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Cattle transportation training and national certification to be offered in Pavilion

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program has launched a new training and certification program for cattle transportation.

The program, known as Beef Quality Assurance Transportation (BQAT), provides cattle producers and haulers with comprehensive training based on their roles in the cattle industry. Two in-person trainings will be offered this Fall in partnership with Empire Livestock Marketing.

On Tuesday, Oct. 8th from 6 to 9 p.m. a training will be held at the Pavilion Empire Livestock Market located at 357 Lake Street, Pavilion. The training is free to all attendees thanks to support from Cargill.

The three-hour long training will include a classroom session, meal, and update on trailer inspections and common violations from the New York State Troopers.

“By educating cattle haulers and producers on the best practices in cattle transportation, BQA is helping make improvements in cattle care and beef quality," said Chase DeCoite, director of Beef Quality Assurance for NCBA, a contractor to the beef checkoff.

"Participating in BQA Transportation will be an indicator that the beef and dairy industries are committed to responsible animal care during transportation and makes both the BQA and dairy FARM animal care programs more complete.” 

The BQA program was first funded by the beef checkoff in the early 1990s and developed its first guidance on transportation in 2006. Today, the program offers training and certification programs for all sectors of the industry: cow-calf, stocker and feedyard.

This is the first time a nationally recognized certification has been offered for the transportation segment of the industry.

To learn more about the trainings visit under Farmer’s Fencepost. Preregistration is required by Oct. 4 to plan for materials and meals. Contact Katherine Brosnan, or call the NYBC office at 315-339-6922.

To learn more about your beef checkoff investment, visit or

Free Beef Quality Assurance training to be offered by Cornell and Empire Livestock Marketing Oct. 13 in Pavilion, must RSVP by Oct. 6

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Empire Livestock Marketing with Cornell Cooperative Extension are hosting free Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) training from 6 to p .m. on Friday, Oct. 13, at Empire Livestock Marketing, 357 Lake St., Pavilion.

Nancy Glazier, Small Farms/Livestock specialist with the NWNY Team will be leading the classroom portion of the training. Dr. Becky Silvanic, DVM with Perry Veterinary Clinic will be leading the chute side portion of the training.

By attending, a beef producer will become Level 1 certified. By having a signed Veterinarian Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) form, a producer will be certified at Level 2.  He or she will have the opportunity to purchase a farm sign verifying the BQA certification.

Beef Quality Assurance is a national program that provides training to beef cattle producers in food safety, proper cattle handling techniques, handling of animal health products, injection sites, and record keeping. The goal of this program is to maximize consumer confidence and acceptance of beef by focusing the producer's attention to daily production practices that influence the safety, wholesomeness, and quality of beef and beef products.

Cost for the training is FREE, thanks to our BQA Month Sponsors. BQA manuals may be purchased for $10. Registration is required for dinner count by Oct. 6thSpace is limited so register early!

To register contact Cathy Wallace at or 585-343-3040, ext. 138. For questions, contact Nancy Glazier at 585-315-7746 or

The Beef Quality Assurance Program is supported by The Beef Checkoff.

4-H'ers display their hard work at Genesee County livestock auction

By Zachary Lee

(Tyler Jirovec with his Grand Prize steer.)

Wallets heavy, hands at the ready; enthusiastic buyers weren't holding much back Thursday night. Buyers showed up in numbers for the 4-H livestock auction ready to see the best lambs, goats, hogs, and steer available at the Genesee County Fair.

Bill Hayes, owner/president of Turnbull Heating & Air Conditioning, won the Market Steer Overall Project Champion and Jr. Showmanship Champion for $2.20 a pound or an estimated $2,800. He then donated the steer right back to the 4-H; the champion steer weighed in at 1,390 pounds and was raised by Oakfield resident Tyler Jirovec. 

"I come to the auction every year to support these good kids, parents and staff," Hayes said.  

This is the first year the 4-H has allowed you to donate your winnings back to the program.

"I can see myself donating the animal back to 4-H, the program is so great," said Genesee County resident Bill Baskin. "I come every year, haven't missed one in a long time."

The 4-H champions are determined by a point system; points are added up based on your participation in 4-H meetings, community service, your overall placement, and showmanship. The individual with the most points by the Genesee County Fair date is Project Champion; the winner gets a large ribbon to show off.

"If you win Grand or Reserved Project Champion when you step into that ring, everyone wants to bid on you," said Tim Adams, 4-H swine club leader.

The 4-H Swine Club raises show hogs. The club has around 20 members ranging in age 8 to 19 years old. At initial weigh-in, a student's hog cannot weigh more than 80 pounds and must weigh between 210 and 285 pounds by the time of the fair. Adams says he donates roughly four hours of his time to the 4-H daily, and during fair week even more.

This year was special for the Swine Club, members were able to get rid of their wood pens and install metal ones, which are more sanitary for the animals and people.

"4-H is so much more than just marketing animals; it's a small family," Adams said.

The 4-H takes devotion and a lot of effort on the students' part. Some kids spend two or three hours a day grooming, walking and feeding their show animals. The learning experience doesn't stop at the children either; parents learn a lot about what it takes to raise a hog, cattle, goat or lamb.

"It's nice to have kids and friends to learn and grow with you," said Kevin Bezon, parent of Tucker and uncle of Leah and Ashton Bezon -- all 4-H participants.

"I easily spend three or four hours a day to the animals," said Tucker Bezon, proud owner of an impressive 1,208-pound steer.

Fourth-year 4-H participant Shianne Foss from Corfu placed fourth overall with a 1,300-pound steer. Much like other 4-H'ers, Shianne doesn't just go to the Genesee County Fair, she travels all over Western New York to show off her livestock and hard work. 

Overall Project Champion, Rate of Gain Champion, and Reserve Project Champion Miasy Ross was ecstatic after her lambs sold for top dollar. Placing one and two overall, Miasy is a very dedicated 4-H member and has been in the program for years.

"I actually gained so many friends, I wish more people did this," Miasy said.

4-H Livestock Auction is a great place for local farmers and livestock owners to display the results of their toil. You can feel the good spirits and pride of showmanship that abound while walking the auction grounds.

(Micheal Ermantrout had the Grand Champion goat.)

(Shianne Foss completes some final grooming before the auction.)

(Peggy Shuknecht, of Elba, holds Helena Kotarski, 2, so she can pet a cow.)

(Cole Phelps relaxes before the auction.)

(Photos by Howard Owens.)

To purchase prints, click here.

Photos: More 4H livestock from the Genesee County Fair

By Howard B. Owens

Photos and info submitted by John Milroy.

During the Genesee County Fair, Tim Adams, leader of the 4-H Swine Club, showed off the club pig "Zeus."

Kristi Milroy also had the Grand Champion market goat. Kristi also had Best in Show dairy goat with her Alpine goat, "Nellie."

Noblehurst Farms in Pavilion on the scout for stolen calves

By Billie Owens

Cattle thieves were strung up by their necks once upon a time.

“Yes, they were,” Sarah Noble-Moag acknowledged softly with a smile.

Nowadays the law investigates the matter and hopefully justice is found, maybe even the livestock.

That's the hope of Noble-Moag and others at Noblehurst Farms, Inc., after thieves made off with three female Holstein calves, valued at about $500 each. Because they will become profitable milk cows, they are more valuable than bull calves.

Their pens along York Road in the Town of Pavilion were found empty mid-morning Monday. Genesee County Sheriff Deputy J.L. Baiocco is investigating the larceny.

“They'll be looking at the livestock market (auction), the one outside Pavilion toward Pearl Creek,” Noble-Moag said. “(The calves) are tagged in their ears, and the tags would probably be removed (by the thieves), but you'd still be able to tell they'd been tagged.”

Noblehurst Farms, whose corporate headquarters is in Linwood, also had several calves stolen three years ago. Genesee County sheriffs solved that case, Noble-Moag said.

The black and white female calves taken this week were among 615 cows at the farm. The calves raised to be milk cows are initially kept in individual pens to prevent the spread of disease. Once their immune systems are strong, they are put into small groups until they are two years old and ready for milking.

The individual pens are about the size of a large dog house and the calves are about the size of a large dog, 100 pounds. The calves are collared to a lead that hooks on top of the structure. The pens are only a few feet from the roadway.

What about security?

“We have a light out there at night,” Noble-Moag said.


PHOTO: Used for file photo purposes. It is not a photo of one of the stolen calves. Copyright Ian Hayhurst.

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