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high school graduation

Hawley calls for in person graduations, says Cuomo's plan for drive-thru ceremonies is 'gross misuse of power'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is calling on his fellow Assembly members to allow high school students to graduate in person alongside their peers, as opposed to the governor’s plan for a drive-thru graduation, which Hawley calls “just one of the many gross misuses of executive power during the coronavirus crisis.”

Hawley argues that while solutions could have been discussed in the public setting and agreed upon by individuals, the governor has once again moved for a one-size-fits-all solution, which has been the greatest detractor of moving forward since this outbreak began.

“There exist plenty of solutions to holding a healthy and safe ceremony for our graduating high school classes, and I’m just as frustrated as the students are that the governor has once again decided to make a unilateral decision for an issue that can easily be brought into the public forum,” Hawley said.

“With graduations oftentimes taking place outside, the social distancing parameters could have easily been met, which would not only satisfy the health-conscious concerns of the executive, but given the graduating students the send-off they deserve. It’s no small feat to complete 12 years of education, and these students deserve to have their time, energy, and success recognized and celebrated along with their peers and families."

BHS commencement encourages lifelong service in graduates

By Lauren Leone

Batavia High School's 137th commencement occurred this afternoon at Genesee Community College in the Richard C. Call Arena.

Valedictorian Julia Spiotta (pictured below) encouraged members of the Class of 2019 to “fall forward” into their future endeavors in the face of both adversity and success.

She left this message with her class:

“Whatever we did over these years, we did it together knowing that the Class of 2019 was united, which is something I believe is very special about us.

“I’d like to thank you, members of the Class of 2019, for making high school so memorable. Today — June 23, 2019 — has been a day that we have all eagerly anticipated. Now that it is finally here, it is a very bittersweet day.”

During her speech, Salutatorian Tracy Lin remarked:

“Although we physically will no longer be in BHS, I have no doubt that each one of us will always carry in their memories the laughs, achievements, classes, sporting events and the homecomings we’ve experienced as a class."

Commencement speaker Mark Warren, a mathematics teacher at BHS, said: “A life of service is not always easy, which is why it must be a conscious decision. You have to be the person that decides to live your life in the service of others … It’s time to commence your life of service."

Loud applause filled the arena as graduate Antwan Odom, who was approved to attend commencement alongside his classmates, received his diploma.

Presentation of awards and diplomas was given by Paul Kesler, principal of BHS; Patrick Burk, president of the Board of Education; and Christopher Dailey, superintendent of schools. Sunday’s commencement was Dailey’s last BHS graduation prior to departing for his new superintendent position at Gates Chili Central School District.

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Below, Salutatorian Tracy Lin.

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