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Mancuso Business Develpment Group

New Jersey father, son purchase The Harvester Center operation from Mancuso Business Development Group

By Mike Pettinella

The properties of the Mancuso Business Development Group on Harvester Avenue and Masse Place have been sold to a New Jersey-based company.

The Batavian has learned that a venture headed by the father-son team of John F. Wachter Jr. and John F. Wachter III has purchased The Harvester Center Business Incubator Center at 56 Harvester Ave., the Joseph Mancuso Building at 26 Harvester Ave., and two Masse Place facilities.

Currently, there are around 70 tenants in the buildings – businesses, storage areas and personal use spaces.

On Saturday, MBDG President B. Thomas Mancuso sent a letter to tenants, confirming the sale:

“I am excited and grateful to announce that the Wachter family has purchased the Harvester Center and will be a force driving the success and progress into the future. You will hear directly from them and their plans in the very near future.

“As the Harvester Center moves into the next phase of its service to our community’s economic well-being, I want to thank you for your presence and ongoing efforts to succeed here. My father, Joseph L. Mancuso, spent decades of his life helping people start and grow businesses of all sorts and sizes.

“We are pleased to know that the new owners have a track record for helping companies improve their performance and now they are bringing their energy to Batavia.”

Credited as the world’s first business incubator, The Harvester Center BIC is a mixed-use industrial building that was founded by Joseph L. Mancuso in August 1959. The concept behind the development was to create a building that would attract various types of small, emerging and established businesses and afford those businesses an opportunity to grow.

Today, the company’s four-parcel complex contains about 960,000 square feet of industrial and commercial buildings on 29 acres. More than 3,000 businesses have been housed at the Harvester Center BIC since 1959.

The Mancuso Business Development Group also manages companies in Lockport and Buffalo.

About four years ago, VIP Structures of Syracuse – a development, architectural and engineering firm – assisted Mancuso Business Development Group and Batavia Development Corp. with a property condition report and preliminary design.

That led to a feasibility study and drafting of a Master plan for a mixed-use space to further the Batavia Opportunity Area and the City of Batavia’s vision of a redeveloped and revitalized Harvester Center BIC.

According to the VIP Structures website, the study was done “to advance the redevelopment goals set in the BOA plan. These include: to improve parking, vehicular and pedestrian/bike circulation, open up space and right size the facility while maintaining character, encourage a mix of uses including loft housing, and take advantage of rail access.”

The BDC’s annual report covering 2016-17 listed two favorable options:

(1) Live-Work Redevelopment: Demolish obsolete, deteriorating buildings, reinvent innovation zones, introduce new creative retail spaces, add mixed-income loft housing flanked by creative courtyards;

(2) Multi-Tenant Warehouse: Build a new 100,000-plus-square-foot building that will meet modern day requirements for today’s industrial tenants.

City of Batavia Manager Rachael Tabelski on Saturday said the site is a "major hub for employment and has so much potential."

"I have personally worked with the previous owner of the campus for many years in hopes of redevelopment of this brownfield historical campus and am in awe of the sheer dedication and perseverance of Tom Mancuso to keep this campus going throughout the years. I wish him all the best in his future pursuits," she said.

Tabelski said that a feasibility study conducted by the city and BDC has spurred different projects on the Harvester campus over the years, including the Masse Place redevelopment through a Restore New York Grant, designating the campus as a Brownfield Opportunity Area site through the New York State Department of State, a feasibility study for redevelopment funded by Empire State Development, as well as the designation of the campus in a federally recognized Opportunity Zone.

"I can’t wait to learn what the new ownership will do to revitalize the historic campus, and look forward to meeting with the new ownership in the near future," she said.

Photo: The Harvester Center buildings on Harvester Avenue.

Entrepreneurs will lead Western New York's renaissance

By Howard B. Owens

Libertarian blogger/columnist Megan McArdle has deep roots in Western New York.

I love western New York, which may be the most beautiful place on earth.  I love the old cities, the Victorian shells that whisper of much happier days, and the broad, rolling hills, and the broad flat accents of the people who live on them.  I love waterfalls softly falling downtown and the Buffalo City Hall.  I love the place as you can only love somewhere that your family has been living for 200 years.  I would save it if I could.

But I can't save it.  Pouring government money in has been tried . . . and tried, and tried, and tried.  It props up the local construction business, or some company, for a few more years, and then slowly drains away.  Western New York has been the lucky recipient of largesse from a generous federal government, a flush state government, and not a few self-made men with happy memories of a childhood there.  And still, it dies.

Megan's post is arguing against using taxpayer money to stave off the failure of the Big-3 automakers in Detroit.

It's sounds like, though, she is against any number of government programs to help businesses start and grow, and there's a libertarian case to be made that government props get people overly dependant on handouts, killing entrepreneurial spirit

But what I really thought about as I read her piece was how the businesses that once employed so many people in Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse, as well as Batavia and LeRoy, didn't get their starts because Congress allocated a wad of cash to finance factories and office complexes.

These businesses got up and running because of the energy and vision of entrepreneurs -- often men, and some women, with little means, just an idea and the determination to see it become something worthwhile. They didn't look around Western New York and see obstacles or excuses. They saw opportunity.

WNY is a great place to raise a family and run a business. What's going to save it isn't government programs, but a new generation of entrepreneurs.

Batavia is doubly blessed because it already has a model for building new businesses with a track record of success -- the Harvester Center -- Joe Mancuso's sacred structure of entrepreneurship. To this day, as we reported yesterday, the Mancuso Business Development Group is already leading the way in helping new businesses get started.

I've toured the Harvest Center -- there is plenty of space available for any enterprising individual who wants to start a new business.

Also, Alice Kryzan may have lost the Congressional race, but her push for developing green industries in Western New York shouldn't be forgotten. In fact, we should encourage Alice to carry on with the effort.  She doesn't need to be an elected official to be an effective leader in bringing together business owners and bankers to help create new jobs. In fact, it would probably be preferable to promote the effort without, or very little, government assistance.

When I look at things like the Harvester Center, or parts for wind turbines being hauled down Main Street, or local farmers experimenting with alternative energy sources, or an increase in shipping on the Erie Canal -- when I see and read these things, it gives me hope for the future of Western New York.

There's no reason not to expect WNY's best days are ahead.

Notes: Though I occasionally read Megan's blog, hat tip to Buffalo Pundit for pointing out the post; Also, Megan uses a photo of the Kodak Building from Flickr credited to SailorBill.  Ironically, SailorBill is my boss. The picture at the top of this post is one I took myself two years ago.

Mancusos now operating four business development centers in WNY

By Howard B. Owens

Efforts by the Mancuso Business Development Group to redevelop aging industrial plants and turn them into business centers for new and fledgling firms is featured in a piece in the D&C this morning.

Mancuso projects include the High Falls facility in Rochester, a 475,000-square-foot business center in Lockport, and another large development center in Geneva, as well as the Harvester Center in Batavia.

For the four local business incubators, Mancuso Development acts as the managing agent, collecting rent and paying the bills, and as leasing agent. The firm also oversees building rehabilitation work at the Lockport and Geneva sites, B. Thomas Mancuso said.

The company particularly focuses on landing small-business tenants of fewer than 10 workers, Mancuso said. And even in the current economic contraction going on nationally, he said, there is constantly demand for affordable space for businesses of that size.

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