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Mount Morris

Students vie for chance to send food creations into space

By Howard B. Owens

Students of the culinary program at Batavia CTE on Thursday presented dishes they created with the goal of cooking up something suitable for astronauts in space to a panel of judges to see if their creations might be worthy of a nationwide competition in Houston later this year.

Six students, three from Batavia and three from Mount Morris, prepared two dishes -- asparagus "fries" from Batavia and berry quinoa salad.

The dishes were scored on presentation, nutritional value and taste. The final dishes will also need to be suitable for freeze-drying to take into space.

Travis Barlow, Kevin Balkota, John Steward, Danielle Rotondo, Patrick Rae, and Darly Pochan.

Nancy Hall from NASA was also on hand to observe and advise during the competition.

There is no winner from yesterday. Both teams will have their scores presented to a panel who will select 10 teams from entries from around the nation to travel to Houston for the final competition.

Students from Batavia were Melissa Voltura, Jose Vanegas and Jason Lowe. Students from Mount Morris were Sam Meyers, Tony Uveino and Mackenzie Wheeler.

Letchworth State Park...8-31-09

By Susan Brownell

I hadn't been to Letchworth in about 10 years, and my youngest daughter had never been there.  I had forgotten how beautiful it was!

This week my in-laws came up for a visit from Mississippi and we took a drive out to Letchworth.  Originally we were going to go to the Genesee Country Museum, but it's closed on Mondays.  It was the perfect day to hike in the park.  We walked down to the lower falls and then hiked up to the middle falls. I thought I was going to die.. but besides that, it was awesome!!  I got a lot of great pictures and I wanted to share those with everyone.


Here are some pictures of our day at Letchworth.

Me and my girls


Celeste at the Lower Falls



The Lower Falls and the Middle Falls in the background.  


Upper Falls and my daughters



My daughters Celeste and Shauna and their Grandma Jean


The Grand Canyon of the East!  Wow!!!!




Turkey Vultures at the dam



Celeste in the chair at the dam



Hope you have enjoyed them!!!




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