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lost pets

Duke ran after a deer and now he's missing

By Howard B. Owens

Duke saw a deer near his home in Byron and decided to give chase. Owner Chriss DeValder hasn't seen her boy since.

"I just don't know what to do without him," she said.

She said he may have been spotted in Oakfield.

He's also not good with other dogs, she said.

She asks that people call or text if they see him, or "call out Duke."  She can be reached at (585) 409-9325.

Peyton's pals hope he's still out there somewhere, perhaps he's just waitin' on a friend

By Billie Owens

Peyton is a light orange tabby cat -- you know those really friendly, affectionate ones who know no enemies -- and he's been missing about two weeks now.

This ginger has a noticeably notched split on his right ear and no collar.

"He is very loved and missed," laments Jacquie Valder-Phillips about her charge.

Peyton has a miserable mini "Peyton Place" story that Valder-Phillips wants readers to know about.

See, this tomcat had a best bud once, a man who worked at Genesee Valley Farm on South Main Street Road in Batavia for nearly 20 years. Before he died in old age, Peyton trusted him and valued their bro time.

Maybe when the man died a bit of poor Peyton did, too, because he shuffled off and hasn't been seen since. Peyton is prolly pining for his peer who happened to be human.

Makes Valder-Phillips feels guilty because in the time before the farm employee's death, "People kept saying 'Take care of Peyton. ... Be sure to take care of Peyton.' And I'm like 'Of course, I'll take care of Peyton.' And now he's nowhere around."

Here's the kind of feline he is, says Valder-Phillips: once a couple years back a horse trailer pulled over at the farm to load up three horses. When it drove away, they said "Uh oh, where's Peyton?"

Sure enough he had jumped inside the trailer ready for new adventures with the horse trailer driver -- until his stowaway scheme was discovered then back to the farm he went.

If you can help or have seen Peyton, please call or text Valder-Phillips at: (585) 343-5878. Or email:

Don't beam him up, Scotty! This cat is missing from MacArthur Drive and State Street

By Billie Owens

Do not be afraid. The cat with the seemingly luminous laser eyes is not possessed by evil spirits, but he is on the loose. Fear not, it's only "Spot."

Beyond the dazzling backlit eyeballs is an ordinary housecat who has scampered away from home at the corner of State Street and MacArthur Drive in Batavia, just in time for tomorrow's Summer Solstice -- the year's longest day of sunlight.

His markings are distinctive -- the black teardrop nose, the prominent snowy bib, and what appears to be a black cat's arm stretched around his head and under his chin, with paw resting on the right side of his mouth. Charming.

Another unique thing about Spot is his front legs are shorter than his back ones, kinda Manx-like, kinda rabbity.

"He's only ever been out of the house once and (this time) he snuck out and wouldn't come back," pouts owner David Austin, astonished by his pet's willfull disregard for the Official Handbook of Household Rules.

All cats apparently would have us believe they only got out once -- once -- on a Sunday morning to hang out in the church parking lot before rushing home straightaway once the congregation was dismissed. Never another defiant act! Yea, right...

If you see this rapscallion, email David Austin at:

Is your pet bird missing?

By Billie Owens

A caller reports a bird wearing several leg bands, "bracelets," is secured at a residence on Liberty Street in the city. It is believed to be someone's pet. An officer is responding to retrieve the bird and take it to the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

No descriptive information was relayed about the feathered friend.

A white and gray kitten named 'Scarlett' is a runaway from Monclair Ave

By Billie Owens

This is Scarlett, a nearly 6-month-old cat who lives on Monclair Avenue in the city. She has never been outside, until now of course, and her household is up in arms over her sudden disappearance.

Naturally, you are expected to keep your eyes peeled and find this feline, who by the way, was named after the fictional heroine Scarlett O'Hara and not Hollywood's Scarlett Johansson.

"She almost looks Chinese, but she's not," says her mom, Tracey Cook. (Did she mean Siamese?)

She suspects Scarlett may have darted out last night around midnight when her son, who lives happily in the basement, left to walk his girlfriend home from work.

This morning at 8 o'clock, the neighbor lady in the adjoining duplex reported seeing a slim snip of a white and gray cat on her back porch but had no idea it was Cook's cat -- since it had never been outside, until it got outside, you know.

The neighbor heretofore was only aware of Scarlett's big brother, who is neutered and goes in and out as he sees fit.

"I would've scooped her up," lamented the neighbor about the lost opportunity.

The neighbor said Scarlett was laying on the back porch. We say she was languidly lounging, oblivious, in a sunny spot before dashing off someplace in search of naughty fun.

"I'm afraid she'll get hit by a car ... we live close to Main Street," Cook wrote in her email, which also noted the prospect that someone might try to steal the kitten!

"She’s an emotional support animal and is in process of being registered as same," according to Cook.

Where's that emotional support when you need it most?

Scarlett's family and friends have scoured the neighborhood, peered up trees, beat the bushes and even went over to -- "Holland Ave," a known "hot cat spot," Cook says, to see if she wound up there.

Meanwhile, there are three "cat ladies" (they know who they are) who have been informed of this breach of security -- unauthorized access to the outside world --and they are quite skilled in cat-luring techniques.

Hopefully, it's just a matter of time. And it is ticking. Scarlett is due at the vet's in a couple days to be spayed.

An unspecified reward is being offered. 

​If you see Scarlett, call or text Tracey Cook at (585) 356-6082, or email:

Photos courtesy of Tracey Cook.

APB: Coddling mom misses 'GiGi' -- a shih tzu who's now a fugitive from pampering

By Billie Owens

UPDATE 4:42 p.m.: Confirmed with caretaker Colleen Henderson that lil' miss GiGi is home safely and all is well. Thank you to all who helped out!

An itsy-bitsy tan shih tzu -- aka the "chrysanthemum dog" -- is running helter-skelter somewhere in the city after making a mad dash out the front door of her home yesterday.

"GiGi," resplendant in a purple doggie shirt and pink collar, is 6 years old and recuperating from bladder stone removal surgery a week ago. She needs her medication.

GiGi lives on Vine Street in the city; at last glimpse, her neighbors saw her at Vine and North Street heading toward Summit.

Normally, she's home alone with mom, longtime community volunteer Peppi Palmer, to whom she is said to be "joined at the hip," metaphysically speaking.

But Palmer is in the hospital with an ankle injury, so her daughter-in-law, Colleen Henderson, drove up from Ohio to watch over the beloved "baby," who enjoys being gussied up in her cute outfits, playing with squeaky toys and eating homemade, peanut butter dog treats.

(Hear that? It's people saying "SPOILED!" in unison.)

Henderson's theory is that skittish GiGi was well aware mom was not in the house and hearing a car pull into the driveway, was anxious to meet up with mom. Instead it was Henderson at the door with a basket full of clothes for her stay, and when the door opened, out bolted GiGi.

"She booked it, so many people started chasing her -- that freaked her out," Henderson said. "She was running all over; even kids couldn't catch her."

The shy but sweet shih tzu, whose preferred gait is "moseying," became a little pistol, off to ends unknown -- sort of.

'Bold Adventure' for Timid Toy Breed

Apparently, GiGi has been spotted a few times. Kelly Hansen wrote The Batavian this afternoon to say:

"Within a short time, sightings of GiGi on her bold adventure began to be reported. She was seen on Washington Avenue, Bank Street, Summit Street, then she was spotted Downtown. After 4 p.m., she was seen running near Liberty Street by Crossroads House (where Palmer has lovingly volunteered), Ficarella's (Pizzeria), and near the (Mancuso's) Bowling Center..."

So, if you see this spiffy scamp -- "Please do not chase." -- call one of these phone numbers:

(440) 382-0398 (Colleen Henderson, daughter-in-law)

(585) 343-6803

(518) 698-9986 (Andrea Casey, daughter)

OR email the Volunteers For Animals at the Genesee County Animal Shelter:

Oreo the shih tzu ran away from home on Tracy Avenue in the city, has one eye and is wearing bumble bee PJs

By Billie Owens

A skittish female shih tzu who lives at 66 Tracy Ave. in the City of Batavia is missing and owner Nikkie Stronge is beside herself with worry and anxiety about it.

The tiny black and white dog, named "Oreo," managed to bolt out her front door somehow after being chased by a cat she shares the home with.

This happended at about 11:30 a.m. yesterday. She was last seen running northbound, then she darted off and a friend lost sight of her.

There's some history with this feline housemate of hers. In her photo here, she's wearing a protective collar while her eye socket heals -- the cat literally scratched her left eye out and it could not be saved.

"It's not noticable right away because she has black fur around her eyes," Stronge said.

Oreo went back to the vet Friday for a check up and all was good. With some warm weather approaching, Strong decided to bath her a couple days ago and shear off her fur. She removed the 15-month-old pup's collar with tags for the grooming session.

Alas, Oreo is out in the wild world without ID, but she's readily identifiable. Plus, she's wearing Pokémon "Pikachu" character pajamas that are striped black and yellow like a bumble bee. Adorable!

"I'm holding her collar in my hands now," laments mom.

There's another little doggie in the household and the cat chases it, too. So for now the cat she rescued is in a cage and Strong is looking to rehome it.

"The cat is good with other cats and people, but not dogs," Stronge says.

When the canine -- known historically as "the little lion dog" and also the "chrysanthemum dog" skittered away from home, Strong was in Rochester and she returned to learn of the bad news an hour later.

She did everything she could think of: called the animal shelter in three different communities; contacted law enforcement; put up a notice on a lost pet website; scoured parks; looked around wooded areas in the vicinity; and even drove to Alexander on a sighting tip that didn't pan out.

Let's all keep our eyes peeled for Oreo.

If you spot her, give Nikkie Stronge a buzz or text her at (347) 702-1222.

UPDATED 11:28 a.m. April 8: Below, photo of Oreo in her Pokémon "Pikachu" character pajamas.

Easy to spot and hard to miss: Leai the Great Dane is lost

By Billie Owens

A Great Dane is easy to spot and hard to miss. But one slipped her collar and was last seen running about after 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon near Texaco Town.

That would be in Pavilion in the vicinity of routes 63 and 20 and Transit Road.

Checking this morning at the Genesee County Animal Shelter, The Batavian was told no Great Dane has been turned in.

So "Leai" remains at large, literally.

Also known as the German mastiff or Deutsche Dogge, the breed is from Germany, a descendant of hunting dogs known from the Middle Ages and is one of the largest breeds in the world.

This noble canine, commonly referred to as a gentle giant or as the “Apollo of dogs” -- Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, the brightest fixture in the sky. It has been around for a long time, and depictions of Dane-like dogs on artifacts date back thousands of years.

Characteristically, it is devoted, friendly, reserved, confident, loving and, as mentioned, gentle.

An adult female's average weight is 99 to 130 pounds, and its height averages 28 to 32 inches.

Their coat can be black, brindle, fawn, mantle, blue, or harlequin. Leai appears to be brindle.

But she is microchipped and she was just spayed Tuesday.

"We were dog sitting our daughter’s Great Dane and she slipped the collar," wrote Heather Klein. "She is not from this area."

She is reportedly very skittish.  

If you spot a gangly Great Dane, please phone Heather at (585) 993-1050.

Logan is on the lam and Alexander owner is looking for him

By Billie Owens

This photo was taken of poor lost "Logan" a couple years ago sporting a smart Christmas kerchief. His owner, Vicki Manns, said he looks pretty much the same these days, even though he's a whopping 14 years old. Lucky for him.

What's not looking lucky is Logan's chance of survival if he's not soon found. The Alaskan malamute-husky mix is blind and very nearly deaf. He requires three different medications: one for hip dysplasia; one to balance the pH of his urine; and another for his thyroid, which also staves off potentially deadly seizures.

Logan got out of his pen at 10453 Brookville Road in Alexander yesterday, July 3, at about 11 a.m.

"I was mowing his pen and, unfortunately, I left the gate open and forgot I left it open, and out the door he went," Manns said this afternoon.

Manns has contacted and informed people at the Genesee County Animal Shelter as well as the Wyoming County Animal Shelter.

"I am completely lost without him," Manns said emphatically. "He's my comfort, my companion. He kind of saved me. ...from bad relationships, and I saved him."

Logan and his sister had a nice home until a motorcycle accident killed their owners. They were split up and Logan "went to live with the bad side of the family" and they abused him, according to Manns. The final straw came when his new male owner claimed the dog swiped a candy bar from one of children in the family and he threatened to shoot the dog.

A relative took Logan to a rescue facility in Orchard Park (Erie County) and surrendered him, and he was adopted at age 6 by Manns.

Her new BFF loved the outdoors and brisk walks, and Manns discovered his favorite treat and indulged him -- with carrots.

Logan is "not a repeat offender" with a history of running off and he hasn't been on the lam in a "really, really, really long time," Manns said, because he's too old to get around much anymore.

But nonetheless, he's off somewhere and Manns is at sea emotionally this Independence Day.

So if you see Logan, please phone or text her at (716) 435-0854.

Roving Clover roams no more

By Billie Owens

Clover the rover is back home.

The inky-coated opportunist from the Raymond Avenue area of the city left April 25 to frolic about self-indulgently, thereby trifling with the tender hearts of the two little girls who dote on her. They fretted so about their pet's return.

In an email to The Batavian today, their mom, Bonnie Hoag, says: "Thanks to an amazing community effort (specifically Zachary and his girlfriend on Ellicott Avenue), Clover is finally no longer roaming! Thank you for your help, too!"

The cat's pre-escape modus operandi was self-imposed lockdown; perhaps now that is less a choice and more a rule.

Previously: Clover 'the rover' is roaming around the Raymond Avenue area of the city

Submitted photos.

FOUND! Keko the cat is back home

By Billie Owens

Keko the cat, looking nonplussed with a deadpan stare above, is back at her Williams Street home in the city. She had been missing since April 14.

"Thank you for posting," the owner says in an email this morning to The Batavian. "Wiith your help and the help of your readers, we were able to find Keko and bring her home safe."

Face it, we will never know where she went or what she did. It is a mystery.

Is it possible the pandemic holds a clue?

Some dogs, we have learned during the lockdown, think being at home with their best friends 24/7 is a wonderful thing. Most cats? "Leave already. And you're still here because?"

All Points Bulletin: 'Keko' the cat is missing from Williams Street home in the city

By Billie Owens

This is "Keko" the cat who escaped from a reader's home on Williams Street in the city yesterday (April 14) to embark on a caper. (May we presume a wild springtime jaunt?)

So an All Points Bulletin is hereby issued for readers of The Batavian to be on the scout for this brown and black brindle-coated scamp.

Keko shares the moniker with two Spanish soccer players and a Guyanan rapper. The letters of the name are also the call letters of 101.7 FM, a Spanish Christian radio station serving the Corpus Christi, Texas area.

And Keko is the name of an administrative ward in the Temeke district of Dar es-Salaam region of Tanzania.

Just sayin'...

If you spot this pet, please call (585) 813-7315 with information.

APB: 'Chapo' ran off after owner's accident on the Thruway Thursday night

By Billie Owens

A man came into the Genesee County Animal Shelter this morning, according to a reader. He had an accident on the Thruway last night (Jan. 16) and his dog ran off.

The man is heartbroken and has been looking all day for little black and white "Chapo."

The dog ran off near mile marker 392 of the Thruway, between the Kelsey Road and Lewiston Road overpass in the Town of Batavia.

Chapo, which is Spanish for "Shorty," is wearing a black collar with no tags on it.

If you have information about Chapo, please contact the animal shelter at (585) 343-6410, or email Volunteers For Animals at

"Get Shorty!"

Duster is dandy and home again -- thanks to Jay Gsell, county manager and, now, pet finder, too

By Billie Owens

So dig this, Duster the cat, who has been on the lam since Thanksgiving night, doing God knows what, has been found thanks to a high-profile tipster, the intrepid Genesee County Manager Jay Gsell.

Duster's momma, Melissa Barone, who lives on Tracy Avenue in the city, gives credit where credit is due. But she also thanked The Batavian for the APB published Nov. 29th.

She enlisted not only our readers' help but her momma's, too, who Barone says has been "scouring" the area near Barone's home on a daily basis. This kind of resolute undauntedness is the very essence of intrepidity.

So Barone's momma, and Gsell, renowned for his institutional knowledge of the arcane bowels of county government and his pet- and people-friendly bonhomie, were in cahoots, in a manner of speaking, on the recapture of the cat.

By the way, it didn't wander very far from home sweet home, in fact, Duster was just around the kitty-corner.

Word on the street was that Duster the defector liked to hang around in the vicinity of Batavia Middle School, which is inarguably heavily populated by pals of pets.

Sure eough, Barone's momma was heading to her daughter's for dinner yesterday (Jan. 16) and she spotted a familiar-looking feline following a young miss walking in the area of the school.

"She stopped and sure enough it was Duster," Barone wrote The Batavian in an email. "He came right up to my mom purring away."

His purr reportedly sounds like the world's most expensive car -- that would be the Swedish-made Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita ($4.8M), owned by the likes of Jay Leno and Floyd Mayweather. Not too shabby for a domestic tabby-ish cat with a white bib and front-paw gloves.

Duster prolly figures if he can't have celebrity-caliber fun money, he can at least sound like millions of bucks. He can also check off 15 minutes of fame -- à la that prescient Andy Warhol -- from his bucket list.

All Points Bulletin: Bella the cat dashed into 'the marsh' after surgery

By Billie Owens

To quote Charles Bukowski, "it was such a delving day" on Thursday, Jan. 2 when Bella the cat went in for surgery at the Perry Veterinary Clinic on (3699) West Main Street Road in Batavia.

Later that same day, owner Elizabeth went to retrieve her post-op pet and take her home. But instead, at the first opportunity, the calico-striped-white-bibbed feline made a mad dash for the marsh adjacent to the facility.

Let's face it, Bella doesn't like surgery or hospitals and she may have been a little foggy from the aftereffects of anesthesia, which may have made the nearby swamp, fen, slough -- call it what you will -- seem like an opportune escape route.

"I try and drive out to search every three hours and was hoping I would have found her by now but unfortunately that's not the case," laments Elizabeth, adding a frown to her emailed missive :(

Bella "is not aggressive at all and will allow being picked up and held if someone spots her."

Elizabeth says she can be contacted "at anytime day or night through phone call or text at (585) 967-7991."

It's very breezy out, cold, with a chance of snow showers to come, weather conditions that cause Elizabeth to fret all the more.

So, if you spot Bella at anytime -- even 3:41 in the morning -- reach out to Elizabeth. Keep your eyes peeled.

City APB: 'Duster' has vanished from home sweet home on Tracy Avenue

By Billie Owens

The veritable visage of contentment depicted above -- paws tucked snugly in, eyes closed in blissful contemplation -- is a Tracy Avenue denizen of the city named Duster.

His owner, Melissa Barone, says her family thinks Duster busted out of his digs on Thanksgiving Night; his contentment, obviously having waned at some point. Whether this was due to curiousity about delectable aromas of food wafting from homes nearby, general holiday hubbub, or bald opportunism is unknowable.

"He is super friendly, so he most likely will go up to anyone," Barone writes in an email seeking the public's help to locate the missing pet.

In other words, he's not finicky about friends; he welcomes all genuine and genial overtures of bonhomie.

"We miss him lots," Barone writes plaintively.

If you espy Duster, please text Barone at (585) 813-3429.

Black kitty with bell collar found Tuesday in Bethany now at GC Animal Shelter

By Billie Owens

This black kitty with a bell collar that was found Tuesday morning by reader Marcy Ewell at Suicide Corners (Route 20 and East Road) in Bethany was not claimed by its owner.

This afternoon Ewell told The Batavian the cat, which was "very cuddly and very hungry" when found, was turned over to the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

The Volunteers for Animals have posted about the lost pet and hope to find its owner. But if no one comes forward soon, it will be placed for adoption.

Lost cat wearing blue harness ambles by the Reliant Real Estate office in Batavia

By Billie Owens

About 40 minutes ago, reader Amy Chmielowiec sent us this photo of a gadabout cat, replete with blue* harness, that stopped by the Reliant Real Estate Office in Batavia. The address of the office is 340 W. Main St.

Perhaps the feline wanted to see if mom or dad was inside, or wanted to make itself known to other humans there.

You know, ones like Amy who are known to reflexively reach out to The Batavian, in case mom or dad, or a friend of mom or dad, happened to be looking at the site and see the photo.

If this cat is yours or you know whose it is, please call Amy at 585-297-2315.

*(Editor's Note: We originally posted that the cat's harness was green -- because it looks green to us. Alas, Amy says it is actually blue!)

Lost kitty found at Suicide Corners

By Billie Owens

Reader Marcy Ewell wrote us this morning about the adorable black kitten in Bethany and said:

"Found this morning by the side of the road near (Route) 20 and East Road (Suicide Corners). Has collar with bell. Checked with houses and farm near intersection -- no one claimed it was theirs. Very cuddly and was very hungry.

"Please text 585-813-1025 if you know or are the owner."

Lost dog found near Stafford Country Club this morning on Route 237

By Billie Owens

This friendly dog appears "to have broken free of his dog run," says Marianne Newmark, who found the pet this morning on Route 237 near the Stafford Country Club.

He was running soutbound at about 8 a.m., then turned over to the custody of an animal control officer around an hour later.

"He had to run errands with me!" Newmark wrote in an email, and by his looks, he appears to have been on board with the task. Seems he made friends in the process.

If this dog is your best friend, please call the Genesee County Animal Shelter at 343-6410. It is located at 3841 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.

(Photo courtesy of Marianne Newmark.)

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