the Independence party nomination alone. No other candidates stepped up to run on the Democratic line, so Jack got it by default, the same way he got it in 2004.  Tom Reynolds was a severely wounded candidate owing to his connection to the Foley scandal.  It didn't matter. Jack lost.  Many observers blamed it on the fact that Jack doesn't like to get out and campaign.  He's of the belief that if you throw enough commercials on TV and radio, and stuff voters' mailboxes full with slick fliers day after day, you don't have to get out and actually talk with them.  It didn't work for him the last two times.  Still, he's doing the the very same thing for the third time.  So much for learning from experience.

     Jack's idea of coming to a rural area and advocating a position counter to their needs might make him seem frighteningly oblivious, but it  is characteristic of his attitude that he doesn't need the voters' input.  He wants you to listen to the Brooks and Dunn ripoff he's using as a radio commercial, let him bury you under multiple campaign fliers every week, and let him buy gasoline for people in Greece.  That's how Jack thinks it works.  Throw enough money at a problem, and he can solve it.

      Jack doesn't like to listen.  It was demonstrated earlier in the race when all four GLOW Democratic committees endorsed Jon Powers.  Jack tried to tell them they'd made a mistake and had better change their minds.  Here's their response:   "This is a press release from the 4 Democratic chairs of Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming Counties regarding the NY 26th Congressional race.  Jack Davis seems to feel the rural counties can be cajoled into rescinding their endorsements of Jon Powers, and the chairs wanted to make it clear that there are no intentions to do so."

      Its one thing to claim to be your own man.  Its a completely different thing to be ignorant of your district's concerns and to ignore your party's position on the issues.  If Jack is so cavalier about rural WNY's needs and so out of step with his own party's platform, what other misapprehensions is he laboring under?



Listening to America: Tonight!

By Daniel Jones

As Philip alluded to yesterday (, the Genesee County Young Democrats and the Albany Project will be co-hosting a 'Listening to America Meeting' on Wednesday, July 23rd at 7:30 PM at the Batavia City Center.  These meetings are part of the Obama campaign's and the Democratic Party's national strategy of letting grassroots supporters or potential grassroots supporters of Senator Obama and the Democratic party have input on what our foucs should be in the upcoming campaign. 

This is a free event and all are welcome to attend!

Some reasons why we have a two-party system

By Russ Stresing


There are a number of arguments to be made about the positives and negatives of  America's two-party system. This essay, though, is meant to address a few reasons why its unlikely that more than two parties in this country will ever have substantial political power without wide-ranging changes in our methods of elections.

    In any election beyond the local school board or city council (in a few areas of the country),  the single candidate with the most votes takes it all in what has been called a "first to the post" system.   A candidate needs to get one vote more than the next best candidate to win it all. (This applies even in states like Louisiana where an open primary is held and the top two vote getters advance to a general election run-off, regardless of party affiliation)  That means the person who garners the most votes is the sole representative of that ward, district, or state.   With two parties, that's one vote more than 50% of the total, or 50% + 1.  However, since in our system a plurality is all that is needed, it could mean that with 3 candidates, it could conceivably end up 34%, 33%, 33%.  While almost 50% of the electorate in the first example doesn't get its choice, 66% in the second example are disappointed.  Without  awarding the political parties seats proportional to the votes cast in their favor, its unlikely that this system would support a viable third party. 

   In the sort of parliamentary system that supports having more than two parties, representation is awarded to the party according to how many voted on their line.  We don't have that same proportional allotment.  As our election system is now constructed,  a multi-party election wouldn't  necessarily lead to more a representational government but, in fact, could  be less representative of the greater will of the voting public.  Imagine a four-way race, each group having a special interest platform.  Instead of 1/2 the voters getting at least a semblance of what they voted for, a 26% voter tally could mean that a party with a very narrow focus, even what might be a fringe position, could end up 'representing' the other 74% who have little or nothing in common with them.  This is the  sort of outcome that is possible beyond a two-party race in a winner-take-all system.  Unless America moves to design a method  of electing legislative representatives proportionally, who would then form coalitions to pick our federal officials, a two-party system is the most likely scenario we will have.


Listening to America: Wednesday

By Philip Anselmo

The Deomcratic Party this year is making an effort at promoting "grassroots" involvement in the presidential campaign by soliciting the input of anyone willing to give it in a series of platform meetings that will be held across the country. They are calling it "Listening to America." Questions and concerns brought up at the meetings are supposed to then be integrated in the Democratic platform in the upcoming presidential election.

From Saturday, July 19th to Sunday, July 27th, everyday people all across America will hold Platform Meetings in their homes, or in their local churches and even coffee shops, to help build the Democratic Party's platform for change from the bottom up.

Attend a Platform Meeting and tell us what matters to you, so we can incorporate your ideas into the party's platform. A few participants may even be invited to appear and testify at the National Hearing.

Batavia will get its chance to participate this week. Blogger Robert Harding (with the Albany Project) and President of the Genesee County Young Democrats Dan Jones will host a local "Listening to America" meeting at Batavia's City Centre Wedenesday at 7:00pm.

Jones says that he and Harding will write up "a recommendation in the form of a position paper to send to the (Democratic National Committee) and Senator Obama's campaign based on the discussion."

Davis takes up the energy issue

By Philip Anselmo

Democrat Jack Davis says we need to diversify our energy sources if we hope to see relief at the pumps. Davis was quick to get out his own "energy policy" Tuesday, following the announcement last week by Jon Powers that Davis is bound to his oil interests. Powers' camp released a lengthy statement of the candidate's energy policy last week.

Says Davis:

“Diversifying our energy sources, improving efficiency, and leading on energy conservation can do a lot to increase supply, reduce demand, and lower costs. None of the ideas I have mentioned are particularly dramatic or difficult, but when pursued together, they form a meaningful energy agenda that can get everyone working together.”

“What voters and taxpayers must address is the broken system in Washington. When high priced lobbyists use campaign cash to influence American energy policy, we lose. Their energy policies have given us $4.25 gallon gasoline.”

There was nothing more specific in the release posted on Davis' Web site, and The Batavian was unable to get out to Greece yesterday afternoon for the press conference. We've asked the campaign if they plan to release a more detailed energy policy. We're waiting to hear back.

Message to Genesee County Democrats

By Charlie Mallow

Your County Democratic Committee meets and organizes for one reason only, to make sure that we can field a candidate to carry our line that represents your beliefs. It’s safe to say that as a whole Genesee County Democrats are a little more conservative in our beliefs than most state wide Democrats. We also don’t treat our county Republicans as the enemy or feel that we need to eliminate them from office at all costs either.  

The politics from Erie and Monroe County are complex and sometimes the selection of candidates from those committees seems without reason. We in this county rely on doing things the old fashion way, by meeting people face to face and weighing their personal traits. We look for a candidate that won’t overlook our county because of its small size and genuinely takes and interest in us, before they are elected. Our feeling is if they don’t know there are two area codes in their election district or where exactly our county is before they get elected, why support them? We have the opportunity to select the best possible people and that’s what we attempt to do every time without “outside” interference.
Democrat Jon Powers is an Iraq war veteran and has been endorsed by all of the county committees and has our full support in his run for Congress. Genesee County was the first County to back Jon, for all the right reasons. With our selection of Jon we influenced the other counties to just do the right thing and not go with the guy who had enough cash to win for the sake of winning. Jon is being challenged by Jack Davis who has lost the two previous elections. Jack has a ton of money and intends to spend as much as it takes to buy a seat in Congress. We don’t dislike Jack, he has worked hard for this seat in the past but, he isn’t the right guy and his time has past. Kathy Konst and Alice Kryzan are also running in the primary but, have virtually no support.  
The field might look crowded on the Democrat side but, if you’re a Democrat your choice is really pretty clear, vote for Jon Powers. Go to his website and read his plan He’s not going to be able to send you three or four color flyers a week like Jack Davis but, what he has been doing is going door to door visiting Democrats in this county, EARNING your vote in the primary. Jon has a huge volunteer staff, who believes in him as a person. They are motivated and truly believe they are supporting the right person. A persons character, stand on issues and work ethic have to still account for something in this world. Those characteristics should at least count in our County Democratic Party.  
County Democrat Chair


Powers Rallies Supporters, Serves Community

By Daniel Jones

On Saturday Jon Powers, the endorsed Congressional Candidate in the 26th Congressional District (which includes all of Genesee County) came out to Batavia to rally supporters and meet voters to help spread his positive message of change and real leadership.

He arrived at Main Street Coffee to meet an enthusiastic and fired up group of supporters.  Jon and his field director, Sara Gordon, gave us a quick rundown on canvassing (door-knocking) and on how to engage voters and sent us out into the field.

(Powers and Field Director Sara Gordon at Main Street Coffee)

Powers, an Iraq war veteran, didn't just campaign though.  With his combat boots laced up he entered a neighborhood where he met up with Council President Charlie Mallow and Councilpeople Rosemary Christian and Sam Barone along with other community volunteers that were helping clean up a portion of the city and began helping out.  In his clean white polo shirt he grabbed a rake and began raking branches and helping move bags.  Many who came out were impressed with the young veteran and teacher.  Many were impressed with his style and attitude.  I had the pleasure of spending this time with Jon, it was remarkable to see how people seemed to swarm around him, listening to him talk about his plans and his vision for our district and our country.

(Powers chats with Councilwoman Rosemary Christian at a Neighborhood clean-up)

After that he was off to Warsaw to fire up more supporters to canvass for him in Wyoming County and then was back at Batavia for a night at the American Legion.

One thing's for sure, Jon Powers isn't afraid to do the hard work of making a difference for our district. 

Thats what's going to win him this race.

Voter Registration Continues!

By Daniel Jones

The Young Democrats will continue its Voter Registration drive tommorow at Genesee Community College (in the forum).  If your 18, a citizen and aren't registered to vote (or have moved since you last registered) come on out now so you can register in time to vote in the general election.  Although the Democrats are sponsering the event, we will not discriminate our registration on the basis of desire to register as an Independent or a Republican....we just want to see as many people registered (and voting!) as possible!


I will be there all day tommorow, so if your aren't registered to vote, come on out!  And even if you are, come say hi, we always love the company.

Genesee Democrats screen film on Iraq

By Philip Anselmo

Press Release from the Genesee County Democratic Committee:

The Genesee County Democratic Committee will host Jon Powers, an Iraq War veteran and Democratic candidate for the 26th Congressional district, for an airing of the documentary, Gunner Palace, at 6:00pm Monday (May 12) at the Elks Club, 213 Main St., Batavia. Gunner Palace is a film based on the 2/3 Field Artillery unit that Powers served with in Iraq. Following the movie, there will be a question and answer session with Powers.

The cost is $25 for adults, $10 for students and free for any veteran wishing to attend.

Register to Vote!

By Daniel Jones

The Genesee County Young Democrats will be running a voter registration table at Genesee Community College (in the forum) on May 7th and 8th from Noon to 8pm.

There is still time to register to vote in the General Election, as Voter Registration forms typically take 30 days to process. For those already registered to vote, becoming registered or too young to be registered. as I was once involved but too young to vote myself, we will also have information on how to get involved in the Young Democrats and in the local political scene from the Democratic end.

However, even if your not interested in becoming actively involved in politics we will, regardless of party affiliation, help you become a registered voter none the less. See you on the 7th and 8th!

Authentically Local