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Highway Department

County Highway crews heading to Route 77 in Alabama to try and rescue stranded drivers in whiteout conditions

By Howard B. Owens

With a high degree of concern for people trapped in their cars in the area of Route 77 and Judge Road, County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens, along with three county highway personnel driving three heavy loaders/plow trucks, are leaving Batavia in an attempt to rescue them.

No other emergency personnel in fire trucks, rescue trucks, or patrol cars have been able to reach them.

"I've got three highway guys putting their lives at risk, my life at risk, to try and save them, but I would feel bad if we didn't try," Hens said.

Hens was just leaving the City of Batavia, driving behind the highway trucks and said visibility was already down to nearly zero. He passed a semi-truck stuck in the snow in front of Tops.  There was about a foot of snow in that location.

Deputies have reported drifts of snow as high as five feet surrounding the cars that are stuck in Alabama.

"We have a pretty high level of concern," Hens said. "Some people have been out there nine, 10 hours. I know there are people who are hypothermic at this point.  I'm not sure we will be able to reach them.  It's just such bad visibility. I'm not even sure we will be able to get there, to be honest."

There has been a heavy, large lake-effect snow band stretching from Lake Erie into Alabama and Oakfield all day.  The National Weather Service reports it is likely to be in place until at least midnight.

"It might be there until midnight tomorrow," Hens said. "This storm is going to revival '77 in its intensity.  It's maybe not as wide or as broad but for people under the snow band, it will be."

Photo: File photo of Tim Hens from 2018 at Genesee County Legislature meeting.

UPDATE: here's a four-second video from Tim Hens showing conditions on the road to Alabama.

Additional state money, decrease in costs, will help county catch up on road paving

By Howard B. Owens

An increase in funding from the state and lower asphalt prices will help the county catch up on road repaving over the next five years, Highway Superintendent Tim Hens told the County Legislature's Public Service Committee Monday afternoon.

This year, the county will have slightly more than $2 million available for road and bridge projects, that's a 25-percent increase over last year.

The state is sending the county an additional $382,000 as part of a Pave NY program initiated this year and intended to increase funding to local governments for five years.

At the same time, the cost of asphalt has dropped by about 20 percent, Hens said.

"This will let us catch up over the next five years and get us where we ought to be," Hens said.

Maintenance has been deferred on many roads in recent years because of tight revenue and high asphalt prices.

That will help with the roads, but what about the bridges?

The county is responsible for 284 bridges (including culverts) and about 50 percent are deficient, Hens said.

The county needs about $15 million for bridge repair and maintenance, and while the state is starting a Bridge NY program, it won't meet all of the county's needs.

"Eventually, the county will probably have to bond some money or do something long term in the millions of dollars to catch up on those bridges," Hens said.

Many of the county's bridges are 65 to 70 years old.  

"They're running out of life and you take a bridge here or there on some of those rural roads and some of the detours get pretty long really quick," Hens said.

County ready to move ahead with equipment and vehicle purchases

By Howard B. Owens

The County Legislature is set to authorize more than $588,000 in new equipment and vehicles for the Highway Department after the Public Service Committee recommended approving the planned purchase of a flatbed truck, loader and 13 pickups, SUVs and sedans.

The biggest ticket item is a Hyundai 760-9 wheel loader from George & Swede Sales and Service of Pavilion in conformance with state bid specifications.

The loader will be paid for out of the road machinery fund over five years in annual payments of $38,894. The hooklift flatbed truck bed will be purchased from Cyncon Equipment of Henrietta for $59,953, and also paid out of that fund.

The 13 vehicles purchased will come from Van Bortel Ford in Rochester at a total cost of $334,615.

They are:

  • Two SUVs for the Sheriff's Office at a cost of $53,527
  • A 3/4 ton 4WD pickup for facilities maintenance, $36,515
  • 1/2 ton pickup for soil and water, $28,388
  • Full-size Taurus police vehicle for probation, $24,799
  • Four full-size Ford Fusions, $70,337
  • A van for animal control, $29,737
  • Two vans for facilities maintenance, $58,560
  • An SUV for Emergency Management Services, $32,771

CORRECTION: The hooklift flat-bed was not authorized for purchase.

Highway superintendent proposes video cameras to monitor county's fuel pumps

By Howard B. Owens

It would be a good idea, according to County Highway Superintendent Tim Hens, to install cameras to monitor the gas pumps used to fill up county vehicles.

In some counties employees have been caught stealing gas. Hens didn't come right out and say any Genesee County personnel are stealing gas, but he would like to have a system that would much such theft easier to prove.

"The only way to catch somebody now is to compare like vehicle to like vehicle," Hens said. "If one pickup truck is getting 15 miles to the gallon and another is getting only nine, then I'm going to say 'something is not right here,' but you're still dealing with somebody with only circumstantial numbers."

A camera would allow supervisors to check tapes (digitally stored) and see if employees are bringing in personal vehicles at the same time they fuel county vehicles, or filling up gas cans.

Legislators Ray Cianfrini and Bob Baush balked at the $19,000 price tag for the video surveillance system during the Public Service meeting Monday. They wondered if fewer cameras could be used, or if surveillance was necessary at all.

"Is it worth paying $19,000 to save $40 in gas?" Cianfrini asked.

Besides monitoring the pumps, the proposed system can also monitor the parts garage and could eventually be expanded to monitor nearby DeWitt Park.

Hens said that as much as $2,000 annually from potentially pilfered gas could be saved and the camera system -- which needs to be infrared to read license plates at night -- has a 10-year life expectancy.

But it isn't all about how much might be stolen, which is a hard number to pin down with the current system, Hens said.

"On principle, I don’t know if you want an employee who is stealing $40 of gas," Hens said. "I think you would rather catch those people."

Currently, fueling county vehicles involves a two-card process -- one card for the employee and one card for the vehicle.

As the meeting progressed, Tim Yaeger, director of Emergency Services, walked in. He and Undersheriff Bill Sheron spoke briefly and then Yaeger piped up, saying there might be Homeland Security grants available for the camera system.

Since the fuel yard is essential to critical services in an emergency, it needs to be protected, Yaeger said.

The motion to buy the system was tabled until Yaeger could research the availability of grants.

Local companies awarded bids for new highway equipment

By Howard B. Owens

The county is keeping it local with the purchase of snow and ice control devices under terms of a resolution passed by the Ways and Meetings Committee this afternoon.

Companies in Oakfield and Corfu were awarded the bids.

The highway department will use state grant money to purchase an 11-foot stainless steel hopper spreader at a cost of $9,500 from Viking-Cives, 2917 Judge Road, Oakfield.

The second purchase is two 8-foot stainless steel hopper spreaders at a cost of $5,575 each from Unicorn Specialties, 2141 Main Road, Corfu.

Bids were received from six vendors for the road salt spreaders.

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