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National Grid

Still about 800 customers without power in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

A spokesman for National Grid says there are still about 800 customers in Genesee County without power.

The areas with the most customers without power are Darien, 165, Batavia, 104, and Oakfield, 90.  

The ETA for restoration is 10 o'clock tonight for all of Genesee County.

Streetlights in Town of Batavia now whiter, brighter and more energy efficient

By Howard B. Owens

Photo By Howard Owens. 

Lights along Park Road: The white light in the top of the frame is in the Town of Batavia and one of the new LED lights installed by National Grid. The two yellow streetlights in the background are in the City of Batavia.

Press release:

National Grid has converted 72 streetlights to LEDs in the Town of Batavia, which should reap the rewards of long-term cost and energy savings. The streetlight changeover represents the largest such LED streetlight conversion completed by National Grid in Western New York.

The streetlights were retrofitted as part of National Grid’s Outdoor Street Lighting Conversion Program, which enables communities to switch from high-pressure sodium lights to high-efficiency LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting. The conversion was completed in May.

The Outdoor Street Lighting Conversion Program is open to all of National Grid’s Upstate New York municipal and governmental streetlighting customers with roadway style fixtures and promotes the adoption of energy-efficient LED technology through the transition of company-owned streetlights.

“We converted the streetlights for long-term cost savings for our residents, which could total around $2,000 annually,” said Town of Batavia highway superintendent Tom Lichtenthal.

“Working with National Grid, there was a little bit of a learning curve in the beginning of this process. But in the end, everything went very smoothly and the installation procedures were completed quickly.”

In the Town of Batavia, the streetlights were converted at a cost of $9 per month over a 10- year period. An incentive that the town received from New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) was built into the streetlighting program that translates to energy savings over time.

LEDs have no filament, produce less heat, and should require less maintenance over time. They require no warmup period to reach full brightness and make it easier for motorists and pedestrians to recognize objects.

“Visually, LEDs produce a distinctly whiter, brighter light compared to the yellow hue cast by traditional high-pressure sodium lights,” said National Grid regional manager Ken Kujawa.

“When working with us, municipalities often consider this difference when specifying which lights to convert, particularly in situations where LED and high-pressure sodium streetlights may be on the same street or in close proximity.”

For LED conversion, NYSERDA offers grant incentives to local governments through its Clean Energy Communities program. More information is available at

National Grid encourages customers considering LED streetlight conversion to seek additional information from knowledgeable lighting professionals in order to make fully informed decisions. 

National Grid reports 88 percent completion of repairs

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

 A western New York field force of nearly 1,200 workers made significant progress over the last 24 hours and has restored power to more than 88 percent of the 171,000 upstate New York homes and businesses impacted by Wednesday’s damaging wind storm. Crews have been focused on the time-consuming, labor-intensive work of removing downed trees and thousands of tree limbs, repairing substations, replacing hundreds of broken poles and damaged transformers, and replacing miles of feeder lines and circuits. 

While the storm affected many areas of upstate, the most severe damage and highest wind speeds – in excess of 70 mph – were recorded in western New York. About 130,000 National Grid customers in that region were impacted and, by this afternoon, more than 110,000 have been restored. Today, the company’s full contingent of crews remains focused on restoring power to approximately 19,000 customers still out, especially in the areas where the damage was most severe, including portions of Monroe, Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties. 

National Grid anticipates restoring power to 90 percent of upstate New York customers affected by late tonight. Restoration in a few isolated locations and for some individual customers in the hardest-hit areas likely will continue into late Saturday evening because of the severity of the damage. Specific local restoration times, updated every 15 minutes, are available on the Outage Central page of National Grid’s website. 

“Our crews have made significant progress last night and through today and we have received outstanding support from state, county and local first-responders and emergency coordinators,” said Melanie Littlejohn, National Grid’s New York vice president. “However there is challenging work ahead and our job is not done until we have connected every customer.” 

Littlejohn noted that the equipment damage, particularly in rural areas, is severe and progress will be slow and steady. “The final hours of our restoration process are always the most labor and time intensive,” she said. “The number of customers restored by each repair job typically is smaller because the remaining damage affects very small pockets of customers, sometimes even a single customer.” 

National Grid is offering customers dry ice and bottled water at the following locations through 5 p.m. today. 

Wrights Corners Fire Company 

4043 Lake Ave., Lockport, NY 

City of Batavia Fire Department 

18 Evans Street, Batavia, NY 

Village Fire Station 

80 Owens Rd., Brockport, NY 

The company will continue dry ice and bottled water distribution again tomorrow from noon until 4 p.m. at the Batavia and Brockport locations only. 

Company Advises Caution 

The company also reminds customers to stay safe as they continue to recover from the storm’s damage. “Given the storm’s impact, there may be unsafe conditions in the region,” Littlejohn said. “We’re asking customers to remain aware of potential safety hazards such as damaged trees, particularly broken limbs that haven’t yet fallen to the ground. We also ask that drivers use extreme caution as they approach work areas, to ensure the safety of utility and other storm-response personnel who have been in the field around the clock restoring service.” 

The company also urges the public to exercise safety around electricity wires and other equipment. Downed lines should be immediately reported to your local emergency response organization or by calling National Grid at 1-800-867-5222

Additionally, if you use a generator to supply power during an outage, be sure to only operate it outdoors. Regardless of ventilation, never operate a generator indoors. Before operating a generator, be sure to disconnect from National Grid’s system by shutting off the main breaker, located in the electric service panel. Failure to do this could endanger our crews and your neighbors. 

For detailed information on post-storm safety, visit the Outage Central section at 

When a power outage occurs in a neighborhood, it may in fact affect thousands of customers. How does National Grid restore service? 

National Grid emergency crews follow a time-tested plan to begin restoring service as safely and quickly as conditions allow. Accurate damage surveys, resource assessments and restoration estimates are critical in the preliminary stages of any major weather event. National Grid crews perform damage surveys as soon as possible during and after the weather-related incidents following established safety guidelines. Credible and consistent communication with local public officials and the media is maintained throughout the duration of the restoration effort by in-person updates between National Grid personnel and state and local officials, regular media updates, and updates to Outage Central. 

As damage assessments are underway, our crews clear away hazards such as live, downed lines. The clean-up of storm-damaged trees and branches removed from our electric facilities remains the responsibility of the customer or property owner, whether private or municipal. 

Next come repairs to main transmission facilities, including towers, poles and high-tension wires that deliver power from generating plants. Recovery work at local 

substations is also a high priority, because power flows from transmission lines through substations on its way to you. 

Circuits and transformers in neighborhoods and the wires that connect them to your home come next – starting with areas that involve the most customers. While waiting for your power to return, please know that we’re doing everything we can to restore electric service as quickly as possible. 

Here with you, here for you 

National Grid offers several ways to stay informed and safe – before, during and after a storm: 

 For real-time power outage information, online outage reporting, and in-depth storm safety information, visit the Outage Central section of our website, Customers who create an online profile on our website can also sign up for email alerts. 

 To receive text message alerts and updates from National Grid, text the word STORM to NGRID (64743). 

 Online and text alert services can be started and stopped at the customer’s request. 

 Other ways to stay in touch: 

- Visit our website: 

- Follow us on Twitter at 

- Friend us on Facebook 

Click here for a video on how National Grid restores power after a major storm. 

National Grid issues update on power restoration efforts

By Billie Owens
Press release from National Grid:
Update on Restoration Efforts

National Grid crews are continuing to repair damage, remove trees and restore power to customers impacted by Wednesday's devastating windstorm. Gusts in excess of 70 mph caused extensive tree and equipment damage and left over 164,000 customers without power across our region.

As crews restored power throughout the day, National Grid also completed a comprehensive damage assessment and is estimating that 90 percent of impacted upstate New York customers will have power restored by late Friday evening. Most of the remaining impacted customers in the hardest hit areas – particularly in portions of Niagara, Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties - – will have power restored late Saturday evening due to the severity of the storm damage.

As of 4 p.m., service has been restored to nearly 71,000 homes and businesses throughout Western New York, with approximately 52,000 customers remaining without power due to the storm’s impact.

If you lose power or have not yet reported a power outage, please contact us at 1-800-867-5222. Customers can also report outages via the Outage Central section of our website.

National Grid will make dry ice and bottled water available to customers at the following locations  from noon to 5 p.m. tomorrow:

  • Wrights Corners Fire Company
    4043 Lake Ave., Lockport, NY
  • City of Batavia Fire Department
    18 Evans Street, Batavia, NY
  • Village Fire Station
    80 Owens Rd., Brockport, NY

The dry ice will be cut for ease of handling, and can be used to protect food and other perishables.

For your safety, please remember these safety tips

  • Never touch downed power lines, and always assume that any fallen lines are live electricity wires. If you see one, report it immediately to National Grid or your local emergency response organization.
  • Generator used to supply power during an outage must be operated outdoors. Before operating generators, be sure to disconnect from National Grid’s system by shutting off the main breaker located in the electric service panel. Failure to do this could jeopardize your safety and the safety of our crews.
  • Power problems can sometimes interrupt public water supply systems or disable well pumps, so it’s an especially good idea to keep a supply of bottled drinking water handy, as well as some canned food.
  • It’s a good idea to have a number of working flashlights, at least one battery-operated radio and an extra supply of batteries in your home. A radio is a good way to stay in touch, as National Grid provides news media with timely information regarding service restoration efforts.
  • National Grid also advises staying tuned to local media for important announcements from emergency officials about possible evacuations or other emergency procedures. In most areas, information on storm shelter locations is available by calling 2-1-1. Also, please check on elderly family members, neighbors and others who may need assistance in a service outage. 

We appreciate your support and patience as we work to restore service.
National Grid
Here with you. Here for you.

National Grid provides dry ice and water to area residents

By Howard B. Owens

Dennis Schafer, with National Grid, carries a case of water for Carol Marriott, of Pembroke, to her car for her outside the City of Batavia Fire Hall this afternoon.

National Grid set up a station at the fire hall this afternoon to provide water and dry ice to residents. Schafer said the delivery of dry ice was late, but once it was there, they were out within an hour.

He said he expects a delivery of twice as much dry ice tomorrow. He hopes the dry ice is delivered by noon.

There's still plenty of water and National Grid will be at the station until 5 p.m.

For most of the county that is out of power, National Grid doesn't expect power to be restored before 10 p.m. tomorrow.

With hundreds of outages reported in WNY, National Grid still assessing damages and power restoration estimates

By Howard B. Owens

The severity and the duration of today's windstorm has created numerous challenges for National Grid, according to a spokesman for the utility. 

Steve Brady said the amount of damage, with calls coming in all day, has been significant.

"Lots of wires down, broken poles, services out, all compounded by the difficulties of moving around and the safety hazards of trying to put buckets in the air in the high winds," Brady said.

There is currently no estimate for when power will be restored to all National Grid customers, but technicians are have been working all day and will continue to work to restore electricity to affected areas.

The utility is bringing in crews from other service areas that haven't been hit by wind to help with the restoration efforts.

By midmorning tomorrow, Brady said, the company should be able to provide a better estimate of when the work will be completed.

"The long duration has made it very hard to assess all the damage," Brady said. "It’s clear this will be a long event, well through tomorrow and likely beyond for many customers."

At one point today, National Grid reported more than 97,000 customers in WNY without power. Brady said as of a few minutes ago, the report was about 90,000, with Niagara, Genesee, Orleans and western Monroe counties being the hardest hit.

"Our divisional crews have been at it all day, and we will have at least some work being done through the night," Brady said.

PLEASE NOTE: Genesee County's emergency dispatchers are very busy and they DO NOT KNOW when power will be restored.

UPDATED: Power outage in Batavia affecting 2,400 households and businesses

By Howard B. Owens

There is a power outage in Batavia that covers an area north of East Main Street, from about Bank Street to just east of Clinton Street stretching north in a triangle with the tip on Bank Street Road in East Elba.

About 2,400 National Grid customers are affected.

The cause of the outage is not available at this time and emergency dispatchers are not aware of the cause.

National Grid is giving an estimated time of power restoration of 12:45 p.m.

UPDATE 11:59 p.m.: Steve Brady, spokesman for National Grid, said the cause it not known at this time. A crew is at the substation.  He will provide more information when it's available.

UPDATE 1:42 p.m.: From Steve Brady: "All customers were restored at 12:54 through some switching, but root cause of the outage is still unclear.  There may have been a fuse problem in the station, but crews are still looking at it."

UPDATE 2:03 p.m.: Batavia High School Principal Scott Wilson sent parents/guardians a voice message this afternoon about the power outage. He said power was reported out at 10:55 a.m. and it was restored at 12:30 p.m. and that school officials were in contact with National Grid. The high school remained open throughout the power outage. Backup generators were used and lighting was in place for bathrooms, and the students were provided a hot lunch. They took advantage of natural lighting and students were directed to sit in the atrium and gymnasium. Having Chrome book computers during a power outage was noted as a "new benefit" of the devices, enabling instruction to continue with a minimum of disruption. Wilson said afternoon instruction for BOCES students has been cancelled; students were directed to the library and could be dismissed from there with parental consent. Anyone with questions is asked to call 343-2480, ext. 2000.

Three farms in Genesee County receive grants from National Grid for upgrades, expansion

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

National Grid today announced that the company has invested approximately $300,000 through its 3-Phase Electric Power Incentive and Electric Capital program to help farms in the GLOW (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans and Wyoming counties) region retain and create new jobs. The grants will assist Stein Family Farms LLC, Udderly Better Acres LLC, Friendly Acres LLC and East View Farms Inc. with various redevelopment and expansion projects.

$100,000 was awarded to Stein Family Farms LLC, located in the town of Caledonia, to support expansion of the farm’s dairy operations and increase productive capacity through necessary electrical infrastructure updates. The project’s total capital investment is approximately $1.2 million, and will retain 11 jobs and create one new job.

Udderly Better Acres, located in Le Roy, received approximately $58,000 to support the upgrade of its current electrical operations from a single-phase system to a three-phase system, a required improvement for the building of an additional barn and lagoon pond with a pump system. With a capital investment totaling approximately $374,000, the project will result in the retention of three jobs and the creation of six new jobs.

Friendly Acres LLC, a dairy farm which milks more than 500 cows in the town of Attica, was awarded $86,000 to assist in expanding the farm’s dairy operations and increase capacity through a 3-phase power system, which will result in improved efficiency for its new milking herd facility. The project’s capital investment totals $4.2 million.

Lastly, East View Farms Inc., located in the town of Pavilion, received $100,000 for electrical upgrades to assist in the expansion of its dairy cattle herding operations. The project’s total capital investment is $2.8 million and will result in the retention of five jobs, as well as the creation of five new jobs.

“With these unique incentive programs, it is our goal to support small businesses throughout the region, especially agribusiness customers like these four farms, in dramatically reducing their electric costs and remaining competitive,” said Kenneth Kujawa, regional manager for National Grid. “Our continued investment into these types of projects plays a critical role in the retention and creation of new jobs in the GLOW region.”

National Grid’s 3-Phase Power Incentive Program provides grants of up to $50,000 to extend electric service to eligible customers. A 3-phase electric system provides an increased level of reliability and allows modern farm equipment to operate more efficiently. 

National Grid’s Electric Capital Investment Incentive Program provides funding to businesses to help offset costs associated with upgrading utility infrastructure to accommodate a business expansion or new construction project. Specifically, the program supports business attraction or expansion projects located in National Grid’s Upstate New York service territory.

Information about National Grid’s suite of economic programs is available at

Photos: Tree removal on Oak Street

By Howard B. Owens

Contractors for National Grid are busy this week along Oak Street removing trees that have become increasingly misshapen over the years by trimming meant to keep utility lines clear of obstructions. The trees will be replaced by species that aren't expected to interfer with the utility lines.

City, National Grid to remove 18 trees on Oak Street starting Monday

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City in conjunction with National Grid will be removing trees between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Mondays thru Fridays for the time period of February 29 through March 31.

This work involves the removal of 18 trees that have become unbalanced due to years of required trimming for utilities, thus becoming a liability and unsightly.

The area of work is Oak Street between the NYS Thruway Exit 48/ Park Road to NYS Rt 5/ West Main Street. Work shall begin north of Richmond Avenue and proceed south.

This work will require lane shifts, lane reductions and temporary stoppages. All efforts will be made to minimize impacts to traffic but there will be delays so please plan accordingly and avoid the area if possible. Work will occur as weather and other work assignments permit.

Future work plans will be the replanting of more appropriate underwire street trees and replacement rate of 2:1. This work is anticipated in the Fall of this year.

City plans to replace trees trimmed by National Grid

By Howard B. Owens

All of those trees that were trimmed by contractors for National Grid that have been called mangled and butchered will be removed, says City Manager Jason Molino.

They will be cut down, the stumps ground down to sawdust and new trees -- trees that won't grow as tall and cause problems with power lines -- will be planted in their place.

"I think we have a wonderful partnership with National Grid and how that's demonstrated is the fact that we've been able to work out an arrangement that we can partner with them to remove some of these trees," Molino said after Monday's City Council meeting.

National Grid responds to complaints about tree trimming

By Howard B. Owens

During public comments at City Council on Monday night, John Roach used words like "mangled" and "butchered" when talking about some of the tree trimming along power line routes in the city.

We asked Steve Brady, spokesman for National Grid, about the tree trimming, and here's his statement:

"We appreciate the concerns homeowners have when it is necessary for us to prune trees, and we work hard to maintain a balance between safety and reliability, and aesthetics. The work we are doing in Batavia, and specifically Oak Street, is no different than forestry work we do all across our service area. The primary purpose is safety, for the public and our crews. It is also a reliability issue, as trees pose the biggest threat to service, especially in bad weather.

"We prune trees to certain specifications depending on the configuration and voltage of the lines. In this case, our standards generally call for clearances of 6 to 10 feet horizontally in either direction, and 10 to 15 feet above and below, again depending on locale, voltage and so on. We work in communities on 5 to 7 year cycles, as we have found that – on average -- pruning on that cycle keeps up with tree growth fairly well.

"National Grid’s pruning practices were developed with the U.S. Forest Service and endorsed by the International Society of Arborculture, the National Arbor Day Foundation and other tree care professionals. Since 2000, the National Arbor Day Foundation has annually recognized National Grid as a “Tree Line USA” utility, one of a select group of utilities to earn this honor.

"National Grid offers a program called '10,000 Trees' that provides grants to municipalities encouraging them to plant low-growing varieties of trees that pose a lesser safety concern to our lines. The City of Batavia has participated in the program since 2007. We also make information available to customers regarding tree trimming, customer responsibilities and advice on what and where to plant. A link to it is here:

Sometimes the tree trimming produces quasi works of art, as with this nearly heart-shaped pair of trees on Pearl Street Road.

One possible solution for "mangled" trees, as well as a way to reduce storm-related power outages is the undergrounding of utilities.

No cause determined yet for power outage in Darien

By Howard B. Owens

Some 1,270 customers are without power in the Darien Area, around Richley Road, but the cause has not yet been determined, a spokesman for National Grid said.

Stephen Brady said crews have been dispatched to investigate the issue and devise a repair.

A Genesee County dispatcher said there was no related emergency call that might help suggest a cause for the outage. Dispatchers have received several calls from residents about the outage. They know about it, but don't know why it happened and have no further information to provide to callers.

The incident has been reported as three separate outages.

We'll update this post with more information as it becomes available.

UPDATE 12:46 p.m.: Stephen Brady, spokesman for National Grid, said: "Stations and lines were re-energized at 11:24 a.m." There was a problem found with National Grid equipment on one of the utility's lines that caused a trip, he said.

National Grid grant helps fund 'Innovation Zone'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation (GGLDC), the real estate arm of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC), recently received a grant of $50,000 from National Grid that was used to build the Innovation Zone.

The Innovation Zone has been designed to be an affordable, high quality networking and incubator space and will be located in the 34-acre Upstate MedTech Park in Batavia. It is strategically located across from Genesee Community College, which was recently designated as a START UP NY site. The grant from National Grid is through the company’s CleanTech Incubation Program.

“The concept of creating a space that not only brings entrepreneurs and start-up businesses together, but also allows these individuals to collaborate, has the potential to enhance economic development opportunities in Genesee County even further,” said Dennis Elsenbeck, regional executive for National Grid in Western New York. “From the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park to STAMP, economic development officials in Genesee County have proved that the ‘build it and they will come’ approach works and I am confident it will in this instance.”

To accommodate an existing tenant of the Upstate MedTech Park, construction included the addition of 1,075 square feet of space to expand opportunities for high-tech manufacturing and a loading dock facility. The GGLDC also plans to build out 2,300 square feet of vacant space to increase marketability of the site and allow for a quicker turnaround of market demands. The total capital investment of the project is $155,000 and is expected to create 10 new jobs over the next five years and three new jobs within the first year.

“The new incubator will support the expansion of the Upstate MedTech Park, which will help us attract entrepreneurs in emerging industries such as life sciences and medical device manufacturing among others,” said Steve Hyde, president and CEO of the GCEDC. “This grant is just another example of National Grid’s tremendous support of economic development initiatives in Genesee County.”

National Grid officials and local and state government representatives will participate in a ribbon-cutting event on April 10 in the Innovation Zone to formally unveil the new facility and amenities.

The National Grid CleanTech Incubation Program supports the development of a self-sustaining entrepreneurial and innovation “ecosystem.” The program is intended to stimulate and support the growth of new businesses that, in turn, generate jobs and investment in National Grid’s Upstate New York service territory. Information about National Grid’s suite of economic programs is available at

National Grid awards $350K in grants for Yancey's Fancy expansion

By Howard B. Owens

Press release: 

National Grid has awarded grants of up to $350,000 to support improvements in Yancey’s Fancy current manufacturing operations, and the construction of a new, 112,000-square-foot cheese manufacturing, packaging, warehousing and distribution facility. The new site will be built on 12 acres in the Buffalo East Technology Park in Pembroke.

The new facility has a capital investment of $20.6 million, will create approximately 50 new jobs, and retain 100 existing jobs. It is expected to officially open next month. National Grid will provide up to $250,000 toward electric infrastructure costs.

A second grant of up to $100,000 is available to assist with the design of advanced technology to manage the whey by-product that is generated through the cheese-making process. That will be part of a 3,500-square-foot expansion of its current operations at 857 Main Road in Corfu. The new system will allow for more efficient processing of the whey, which is used as a common food additive and for animal feed production. The project requires an upgrade of the current electric service to meet new demand. The $2.64 million project will create 17 new jobs and retain 30 jobs.

“Yancey’s Fancy is a thriving local company that is creating jobs and a strong brand here in Western New York and across the country,” said Dennis Elsenbeck, regional executive for National Grid in Western New York. “Genesee County continues to be a model for economic development through its collaborative approach to creating a positive climate for businesses to grow and expand, like Yancey’s Fancy.”

“National Grid has been a great partner through the years in our economic development efforts,” said Steve Hyde, president and CEO of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC). “In this instance, National Grid is providing critically important grants to sustain and grow the operations of one the largest employers in our region. It’s another example of the public and private sector collaboration that is resulting in the creation of new jobs and investment.”

The grants to Yancey’s Fancy are from National Grid’s Electric Capital Investment Incentive Program, which assists growing customers with costs of upgrading utility infrastructure to accommodate a business expansion or new construction that creates and retains jobs.

Information about National Grid’s suite of economic programs is available at

National Grid provides another $500K grant to GCEDC's STAMP project

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

National Grid’s latest grant of $500,000 in the Science and Technology Advanced Manufacturing Park (STAMP) site in the Town of Alabama in Genesee County has now reached the $1.5 million threshold. Since 2007, National Grid has provided STAMP with various economic development grants to the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC), which is developing the site and marketing it to corporate site selectors as well as nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing companies throughout the United States and the world.

“We are extremely excited to have such strong support from National Gird to help us bring the next generation of advanced manufacturing to Western New York,” said Steve Hyde, president and CEO of the GCEDC. “STAMP has received significant support from business, education and economic development groups and organizations from Buffalo and Rochester, so it is truly a collaborative effort to bring this transformative economic development project to our region.”

STAMP is a 1,250-acre site and is aligned to attract the next generation of nanotechnology companies, including semiconductor chip fabs, flat panel displays, solar, bio-manufacturing, and advanced manufacturing companies to New York State. Most recently, STAMP was appropriated $33 million in the 2014-15 state budget to bring the site to a shovel-ready status. This funding will be used for pre-construction engineering, sewer and water lines and other utility hook-ups and other infrastructure enhancements.

“We have seen a number of major gains in the bringing new and advanced technologies to the region, and we’re confident that STAMP will continue the significant economic development momentum in the region in the science, technology and advanced manufacturing areas,” said Dennis Elsenbeck, regional executive for National Grid in Western New York.“

“The GCEDC has an excellent track record in economic development, as evidenced most recently by the construction of the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park, which led to the construction to two major yogurt manufacturing facilities,” said Arthur W. Hamlin, director, economic development and corporate citizenship at National Grid. “We are optimistic that the same ‘build it and they will come’ approach used at the agri-business park will also reap significant economic development and job outcomes at the STAMP site.”

STAMP is located in the New York Power Authority’s (NYPA) low-cost hydropower zone. The site is within a 60-minute commute of 2.1 million residents from the Rochester and Buffalo metro regions as well as six university centers with more than 17,000 enrolled engineering students. According to GCEDC officials, STAMP has the potential to generate $30-$50 billion in investment and employ up to 10,000 workers on-site. The supply chain impact could add another 50,000 jobs.

The grants to the GCEDC are from a number of National Grid programs, including the Strategic Economic Development Program designed to increase effective marketing and sales initiatives aimed at “strategic targets.” This program provides expertise and incremental resources to leverage more and better macro-level business attraction research, marketing and sales efforts. Other grants have helped support hard infrastructure improvements to the site. Information about National Grid’s suite of economic programs is available at

National Grid approves grant for agri-business park expansion

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation (GGLDC) has been approved for a grant up to $130,000 from National Grid that will be used to continue the development of the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park (GVAB). The Agri-Business Park is home to Alpina Foods, LLC, and Muller Quaker Dairy, LLC.

The GGLDC, the real estate affiliate of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC), recently acquired 37 acres of land adjacent to the Agri-Business Park. The grant from National Grid will be used to extend the current electrical distribution line along the newly constructed access road, as well as the engineering and design of the extension of the road, water and sewer lines.

The approximate $600,000 project is being funded by the GGLDC and the New York State Homes and Community Renewal Agency and is expected to create approximately 100 construction jobs.

“National Grid continues to be a phenomenal partner in our economic development efforts in Genesee County and you have to look no further than to the continued growth of Agri-Park to see the return on investment of the various grants the company has provided through the years,” said Steve Hyde, president and CEO, GCEDC.

“Genesee County continues to be a model for how to do economic development in New York State,” said National Grid Regional Executive Dennis Elsenbeck. “We are confident that the job creation and capital investment made to date in the Agri-Business Park will continue to occur as Steve and his team expand its footprint.”

The approved grant will be paid out upon project completion and comes from National Grid’s Shovel-Ready Incentive Program, which was created to help make high-potential sites more marketable for the expansion of job-creating companies. Information about National Grid’s suite of economic programs is available at

In all, 5K customers of National Grid without power during weekend weather events

By Howard B. Owens

There are still nine locations in Genesee County where homes are without power, but no major outages. At any one location, no more than five National Grid customers are without power.

Over the weekend, according to National Grid spokesman Steve Brady, at one time or another, 5,000 customers in Genesee County were without power.

Most power outages were resolved within less than 10 hours, often much less.

"Yes, Mother Nature's Christmas surprise has kept us hopping," Brady said.

National Grid is offering dry ice and bottled water to any customers who are still without power until 6 p.m. today at the Orleans County Emergency Management Office, 14064 W. County House Road, Albion.

National Grid plans brief power outage in Byron and Bergen on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Approximately 700 National Grid customers in the Byron-Bergen area will experience a brief electrical service interruption on Saturday (April 14) morning to allow technicians to safely replace a vital transformer in a substation servicing that region.

Affected customers are receiving automated telephone calls from the company prior to the outage, which is scheduled from 4 to 6 a.m. on Saturday.  In addition, National Grid has notified local police and fire officials.

National Grid makes every effort to minimize both the number and length of planned service outages, and attempts to schedule events during times that will have the least impact on most customers.  Work in the Byron-Bergen station is part of the company’s commitment to provide safe and reliable service.

The brief interruption should have no lasting impact on service, but customers may wish to disconnect sensitive electronic equipment during the outage as a precaution.

Several homes in Genesee County still without power

By Howard B. Owens

More than 20 hours after a major wind storm blew through Genesee County, power is still out at 18 locations, the largest effecting 166 National Grid customers in Bethany, according to the utility's website.

The other 17 or so outage spots effect fewer than five customers each, according to the site.

In each case, National Grid estimates that power will be returned to these locations by 11 p.m.

There are two remaining outage spots in the City of Batavia and two in the Village of Le Roy. In all four cases, fewer than five customers are without power.

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