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new york 26

Grassroots Report from the Powers Campaign

By Jon Powers

The past couple months have been a tremendous success for the Powers for Congress Campaign in Western New York. Our team of volunteers, the Powers Platoon, is blanketing the district and turning out in large numbers to parades, picnics, canvasses, and phone banks. Check out our team in action in our latest Grassroots Report:

Here are some of our campaign’s major accomplishments from the last 3 months:
·         In late May, we started circulating petitions in order to get our name on the ballot. We are going well above and beyond what's needed and turning in thousands of signatures. Our team is knocking on doors and getting great responses everywhere we go.
·         The AFL-CIO made an early endorsement of our campaign. Usually, the AFL-CIO waits until August to endorse, but realized the opportunity we have in NY-26 and came on board early. I am honored to have the endorsement of the working men and women of the AFL-CIO and look forward to bringing the voice of the middle class back to Congress.
·         The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recognized the exemplary work of the Powers Platoon by supporting our candidacy and placing us in their "Red to Blue" program. Only 6 races with primaries like ours have been recognized across the country! The program takes the top Democratic campaigns in Republican districts and helps them to victory in November. The DCCC has joined us because of all the hard work our team has done in the past year: gaining the endorsements of the Democratic Committees in all 7 Counties, being the only Democrat to have a labor endorsement, and all the grassroots support we have garnered from the voters in NY-26.
·         With the end of the financial quarter here, we are pleased to announce that had our strongest quarter yet. I am most proud that 75% of our donors have given $50 or less.
The Powers Platoon made a strong showing this July 4th marching in Lockport, Lancaster, Warsaw, and Avon. We watched fireworks in Amherst and went to a picnic in Brockport. There are plenty of photos available on our website at
This Saturday, I will be close by, leading the Platoon in the Oatka Festival Parade. We would love for you to join us. Visit and signup today!
We are working hard for the next 63 days before our September 9 Democratic primary. The Powers Platoon is taking it to the street to prove that together, we have the power to change Washington.

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