Albion and Lockport intersection in Oakfield to be converted to four-way stop

The county will add stop signs to the north and southbound lanes of Albion Road at Lockport Road in Oakfield and residents at the intersection say it's been a long time coming.
Ron and Jeanine Bauer said they've lived at the intersection for 30 years and have complained for years about traffic at the intersection.
"Actually, my neighbors have written letters to different higher-ups and nothing really's come of it," Ron said.
County Highway Superintendent said work crews will be at the intersection Monday to convert it to a four-way, or all-way, stop.
"The new signs are in response to numerous crashes and near-crashes that have occurred at the intersection over the past few years," Hens said. "The intersection currently only requires traffic to stop in one direction and there is a pattern of drivers either stopping and pulling in front of moving traffic or not stopping at the intersection at all."
Ron said he's seen many times east and westbound cars just blow through the intersection.
"Last month I was out here cutting my lawn and all the sudden I hear a zoom -- a Canadian cut right through that stop sign and if a car had been coming somebody would have gotten killed," Ron said.
There is a problem, Hens said, with how east and west drivers approach the intersection.
"Based on accident reports, it seems drivers have a sense that the intersection requires all drivers to stop even though the intersection is clearly marked that 'Cross-Traffic Does Not Stop,'" Hens said.
Jeanine expressed concern that the new stop signs will be a big adjustment for drivers on Albion Road, who have been passing through the intersection for decades without a requirement to stop.
Hens said the Highway Department has taken that concern into account. The new stop signs will be flagged until drivers get used to them.
"The All-Way stop is the best solution to remedy mistakes that drivers are currently making at the intersection," Hens said. "The All-Way stop may not eliminate all crashes, but it most definitely will reduce the severity of crashes should they occur. "
Both Ron and Jeanine said they're glad the county is taking action and hope it helps but that will take the cooperation of drivers being more attentive on the road.
"Some people just don’t pay attention," Jeanine said. "I don't know if they're messing around with their phones or don’t know what they’re doing. The fact that they’re moving so fast is an indication to me that they don’t know the stop is there or they’re not paying attention to it. It’s scary when you’re out here and you see somebody fly through the sign, it’s like, oh, that could have been really bad."