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master gardeners

At Youth 4-H Flower Fair, kids learned about gladiolus, sunflowers and more from master gardeners

By Billie Owens

Back row: Teagan Mathes, Clare Mathes, Maggie Winspear. Front row: Evan Winspear, Mae Grimes.

Submitted photos and press release:

The Genesee County Master Gardeners hosted a youth 4-H flower fair on Aug. 8th at the Kennedy Building on the Genesee County Fairgrounds.

This event gave youth a chance to exhibit flowers that may not have been available during our county fair. Youth participated in classes such as “Best Gladiolus,” “Largest Sunflower by Diameter,” “Best Table Arrangement” and more.

Thank you to all of the 4-H’ers who participated and our volunteer judges.

Judge measuring diameter of a sunflower.

GC Master Gardeners announce topics of upcoming monthly 'Garden Talk' series

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Join the Genesee County Master Gardeners for our monthly garden series, “Garden Talk.” Taught by Master Gardeners, programs will be held during the “lunch hour” from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. (Please note: the July program will be held on July 11.)

Bring your lunch to the CCE office (420 E. Main St., Batavia) and join us. This series is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

On July 11 learn about the different types of bulb lilies that can be grown in the garden such as Oriental and Trumpet. We will also discuss a relatively new invasive insect, the red lily leaf beetle, which can decimate your lilies. Learn some methods to combat this lily-munching pest.

Terrariums are easy-to-make, low-maintenance gardens that can last for years. On Aug. 1 we will demonstrate how to create a miniature world full of beautiful plants and interesting objects. Go home with a list of materials and directions so you can create your own sensational terrarium.

Have you ever thought about bringing some of your annuals inside for the winter but weren’t sure how to? Join us on Sept. 5 to learn some tips and tricks that you can use so you can continue to enjoy a bit of summer inside this winter. We will also show you how to get your houseplants ready to come back inside.

There are hundreds of tea plantations in the world, but only one in the United States. Join us Oct. 3 for a photo tour of the Charleston Tea Plantation located in South Carolina. The Charleston Tea Plantation is a true working tea farm and a living piece of American history.

“All about Amaryllis” will be our final program of the year on Nov. 7. Amaryllis are known for their stunning blooms. Many of us buy or receive an amaryllis bulb around the holidays. But what do you do with the bulb after it blooms? Learn how to take care of your bulb year round so that you can enjoy its blooms for many years.

Master Gardener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at

Photos: Fall Master Gardeners' Gala at Cornell Cooperative Extension

By Howard B. Owens

It was on a Saturday in September 10 years ago that I first drove into Batavia.

I returned to that event today to sort of mark the anniversary.

It was through a calendar item in the Gardener's Journal 10 years ago that I saw something about a Master Gardeners' Gala at the Cornell Cooperative Extension in a placed called Batavia.

"Batavia can't be too far of a drive," I thought, while sitting in my hotel room in Fairport.  

I made the drive, and it was a bit more of a drive than I expected, but eventually, I found Batavia, and I found it charming.

I came out here looking for information on growing roses in Western New York (we were getting ready to move from Bakersfield, Calif.) and left charmed by this little city.

Little did I know then, that within two years, I would be starting an online news site for Genesee County and eventually moving here myself. But Billie and I are quite happy with that turn of events.

Thank you all for supporting our experiment in online-only news and embracing and accepting us as you have.

And yes, I've found it possible to quite successfully grow roses in Western New York.

Three 'Garden Talks' remaining for 2016 season at Cornell Cooperative Extension

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As summer winds down and we head into fall, there are still three more “Garden Talk” programs this year!

Taught by Master Gardeners, programs will be held once a month, during the “lunch hour” from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Bring your lunch to the Cornell Cooperative Extension Office (420 E. Main St., Batavia) and join us. This series is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Sept. 6 will be a follow up to our May herb program. After growing your herbs all summer, what can you do with them now? We’ll give you some ideas of things you can use your herbs for.

On Oct. 4, get ready to feed your backyard birds as we’ll offer tips and answer questions about Winter Bird Feeding.

Nov. 1 will be a demonstration on how to make a beautiful holiday swag to decorate your home.

Need a Garden Talk schedule? Contact Brandie at 585-343-3040, ext. 101.

Future topics and other Master Gardener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at and also on our Facebook page at

Cornell extension to offer Master Gardener Training on Wednesday nights this fall, registration deadline is Aug. 26

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will be offering Master Gardener Training on from 6 to 9 on Wednesday evenings, starting Sept. 7 and running through Nov. 16. There will also be a full day on Saturday, Nov. 5. Classes will be held at the CCE office at 420 E. Main St., Batavia.

Each class will focus on a different horticulture topic throughout the training. By attending the Master Gardener training, you will become a more knowledgeable gardener.  Participants will learn about the following horticulture topics: botany, diagnosing plant diseases, entomology, soils & fertilizers, lawn care, herbs, vegetable gardening, weed identification, woody ornamentals, pruning, tree and small fruits, perennials and annuals, nuisance wildlife and organic gardening.

Anyone interested in learning more about gardening may attend the course. Pre-registration by Aug. 26 is required. Class size will be limited. No walk-ins will be accepted. The fee for this horticulture training is $225 per person, which includes all class sessions and materials, as well as the Cornell University Master Gardener Manual on CD.

If you have a passion for volunteering and gardening, this training is the first requirement to becoming a Genesee County Master Gardener. Graduates of the program (Genesee county residents) are then eligible to apply to become a Genesee County Master Gardener volunteer. (Other county residents should contact their local Master Gardener program.) A Master Gardener volunteer should have a willingness to give back to the community and help put into practice what they learned at training. Enthusiasm for sharing their skills and knowledge is a must.

For an informational brochure or to register contact Brandie Schultz at 585-343-3040, ext. 101, or stop by the Extension office located at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

Next lunchtime Garden Talk at Batavia Cornell Extension is July 12, topic is growing flowers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

This summer join the Genesee County Master Gardeners for our monthly garden series, “Garden Talk." Taught by Master Gardeners, programs will be held once month, during the “lunch hour” from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Bring your lunch to the CCE office (420 E. Main St., Batavia) and join us to learn more about gardening.

This series is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

On July 12 we’ll have a demonstration on how to propagate some of your perennials and annuals from cuttings. We’ll also give you some tips on rejuvenating your summer annual baskets. If you are looking for an easy and inexpensive way to create more plants for your garden, come to this program.

Aug. 2 will be a demonstration on using flowers from your garden to make beautiful arrangements. Learn the basics of flower arranging so you can do it yourself.

Sept. 6 will be a follow up to our May herb program. You have been growing herbs all summer, but what can you do with them now? We’ll give you some ideas of things you can use your herbs for.

Need a Garden Talk schedule? Contact Brandie at 585-343-3040, ext. 101. Future topics and other Master Gardener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website at and also on our Facebook page at

GC Master Gardeners free lunchtime monthly series 'Garden Talk' to begin June 7

By Billie Owens

Press release:

This summer join the Genesee County Master Gardeners for our monthly series, “Garden Talk."

Taught by Master Gardeners, the programs will be held once month, during the “lunch hour” from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Bring your lunch to the CCE office (420 E. Main St, Batavia) and join us to learn more about gardening! This series is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

The next program will be held June 7 with the topic, “Introduction to Beneficial Insects." Most of the insects that live in your garden or landscape are beneficial. They do little or no harm to you or your plants. Some of these good guys even provide free pest control for you. So who are these allies? Come find out at our June session.

On July 12 learn about propagating perennials from cuttings. If you are looking for an easy way to create more plants for your garden, we’ll offer you some tips during this program.

Join us on Aug. 2 for a demonstration on using flowers from your garden to make beautiful arrangements.

Need a Garden Talk schedule? Contact Brandie at 585-343-3040, ext. 101. Future topics and other Master Gardener events will be posted on the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County Web site at

Photos: Spring Gala for Master Gardeners

By Howard B. Owens

Jane Grehlinger gives a talk on container gardening this afternoon at Cornell Cooperative Extension during the Genesee County Master Gardeners' Spring Gala.

The event included a plant sale and chance auction.

GC Master Gardeners to hold annual Spring Garden Gala on May 14

By Billie Owens

Genesee County Master Gardeners will be hosting their annual Spring Garden Gala from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

There will be a plant sale featuring many kinds of perennials, house plants, geraniums and also a Basket Auction. Bring in a soil sample from your garden for free soil pH testing. Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions.

There will be a Container Garden Demonstration at 11 a.m. Find out how to create and take care of an herb container garden. Interested in helping out native bees? At 11:30 a.m., learn how to create a simple, easy to make bee house.

Don’t miss your chance to pick up some great plants (most grown by Master Gardeners), garden art and other interesting items for your garden. Plant sale starts promptly at 10 a.m. No early birds please. Basket Auction drawing starts at 12:30 p.m.

For more information contact Brandie Schultz at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, (585) 343-3040, ext. 101, stop by the Extension office at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

Genesee County Master Gardeners to hold Fall Garden Gala Sept. 19

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Master Gardeners will be hosting their annual Fall Garden Gala on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

There will be a plant sale featuring hardy perennials, houseplants and locally grown mums. Fall is a good time to plant many perennials as the plant will have the fall months to grow a strong root system. There will also be a chance basket auction, free soil pH testing and plenty of gardening advice from local master gardeners.

Stop by for “Flower Arrangements from the Garden” demonstration at 11 a.m. Learn how to artfully arrange fresh flowers from your garden. A variety of fresh flower arrangements created by master gardeners will also be available for sale.

Don’t miss your chance to pick up some great plants for your garden! Plant sale starts promptly at 10 a.m. No early birds please. The chance auction drawing will begin at 12:30 p.m.

For more information contact Brandie Schultz at CCE of Genesee County, (585) 343-3040, ext. 101, stop by the Extension office at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia, or visit our Web site or Facebook page

Master Gardeners' annual Fall Gala is set for Sept. 13 at Cornell Extension

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Master Gardeners will host their annual Fall Garden Gala on Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

There will be a plant sale featuring hardy perennials, house plants and locally grown Mums. Now is a good time to plant many perennials as the plant will have the fall months to grow a strong root system. There will also be a Chance Basket Auction, free soil pH testing and plenty of gardening advice from Master Gardeners.

Stop by for “Flower Arrangements from the Garden” demonstration at 11a.m. Learn how to artfully arrange fresh flowers from your garden. A variety of fresh flower arrangements created by Master Gardeners will also be available for sale.

Don’t miss your chance to pick up some great plants for your garden! Plant sale starts promptly at 10 a.m. No early birds please. The Chance Auction drawing will begin at 12:30 p.m.

For more information contact Brandie Schultz at CCE of Genesee County, (585) 343-3040, ext. 101, stop by the Extension office at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia, or visit our new CCE Web site or Facebook page

Master Gardener Training

By Jan Beglinger

 Beginning September 10, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will begin training a new class of Master Gardeners through our “Principles of Gardening” program.  Classes will be held at the CCE office at 420 East Main Street, Batavia on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 pm through November 19.  (There will also be a full day session on Saturday, November 8.)  Pre-registration by August 25 is required as the class size is limited.

Participants will enjoy learning about a variety of horticulture topics including: botany, plant pathology, entomology, soils & fertilizers, lawn care, vegetable gardening, weed identification, woody ornamentals, fruit, perennials and annuals.  Each class will focus on a different topic throughout the training.

Anyone interested in learning more about gardening may attend the course.  The fee for training is $225 per person.

This training is the first requirement to becoming a Genesee County Master Gardener.  Genesee county residents who complete the course are then eligible to apply to the Genesee County Master Gardener program.  (Other county residents should contact their local Master Gardener program.)  A Master Gardener volunteer should have a willingness to give back to the community and help put into practice what they learned at training.  Enthusiasm for sharing their skills and knowledge is a must.

For an application or to register contact Brandie Schultz at 585-343-3040, ext. 101 or stop by the Extension office at 420 East Main Street in Batavia.

Photos: Annual spring gala at Cornell Cooperative Extension

By Howard B. Owens

It was a perfect morning for a plant sale at the Cornell Cooperative Extension on East Main Street, Batavia, with local master gardeners hosting the annual spring gala.

Alan Bieber and Heather Tower wait for a hot dog from Carol Schroeder.

Lucy Oltramari checks out a plant while her mother Laurie looks on.

Kara Tress shops for new plants.

GC Master Gardeners annual Spring Gala is May 17 - plant sale, chance auction, and more

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Master Gardeners will be hosting their annual Spring Garden Gala on Saturday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

There will be a plant sale featuring outdoor and indoor plants (many grown by Master Gardeners), geraniums and a Chance Basket Auction. Bring in a soil sample from your garden for free soil pH testing. Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions.

There will also be a terrarium demonstration at 11 a.m. and a container gardening demonstration at noon.

Don’t miss your chance to pick up some great plants and other interesting items for your garden. Sale starts promptly at 10 a.m. No early birds please. Chance Auction drawing at 12:30 p.m.

For more information contact Brandie Schultz at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, (585) 343-3040, ext. 10; stop by the Extension office at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia; or visit our Web site at

Master Gardener “Spring into Gardening” Series

By Jan Beglinger

Genesee County Master Gardeners will be offering their popular Coffee and Dessert Series this spring.  Participants enjoy a variety of gardening topics taught by Master Gardeners along with coffee, tea and dessert.


April 9 – “Herbs & Edibles”.  Growing a kitchen garden with herbs and other plant edibles is a great way of combining two of our favorite pastimes, gardening and eating!  After a long winter and checking the food prices on the grocery shelves, there is so much reward in starting your own garden of herbs and plant edibles.  With little space and $$, you can start this spring project with the kids, family and friends!  Call to register.  Space still available.


April 16 – “Square Foot & Container Gardening”.  Would you like to grow nutritious, great tasting vegetables but always come up with the same excuses?  Too much work – too many weeds – takes too much space – bad soil…  Square Foot Gardening solves all these problems in a simple, easy and logical manner.  Let us show you how it is done.  Still not sure?  Try growing your veggies in a container.  We will share with you the basics of container gardening.  Registration deadline is April 11.


April 23 – “Groundcovers - the Rodney Dangerfield of the Plant World”. -  Ground covers are more than the plants of last resort for difficult to grow areas.  Find out when and where to use these versatile plants to both benefit and enhance your gardens and landscapes.  Registration deadline is April 18.


April 30 – “Nobody Eats Nightshade, Everyone Eats Potatoes”.   Even within the same plant family, parts of one plant can be eaten while another plant should be avoided.  Learn to know the difference to keep your pets and family safe.  Registration deadline is April 25.


All programs are from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at Genesee County Cornell Cooperative Extension at 420 East Main Street, Batavia.  Cost is $10 per person per class.  Pre-registration is required as class size is limited.  Contact Brandie at 585-343-3040, ext. 101 or stop by our office at 420 East Main Street in Batavia to register.  For more information visit our website at:

Deadline is Sept. 17 to register for Master Gardeners class 'Arrangements from the Garden'

By Billie Owens

Genesee County Master Gardeners will be holding an “Arrangements from the Garden” class on Sept. 24. The best bouquets and arrangements come from your garden. Learn the basics and then create your own beautiful masterpiece to take home. Cost is $10 per person, which includes supplies. (Bring your own scissors.) Class size is limited. Register by Sept. 17. The class is from 6 to 8 p.m. at Kennedy Building, Genesee County Fairgrounds, Route 5, Batavia.

Event Date and Time

Cornell extension to offer Master Gardner Training series

By Billie Owens

BATAVIA – Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will be offering the popular Master Gardener Training series from 5:45 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday evenings, Sept. 8 through Nov. 17.

Participants will also be required to attend an additional session from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30.

Pre-registration by Aug. 27 is required. No walk-ins are allowed. The fee for the series is $200 per person and includes a NYS Master Gardener Manual on a CD.

Sessions will be held at the Kennedy Building located on the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Route 5 in Batavia.

Master Gardener Training teaches participants about: garden botany; growing fruit at home; herbs; insects; perennials and annuals; organic gardening; pruning; soils and fertilizers; turf grass; vegetable gardening; weed identification; woody plant materials; and how to diagnose plant diseases/problems.

Graduates of the program are eligible to become “Certified” Master Gardeners by completing volunteer work at their local Extension Office.

More information can be found on the extension website at <>.

To register, contact Amy Berry at (585) 343-3040, ext. 106, or stop by the extension office located at 420 E. Main St. in Batavia.

Successful Vegetable Gardening Offered By Cornell Cooperative Extension

By Kimberly Amey

Have you wondered why your vegetables just don’t seem to grow? Do you want to start a vegetable garden but have no idea where to start? Then this class is for you!


The “Successful Vegetable Gardening” workshop will be offered from 6 to 8pm on April 7th as part of Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Coffee and Dessert Series. The workshop will be taught by Bill Stedman, Master Gardener, and will cover the in’s and out’s of successful vegetable gardening.  Whether you are a beginner or have been growing your own vegetables for years, Bill has great tips for creating a bountiful garden. Attendees will also enjoy coffee, tea and desserts as part of the program.


Workshop will be held at the Extension building at 420 E. Main Street in Batavia and cost is $10 per person. Pre-registration is required by April 5, so reserve your seat now by contacting Amy at 585-343-3040 ext. 106 or stopping by the Extension office in Batavia.


Other upcoming sessions in the Coffee and Dessert Series include: “Planning Your Landscape” on April 15th, “Hostas” on May 5, “The Edible Landscape” on May 12, and the always popular “Container Gardening Workshop” on May 25. Hans Hunz will offer a free session on Bluebird Beauty on April 21. Visit the website for more details or call Amy at 585-343-3040 ext. 106 to register.

Garden Day Celebration & Plant Sale

By William Stedman

Presented by the Master Gardeners from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County. 

Saturday, May 9th, 2009, from 9am to 12pm.  Join us under the big tent at Cornell Cooperative Extension, 401 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY..  There are demonstrations of Gourd Growing & Painting, Gladioli Growing & Arranging, a watercolor artist, Flower Pounding, and Garden Garnishes.

Event Date and Time

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