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Groundhog's Day Celebration

By James Burns

For most Groundhog Day is just a passing curiosity about weather or not the groundhog saw his shadow. But for the 10thyear a hearty group met on East Ave in Batavia for an outdoor party.  “February needed some type of festival” said founder Don Chmielowiec. So 10 years ago he invited over a few friends to celebrate outside. Over the last ten years the weather has ranged from 55 degrees to 10 degrees and -30 degree wind-chill. Of course there was a blizzard one year and rain twice but the party is always outside and fighting the weather seems to be part of the fun. The partygoers stay warm with hearty dished kept warm in crockpots and locally made ciders.  Punxsutawney PA may be the most famous Groundhog’ Day party but Batavia has it’s own too. 

Conversations with Calliope- Michael's Music

By Joseph Langen



(Path in the Woods)

JOE: Good Morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. Where where you yesterday?
JOE: Now, now.
JOE: If you must know, I was involved in corporal works of mercy.
CALLIOPE: Such as?
JOE: Taking my son to the hospital for cataract surgery.
CALLIOPE: I guess that explains it. Did everything go okay?
JOE: It seemed to. Only time will tell, but the doctor was satisfied with how it went.
CALLIOPE: Good. My regards to your son. Did you get to do anything else yesterday?
JOE: I had planned to work on my writing but got caught up in Michael Jackson's memorial service.
CALLIOPE: I didn't know you were interested in him.
JOE: Frankly I had trouble getting past his weird lifestyle and self mutilation.
CALLIOPE: And did you finally?
JOE: I did and discovered that I like his music once I can put aside my judgment of his way of life. Talk with you tomorrow.



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