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Hour-long free virtual Opioid Overdose Reversal Training offered Jan. 15

By Billie Owens

If a drug overdose happened and you were nearby, would you know what to do to potentially save a life?

To be prepared, you just need to spend an hour in training.

A free virtual Opioid Overdose Reversal Training session will be held starting at 2 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 15.

This opportunity is sponsored by the Western New York Rural Area Health Education Center in collaboration with Spectrum Health and Human Services.

Certified trainer Dawn Stone, CRPA, of Spectrum, will teach you how to:

  • Recognize the signs of an opioid overdose;
  • Respond appropriately and effectively to an opioid overdose;
  • Correctly administer the spray form of naloxone (Narcan);
  • Apply the Good Samaritan Overdose Law to overdose responders.

A free reversal kit will be mailed to you upon completion of training.

To learn more visit th WNY Rural Area Health Education Center website.

Call Lisa Green to register at (585) 786-6275.

GOW Opioid Task Force debuts 'Post Narcan Administration Video'

By Billie Owens

The GOW Opioid Task Force announces the availability of a Post Narcan Administration Video.

It was created by the Naloxone Work Group of the Task Force and launched at the quarterly meeting last week.

This video emphasizes an important message: individuals should go to the Emergency Department AFTER Narcan has been administered for an opioid overdose.

The Task Force members are very proud of the video and greatly appreciate all of their local partners who participated in this project and Tall Girls Design, the marketing partners who created an end product that surpasses expectations.

The video can be viewed right on their Facebook page here.

It is hoped that you find this video genuine and helpful as the Task Force continue sto work to end the opioid crisis in the GOW region.

Please feel free to share this video and spread this message.

If there are any questions or specific needs for the video please do not hesitate to reach out.

Allison Parry-Gurak 

Project Coordinator

Phone: 815-1889

Ransack the mock bedroom of a sneaky teen, get Narcan training, and enjoy pizza, too

By Billie Owens

Hillside Family of Agencies welcomes you to join them for "Hidden Mischief & Narcan Training" from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday Dec. 6.

The location is 50 Batavia City Centre. 

Stop in for PIZZA and search our mock teen bedroom, link with resources in the community and gain valuable information.

Please register with Carrie St. Clair by calling 716-220-6850 or emailing her at:

"Hidden Mischief" is a program to create awareness of ways teens conceal drugs or use everyday items for drug use.

The interactive teen bedroom will give each participant an opportunity to search and find drug paraphernalia, drugs and drug references. There will be everyday items displayed that have been converted to hide or use drugs. Join us to see if you can find the hidden mischief. 

This parenting workshop, which also features Narcan training, is presented by GCASA.

Representatives from these organizations will be there: Horizon Health Services; Tobacco Free Coalition; Genesee County Sheriff's Office; and Hillside Family of Agencies.

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