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genesee county

Photos from 2013: A tribute to the firefighters who serve Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

A year ago today, two volunteer firefighters responding to a fire in Webster were ambushed, shot and killed. It was an unspeakable tragedy that resonated throughout the communities of Western New York.

Our firefighters face enough risks and challenges without being senselessly targeted.

Last year, we published a slideshow of the year's worth of photos of Genesee County's heroes, and to keep the tradition going, here are some of the photos from 2013 of both career and volunteer firefighters working, training and serving our community.

To learn how you can become a local hero by becoming a volunteer with a local fire department, visit

A morning of digging out

By Alecia Kaus

Ellicott Avenue snow


Many residents could be found digging out their driveways and clearing their cars of snow this morning.

After five straight days of snowfall, Genesee County will be getting a break today. There are no warnings, watches or advisories and temperatures will rise to the mid-20s. There is a chance of snow, but less than a half inch.

The seven-day forecast calls for rising temperatures and possibly 45 degrees by Friday.

Greg Lee uses his snowblower to clear his rental property on Richmond Avenue.

Pat Cavanaugh shovels out her driveway on Redfield Parkway.

Pat's neighbor gives her a hand.

After many days with temperatures below freezing, icicles have formed on Arby's front windows.

The McFollins brothers tried to go sledding at Centennial Park, but the snow was not good for sledding. So a snowball fight broke out on the way home. Pictured are Javin, 8, Ayden, 10, Mason, 12, and Carter, 8, of Batavia.

Plows were out clearing and salting the roads and streets seemed to be in better shape than yesterday.

Heavy lake effect snow will continue and then move south

By Alecia Kaus


The National Weather Service out of Buffalo says the heavy lake effect snow hitting Genesee County will stay over the area for at least another hour.

The band will then move south and into Wyoming County and the Southtowns.

There have been several property damage accidents throughout the county, but motorists seem to be taking it slow on the drive home tonight.

A band of lake effect snow is expected to intensify in the next few hours

By Alecia Kaus

According to the National Weather Service out of Buffalo, a burst of heavy lake effect snow is expected to develop in the next few hours.

Increased winds will result in some blowing and drifting snow, especially in open areas.

Snowfall rates may increase to one to two inches by early evening and travel conditions may deteriorate.

Some 700 National Grid customers without power in various locations around the county

By Howard B. Owens

Emergency responders have been busy throughout the night and throughout the county with weather-related calls.

There have been wires down, cars off the roadways and accidents.

We don't have all the details on all of those incidents.

We can tell you that more than 700 National Grid customers are without power in more than a dozen different locations in Genesee County.

The largest outage is from Brookville Road down to Attica with 374 customers without power. No ETA on power restoration.

South of South Main Street Road, just west of Wortendyke Road is another outage with 89 customers affected. Power should be restored by 6:30 a.m.

Off Maple Road, Alabama, 68 customers affected. Power should be restored by 4:30 a.m.

Outages effecting about 35 customers each are reported off of Gulf Road, Le Roy, County Line Road, Darien, Harlow Road, Darien and just west of Darien Center.

There are also nine customers in Linden without power and 12 just west of Morganville.

There are two small outages reported in the city and another half-dozen or so small ones sprinkled throughout the county.

One large band of snow passed over the county in the 2 a.m. hour and radar shows another one heading our way in a couple of hours.

UPDATE 7:06 a.m.: There remains small, isolated power outages scattered all over the county. The two largest effects 200 customes on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation and 76 customers in Pavilion, just north of Route 20 in the South Street Road area. The National Weather Service reports that the heavy wet snow has passed through the area and is predicting patchy light snow the rest of the day. Caution is advised while traveling because of numerous low hanging and downed wires.

County's History Department celebrates move into new space at County Building #2

By Howard B. Owens

Local historians from throughout Genesee County were in County Building #2 today for the official ribbon cutting on the History Department's new home. Cutting the ribbon above are Legislator Esther Leadley and Legislature Chairwoman Mary Pat Hancock while County Historian Sue Conklin looks on.

Previously: Big task complete, history department settles into new digs at County Building #2

Let's excel at efficiency

By Robert Brown

We live in an interesting time and place. Our county (Genesee, NY) consists of about 60,000 residents scattered around 13 towns, six villages, and the City of Batavia across about 500 square miles of largely agricultural space. Those 20 municipalities each have their own government structures with their own elections (surprisingly not all managed by the Genesee County Board of Elections) and their own net costs to taxpayers.

The City of Batavia consists of about 15,500 people (which is essentially a quarter of the total Genesee County population) who are represented by three elected County Legislators at the county level as well as nine elected representatives (one for each of the City's six wards and three additional at-large officials) on City Council. Genesee County Government alone employs more than 700 people -- those are government employees!

According to statistics published by Zoom Prospector, the government sector in all of Genesee County employs more than 6,000 people (those are all public-sector jobs and include teachers, law enforcement,!  That's a lot of government for the 15,500 people in the City and the 60,000 people in the County. That also translates to a lot of non-wealth-generating expense for Genesee County taxpayers.

Contrast that with the City of Weston, Fla. Weston consists of about 67,700 people with an elected government of five people and a whopping nine additional employees. That's right, a total of 14 government employees manage the entire government for 67,700 people!

Now I realize this is an apples-to-oranges comparison on some levels, but even if county-provided services (e.g., Weston contracts the Broward County Sheriff's Office for law enforcement services -- yes, a county-run police force can effectively cover a city, in fact, multiple cities of substantial size) are included, Weston does not come anywhere near the County's 700 (more like 800-plus if you count all the municipalities in Genesee County) and certainly not 6,000 government employees for its 67,700 people. Yet Weston has streets, parks, sidewalks, businesses, homes, services, and everything else (except the same weather and state income taxes) we have in Genesee County.

It's time we look closely at the way we have been running government in Genesee County. Justifying three paid county legislators because Batavia is a third (or more accurately a quarter) the Genesee County population is not logical.

Are the needs of the citizens in the three legislative districts for the City of Batavia any different at the County level? Couldn't a single county legislator effectively represent the City? However many paid county legislators makes sense -- how about they retain an attorney as necessary and hire a county manager who then hires a clerk, treasurer, and a handful of department heads. Then contract the rest of the work out to the public sector and augment with part-time employees when necessary.

I realize it's not that simple to implement in a snap, but why can't we envision the optimum solution and put a plan in place to make it a reality? Why do we allow ourselves to perpetuate inefficiency? Do we really need nine elected officials on Batavia City Council? We elect multiple highway superintendents, clerks, judges, attorneys, coroners, treasurers,, across the County and our various municipalities. Then an army of government-hired employees is assembled to perform everything government decides to undertake.

Why? How are the citizens of Genesee County benefiting from it all? Do we really need 6,000-plus government employees in Genesee County? Can we prosper with that proportion of government employment? Can we even survive? Should government even be in the business of providing services that are already available in the private sector, especially when the government-provided services are not fiscally responsible to all taxpayers?

If you believe government as a whole in the country is bloated, consider that about 15 percent of our active national workforce is employed in the public sector. That IS substantial and unsustainable. Meanwhile, here in Genesee County, about 20 percent of our active workforce is employed by the government! And on average, those public employees are paid as well as or better than most of the remaining 80 percent of the workforce in the County!

Genesee County has become a microcosm of all the problems we see at the state and federal levels: attempting to do too much with too many fingers in the pie. Let's get back to basics. We don't need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to strive for efficiency. Nay, we need to excel at efficiency! We need to stop expecting government to fill every role in our community and instead give citizens back the power, resources, and freedom to invest in solutions that work best for them.

We're on the verge of electing a new County Legislature -- let's elect the candidates who are unafraid to relinquish control and advocate an efficient, streamlined government.

For reference, here's a blog (sorry, it's 18 months old) on how Weston does it:


County may need to exceed property tax cap to cover state-mandated expenses

By Howard B. Owens

In effort to keep pace with increased expense demands, the County Legislature may need to pass a budget resolution overriding the state's cap of a 2-percent increase on the tax levy, according to County Manager Jay Gsell.

Gsell is recommending an increase to $10.11 per thousand of assessed value, up from the current $9.89 and increasing the total levy by $527,000.

A property tax increase that keeps levy below the cap level would add only $353,000 in revenue.

The total county spending plan, including local and mandated expenses is $149,100,167.

Even though all county departments turned in discretionary budgets that hold the line on local spending, state mandates expenses continue to test the county's ability to generate sufficient revenue to balance the budget.

The big budget issues are the Genesee County Jail, with a state-mandated increase in corrections officers, and the County Nursing Home, with $18.5 million in "heavily mandated" expenses that continue to drain the county's general fund.

Since the state refuses to provide mandate relief or pay the expense of its mandates, a full 71 percent of the county's tax levy goes to these mandated programs.

One of the largest expenses is the $9.96 million in local share of Medicaid.

The county's revenue projections for 2014 includes an anticipated 9-percent increase in sales tax revenue.

To read the full budget message, click here.

County reminds residents to make use of the ProAct Prescription Discount Card

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In January 2001, Genesee County launched the ProAct Prescription Discount Card for its residents. By partnering with ProAct, Genesee County is one of the many counties across the country that has been able to provide its residents -- regardless of age or income -- affordable access to prescription medications. Every prescription receives a discount, including some pet medications.

When visiting the pharmacy, simply show the pharmacist/pharmacist technician the discount card and you can anticipate saving an average of 10-20 percent off name-brand medications and 20-70 percent off generic medications. Resident can visit the discount card Web site at to locate the nearest participating pharmacy as well as check the cost of their medications.

"This discount card provides every resident who uses it, regardless of age or income, the opportunity to save on prescriptions medications," said Mary Pat Hancock, chair of the Genesee County Legislature. "We encourage every resident to keep their card on hand and to take advantage of the money-saving program whenever possible."

Residents of Genesee County utilized the discount card to fill more than 26,000 prescriptions and collectively saved more than $1 million since the start of the program. The ProAct Prescription Discount Card Program is completely free for the county and residents. Discount cards have been provided to county offices including the Department of Social Services, the Health Department, the County Office Building and to all participating pharmacies.

To acquire a discount card or if your card has been lost, please visit one of the above referenced locations or if you have access to the Internet, with a few simple clicks you may print a Genesee County card at

Big increase in new car sales generating more revenue in county DMV office

By Howard B. Owens

While there are few people walking into the Genesee County Clerk's Office to handle their DMV business, County Clerk Don Read told legislators yesterday, booming auto sales at area dealerships are more than making up for the lost revenue.

Still, Read would like to see more residents -- especially county employees -- realize that when they register their vehicles by mail directly with Albany, the county gets far less of that revenue than if the registration is handled locally.

"There's a major state initiative to move toward the Internet and kiosks," Read said. "That takes revenue away from the county office. They're doing it primarily because they want more of the revenue, and secondarily because they have an interest in reducing the cost at the motor vehicle offices in New York City, the surrounding counties and Long Island and Albany and Onondaga counties."

While local dealers have been selling more cars, so have dealers throughout the region. One large dealer with multiple locations does all of his business with the Genesee County DMV office because he gets better service.

Last Monday, that dealer brought in 295 new vehicle registrations. The following Wednesday, 40, and then on Friday, 130.

That dealer alone will probably account for $100,000 in revenue for the county, Read said.

Even so, Read would like a memo to go out -- perhaps even the proper forms included with paychecks -- to county employees reminding them to register their vehicles locally.

According to read, the county is currently only getting about 10 percent of its own employees' vehicle registration business. If there was a way to capture 100 percent of the business from the county's 230 employees (at an average, Read speculates, of three cars per household), Read said, it would mean another $100,000 in revenue annually.

"The best we can do is try to encourage them and hope they realize they're taking money out of their own pockets when they don't do it," Read said.

While the vehicle registration drop boxes on Court Street in Batavia and in Le Roy continue to help generate vehicle registration business for the county, the drop box installed last year in Bergen isn't doing much. It hardly pays to send an employee out three times a week to check on it, Read said.

Read would like to do more marketing to encourage people to register their vehicles locally, but in these days of tight budgets there aren't funds available to buy advertising.

In other Clerk's Office news: Michael Cianfrini, Oakfield town supervisor and son of Legislator Ray Cianfrini, will become the new deputy clerk. Cianfrini brings the added bonus, Read said, of being a licensed attorney. While Read had some hesitation about whether to appoint the son of a sitting legislator, he decided "the office shouldn't suffer because his dad is on the Legislature."  Read described him as clearly the most qualified candidate among a very competitive group of candidates.

Michael Cianfrini has been working in Ray Cianfrini's law office in Oakfield.

"The county's gain is my loss," Ray said.

"I'm really looking forward to him joining the office," Read said.

A start date for Cianfrini in his new post has not be set yet.

Sponsored Post: Visit Genesee County’s Alpaca Farms year-round but also especially on National Alpaca Farm Days!

By Lisa Ace


Visit Genesee County’s Alpaca Farms year-round but also especially on National Alpaca Farm Days! By Lindsay Hawkins

Recently, the tourism staff of the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce spent some time with Jake, Florence, Oliver, Stella, Alita and Al. If you’ve never visited one of the County’s six alpaca farms, those names might not mean much to you, but friends were made (human and fleece-y) at Alpaca Odyssey, Northwoods Alpacas, Triple B’s Alpaca Farm, and Enchanted Forest Alpacas.

At every farm, we learned something different about alpacas. We learned that alpaca fleece wicks away moisture, females carry their babies (crias) for 11 to 13 months, they spit when they’re mad (at you or one another), and that alpaca farms draw international visitors! 

These farms are open to visitors year-round, but the industry celebrates its craft with National Alpaca Farm Days each September. This year the event will be Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 28-29. Several of our farms are participating and welcome your visit!

More details after the jump (click the headline to view more):

Alpaca Delights

10311 Bethany Center Road, East Bethany, NY 14054 

(585) 344-2983

Made in America hand-spun yarn donated by their alpacas! Visit the alpacas and purchase yarn at their small store. 

How to visit this farm:


Alpaca Odyssey

8100 Marble Road, Akron, NY 14001

(585) 542-3939

Alpaca Odyssey & Mercantile of Akron has only been open for four years, but they have quite the collection of alpacas from this hobby-turned-business – twenty-five (and one llama) to be exact. Owners Cathy Marble & Michael Margarucci say they have mostly Huacaya alpacas (the fluffy ones) but they do have several Suris (longer, curly hair, more rare and expensive), as well. Their large, flat property is great for groups and is handicapped accessible. Wide-open land lends itself to petting, feeding, and walking the alpacas.  Be sure to browse the store shared with Triple B’s and pick up some homemade alpaca crafts!

How to visit this farm:

  • Groups and families can bring a picnic lunch and watch the alpacas roam the grounds. Visiting the farm is free, however there is a suggested donation of $2 per person for a tour, feeding, and /or walking experience with the alpacas.  
  • For groups of 10 or more, the farm will offer a tour, 30-minute fiber-spinning demonstration, and the opportunity to create a simple alpaca fiber craft.  Advance registration is required for this group experience and there is a suggested donation of $4 per person.  
  • Participating in this year’s National Alpaca Farm Days (September 28 and 29) 


Alpaca Play Pen, LLC

10869 Bowen Road, Attica, NY 14011

(585) 591-2520

Handmade alpaca items and custom orders are their specialty! From the pasture to you -- purchase goods such as socks, hats, sweaters and scarves made from the soft and warm fiber of an alpaca! The folks at the Alpaca Playpen farm enjoy raising these charming animals and creating useful garments. 

How to visit this farm:

  • Farm visit by appointment.
  • Products and alpacas are available for requested local events. 

Here’s where you’ll find Alpaca Playpen next:

9/21 -- Alpacas and products onsite at Sweet Jenny's on Main Street in Williamsville  

9/22 -- Alpacas and products onsite at Johnny Bears Restaurant in Darien  

9/28-29 -- Products for sale at the AppleUmpkin Festival in Wyoming, NY 

10/5-6 -- Attending the Agricultural Fair at the Genesee Country Village & Museum  


Enchanted Forest Alpacas

7477 Selden Road, Le Roy, NY 14482

(585) 768-7219

Enchanted Forest Alpacas in LeRoy was the smallest of the four farms visited (in size – not spirit!), with 11 alpacas. Owner Martha McCutchen grew up on the farm in the house out front, where she used to care for her family’s horses and livestock. Martha is a strong advocate that alpacas are fiber animals – NOT meat animals. She is a member of a fiber guild and Alpaca Breeders of WNY and has alpaca products for sale at the Hobby Horse in Le Roy. 

How to visit this farm:

  • Perfect for small groups who want a hands-on experience. Visitors will need to call ahead for the whole package -- a tour, feeding, watching an alpaca video, and creating a felt ball craft. 
  • Participating in this year’s National Alpaca Farm Days (September 28 and 29) 


Northwoods Alpacas

6499 North Lake Road, Bergen, NY 14416

(585) 494-1371

Northwoods Alpacas in Bergen has 24 alpacas – none of whom like the rain. Apparently, they’ll stand outside in the middle of winter, but even though the moisture can’t reach their skin, they ran for cover when it started sprinkling! Several pregnant alpacas are due in the fall, bringing their total occupancy close to 30. Owners Bob and Belinda Grant aren’t worried. They have plenty of land on their farm for everyone to roam. 

How to visit this farm:

  • Northwoods’ can accommodate parking for a bus, as well as larger group tours -- which include petting, feeding, and walking the alpacas. There is a suggested donation of $2 per person and groups get a discount at the onsite store! 
  • The upscale store is a cool breath of fresh air from the summer humidity (or a warm spot in the winter!) Sweaters, scarves, hats, blankets, a wall full of socks and yarn, and golf attire fill the stocked space. 
  • Participating in this year’s National Alpaca Farm Days (September 28 and 29) 


Triple B’s Alpaca Farm

1892 Sharrick Road, Darien Center, NY 14040

(585) 547-9271

It’s not every day that one gets to see an hour-old newborn alpaca! It was like a scene from “Bambi” – the shaky legs trying to walk, nuzzling close to his mother, and falling into to the grass. That brings the count to 23 alpacas for Triple B’s, with five more due to deliver soon. Since opening in Darien Center in 2006, the Burgess family has been breeding alpacas and caring for them like they do their cats and dogs. 

How to visit this farm:

  • The alpacas are visible from the road, roaming the fields that are dedicated just to them. Visits to the Burgess’ are encouraged in all seasons, though spring and summer lend the most accessible conditions. 
  • Feeding, walking, and (if you come at the right time of year) watching the alpacas being sheared. A suggested donation of $2 a person helps support a local family farm!

Visit Genesee County Tourism for a complete list of agritourism businesses, or to request the Genesee County Agritourism brochure.

American Heritage Girls Troop NY0146 Meeting

By Kelly Hansen

American Heritage Girls Troop NY0146 will meet at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish Center on Lake Street in LeRoy (formerly Holy Family School).

Now accepting new registrations, all girls K-12 are welcome. 

See our Facebook page HERE

Visit the AHG national website HERE

Event Date and Time

American Heritage Girls Troop NY0146 Meeting

By Kelly Hansen

American Heritage Girls Troop NY0146 meets bi-weekly on the second and fourth Wednesdays at 6:30. Our meeting location is at 44 Lake St., LeRoy in the former Holy Family School building. 

What is American Heritage Girls?

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

Event Date and Time

Photos: President Obama's Motorcade passes through Genesee County

By Timothy Walton

Earlier today, the motorcade of President Barack Obama passed through Genesee County. These photos, submitted by Jordan Difilippo, show the motorcade passing through Genesee County on the Thruway. The photos were taken from Keiffer Road in Pembroke.

A helicopter was first to pass by, followed by New York State Troopers, Genesee County Sheriffs, several law enforcement motorcycles, then more State Troopers, Secret Service SUVs, the President's bus, more Secret Service SUVs, two other buses, more State Troopers, more motorcycles and then more State Troopers in the back. 

Photos: President Obama's Motorcade passes through Genesee County

By Timothy Walton

Earlier today, the motorcade of President Barack Obama passed through Genesee County. These photos, submitted by Jordan Difilippo, show the motorcade on the I-90 headed towards Buffalo. The photos were taken from Keiffer Rd in Pembroke. The exact route was not made clear, but it's rumored he took the I-490 to the I-90.

A helicopter was first to pass by, followed by New York State Troopers, Genesee County Sheriffs, several law enforcement motorcycles, then more State Troopers, Secret Service SUVs, the President's bus, Secret Service SUVs two other buses, more State Troopers, more motorcycles and then more State Troopers in the back. 

Big task complete, history department settles into new digs at County Building #2

By Howard B. Owens

It was a lot of work, says Sue Conklin, county historian, for facilities management staff to move all of the county's archives and historical documents from the old firehouse on West Main Street to County Building #2.

The staff moved:

  • 1,690 archival items in 575 boxes
  • The research collection of 3,082 books and 666 notebooks
  • 519 bound volumes of newspapers
  • 7 large wall maps, 19 pen and ink drawings, 19 watercolors and 30 framed photographs
  • 39 filing cabinets and 3 map cases

Plus staff had to disassemble and reassemble 21 bookcases, 23-foot-long newspaper shelving and all of the shelving for the county archives.

The whole move took more than two weeks.

"Now that the relocation has been completed the county historian is happy to report that all items made the move, nothing was damaged or lost," Conklin said. "Somehow facilities management managed to move on sunny, dry days, too. It was a great effort and the result is one the county will benefit from for generations."

The move gives the history department a little more space and gets irreplaceable documents out of the flood plane.

The department is responsible for storing all of the county's critical documents, from court cases to financial documents, with state-mandated document retention policies -- depending on the document -- from seven to 80 years.

At the rate documents come in, Conklin anticipates running out of space in about seven years.

The new layout -- in space once ocupied by the BOCES nursing program -- allows for easier access and better display of the county's archival records than the old location. The research library has more space and makes it easier for researchers -- including those in wheelchairs -- to move around.

2013 WNY Earth Day Family Expo at Buffalo Zoo's 'Party for the Planet'

By Bonnie Marrocco

Students and teachers throughout Genesee County who are involved in environmental studies participated in an Earth Day-related event at the Buffalo Zoo in late June. The students created projects about climate change, natural habitats, invasive species, renewable energy, and recycling.

These were showcased in an Environmental Education Science Fair at the “Party for the Planet” -- sponsored by the Sierra Club/Niagara Group along with Daemen College Center for Sustainable Communities & Civic Engagement.

Alexander Central School submitted posters and projects highlighting its Outdoor Classroom. Alexander School is building the first certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom in WNY -- where nature will be connected to curricula.

This outdoor classroom provides experiences that encourage students to appreciate the environment. Students will be able to participate in such activities as building, balancing, adding, subtracting, sorting and classifying using materials from nature like pinecones, sticks, plants, etc. Various stations will facilitate nature observation and art, poetry, journaling, music, drama and physical activities.

Batavia School District entered three projects from Jackson Elementary School.

Students in Aimee Nelson and Heather Landers’ first-grade classes submitted projects on the Rainforest, which combined science and art. Each student prepared a research report focusing on a particular animal in the rainforest. They also submitted 3D projects depicting the four layers of the rainforest.

Jessica Torrey's class studied the temperate deciduous forests. Detailed artwork and individually written reports highlighted each student's understanding of the interconnectedness of life in the forest.

Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia submitted its Gardeners and Scientist project, which children's librarian Kelly March organized.

The submission is from "The Great Sunflower Project," which is one of the programs offered through the library’s “Dig into Reading” summer reading club. Activities for Great Sunflower Project include the study of pollination and pollinators, growing sunflowers, as well as taking part in the national “Backyard Bee Count” – the world’s largest citizen science project focused on pollinator conservation.

Each participant in the Environmental Education Science Fair in Buffalo will receive special legislative recognition for their work.

For more information on environmental education programs in Genesee County, contact Judy Spring at 343-2362 or 344-1122 or e-mail

Insurance company offers local governments a chance to improve worker safety for free

By Howard B. Owens

Local governments, including Genesee County, that participate in pooling a workers compensation insurance program have a chance to get help reducing workplace injuries using consultants for essentially no cost.

Bill Fritts, president of Lawley Genesee, explained what his company is prepared to do for local governments if Lawley becomes the worker compensation insurance broker.

The possibility came to Fritts's attention, he said, after receiving a request for proposal from the county for a new workers comp plan.

As a broker, Lawley can apply its commissions to provide a variety of services to members of the pool.

Genesee County, along with all of the local school districts and most towns and villages (but not the City of Batavia) are part of a self-insurance pool for workers compensation.

If a worker is injured on the job, the pool will pay the first $500,000 of coverage.

What the county has been shopping for is a new carrier for "excess coverage" -- an insurance company that pays any claims in excess of $500,000.

There are only three such carriers in the nation.

Under the plan presented by Fritts, Lawley will accept bids from the carriers, select one and manage the relationship.

With its commissions, Lawley will then use its own experts to identify areas where worker safety can be improved and look for other cost-saving opportunities.

Lawley's consultants will study claim history, look for departments that have safety records that can improve and then study work that's going on in those workplaces to see what safety improvements can be made.

"We'll look at what members are hurting and helping you," Fritt said. "We send in loss-prevention consultants to those areas first that hare hurting you and see what safety programs are needed. We might create incentive programs if they need to change their culture and help them change their culture."

There is no additional fee for the pool members for the extra services.

"I've seen the results and it's pretty amazing," Fritts said. "It makes you feel pretty good because you're preventing injuries."

At the next Ways and Means Committee meeting, legislators will have a chance to vote on the offer.

Proposed law could make it harder for local burglars to convert loot into cash

By Howard B. Owens

County officials hope a proposed local law will make it harder for thieves to sell stolen property.

The law will be presented for the first time to the County Legislature at Monday's Public Service Committee meeting.

It would require certain secondhand retailers to:

  • Obtain a county license through the County Clerk's Office;
  • Maintain records of sellers and items sold, including pictures of precious metal items;
  • Obtain and examine a photo ID;
  • Make a daily report to the Sheriff's Office of items purchased from sellers;
  • Not purchase items from people under the age of 18;
  • Retain items purchased without reselling or altering them for 10 days;
  • Report suspicious sellers to law enforcement.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman said the proposed law went through a diligent review process that included looking at the successes and failures of similar laws in other jurisdictions.

Assisting in crafting the law were County Clerk Don Read, County Attorney Chuck Deputy Chief Jerome Brewster from the Sheriff's Office and Batavia PD Det. Pat Corona.

There have been burglaries solved in communities, like Rochester, because of such laws, Friedman said, which is why local law enforcement officials came to him with a request to draft something for Genesee County.

The law would also help the victims of theft recover stolen property.

We spoke to the DA just before the sentencing of Ryan P. Johnson -- who admitted to stealing $68,000 in precious family heirloom jewelry from a Batavia resident but the thief could only help recover $14,000 of the stolen items.

"We'll try to get restitution for the victim, of course, but what's that worth?" Friedman said.

A similar law in a Southern Tier county was eventually repealed because it was overly broad, Friedman said, taking in, for example, flea markets.

The proposed Genesee County law carefully defines covered businesses as pawn shops, precious metal dealers, transient merchants that deal in such items and scrap metal processors (scrap metal processors are exempt from a couple of the law's provisions, such as retaining items for 10 days).

"We tried to come up with a list who is affected by this and we came up with 10 businesses," Friedman said.

Those 10 business owners will be receiving invitations to attend a public hearing on the proposed law once the date is set.

The typical residential garage sale person isn't covered by the law, nor are thrift stores, which don't buy items for resale.

Reputable dealers will welcome the new law, said Jimmy Vo, owner of Batavia Gold Rush, at 4152 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.

Reasonable people, he said, don't want to see victims lose valuables and the law will put all of the secondhand dealers on equal footing, with all purchases handled the same way.

There are a couple of aspects of the proposed law Vo would like to see changed before it passes, however.

First, pawn shops, he said, should be required to hold typical retail items for 14 days before reselling them, while precious metal dealers (or pawn shops buying precious metal) should be allowed to sell those metals seven days after purchase.

Any delay in reselling gold, for example, puts a precious metal dealer at risk, he said, because prices can fluctuate quickly.

One day last week, he said, gold lost 20 percent of its value.

"Anybody holding gold lost his shirt that day," Vo said. "The longer you hold gold, the more you can lose."

Seven days should be enough time, he said, for law enforcement to help a victim identify and recover an item, but the proposed 10 days makes the delay unreasonably long.

Vo also takes issue with the requirement that dealers report suspicious sellers. He said New York has previously tried to get such laws through, but they don't work because just somebody is twitching, for example, doesn't mean a peson is on drugs. A police officer has to meet a higher level of probable cause to arrest somebody, so a dealer can't be expected to act as a law enforcement officer just because somebody is acting suspicious.

Overall, Vo said he's happy with the proposed law. As a one-time crime victim himself, he thinks it's important to give victims a tool that will help law enforcement capture criminals and victims recover stolen property.

Often times, the personal value of the property far exceeds any monetary worth.

"That ring that belonged to great-great-grandma may be worth only $100, but it can't be replaced," Vo said. "That's the gut-wrenching problem that can be solved with a law like this."

UPDATE 10 p.m.: We didn't get a chance to talk with Det. Pat Corona before writing the story, but he called us tonight.

Corona said it's his hope that the law will act as a deterrent to would-be burglars, help law enforcement solve crimes, help victims recover property, be convenient for resellers and serve the community better.

"My motive is help victims recover their property and help us hold people responsible," Corona said.

Repairs to CSX crossings in western part of the county have emergency responders concerned

By Howard B. Owens

Emergency responders in Genesee County are feeling a little stress tonight over what is apparently an unexpected closure of six railroad crossings on the CSX line that stretches east and west along Route 33.

Reportedly, a contractor is replacing railroad ties and the crossings at Wortendyke, Upton, Wilkinson and Colby roads and Ellinwood Avenue have been torn up and are unpassable as a result.

The work means that fire departments that have portions of their districts south of the CSX line -- Batavia, East Pembroke and Corfu -- cannot easily and quickly get to some portions of their districts. Darien is cut off from a northern portion of its district. If Pembroke, Indian Falls and Alabama were needed in some southern parts of the county, their response times could be delayed.

Mutual aid from neighboring fire departments is often critical in emergency situations, and right now the Alexander and Darien fire departments are facing the possibility that vital emergency mutual aid could be delayed until the crossings are repaired.

The crossing closures could also impact response times for Mercy EMS and local law enforcement.

We have a call into the nighttime media contact for CSX but have yet to receive a call back.

According to a dispatch supervisor, the county was not notified until this morning about the closures and told the roads would reopen tonight. When troopers and deputies went to the confirm the closures, contractors said the closures will remain in effect until at least the morning, and possibly longer if the rain continues.

"We all understand they need to do the work," dispatcher Gary Diegelman said. "It's just the manner they're doing it that is concerning."

UPDATE Thursday, 6:30 a.m: A deputy informs dispatch that he spoke with the work crew and is informed the crossings will be closed all day and possibly into tomorrow.

UPDATE Thursday 8:55 a m.: Upton and Snipery have reopened.

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