Liberalism has changed to Socialism
"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need"
"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
One of these quotes I heard this morning, and immediatly thought of the other. The problem with them is that its straight from the Karl Marx book of Socialism.
So many times in this campaign for president, Obama has said things much to this effect and has not been called out on it in any main stream media outlet. Handing the reins of this country to him would send America into a tailspin of which we may not be able to recover from.
Stepping away from the Marxist view of "spreading the wealth," lets look at the tax plan for a minute.
In his plan, only companies making $250,000 or more would see a tax rate. That seems great for you and me right? We make up the 95% who wont see a tax increase. WRONG!
Big buisness is something that we all use everyday. Whether it be at the gas station, or at Wal-Mart, Wendy's. When Obama's new tax plan goes into affect, these companies will immediatly raise their prices. CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES! WE, WE PAY THEIR TAXES! Coporations will not take a hit on their profits. They need to pay everyone down the line as well. So much for not seeing an increase.
Small business wont escape the taxes either. First of all, Obama's number of $250,000 is too vague. Does that mean gross or net business income. Does that include the inventory that any store needs to carry?
That not withstanding. Small companies have to buy from big companies. Therefore, they'll be paying more. I like going to my local gun store. Its small, and costs a little more than the big box store, but the tips and advice I get make up the difference. When these companies have to pay more for their product, how are they going to make up for it?
They can raise their prices. However, that will make more people go to the bigger stores, and forgo the advice aspect for the deal. They could lay off employees. However, that will add to the unemployment numbers, and drive up number of people having to rely more on the government.
How about that. Even when Obama is trying not to show is socialism, it comes out in the end. The more people that have to rely on the government, the more power the government has over the people.
We've already given $700 billion to Wall St. Lets not let socialism take over anymore.
I'm Guy, a lifelong conservitive, and I'll be voting against Socialism