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legal notices

PUBLIC NOTICE: Establishment of Water District No. 5 (Pratt Rd) in the Town of Pembroke

By Legal Notices


At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York, held at the Pembroke Town Hall in said Town on February 9th, 2023.


Tom Schneider, Supervisor
Kathleen Manne, Councilperson
Edward Arnold Jr. Councilman
Thomas Dix, Councilman
K. Warren Clark, Councilman


Establishment of Water District No. 5 (Pratt Rd) in the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York                                                   :

To read more click on the headline:

WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the establishment of a proposed Town of Pembroke, Water District No. 5, prepared by Clark Patterson Lee, Engineers in a manner and in such detail as has been determined by this Town Board, has been duly filed with the Town Clerk, in accordance with the requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law; and

WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by this Town Board on January 18, 2023, reciting the filing of said map, plan and report, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district, the proposed method of financing, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same were on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying February 9, 2023  as the date, at 6:30 pm on said day as the time, at the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York as the place where this Town Board would meet and consider said map, plan and report, and to hear all residents and landowners interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law; and

WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law; and

WHEREAS, a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on February 9, 2023 at 6:30 pm on said day, in the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York, at which all interested persons desiring to be heard were heard, including those in favor of, and those opposed to, the establishment of said Water District No. 4; now, therefore, upon the evidence adduced at such public hearing, be it


a.   That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient;

b.   That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby;

c.   That all property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district;

d.   That it is in the public interest to establish said district; and be it further


That Water District #5 (Pratt Rd) is hereby established, the bounds of which are described in the attached Exhibit A, and shall be constructed as set forth in the said map, plan and report and order calling a public hearing, at a cost not to exceed Two Million Fifty five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,055,000.00) of which Nine Hundred Four Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($904,000.00) will be provided by USDA Rural Development in the form of a grant and One Million One Hundred Fifty-one Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($1,151,000.00) will be provided by a loan from USDA Rural Development at a rate of 1.75% over a period of 38 years, which shall result in the annual cost of the district for debt service to the equivalent dwelling unit for the first fiscal year is estimated to be $551.00; and the annual cost for the typical home for operation, maintenance and user charges is estimated to be $495.00, for a total cost of $1,048.00, there is estimated to be one-time costs of $1,140.00 for installation of the individual water systems, and

That, the permission of the State Comptroller is required prior to District formation, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this order is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in section 209-e of the Town Law.

Dated: February 9, 2023

Motion made by: Councilman Dix

Seconded by: Councilwoman Manne

Ayes: Councilwoman Manne, Councilman Dix,

Councilman Arnold, Supervisor Schneider

Nays: None

APPROVED by: Unanimous vote (4-0)

State of New York)

County of Genesee)     ss:

I, Nicole Begin, Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding Order with the original thereof filed in my office in Pembroke, New York on the 9th day of February 2023, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 9th day of February, 2023.

Nicole M. Begin
Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York



All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Pembroke, County of Genesee, State of New York, and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, and the center line of Slusser Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence,

1.Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 507 feet, more or less, to the southerly property line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1; thence,

2.Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

3.Northwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-10.1, 17.-2-10.2, and 17.-2-31.21, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,868 feet, more or less, to a point on a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-31.21; thence,

4.Northwesterly, along the southerly lines of the tax account numbers 17.-2-31.21, 17.-2-31.12, 17.-1-48.11, 17.-1-48.12, 17.-1-49, 17.-1-50.1, 17.-1-50.2, and 17.-1-75, to the easterly extension of a line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,

5.Westerly, across Tonawanda Creek, along the easterly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, a distance of 325 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,

6.Northwesterly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and the northerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75 a distance of 337 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,

7.Westerly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 148 feet, more or less, to the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,

8.Northwesterly, along the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 448 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,

9.Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of 17.-1-11; thence,

10.Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 290 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,



11.Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, the easterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and the existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 762 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18; thence,

12.Northwesterly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18, a distance of 541 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way; thence,

13.Northerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-1-18, 17.-1-19.12, 17.-1-19.11, and 17.-1-21.111, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 1,528 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

14.Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 323 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

15.Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 116 feet, more or less to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

16.Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, and the westerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-35 and 17.-1-36, a distance of 684 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 17.-1-36; thence,

17.Southeasterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-36, a distance of 68 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence,

18.Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-36, 17.-1-37, 17.-2-2.212, 17.-2-2.211, and 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 1,863 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 17.-2-2.1; thence,

19.Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, and the southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,

20.Easterly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,

21.Northeasterly, along the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, and the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, a distance of 336 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,

22.Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-3, 17.-2-5, 17.-2-4, 17.-2-38, 17.-2-39, 17.-2-40, 17.-2-41, 17.-2-42, 17.-2-43, 17.-2-44, and 17.-2-45, a distance of 1,179 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-45; thence,

23.Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 803 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.2; thence,

24.Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.2 and 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 408 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12; thence,

25.Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 124 feet more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-46; thence,

26.Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-46, 17.-2-47, 17.-2-49.1, 17.-2-55.2, and 17.-2-6.112, a distance of 662 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-51; thence,

27.Southwesterly, along an easterly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-51 and 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 143 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

28.Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 206 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

29.Southeasterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 96 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

30.Westerly, along a southerly line of a tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 40 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

31.Southwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.111 and 17.-2-7, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 667 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,

32.Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7, a distance of 199 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,

33.Southerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-8, a distance of 1,952 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

34.Southeasterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-8, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,390 feet, more or less, to the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia; thence,

35.Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 530 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.

Pratt Road/Water District #5, as described above, contains approximately 309 acres of land.

All as shown on a map prepared by CPL, entitled “Pratt Road Water District – Water District Map”, dated May 20, 2020.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Establishment of Water District No. 4 in the Town of Pembroke

By Legal Notices


At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York, held at the Pembroke Town Hall in said Town on February 9th, 2023.


Tom Schneider, Supervisor
Kathleen Manne, Councilperson
Edward Arnold Jr. Councilman
Thomas Dix, Councilman


Establishment of Water District No. 4 in the Town of Pembroke, in the County of Genesee, New York                                                   :

Click the headline to read more:

WHEREAS, a map, plan and report relating to the establishment of a proposed Town of Pembroke, Water District No. 4, prepared by Clark Patterson Lee, Engineers in a manner and in such detail as has been determined by this Town Board, has been duly filed with the Town Clerk, in accordance with the requirements of Article 12-A of the Town Law; and

WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by this Town Board on January 18, 2023, reciting the filing of said map, plan and report, the improvements proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district, the proposed method of financing, the fact that the map, plan and report describing the same were on file in the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection, and stating all other matters required by law to be stated, and specifying February 9th, 2023 as the date, at 6:30 pm on said day as the time, at the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York as the place where this Town Board would meet and consider said map, plan and report, and to hear the residents and landowners in the proposed District interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and to take such action thereon as is required or authorized by law; and

WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law; and

WHEREAS a hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on February 9th, 2023, at 6:30 pm on said day, in the Pembroke Town Hall, Pembroke, New York, at which the residents and landowners of the proposed District desiring to be heard were heard, including those in favor of, and those opposed to, the establishment of said Water District No. 4; now, therefore, upon the evidence adduced at such public hearing, be it


a.  That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law, and is otherwise sufficient;

b.  That all property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby;

c.  That all property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district;

d.  That it is in the public interest to establish said district; and be it further


That, Water District #4 is hereby established, the bounds of which are described in the attached Exhibit A, and shall be constructed as set forth in the said map, plan and report and order calling a public hearing, at a cost not to exceed $9,056,000.00 (Nine Million Fifty-six Thousand Dollars and no/100), which shall be financed in the following manner; a USDA grant of $3,744,000.00  (Three Million Seven Hundred Forty-four Thousand Dollars and no/100 dollars) and a 38 year Bond at an annual estimated interest rate of 1.25% in the amount of $5,312,000.00 (Five Million Three Hundred Twelve Thousand Dollars), which shall result in the annual cost of the district for debt service to the equivalent dwelling unit after the first fiscal year is estimated to be $466.00; and the annual cost for the typical home for operation, maintenance and user charges is estimated to be $496.00, for a total cost of $962.00, there is estimated to be one-time costs of $1,140.00 for installation of the individual water systems, and That, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required prior to District Formation, and be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this order is subject to a permissive referendum as provided in section 209-e of the Town Law.

Dated: February 9, 2023

Motion made by: Councilman Arnold
Seconded by: Councilwoman Manne
Ayes: Councilwoman Manne, Councilman Dix,
Councilman Arnold, Supervisor Schneider

Nays: None

APPROVED by: Unanimous vote (4-0)

State of New York County of Genesee)     ss:

I, Nicole Begin, Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding Order with the original thereof filed in my office in Pembroke, New York on the 9th day of February 2023, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 9th day of February, 2023.

Nicole M. Begin
Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York

Town of Pembroke supports Hawley bill that would expand legal notices requirements

By Howard B. Owens

The Town of Pembroke passed a resolution at its meeting last week supporting a bill authored by Assemblyman Steve Hawley that would allow online-only news sites to publish legal notices.

Currently, any legal notice or public notice, published by an online-only news outlet doesn't meet the statutory requirements for properly letting the public know about a variety of actions taken by public agencies.  There are a number of potential actions by a government agency, such as announcing a public hearing on a specific topic, that must be published in a printed newspaper in order for that statutory requirement to be met.

The resolution passed by the Town Board states:

WHEREAS the Town of Pembroke has had ongoing issues with advertising in the Batavia Daily News and

WHEREAS the Pembroke Town Board believes that Johnson Newspaper Corporation / New York Press Service does not understand the legal ramifications of prompt advertising according to New York State Laws and deadlines and

WHEREAS the Pembroke Town Board believes that it is unfair to only allow for advertising in a printed, paid publication because it limits notices to only those residents that pay for that service; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT

RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke supports Assembly Bill A2040 Sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Hawley which would allow for online publication of public notices.

The bill is AB 2067 and changes one of the statutes governing legal notice to read:

§ 40-a. Public notices and publications.  Subject to the provisions of subdivision two of this section and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, in any case in which notice of any fact is required by law to be published or advertised in a newspaper, in addition such requirement shall be satisfied by publication of the notice in an online news publication that:

a. provides general interest news on a daily basis to a defined geographic location; and

b. has been continuously published for at least one year prior to the date of publication of the notice. 1

2. Any publication made pursuant to the terms of this section shall be subject to all requirements and stipulations of publication imposed by law or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction with regard to the notice, with the exception of a requirement that the notice is published in a newspaper.

Hawley has introduced his or a similar bill every year for at least a decade. Newspaper owners have lobbied against any change in the law in order to protect their legal notice monopoly. As a result, even with bi-partisan support in some years, the bill has never made it out of the governmental administration committee.

New York's General Construction Law Section 50  currently defines "newspaper" as only a printed publication.  

A change in the law would also allow government agencies to designate online-only publications as the publication of records for the jurisdiction.

LEGAL NOTICE: Town of Pembroke schedules public hearing for Water District #5

By Legal Notices


At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, held at the Town Hall in said Town of Pembroke, County of Genesee, State of New York on the 18th day of January, 2023.


Thomas Schneider, Supervisor
Kathleen Manne, Councilperson
Edward Arnold, Jr., Councilman


The Establishment of Water District #5 (Pratt Rd) in the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York under Town Law Article 12-A.

Click the headline for more ... 

WHEREAS, A map, plan and report have been prepared in a manner and detail as determined by the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, regarding the establishment of a proposed   Water District No. 5 in the Town of Pembroke.

The map, plan and report have been filed in the Town Clerk’s Office in the Town on the 2nd day of June 2021.

The map, plan and report were prepared by Jeremy DeLyser, P.E., of Clark Patterson Lee, a competent engineer, licensed by the State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed district, a general plan of the distribution system and a report of the proposed methods of operation and the estimated maximum cost of said proposed district. The map depicts the boundaries of the proposed district.

The boundaries are as follows;

Beginning at the intersection of the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, and the center line of Slusser Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence,

  1. Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 507 feet, more or less, to the southerly property line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1; thence,
  2. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,
  3. Northwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-10.1, 17.-2-10.2, and 17.-2-31.21, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,868 feet, more or less, to a point on a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-31.21; thence,
  4. Northwesterly, along the southerly lines of the tax account numbers 17.-2-31.21, 17.-2-31.12, 17.-1-48.11, 17.-1-48.12, 17.-1-49, 17.-1-50.1, 17.-1-50.2, and 17.-1-75, to the easterly extension of a line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,
  5. Westerly, across Tonawanda Creek, along the easterly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, a distance of 325 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,
  6. Northwesterly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and the northerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75 a distance of 337 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,
  7. Westerly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 148 feet, more or less, to the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,
  8. Northwesterly, along the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 448 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,
  9. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of 17.-1-11; thence,
  10. Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 290 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,
  11. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, the easterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and the existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 762 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18; thence,
  12. Northwesterly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18, a distance of 541 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way; thence,
  13. Northerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-1-18, 17.-1-19.12, 17.-1-19.11, and 17.-1-21.111, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 1,528 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,
  14. Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 323 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,
  15. Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 116 feet, more or less to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,
  16. Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, and the westerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-35 and 17.-1-36, a distance of 684 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 17.-1-36; thence,
  17. Southeasterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-36, a distance of 68 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence,
  18. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-36, 17.-1-37, 17.-2-2.212, 17.-2-2.211, and 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 1,863 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 17.-2-2.1; thence,
  19. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, and the southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,
  20. Easterly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,
  21. Northeasterly, along the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, and the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, a distance of 336 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,
  22. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-3, 17.-2-5, 17.-2-4, 17.-2-38, 17.-2-39, 17.-2-40, 17.-2-41, 17.-2-42, 17.-2-43, 17.-2-44, and 17.-2-45, a distance of 1,179 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-45; thence,
  23. Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 803 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.2; thence,
  24. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.2 and 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 408 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12; thence,
  25. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 124 feet more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-46; thence,
  26. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-46, 17.-2-47, 17.-2-49.1, 17.-2-55.2, and 17.-2-6.112, a distance of 662 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-51; thence,
  27. Southwesterly, along an easterly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-51 and 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 143 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,
  28. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 206 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,
  29. Southeasterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 96 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,
  30. Westerly, along a southerly line of a tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 40 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,
  31. Southwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.111 and 17.-2-7, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 667 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,
  32. Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7, a distance of 199 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,
  33. Southerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-8, a distance of 1,952 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,
  34. Southeasterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-8, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,390 feet, more or less, to the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia; thence,
  35. Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 530 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.

Pratt Road/Water District #5, as described above, contains approximately 309 acres of land.

All as shown on a map prepared by CPL, entitled “Pratt Road Water District – Water District Map”, dated May 20, 2020.

WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of construction and maintenance of a water system, to serve the said district, including water mains, and distribution pipes to be installed at the sole expense of the residents of the district and no public funds will be expended therefore; and

WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvements (or, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the performance or supplying of services) as stated in the said Map. Plan and Report is the sum of Two Million Fifty five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,055,000.00) of which Nine Hundred Four Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($904,000.00) will be provided by USDA Rural Development in the form of a grant and One Million One Hundred Fifty-one Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($1,151,000.00) will be provided by a loan from USDA Rural Development at a rate of 1.75% over a period of 38 years; and

WHEREAS, the total estimated cost after the first year of service for equivalent dwelling units is $1,048.00, of which $552.00 will be paid toward debt service and $496.00 will be paid toward annual water costs (including operation and maintenance costs) Total one time estimated costs per equivalent dwelling unit for installation are estimated to be $1,140.00.


ORDERED, that a public hearing before the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, shall be held at the Pembroke Town Hall, 1145 Main Road Corfu, New York on the 9th day of February, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. to hear the residents and landowners in the proposed district  interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or proper in the premises.

Dated:  January 18th, 2023

Motion made by: Supervisor Schneider
Seconded by: Councilman Arnold
Ayes: Manne, Arnold, Schneider
Nays: None

APPROVED by: Unanimous vote (3-0)

State of New York) County of Genesee)    ss:

I, Nicole Begin, Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding Order with the original thereof filed in my office in Pembroke, New York on the 18th of January, 2023, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.

In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 18th day of January, 2023.

Nicole Begin

Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke

Genesee County, New York


LEGAL NOTICE: Town of Pembroke schedules public hearing for Water District #4

By Legal Notices


At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, held at the Town Hall in said Town of Pembroke, County of Genesee, State of New York on the 18th day of January, 2023.


Thomas Schneider, Supervisor
Kathleen Manne, Councilperson
Edward Arnold, Jr., Councilman

The Establishment of Water District #4  in the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York under Town Law Article 12-A.

Click the headline for more ...

WHEREAS, A map, plan and report have been prepared in a manner and detail as determined by the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, regarding the establishment of a proposed   Water District No. 4 in the Town of Pembroke.

The map, plan and report have been filed in the Town Clerk’s Office in the Town on the 2nd      day of June 2021.

The map, plan and report were prepared by Jeremy DeLyser, P.E., of Clark Patterson Lee, a competent engineer, licensed by the State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed district, a general plan of the distribution system and a report of the proposed methods of operation and the estimated maximum cost of said proposed district. The map depicts the boundaries of the proposed district.

The boundaries are as follows;

Beginning at a point, being the northwesterly corner of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1 and the intersection of the centerline of Gabbey Road (C.R. 4) (66 feet wide right-of-way) and a westerly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-31.111; thence,

  1. Northerly, along the centerline of Gabbey Road and an easterly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 174 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly corner of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  2. Southwesterly, along a northerly line of the Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, through the lands of tax account number 10.-1-38.115, a distance of 862 feet, more or less, to a point on the southwesterly line of tax account number 10.-1-38.115, 500 feet northeasterly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road; thence,
  3. Northwesterly, along the southwesterly line of tax account number 10.-1-38.115, a distance of 307 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-38.115; thence,
  4. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 10.-1-38.115, a distance of 400 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-38.115; thence,
  5. Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 10.-1-38.115, a distance of 514 feet, more or less, a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road; thence,
  6. Northerly, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 10.-1-52, 10.-1-51, 10.-1-50, 10.-1-1.112, 10.-1-2.123, 10.-1-49, 10.-1-48, and 10.-1-46.1, a distance of 2,006 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 10.-1-46.1; thence,
  7. Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 10.-1-46.1, a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-2.21; thence,
  8. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 10.-1-2.21, a distance of 125 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 9.-1-64; thence,
  9. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 9.-1-64, a distance of 519 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-64; thence,
  10. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-64, a distance of 422 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Akron Road (99 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  11. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Akron Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 9.-1-65.11, 9.-1-66, 8.-1-13.11, and 8.-1-13.12, a distance of 2,598 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 8.-1-13.12; thence,
  12. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 8.-1-13.12, a distance of 269 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-12; thence,
  13. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-12, a distance of 250 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-16.21; thence,
  14. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-16.21, a distance of 51 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-16.21; thence,
  15. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-16.21, a distance of 577 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Marble Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  16. Southerly, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Marble Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 8.-1-16.121, and 8.-1-16.112, a distance of 2,054 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-17.2; thence,
  17. Southeasterly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 8.-1-17.2, 14.-2-66, and 14.-2-1.112, a distance of 1,009 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 14.-2-1.112; thence,
  18. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 14.-2-1.112, a distance of 163 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-2-1.111; thence,
  19. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 14.-2-1.111, a distance of 400 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-2-1.111 and a northeasterly corner of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  20. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 14.-2-1.111, across Marble Road, along the southerly line of tax account number 14.-1-18.2, and along a northerly line of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 1,093 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-18.2 and a northwesterly corner of the Existing Extension No.1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  21. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 14.-1-17.1 and along a westerly line of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1 and the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 1,811 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-17.1 and a southwesterly corner of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  22. Southwesterly, along a line perpendicular to the northerly right-of-way line of Knapp Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way) and along a northwesterly line of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 50 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-15 and a northwesterly corner of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  23. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 14.-1-15 and along a northerly line of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 1,018 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-15; thence,
  24. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-15, a distance of 269 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southwesterly of and parallel to the centerline of Knapp Road; thence,
  25. Northwesterly and westerly along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Knapp Road, through the lands of tax account number 14.-1-14.1, 14.-1-13.111, 14.-1-6.1, and 14.-1-5.113, a distance of 4,461 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 14.-1-84; thence,
  26. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 14.-1-84, a distance of 149 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-84; thence,
  27. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 14.-1-84, a distance of 210 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-84; thence,
  28. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-84, a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Knapp Road; thence,
  29. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Knapp Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 14.-1-5.112, 14.-1-3.113, 14.-1-86, 14.-1-3.112, and 14.-1-2.1, a distance of 1,763 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-2.1 and the westerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary; thence,
  30. Northerly, along the westerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and along the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-2.1, across Knapp Road, and along the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-1.2, a distance of 1,000 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Knapp Road; thence,
  31. Easterly, along a line 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Knapp Road, through the lands of tax account number 14.-1-1.2, a distance of 81 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-1.12; thence,
  32. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 14.-1-1.12, a distance of 500 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-1.12; thence,
  33. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 14.-1-1.12 and 14.-1-97, a distance of 604 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-97; thence,
  34. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 14.-1-97, a distance of 11 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-4.11; thence,
  35. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 14.-1-4.11, a distance of 910 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 14.-1-4.11; thence,
  36. Northerly, along the westerly lines of tax account numbers 14.-1-4.11, 8.-1-38.121, 8.-1-54, 8.-1-37.111, and 8.-1-37.12, a distance of 2,409 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-50; thence,
  37. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 8.-1-50, 8.-1-40.115, 8.-1-57 and through the lands of tax account number 8.-1-56-1 along the westerly extension of the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-57, a distance 1,043 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-40.2; thence,
  38. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-40.2, a distance of 255 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-40.2; thence,
  39. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-40.2 and along a westerly extension of the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-40.2, through the lands of tax account number 8.-1-46, a distance of 729 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 8.-1-46 and the westerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary; thence,
  40. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 8.-1-46, across Akron Road (66 feet wide right-of-way), and along the westerly line of tax account number 8.-1-45, also along the westerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary, a distance of 1,556 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-45; thence,
  41. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 8.-1-45, 8.-1-41.1, 8.-1-41.2, and 8.-1-42, and along an easterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 8.-1-42, a distance of 1,828 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Tesnow; thence,
  42. Northerly, along the centerline of Tesnow Road, a distance of 477 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Akron Road; thence,
  43. Easterly, along a line 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Akron Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 8.-1-7, 8.-1-8.1, 8.-1-9.1, 8.-1-10.12, and 8.-1-11.111, a distance of 8,476 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Hopkins Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  44. Northerly, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Hopkins Road, through the lands of tax account number 8.-1-11.111, a distance of 577 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-11.221; thence,
  45. Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-11.221, a distance of 30 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-11.221; thence,
  46. Northerly, along a westerly line of tax account number 8.-1-11.221, a distance of 225 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-11.221; thence,
  47. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 8.-1-11.221, a distance of 29 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Hopkins Road; thence,
  48. Northerly, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Hopkins Road, through the lands of tax account number 8.-1-59, a distance of 1,618 feet, more or less to the northerly line of tax account number 8.-1-59, and the northerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary; thence,
  49. Easterly, along the northerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary, a distance of 1,000 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Hopkins Road; thence,
  50. Southerly, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Hopkins Road, through the lands of tax account number 9.-1-1.1, a distance of 579 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 9.-1-84; thence,
  51. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 9.-1-84 and 9.-1-2.213, a distance of 740 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-2.213; thence,
  52. Northeasterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.213, a distance of 460 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-2.213; thence,
  53. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.213, a distance of 240 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-2.213; thence,
  54. Southwesterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.213, a distance of 392 feet, more or less, to a southeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-2.213; thence,
  55. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.213, a distance of 38 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Sliker Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  56. Easterly, along a line 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Sliker Road, through the lands of tax account number 9.-1-2.1, a distance of 1,576 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-7; thence,
  57. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-7, a distance of 108 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-7; thence,
  58. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 9.-1-7, 9.-1-9.122, 9.-1-83, 9.-1-9.123, 9.-1-9.22, 9.-1-9.21, 9.-1-9.112, and 9.-1-9.111, a distance of 2,304 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-9.111;
  59. Northeasterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-41.1, a distance of 324 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-41.1; thence,
  60. Southeasterly, along the northeasterly lines of tax account numbers 9.-1-41.1, 9.-1-41.2, and 9.-1-41.3, a distance of 345 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-38.11; thence,
  61. Northeasterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-38.11, a distance of 229 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 9.-1-11; thence,
  62. Northwesterly, along the southerly line of tax account number 9.-1-11, through the abandoned right-of-way of McAlpine Road (66 feet wide abandoned right-of-way) and along the southwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-12, a distance of 2,216 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the southwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-12; thence,
  63. Northeasterly, along a westerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a westerly line of tax account number 9.-2-12 and the northeasterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-12, a distance of 710 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the centerline of Meiser Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  64. Southeasterly, along a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary, and the centerline of Meiser Road, and a distance of 971 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the intersection of the centerlines of Meiser Road and McAlpine Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  65. Northeasterly, along a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the centerline of McAlpine Road, a distance of 347 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the northwesterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 9.-1-14; thence,
  66. Southeasterly, along a northerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary, a northwesterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 9.-1-14, and the northerly line of tax account number 9.-1-14, a distance of 233 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a northwesterly corner of tax account number        9.-1-15.111; thence,
  67. Northeasterly, along a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a northwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-15.111, a distance of 310 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-15.111; thence,
  68. Southeasterly, along a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a northeasterly line of tax account number 9.-1-15.111, a distance of 353 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-15.111; thence,
  69. Northeasterly, along a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a northwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-15.111, and a northeasterly extension of a northwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-15.111; a distance of 483 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the centerline of the abandoned right-of-way of Ogden Street (66 feet wide abandoned right-of-way); thence,
  70. Southeasterly, along a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and the centerline of the abandoned right-of-way of Ogden Street, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a southwesterly extension of the northwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-16.2; thence,
  71. Northeasterly, along a northwesterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a southwesterly extension of the northwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-16.2, a northwesterly line of tax account number 9.-1-16.2, a distance of 522 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary and a northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-16.2; thence,
  72. Easterly, along a northeasterly line of the Town of Pembroke Municipal Boundary, a northerly line of tax account number 9.-1-16.2, across Alleghany Road (NYS Route 77) (right-of-way varies) and along the northerly line of tax account number 9.-2-1, a distance of 1,091 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Alleghany Road; thence,
  73. Southerly, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Alleghany Road, through the lands of tax account number 9.-2-1, a distance of 894 feet, more and less, to the centerline of the abandoned right-of-way of Houseknecht Road (66 feet wide abandoned right-of-way); thence,
  74. Westerly, along the centerline of the abandoned right-of-way of Houseknecht Road, a distance of 178 feet, more or less, to the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 9.2-38.11; thence,
  75. Southerly, along a northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 9.2-38.11, and the easterly lines of tax account numbers 9.-2-38.11, and 9.-2-38.2, a distance of 404 feet, more or less, to a southeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-38.2; thence,
  76. Southwesterly, along a southerly line of tax account number 9.-2-38.2, a distance of 220 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-37.1; thence,
  77. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-37.1 and a southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-37.1 through the lands of the abandoned right-of-way of Troup Street (66 feet wide abandoned right-of-way), a distance of 152 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 9.-2-33; thence,
  78. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 9.-2-33, 9.-2-32, 9.-2-44.2, 9.-2-44.1, and 9.-2-46.2, a distance of 2,460 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-46.2; thence,
  79. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-46.2, a distance of 61 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-46.2 and the westerly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 9.-2-29; thence,
  80. Easterly, along the westerly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 9.-2-29, through the lands of the abandoned right-of-way of East Street (66 feet wide abandoned right-of-way), and along the northerly line of tax account number 9.-2-29, a distance of 344 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 9.-2-2.2; thence,
  81. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 9.-2-2.2, a distance of 218 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Phelps Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  82. Easterly, along a line 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Phelps Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 9.-2-2.2, 9.-2-2.1, 9.-2-5.111, 11.-1-1.1, 11.-1-2.1, 11.-1-14.1, and 11.-1-13.11, across Gorton Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), through the lands of tax account numbers 11.-1-12, 11.-1-11, 11.-1-9.2, 11.-1-9.1, and 11.-1-10, a distance of 13,072 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of North Pembroke Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  83. Northerly, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of North Pembroke Road, through the lands of tax account number 11.-1-10, a distance of 1,328 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 11.-1-10; thence,
  84. Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 11.-1-10, a distance of 187 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 11.-1-8; thence,
  85. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account numbers 11.-1-8 and 11.-1-7.12, a distance of 981 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12; thence,
  86. Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12, a distance of 12 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12; thence,
  87. Northerly, along a westerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12, a distance of 120 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12; thence,
  88. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12, a distance of 12 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12; thence,
  89. Northerly, along a westerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12, a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12; thence,
  90. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 11.-1-7.12 and an easterly extension of tax account number 11.-1-7.12, a distance of 313 feet more or less, to the centerline of North Pembroke Road and a westerly line of the Existing Town of Alabama Water District No. 2; thence,
  91. Southerly, along the centerline of North Pembroke Road and a westerly line of the Existing Town of Alabama Water District No. 2, a distance of 69 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of the Existing Town of Alabama Water District No. 2 and the centerline line of Galloway Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence,
  92. Easterly, along the centerline of Galloway Road and a southerly line of the Existing Town of Alabama Water District No. 2, a distance of 500 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of North Pembroke Road; thence,
  93. Southerly, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of North Pembroke Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 13.-1-5.11 and 13.-1-2, a distance of 2,680 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  94. Westerly, along a northerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 464 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  95. Southerly, along a westerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 24 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  96. Westerly, along the centerline of Phelps Road and a northerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 270 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1 and the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-27; thence,
  97. Southerly, along a westerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, and the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-27, and the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-27, a distance of 314 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-27 and a northwesterly corner of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,
  98. Westerly, along a northerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1 and the southerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-27, 12.-1-26.11, 12.-1-26.12, and 12.-1-26.2, a distance of 1,007 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-24.113; thence,
  99. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-24.113, a distance of 159 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Phelps Road; thence,

100. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Phelps Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 12.-1-24.113 and 12.-1-108, a distance of 494 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-108; thence,

101. Northerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-108, a distance of 299 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-24.2; thence,

102. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 12.-1-24.2, a distance of 200 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-23; thence,

103. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-23, a distance of 304 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Phelps Road; thence,

104. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Phelps Road, through the lands of tax account number 12.-1-23 and 12.-1-19, across Airville Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), through the lands of tax account numbers 12.-1-14.2, 12.-1-14.1, 12.-1-13, 12.-1-12, 12.-1-9.1, and 12.-1-8, a distance of 6,046 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-4.121; thence,

105. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-4.121, a distance of 412 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-4.121 and the northerly line of the Tonawanda Creek; thence,

106. Westerly, along the northerly line of the Tonawanda Creek, and along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-4.121, 12.-1-4.21, 12.-1-4.11, 12.-1-3, 12.-1-2, 12.-1-1, 9.-2-6, 9.-1-11, and 9.-2-14.1, a distance of 6,728 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-12; thence,

107. Northwesterly, along a southerly line of tax account number 9.-2-14.1, a distance of 149 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-12; thence,

108. Southwesterly, along a southerly line of tax account number 9.-2-14.1, a distance of 526 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-13; thence,

109. Westerly, along southerly lines of tax account numbers 9.-2-14.1 and 9.-2-14.2, a distance of 407 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-14.2; thence,

110. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-31.11, a distance of 81 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-15.11; thence,

111. Easterly, along the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek and the northerly lines of tax account numbers 9.-2-15.11, 9.-2-15.212, and 9.-2-15.211, a distance of 1,148 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-15.211; thence,

112. Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 9.-2-15.211 and 9.-2-15.22 and a southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-15.22, a distance of 795 feet, more or less, to the centerline of Fuller Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,

113. Easterly, along the centerline of Fuller Road, a distance of 348 feet, more or less, to the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-17; thence,

114. Southerly, along the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-17 and the easterly line of tax account number 9.-2-17, a distance of 437 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 9.-2-10.12; thence,

115. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 9.-2-10.12 and 9.-2-10.11, a distance of 435 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 9.-2-8; thence,

116. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 9.-2-8, a distance of 82 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to Indian Falls Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence,

117. Easterly, along a line 500 feet northerly of and parallel to Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 9.-2-8, 9.-2-7.21, 9.-2-7.12, and 12.-1-76, a distance of 2,333 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-76; thence,

118. Southerly, along easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-76, a distance of 35 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-80.1; thence,

119. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 12.-1-80.1, a distance of 125 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-81; thence,

120. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-81, a distance of 187 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-81 and the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek; thence,

121. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-81, 12.-1-82, and 12.-1-83 and the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek, a distance of 535 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-83; thence,

122. Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-83, 12.-1-84, 12.-1-85, and 12.-1-86, a distance of 616 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 12.-1-6; thence,

123. Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 12.-1-6, a distance of 421 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-5.11; thence,

124. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-5.11, a distance of 644 feet, more or less, to the northerly corner of tax account number 12.-1-5.11 and the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek; thence,

125. Southeasterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-5.11 and 12.-1-7.112 and the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek, a distance of 804 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-7.112; thence,

126. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-7.112, a distance of 376 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-103; thence,

127. Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 12.-1-103, a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-105; thence,

128. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-105, a distance of 395 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-105 and the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek; thence,

129. Southeasterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-105, 12.-1-7.12, and 12.-1-7.2 and the southerly line of the Tonawanda Creek, a distance of 588 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-7.2; thence,

130. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-7.2, a distance of 52 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road; thence,

131. Easterly, along a line 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 12.-1-10.1, 12.-1-11.2, 12.-1-11.11, 12.-1-11.12, 12.-1-15.1, and 12.-1-16, across Airville Road, through the lands of 12.-1-55, 12.-1-54, 12.-1-53, 12.-1-52, and 12.-1-45, a distance of 8,000 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of 12.-1-45 and a westerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,

132. Southerly, along a westerly line of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1 and the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-45, across Indian Falls Road, and along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-48, a distance of 950 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-48 and a southwesterly corner of the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1; thence,

133. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-48 and 12.-1-50.1, a distance of 1,694 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-50.1; thence,

134. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-50.1, a distance of 197 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road; thence,

135. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 12.-1-59, 12.-1-61.2, 12.-1-61.1, 12.-1-62, and 12.-1-63.111, a distance of 3,776 feet, more or less, to a southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-90.1; thence,

136. Northerly, along a southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-90.1, a distance of 51 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-90.1; thence,

137. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-90.1, 12.-1-106.1, and 12.-1-63.112, along a westerly extension of the southerly line of tax account number 12.-1-63.112 through the lands of tax account number 12.-1-63.111, and along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-63.12 and 12.-1-102, a distance of 1,279 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-102; thence,

138. Northwesterly and northerly, along the westerly lines of tax account number 12.-1-102, a distance of 179 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road; thence,

139. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 12.-1-101, 12.-1-64.1, 12.-1-65, 12.-1-66.1, and 12.-1-66.21, a distance of 1,801 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-66.22; thence,

140. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-66.22, a distance of 225 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-66.22; thence,

141. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 12.-1-66.22, a distance of 460 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-69; thence,

142. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 12.-1-69, a distance of 287 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-69; thence,

143. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 12.-1-69, a distance of 469 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-69; thence,

144. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-69, a distance of 531 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of  Indian Falls Road; thence,

145. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 12.-1-70 and 12.-1-72, a distance of 1,642 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-72; thence

146. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 12.-1-72, a distance of 37 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 12.-1-73.12; thence,

147. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 12.-1-73.12, 12.-1-73.11, and 10.-1-15.1, a distance of 1,035 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-16.1; thence,

148. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-16.1, a distance of 42 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road; thence,

149. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 10.-1-16.1 and 10.-1-11.2, a distance of 1,552 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-10.2; thence,

150. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-10.2, a distance of 90 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-10.2; thence,

151. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-10.2, a distance of 140 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-10.2; thence,

152. Northerly, along a westerly line of tax account number 10.-1-10.2, a distance of 90 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road; thence,

153. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 10.-1-10.1 and 10.-1-9, a distance of 889 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-8; thence,

154. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-8, a distance of 13 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-8; thence,

155. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-8, a distance of 218 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-8; thence,

156. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 10.-1-8, a distance of 9 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road; thence,

157. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Indian Falls Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 10.-1-7, 10.-1-5, and 10.-1-4, a distance of 1,560 feet, more or less, to a point, 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Alleghany Road; thence,

158. Southerly, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Alleghany Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 10.-1-4, 10.-1-29.2, 10.-1-28, and 10.-1-29.12, a distance of 4,208 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly line of tax account number 10.-1-29.12 and the northerly line of the New York State Thruway (I-90) (right-of-way varies); thence,

159. Southwesterly, along the southeasterly lines of tax account numbers 10.-1-29.12 and 15.-1-4, across Alleghany Road, and along the southeasterly line of tax account number 15.-1-2 and the northerly line of the NYS Thruway (I-90), a distance of 1,232 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Alleghany Road; thence,

160. Northerly, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the centerline of Alleghany Road, through the lands of tax account numbers 15.-1-2, 10.-1-30, and 10.-1-3.1, a distance of 4,745 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road; thence,

161. Westerly, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road, through the lands of tax account number 10.-1-3.1, a distance of 2,346 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-3.2; thence,

162. Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 10.-1-3.2, a distance of 1,797 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 10.-1-3.2; thence,

163. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-3.2, a distance of 335 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road; thence,

164. Southerly, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Gabbey Road, through the lands of tax account number 10.-1-31.111, a distance of 275 feet, more or less, to an easterly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-31.111; thence,

165. Westerly, along an easterly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-31.111, a southerly line of tax account number 10.-1-31.111, and a northerly line of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 500 feet, more or less, the centerline of Gabbey Road and a northeasterly corner of the Existing Extension No. 1 to the Existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, and the point of beginning.

The water district boundary map as described above will exclude the following land locked tax account parcels that fall within the described boundary as listed below:

Drawing Number WD-4A

8.-1-48.2         8.-1-32.1         14.-1-82          8.-1-29.2         9.17-1-7.1       9.17-1-25       

9.17-1-14        9.17-1-15        9.17-1-22        9.17-1-23        9.17-1-24        9.17-1-41

9.17-1-26        9.17-1-27        9.17-1-28        9.17-1-39        9.17-1-40        9.17-1-47       

9.17-1-42        9.17-1-43        9.17-1-44        9.17-1-45        9.17-1-46        9.18-1-33       

9.17-1-71.2     9.18-1-29        9.18-1-30        9.18-1-31        9.18-1-38                   

9.18-1-34.1     9.18-1-35.11   9.18-1-36        9.18-1-37        9.17-1-11                   

Drawing Number WD-4B

9.-2-25.112     12.-1-107                   

Town of Pembroke Water District No. 4, as described above contains approximately 2,581 acres of land.

All as shown on a map prepared by Clark Patterson Lee, “Town of Pembroke Water System Improvements – Proposed Water District No. 4”, Drawing Numbers WD-4A and WD-4B, dated July 10, 2018.         

WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of construction and maintenance of a water system, to serve the said district, including water mains, and distribution pipes to be installed at the sole expense of the residents of the district and no public funds will be expended therefore; and

WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvements (or, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the performance or supplying of services) as stated in the said Map. Plan and Report is the sum of Nine Million Fifty Six Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($9,056,000.00) of which Three Million Seven Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($3,744,000.00) will be provided by USDA Rural Development in the form of a grant and Five Million Three Hundred Twelve Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($5,312,000.00) will be provided by a loan from USDA Rural Development at a rate of 1.25% over a period of 38 years; and

WHEREAS, the total estimated cost after the first year of service for equivalent dwelling units is $962.00, of which $466.00 will be paid toward debt service and $496.00 will be paid toward annual water costs (including operation and maintenance costs) Total one time estimated costs per equivalent dwelling unit for installation are estimated to be $1,140.00. The permission of the Office of the State Comptroller is required prior to District formation.


ORDERED, that a public hearing before the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, shall be held at the Town Hall, 1145 Main Road Corfu, New York on the 9th day of February, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. to hear the residents and landowners in the proposed District interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or proper in the premises.                                                                 Dated:  January 18, 202   

Motion made by: Councilwoman Manne
Seconded by: Supervisor Schneider
Ayes: Manne, Arnold, Schneider
Nays: None

APPROVED by: Unanimous vote (3-0)







State of New York)

County of Genesee)    ss:


            I, Nicole Begin, Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding Order with the original thereof filed in my office in Pembroke, New York on the 18th of January, 2023, and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.


            In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town, this 18th day of January, 2023.



                                                                                                Nicole M. Begin

Town Clerk of the Town of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York

Town of Elba 2023 Board Meeting Schedule

By Legal Notices

Press release:

The Town Board, typically meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., with the exception of Feb. 4

Meeting dates:

  • March 10
  • April 14
  • May 12
  • June 9
  • July 14
  • August 11
  • September 8
  • October 13
  • November 10
  • December 8
  • December 28 (Year End Meeting)

Zoning Board
FIrst Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
Holiday Accommodations – Jan. 9, July 10th & Sept. 11th

Planning Board
Third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. 

PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of Cancellation of Public Hearing

By Legal Notices


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Public Hearing for all residents and land owners in Sewer District No. 1 (Central Byron) and Sewer District No. 2 (South Byron) scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. concerning the proposed consolidation of Sewer District No. 1 (Byron Central) and Sewer District No. 2 (South Byron) treatment systems into one (1) Wastewater Treatment Plant with Disinfection Improvements included has been canceled.  

Dated:  August 29, 2022
Debra Buck-Leaton
Town Clerk

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

PUBLIC NOTICE: Town of Byron special meeting on sewer project

By Legal Notices


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, as Supervisor, do hereby call a Special Meeting of the Town Board to be held on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Byron Town Hall, 7028 Rte. 237, Byron, New York.  The purpose of the Special Town Board meeting will be to consider calling a Public Hearing regarding the proposed WIIA sewer project and the issuance of $9.8 million in Serial Bonds.   The Public Hearing Scheduled for Wednesday, August 31, 2022, has been cancelled.

Peter Yasses

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

PUBLIC NOTICE: Town of Alexander budget workshop set for Aug. 29

By Legal Notices


Town of Alexander Residents

There will be a budget workshop on August 29, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.

All are welcome to attend.

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

PUBLIC NOTICE: Byron Town Board to hold special meeting on Wednesday

By Legal Notices

Public Notice:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, as Supervisor, do hereby call a Special Meeting of the Town Board to be held on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at the Byron Town Hall, 7028 Rte. 237, Byron, New York.  The purpose of the Special Town Board meeting will be to consider calling a Public Hearing regarding the proposed WIIA sewer project and the issuance of $9.8 million in Serial Bonds.   

Peter Yasses

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices

PUBLIC NOTICE: Town of Batavia Planning public hearing, Pike Road Solar Project

By Legal Notices


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town of Batavia Planning Board regarding an application for a Special Use Permit by RPNY Solar 6, LLC – Pike Road Solar Project.  The proposed project involves the development of a 3.0 MW AC solar development located on approximately a 14.00-acre portion of a 29.5-acre parcel (18.-1-25-21) in the Town of Batavia, Genesee County, New York.  The project will involve the installation of ground-mounted fixed tilt photovoltaic panels as well as an associated access road, electric utility upgrades, power inverters, and perimeter fencing for the solar energy system.

Said hearing will be held at the Batavia Town of Batavia Town Hall, 3833 West Main St. Rd., Batavia, NY on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be heard.  If you cannot attend, you may send your comments and concerns to the Chairman at  before the hearing.  A copy of the application is on file at the Town Hall for review.

By order of the Town of Batavia Planning Board
Kathleen Jasinski, Chairman.

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices

PUBLIC NOTICE: Town of Batavia Planning Board public hearing, Alexander Road Solar Project

By Legal Notices


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town of Batavia Planning Board regarding an application for a Special Use Permit by RPNY Solar 7, LLC – Alexander Road Solar Project.  The proposed project involves the development of a 2.0 MW AC solar development located on an approximately 10.0-acre portion of a 68.30-acre parcel (18-1-20.21) in the Town of Batavia, Genesee County New York. This project will involve the installation of ground-mounted fixed tilt photovoltaic panels as well as an associated access road, electric utility upgrades, power inverters and perimeter fencing for the solar energy system.

Said hearing will be held at the Batavia Town Hall, 3833 West Main St. Rd., Batavia, NY on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be heard.  If you cannot attend, you may send your comments and concerns to the Chairman at  before the hearing. A copy of the application is on file at the Town Hall for review.

By order of the Town of Batavia Planning Board

Kathleen Jasinski, Chairman.

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices

PUBLIC NOTICE: East Pembroke Fire District holds budget workshop Aug. 9

By Legal Notices


Notice there will be a Bugdet Workshop held at the East Pembroke District Hall, at 6 pm, Tuesday August 9 ,2022. Workshop will be held at District Building located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia NY 14020. 

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

PUBLIC NOTICE: East Pembroke Fire District to hold budget workshop

By Legal Notices


Notice there will be a Bugdet Workshop held at the East Pembroke District Hall, at 7 pm, Tuesday August 2,2022. Workshop will be held at District Building located at 8655 Barrett Drive, Batavia NY 14020. 

Publisher's Note: Legal Notices/Public Notices are published by The Batavian for free as a public service pending revision of state law that will allow digital news publications to publish legal notices that meet the legal requirements of such notices. Clerks: Email your notices to

LEGAL NOTICE: Town of Batavia to hold public hearing on Country Meadows expansion

By Legal Notices


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town of Batavia Planning Board regarding an application by Rochester MHP Portfolio, LLC (Jeffrey Cook) for the expansion of Country Meadows Manufactured Homes Community with the construction of 76 new mobile home lots within the existing community. The project also involves construction of internal private roads, utilities and stormwater management areas.  This is located at 5121 Clinton Street Road, Town of Batavia.  This is in an area zoned Mobile Home Park (MHP) District.

Said hearing will be held at the Town of Batavia Firehall, Station #2 on 8535 Stringham Drive, Batavia, NY on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be heard.  If you cannot attend, you may send your comments and concerns to the Chairman at  before the hearing.   All correspondence will be acknowledged.

By order of the Town of Batavia Planning Board

Kathleen Jasinski, Chairman.

LEGAL NOTICE: Sealed bids being accepted for Batavia Iron and Metal project

By Legal Notices


Sealed bids for the Batavia Iron and Metal project will be received by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Management and Budget Services, 625 Broadway, 10th Floor, Albany, New York, 12233-5027, Attn: Bureau of Expenditures until the time of 1:00  P.M. (EST) and on the date of Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The remedial activities include, but are not necessarily limited to, PCB impacted soil removal, temporary water treatment, backfill and restoration including the transport and disposal of non-hazardous and hazardous soils.   Work will be performed under State and Federal permit requirements and USEPA self-implementation program.  

The estimated range for this work is: $15 Million to $20 Million.

Contract Documents are available in electronic format at no charge.  Electronic copies of non-biddable Contract Documents, Drawings, Specifications, Proposal forms, Addenda, and a separate Limited Site Data Document may be downloaded from the Department website Biddable Contract Documents will be available on June 29, 2022  upon request from the Division of Environmental Remediation, 625 Broadway, 12th Floor, Albany, New York, 12233-7017, Attn: Lisa Gorton at and Jamie Welch at

Proposals will be accepted only from bidders who attend the Pre-Bid Conference. All Proposals must be made on the Bid Form(s) provided in the Contract Documents, and thereafter enclosed in the envelope which will be provided by the Department at the Pre-Bid Conference. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit or a bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of Proposer’s bid amount. Mandatory pre-bid meetings will be held at the site on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 1:00 PM (EST). Attendance at the pre-bid meetings is mandatory as a condition of bidding. Reference Contract  Section 1 – Advertisement and Notice to Bidders for full instructions and requirements.

Any questions shall be directed to Lisa Gorton, the Department’s Project Manager and Designated Contact at with electronic copy (ec) to :Jamie Welch at

Bidders may receive announcements of future procurement opportunities by signing up for the NYSDEC –DER’s electronic mailing list (“GovDelivery”) at

PUBLIC NOTICE: Le Roy school district to hold hearings on code of conduct and safety plan

By Legal Notices


NOTICE TO RESIDENTS A Public Hearing to present information on the revised District Code of Conduct and District Safety Plan will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in Memorial Auditorium. The District Safety Plan is open for public comment from April 19, 2022, to May 18, 2022. Public comments may be made in the District Office or by attending the Public Hearing.

Notice of Public Hearing: Town of Batavia Planning Board to review special use permit

By Legal Notices



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town of Batavia Planning Board regarding an application for a Special Use Permit by Benderson Development, LLC to construct two buildings to be used for retail/restaurants and 2 drive-thru lanes with a total of 10,752 sq. ft.  This is in a Commercial District at 8363 Lewiston Road in the Town of Batavia, Tax Map Number 8-1-21.2.

Said hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 19th at the Batavia Town Hall, 3833 West Main St. Rd., Batavia, New York at 7:00 p.m. at which time all interested persons will be heard.   Written comments will be accepted prior to that date.  A copy of the application is on file at the Town Hall for review.  Notice of Public Hearing has been printed in the Batavia Daily News.

NOTE TO PUBLIC OFFICIALS: While state law grants print publications a monopoly on legal notices, The Batavian publishes legal notices for free (publication in The Batavian is not certified but you will reach more people).  Please send legal notices to

LEGAL NOTICE: Town of Pembroke meeting cancellation

By Legal Notices




DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES Please Take Notice that the Town Board Meeting scheduled for March 10th has been cancelled.  The next meeting of the Pembroke Town Board will be held at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 24th, 2022 at the Pembroke Town Hall, 1145 Main Road, Corfu, NY.    

By Order of the Town Board

Of the Town of Pembroke

Nicole M. Begin

PUBLIC NOTICE: Town of Pembroke meeting cancelled

By Legal Notices

Public Notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Workshop Meeting scheduled for Feb. 24 has been cancelled.  The next meeting of the Pembroke Town Board will be held at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 10th, 2022 at the Pembroke Town Hall, 1145 Main Road, Corfu, NY

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