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Joan Elizabeth Seamans

Williamsville businesswoman to vie for Ranzenhofer's Senate seat

By Billie Owens

Previously submitted photo and press release:

Joan Elizabeth Seamans announces her candidacy for the New York Senate District 61.

She is a 25+year business owner in Amherst, a former trustee for the Village of Williamsville and former president of the Williamsville Business Association.

Seamans ran a very strong race against Senator Michael Ranzenhofer in 2018 and had the closest margins in more than 10 years.

Wishing Senator Ranzenhofer all the best as he retires at the end of next year to enjoy more time with his family, Seamans says she looks forward to bringing the voices of those across this diverse district to Albany.

Candidate for District 61 wants to help reform Albany

By Howard B. Owens

There are too many Republican votes in the State Senate that are holding back important reforms that will move New York forward and Joan Elizabeth Seamans would like to replace one of them.

She's got her eye on the District 61 seat currently occupied by Michael Ranzenhofer.

"It is time that we (Democrats) get another vote in that Senate so we can have sensible laws and things that benefit our community," Seamans told a group of activist women gathered for a political workshop at the Dibble Family Center in Batavia.

"We have high taxes. It's a Republican problem and I'm going to tell you why. As long as we keep having corporate welfare and sending money downstate to luxury developers and not investing in our people we have a problem."

Seamans said she is one of nine children from her family and that they grew up poor. At 13, she had to start earning her own money to buy clothes for school. She has been in business for herself her whole life and has served in various political and civic groups.

The issues she raised today included early voting, the opioid epidemic, health care (she favors single payer), criminal justice reform, and bail reform.

She said New York needs sensible gun laws and criticized Ranzenhofer for voting against bipartisan legislation that would bar people convicted of domestic violence from possessing guns.

"This is is what sensible gun reform is," she said, "yet my opponent voted against this legislation. His no vote is obscene and demonstrates a voting record that is not only out of touch but it is anti-woman."

The biggest reform Albany must tackle, she said, is campaign finance, particularly the LLC loophole, which enables large donors to establish multiple limited liability corporations to make donations to political candidates at the $60,000 limit for each.

She said a "luxury developer" downstate has donated $100,000 to Ranzenhofer.

"That corporation has received hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks," she said, and then added, "This is why we need campaign finance reform, because we have corporations supporting candidates who give tax breaks to the wealthiest down state when we when we need those resources back here in Western New York."

Businesswoman says she will challenge Ranzenhofer for Senate seat

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

A statement from Joan Elizabeth Seamans:

There is always a lot of talk about changing Albany in election years. Yet, the only way to truly change Albany is to stop sending the same old politicians back.

We have a diverse district, with people from many walks of life. This district has multimillion dollar homes, a rural community, and families living in poverty. Taxes are high and the needs of our communities are great.

Our great state can meet the needs of New Yorkers and at the same time be fiscally responsible. The question will always remain, “Who or what is benefiting from our tax dollars?”

Wealthy developers downstate continue to fund my opponent's campaign while receiving tax breaks in the hundreds of millions. Corporate welfare takes money from our communities here in WNY. My opponent is the protector of the LLC loophole and this is just one of the reasons he needs to be replaced.

We need to invest in our people. Invest in stellar education for our children. Invest in workforce training and trade schools. If we invest in people, our economy will grow. We need to replace worry with hope. We need to put people before politics. We need to change Albany and I am ready to do it.

Williamsville business owner announces candidacy for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Joan Elizabeth Seamans is a strong, compassionate woman who is ready to bring back decency and be a voice for the people of NY Congressional District 27.

“I fiercely oppose the cycle of special interests funding campaigns and legislation that benefits the wealthy instead of the people in NY District 27. My opponent, Chris Collins, has confirmed this practice. My donors are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again,’ 

“It is time for 'trickle up' economics and legislation that gives the people in the district opportunity and financial security instead of the wealthy and corporations. My desire is to serve all constituents, Republican and Democrat alike. I am committed to listening, being engaged and take their concerns to Washington as their Congresswoman.”

A longtime business owner, she has operated, Short Street Photographers in Western New York for more than 30 years. She is: a past president of the Williamsville Business and Professional Association; a member the Public Policy Committee for the Amherst Chamber of Commerce; and a former Trustee in the Village of Williamsville. In addition, she is a member of NAWBO National Association of Women Business Owners.

Her political activism is far-reaching. She is a founder of a 1,300-member online group focusing on electoral issues, encouraging civic engagement and education of members about political and legislative issues. 

As a committed woman to community needs, Joan Elizabeth has worked for four years working with families whose children have addiction and behavioral issues. In addition, realizing the lack of services for our poor elderly, Joan Elizabeth spent six years connecting talented youth with residents of nursing homes all over Western New York.

Joan Elizabeth is a wife, mother, business owner, community leader and political activist. She and her husband Gary Nizinski have been married for 32 years. She has two children.

She comes from a humble background. One of eight children, she was taught resourcefulness and self-sufficiency early on. Her father, a World War II Navy vet is a lifelong Republican and her mother was a Democrat. She regularly acknowledges she has “a little bit of both of them in me.” Joan Elizabeth recently was granted guardianship of her father and has been a long time champion for the elderly.

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