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Batavia's John Kennedy school gets two $500 STEAM grants

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) program at John Kennedy Intermediate School in Batavia received a $500 Educational Alliance Program grant from the ExxonMobil Corporation, which was then matched by the local distributor that had initiated the grant application, Reid Petroleum Corporation.

Mike McCarthy, vice president of Reid Petroleum, along with his grandson, Jack, currently a third-grader at John Kennedy, presented the two checks to John Kennedy’s STEAM teacher, Melissa Calandra at the Crosby’s convenience store/gas station in Batavia. Crosby’s is a subsidiary of Reid Petroleum.

Reid Petroleum had taken the lead initially by applying for the ExxonMobile grant on behalf of John Kennedy. When their office received word that the school would receive a check for $500, they decided to match it. As the money can only be used for math or science, it will go to support hands-on activities that go along with science lessons in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) program, which is run by Calandra.

“I am so excited, and so grateful,” Calandra said. “This will be such a big boost for our students and our STEAM program.”

Photo: Melissa Calandra, John Kennedy’s STEAM teacher, left, and Vice President of Reid Petroleum Mike McCarthy, right, with his grandson, Jack.

Hawley calls on President Trump to direct CDC to release data on statewide COVID-19 deaths

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley rallied alongside his Assembly Republican colleagues in a letter to President Trump requesting that he assist them in obtaining data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding the total number of COVID-19 deaths in the state, including those in nursing homes.

For months now, we have written to the director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, requesting this information but have not been provided with a firm number of COVID-19 fatalities in New York State. In a hearing in August, NYS Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker also refused to provide this data, stating he was concerned it would not be fully accurate.

“When thousands of people die, families deserve answers,” Hawley said. “Giving the families that suffered irreplaceable losses closure on this matter is the least we could do for them, and we need to know as much about this tragedy as we can to assure we never endure loss like this again.

"For these reasons, I ask the president to direct the CDC to release this information and give New Yorkers the answers they deserve regarding this unthinkable loss of life.”

Hawley calls on legislators to end governor's emergency powers

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley joined in a letter with his Assembly Republican colleagues to call on Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to demand the Legislature pass legislation to curb Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers, which have persisted since March.

The governor has used his emergency powers to implement several directives unilaterally, and Hawley believes his emergency authority has been too expansive and lasted too long.

“New Yorkers deserve a return to representative government,” Hawley said. “The problems that have emerged during this pandemic are too complex for one man to handle, and our constituents deserve to have their concerns voiced by the representatives they elected to speak on behalf of their unique districts.

"The Governor failed the people of our state in 2020 with mismanagement of this pandemic which left businesses in countless industries closed and without income for far too long, and we owe it to them to do better and take local factors more strongly into consideration before shutting down local businesses that people rely on to feed their families.”


Dear Legislative Leaders:

December 15, 2020

As we near the end of 2020 with a new legislative session quickly approaching, members of the Assembly Minority Conference are eager for an immediate return to the principles and processes of representative democracy on which our Constitution and our country were built.

Since March, Governor Cuomo has used his expanded emergency powers to implement, and then extend, numerous directives. We believe this grossly exceeds his executive authority.

As you know, Chapter 23 of the Laws of 2020 authorized a $40 million emergency appropriation for the state to make necessary preparations to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. Also included in that legislationwas a measure to add “disease outbreak” to the list of emergencies by which the governor assumedexpanded authorities.

While the law granted the governor the ability to issue emergency directives, it did not empower him with the statutory authority to extend directives for an additional 30 days, which is permitted for the suspensions of laws.

Therefore, we are calling on you to review the legal authority granted to the governor and seek input from legislative colleagues on how to proceed in the best interest of all New Yorkers. At the first possible opportunity – hopefully on the first day of the 2021 Legislative Session, if not sooner – we encourage the passage of legislation such as A.10546, which would limit the governor’s expanded powers anddramatically increase local authority during future emergencies.

This has been a year that none of us will forget. You, and all the members of the Legislature, have worked tirelessly to provide help to so many constituents in crisis. Those efforts will certainly continue as we move into the new session and new calendar.

Jacobs applauds USDA investment into New York rural communities

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is applauding the Department of Agriculture (USDA) on their substantial investments into rural New York communities.

“Rural communities comprise the majority of NY-27, and I commend the USDA and the President for their commitment to making the health, prosperity, and future of rural communities a priority,” Jacobs said. “This commitment will translate into a strong, thriving economy in these communities and deliver new opportunities to students and younger generations.”

Overall, the USDA invested $40 billion in rural communities throughout the United States in FY20 -- $434 million of that was invested directly into New York State. Notable highlights include $16.8 million in rural broadband funding, $112 million to deliver safe drinking water supplies, and $1.6 million for small and emerging businesses. To read more about USDA investment, click here.

NY-27 Highlights:

  • $17,235,000 into the towns of Byron, Pavilion, Byron and Dansville Village. These loans and grants were used to enhance water storage and access, as well as clean up contaminated water supplies. 
  • $269,900 to the Springville Volunteer Fire Company to update their facilities to better respond to emergencies in the surrounding community. 
  • $99,900 United States Department of Agriculture Grant (USDA) for the Village of Perry to improve local trail mapping, bolster tourism, and create jobs.
  • The Farmers to Families Food Box Program developed in response to COVID-19 supported producers and processors throughout NY-27, including HH Dobbins in Lyndonville.

I was proud to announce these significant investments into our Western New York communities, and I remain committed to maintaining a strong partnership with the USDA to ensure NY-27 rural communities are supported,” Jacobs said.

“Furthermore, I am going to be fighting for increased investment in the new Congress, especially to support rural broadband development to connect our communities – the urgency of this need has grown substantially with COVID-19 as small businesses, schools, and medical visits have moved online.”

Byron-Bergen schools to have fully remote learning for first half of January

By Press Release

Press release:

In anticipation of increased COVID-19 transmission over the Winter Recess, Byron-Bergen Central School District announced that all learning will be fully remote for the weeks of Jan. 4th and 11th. This decision was made out of an abundance of caution and in consultation with the Genesee County Public Health.

“It is a difficult decision, but I believe it is the most responsible course of action,” said Byron-BergenSuperintendent Mickey Edwards. “We are announcing the schedule change now in an effort to give families as much time as possible to arrange for childcare.”

As well as precautionary measures for the health and safety of the students and staff, Edwards cites staffing and logistical challenges as a reason for his decision. In recent weeks, neighboring districts to Byron-Bergen have moved to fully remote learning. While BBCSD was able to remain open to in-person education, a spike in cases would necessitate the immediate move to fully remote learning.

“I know that parents will be concerned about the quality of education,” Edwards said. “I want to assure families that our staff has worked tirelessly to develop and implement remote teaching strategies that will deliver the standard of learning for which Byron-Bergen is well known.”

The District is scheduled to reopen for full in-person or hybrid education on Tuesday, Jan. 19.

“Our ability to reopen our doors to students in January is dependent upon the actions of the community while we are closed,” Edwards said. “I implore everyone to wear masks, wash hands, and practice socialdistancing so that we can be together again.”

Former GCC student and UMMC employee hired as Housing Specialist at ILGR

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) welcomes Kahlil Simon into his new position as a Housing Specialist.

In this role, he will assist individuals to apply for, and navigate, the programs and services offered through ILGR, including, coordinating housing evaluations for persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, household budget counseling, employment advocacy, home environmental accessibility consultation, as well as serving as a liaison with landlords.

Prior to this promotion, Kahlil Simon served ILGR as a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Peer Specialist, where he earned a New York Peer Specialist Provisional Certification.

Before his coming to the Agency, he had worked as an Imaging Services Secretary at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia, where he was recognized with an Exemplary Service Award. During his tenure at the Medical Center, Simon was inspired to seek work that was more community service-oriented, ultimately obtaining employment with ILGR. 

About his new position, he says, “Here at ILGR, it’s my goal to provide a service to the members of our communities that are in need of assistance, while upholding the high standards of this organization.”

Simon attended Genesee Community College in Batavia after moving to the area from Brooklyn.

ILGR is delighted that Kahlil Simon will continue to serve the disability community in this new position.

Independent Living of the Genesee Region is a member of the Western New York Independent Living Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.

With 48 positive test, Genesee County reaches 220 active COVID cases

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

  • Genesee County received 48 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Alabama, Alexander, Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Byron, Darien, Elba, Le Roy, Oakfield and Pavilion.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s.
    • Twenty-seven of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Twenty-four of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • Two of the new positive cases are residents at Le Roy Village Green Residential Healthcare Facility.
  • Orleans County received 38 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Albion, Barre, Carlton, Clarendon, Murray, Ridgeway, Shelby and Yates.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 80s.
    • Eight of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Twelve of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Two of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • One of the new positives counted on 12/16/20 was determined not to be an Orleans County resident and has been deleted from our total numbers
    • We are saddened to report the COVID-related death of one of a community resident. The individual was over 65 years old. We will not be releasing any further information to protect the privacy of the individual and their family. Our deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of this individual during this very difficult time.

ILGR receives CARES Act funding for homeless and eviction prevention programs

By Press Release

Press release:

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) in collaboration with the Genesee County and Orleans County Departments of Social Services announces a new program to assist tenants and landlords affected by the current COVID-19 health pandemic.

The Emergency Solutions Grant, via the CARES Act funding, will provide rental assistance to individuals who are facing eviction and are unable to pay their rent due to circumstance related to the pandemic.

These circumstances may include being laid off, furloughed, workplace closure, having a wage earner unable to work due to COVID-19, or being the primary care giver of someone who contracted COVID-19, or other circumstances.

The eviction prevention rental assistance will be available to cover up to a maximum of $4,200 for households that qualify. The rent subsidy will be paid directly to the landlord to prevent eviction on behalf of the tenant.  

This program will be available to renters who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Must be a resident of the County where they are applying.
  2. Must be determined ineligible for rental assistance with the Department of Social Services. 
  3. Must provide proof of tenancy.
  4. Household annual income must be at or below 50% of Average Median Income (AMI) for the County level prior to the COVID-19 crisis; and Households must provide documentation of loss or reduction of income due to COVID-19 after March 16, 2020.
  5. Must be at risk of being evicted once the moratorium on eviction is lifted because of the COVID-19 Pandemic (i.e. already missed or about to miss rent payments and face eviction).

How to Apply for Assistance:

  1. Contact the Department of Social Services to determine your eligibility for rental assistance. 
  2. If you are not eligible, contact Independent Living of the Genesee Region at
  3. You will be assigned to an Independent Living Specialist who will conduct an interview and collect all required documentation.  

Before contacting Independent Living, please have answers to the following questions:

a. Does your household income qualify based on this year’s gross yearly income? (The Federal Government’s unemployment pay of $600 per week is not considered as part of your income, but the state unemployment payments are). Please see income guidelines for income limits per household size.

              Genesee County                                                                Orleans County

One Person                   $25,800                                             One Person              $26,750

Two Person                   $29,500                                             Two Person              $30,600

Three Person                $33,200                                             Three Person            $34,400

Four Person                  $36,850                                             Four Person              $38,200

Five Person                   $39,800                                            Five Person              $41,300

Six Person                    $42,750                                             Six Person                $44,350

Seven Person               $45,700                                             Seven Person           $47,400

Eight Person                 $48,650                                             Eight Person             $50,450

b. Have any of your household members become unemployed or under-employed as result of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

c. Are you at risk of being evicted once the moratorium on eviction is lifted because of the COVID-19 Pandemic? (i.e., already missed or about to miss rent payments and face eviction)

If the renter provides false information to the County or its designee, they will not be qualified for the assistance and will be required to repay the assistance. The eligibility determination organization has the final say/decision in all matters/situations pertaining to this program. The program regulations can be changed at any time throughout the grant year due to reasons of funding or program need. In addition, the entire program may be withdrawn and/or changed by the County for any reason, including reasons of funding or program effect.

The Emergency Solutions Grant will provide additional funds to the existing Rapid Rehousing Program facilitated by Independent Living of the Genesee Region for people who are experiencing homelessness.  If you are unsheltered and need assistance, please contact Independent Living at (585) 815-8501, ext. 400. 

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) is a member of the Western New York Independent Living, Inc. family of agencies that offers an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.

Judge Road reopened after completion of Whitney Creek bridge replacement

By Press Release

From Laura A. Wadhams, P.E., assistant county engineer:

Work has been completed on the bridge replacement over Whitney Creek on Judge Road in the Town of Alabama and the road is now reopened.

A portion of Judge Road had been closed since Oct. 12 to replace the bridge, which is immediately west of Crosby Road.

Sikorski ready to address the 'needs' of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County

By Mike Pettinella

With the agency in the midst of a study to determine if there are any gaps between current conditions and desired conditions, Jocelyn Sikorski said she believes her professional experience will help move Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County to a most favorable destination.

“Currently, they are doing their needs assessment and that will be something that I will have the opportunity to look at, those results, and evaluate what it is that we may need to tweak or change or add to programming services based on the feedback,” Sikorski said. “That will give us a way to develop a strategic plan for the agency and the community.”

Sikorski, who will take over as CCE’s executive director on Jan. 25 following the announcement of her hiring on Wednesday, said she is familiar with the needs assessment process.

“I facilitated a needs assessment four years ago with both county (youth) bureaus, and it’s about time to do another one,” she said. “So, I know exactly … how that is implemented and how to work with the results and to review those results with the staff and the board (of directors) to determine what needs to stay in place or also what may be changed.”

The Alexander resident has worked in county government for more than 20 years, the last eight as executive director of Genesee/Orleans and City of Batavia Youth Bureaus. She said she “loves” her current job, but accepting the CCE position was something that she couldn’t pass up.

“This presented an opportunity for me to not only continue my career, but to advance my career, and provide me an opportunity to continue to learn and grow. One of the things I that feel that I am is a lifelong learner,” she said.

In her new role, she will learn about the programs that CCE offers, including several relating to agriculture and gardening, as well as 4-H, Leadership Genesee (she took that course in 2007), SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly Food Stamps). She also will be responsible for community involvement, relationship building, networking and administration.

Sikorski said the connections she has made over the years will serve her well at CCE.

“It is fortunate that Cornell works closely with the county and there will be opportunities to continue some of the relationships that I have established – working with other community members and organizations,” she said. “That’s something that I’m particularly fond of. And it’s nice that I can stay in my community and continue to work with those individuals, but in other ways now, moving forward.”

She said she plans to work with Genesee County Manager Matt Landers to put a plan in place while her successor is found.

“Having three entities that my current position reports to is a challenge, and you have to have a unique individual to handle that. Everybody’s different – all the managers of the three municipalities, the governing bodies are different and there’s a lot of balance that has to be in place,” she explained.

She said she supports the continuation of an executive director to “continue the work that we’ve already established and to be able to keep going with youth development the way it needs to be between both counties.”

Sikorski also said she is optimistic that things will pan out for the City of Batavia, which is acting on a request from City Council to explore contracting with an outside business to run its youth program.

“I think that is the best course of action for the city to take on when it comes to youth services,” she said. “I believe that there will be an organization that can provide what we need for the city youth in regards to afterschool programming and summer rec, and we will not be shortchanged in service or delivery. If we can maintain that and it’s a cost savings (by the city not having an executive director), it’s a win-win for everybody.”

She said she agreed to a two-year contract with CCE (the salary wasn’t disclosed).

Glenn Simon, who has been serving as the interim director at CCE since March, said he was involved with the interview process and was impressed with Sikorski.

“Jocelyn presented herself very well. She certainly knows the community and all the players involved (in government and civic organizations). I am sure she will do well,” he said.

Simon was summoned to lead the agency during the search for a permanent executive director -- three years after retiring as the director of Supply Chain Management at UMMC.

He said his time at CCE was a “positive experience” but he is looking forward to the warm weather and working on his golf game at Terry Hills Golf Course, which is in full view from the rear window of his Clinton Street Road residence.

Arc transfer station has reduced hours until further notice

By Press Release

Press release:

Arc of Genesee Orleans Transfer Station, 3785 W. Main Street Road, Batavia has reduced its hours of operation until further notice.

The Transfer Station will be closed on Fridays, but normal hours will be in effect on Mondays (8 - 2), Wednesdays (8 - 6) and Saturdays (8 - 2).

Customers are asked to please stay in their vehicle at the transfer station and reminded that masks are required.

If you have any questions, please call (585) 343-4203.

APB: Little 'Lady' on the lam in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Photo and information from reader Kayla Twardowski: 

My sister Crystal Ishmael's dog went missing Monday morning, Dec. 14, on Alexander Road between Pike Road and Rose Road in Batavia.

Her dog is a Chihuahua, tan in color with white paws. She's 11 years old. Her name is Lady.

My sister's phone number is (585) 356-9774. She is very worried about her and wants her back home. Lady is her support animal. ... Just trying to put the word out there.

Batavia residents organize 'Bob's Christmas Car Day' for Sunday

By Howard B. Owens

Sunday is the inaugural "Bob's Christmas Car Day" created in honor of Bob Zeagler, who used to decorate his Jeep Wrangler in different themes for each holiday throughout the year with a special effort for Christmas. 

The event is being organized on Facebook by a group of local residents.

Zeagler died in November 2016.

Residents are encouraged to decorate their car in a "Bob-inspired" way and drive around Batavia starting at 4 p.m. For those who want to be part of a group of cars, there will be a starting point at Ficarella's Pizzeria on Liberty Street in Batavia. It appears some of the details, such as routes, are still being worked out. Check the Facebook group for more information and updates.

Photo by Steve Ognibene.

Grant from state program triggers Town of Batavia's water district consolidation initiative

By Mike Pettinella

The Batavia Town Board on Wednesday night took the first step toward consolidating all of town’s water districts into one by passing a resolution to accept a $45,930 grant from the New York State Department of State’s Citizens Reorganization Empowerment Implementation program.

Town Supervisor Gregory Post said that the grant will cover the costs of engineering services provided by staff and outside consultants to put together a plan to combine the town’s 30 or so water districts and improvement areas into a single water district to be known as the Town of Batavia Consolidated Water District.

“This is something that we have been working toward for the past 15 years, and the grant gives us the opportunity to get it started,” Post said. “In fact, I have advocated for this for the 35 years that I’ve been involved in town government.”

Post said that consolidation will save the town money in the areas of water district management and administration, and will pave the way for an asset management and capital improvement plan in a cost-efficient manner.

“I expect that we will save hundreds of thousands of dollars in future administrative costs, while also putting us in line with state regulations,” he said.

Post said it behooves the town to start this process now as much of the water pipeline that was constructed in the early 1970s is nearing the end of its lifespan. He also said the town was called out by the state Comptroller for not keeping separate accounts of each of the town’s more than 30 water districts.

“By consolidating into one, we will be able to spread the cost of debt through all town water users and meet state requirements,” he said, noting that the town did merge a few water districts previously.

“Many users haven’t paid any water debt in 20 years; they’re just paying for the water. But those in the newer districts won’t be able to get water if the old pipes fail. Consolidation would equalize the cost across the board, and everybody will reap the benefits.”

Currently, residents in about 15 water districts are paying some level of debt service via a special district tax.

The supervisor said the town would be in a better position in terms of economic development as well by “leveraging all commercial, industrial and residential areas into a common resource.”

Post did acknowledge that the move to consolidation could be somewhat controversial, but it would be “unaffordable for those in districts with aging pipelines that become not suitable to have to pay 100 percent of the costs (to repair or replace them).”

Town Engineer Steve Mountain said his staff will begin work next month on drafting a report detailing the consolidation plan and hopes it will be ready by this summer. He also said public information meetings will be scheduled.

“We want to make sure that everybody affected by this is part of the process,” he said.

In other developments:

  • The board approved a resolution appointing James Kirsch to the position of assessment aide at a wage of $26.78 per hour and not to exceed 15 hours per week, effective Dec. 21.
  • Town Clerk Teressa Morasco reported that the 2021 town/county tax bills will go out on Dec. 31 and, due to COVID-19, residents paying by check or money order are encouraged to mail their payments to Town of Batavia Tax Collector, P.O. Box 108, Warsaw, NY 14569 (going to the town’s bank) or utilize the drop box located by the Town Hall’s front door on West Main Street Road.

If paying by cash, payments will be accepted at the drive-up window from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Genesee 2050 website is live; surveys, flag contest open

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County is updating its Comprehensive Plan to reach its 2050 goals and to reimagine the comprehensive planning process.

A new website launched today will help make the plan and public engagement in the planning process easy to access. The site: (don’t forget the www.) will include work in progress on updating the 1997 Genesee County Comprehensive Plan. The website can be used to explore the status of the Comprehensive Plan as it develops; to find opportunities to engage in the process; and to help maintain the Plan as a “living document” to ensure it reflects important community priorities as they evolve through the year 2050.

Public Input Needed

The Genesee 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update survey is open. The survey seeks input from citizens on the relative importance of and the level of satisfaction with various aspects of community life, as well as attitudes about Genesee County’s future. Open-ended questions invite respondents to describe what they currently like and what they would most like to change about Genesee County.

Users can navigate to the Take Surveys tab to access the Genesee 2050 Comprehensive Plan Update survey as well as mini surveys seeking input on a variety of topics. Mini surveys available now seek input on Agriculture and Food Supply, Renewable Energy Siting, and Pandemic Impacts on county residents. The recreation survey and other mini surveys will be launched in the near future.

County Flag Design Contest Open

Details about the contest to design a new flag for Genesee County are also available on the site.

Flag Competition Guidelines:

  • Keep It Simple. The flag should be rectangular and so simple that a child can draw it from memory.
  • Use Meaningful Symbolism. The flag's images, colors or patterns should relate to what it symbolizes.
  • Use Basic Colors. Limit the number of colors on the flag to as few as possible that contrast well and come from the standard color set.
  • No Lettering. Do not use writing of any kind (exception: the County Seal may be used).
  • Be Distinctive or Be Related. Avoid duplicating other flags, but use similarities to show connections. All entries must be the designer’s original work.

Users can navigate to the Get Involved tab to view full submission details.

Public Participation is Essential

“It’s crucial that we get the input of residents and stakeholders so that the final plan reflects strategies people will support to create the sustainable and vital future we all want for Genesee County,” said County Planning Director Felipe Oltramari. “We have so many assets. We need to build upon those strengths to retain existing and attract new residents, investors and businesses.

“In the midst of the global pandemic, the Genesee 2050 website serves as an important hub coordinating distanced and online public engagement. It gives everyone who lives in, works in and cares about Genesee County a place to be heard and to learn how to participate in realizing the county’s vision for its future.”

The survey is one element of a broad public input program for the Genesee County planning efforts. Public workshops, steering committee meetings and interactive site tours as well as participation in community events such as the farmers market are also part of the program. Information about upcoming events will also be posted on the project Facebook page: Genesee 2050.

For more information or to receive a printed copy of any of the surveys contact Felipe A. Oltramari, director of the Genesee County Department of Planning by email at: or phone (585) 815-7901.

COVID Update: 62 new positive tests reported since yesterday

By Press Release

Press release:

  • Genesee County received 62 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Alabama, Alexander, Batavia, Bergen, Bethany, Byron, Darien, Elba, Le Roy, Oakfield, Pavilion and Pembroke.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s.
    • Thirty-three of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Twenty-four of the positive individuals are hospitalized.
    • Six of the new positive cases are residents at Le Roy Village Green Residential Healthcare Facility, six of the new positive cases are residents at Premier Genesee Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation, and one of the positive individuals is at the VA Medical Center.
  • Orleans County received 28 new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Albion, Barre, Carlton, Kendall, Ridgeway and Shelby.
    • The individuals are in their 0-19s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s.
    • Ten of the individuals were on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Twenty-five of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • Two of the current positive individuals are hospitalized.

Accident reported in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

A two-vehicle accident is reported at South Lake Road and Telephone in Pavilion.

The accident is blocking and injuries are reported.

Pavilion fire is responding. Pavilion requests a Le Roy ambulance emergency, an ALS ambulance emergency, and a BLS ambulance, nonemergency (ALS: advanced life support; BLS: basic life support).

UPDATE 7:33 p.m.: There are a total of four ambulances responding.

UPDATE 7:33 p.m.: There is no entrapment.

Batavia Downs Gaming ramping up for summer concert series; Don Felder, Molly Hatchet set to appear

By Mike Pettinella

Batavia Downs Gaming is gearing up for the resumption of its summer concert series and will have a brand-new stage for the performers to belt out their tunes.

Directors of Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation today supported an expenditure of about $110,000 to purchase the stage from Audio Images Sound & Lighting, a local company located at 2 Treadeasy Drive, Batavia.

“This is a quality stage -- and the price is outstanding,” said Henry Wojtaszek, WROTB president and chief executive officer. “We have been paying $120,000 a year to rent a stage and now we can buy one for less than that and it will last easily for five years.”

Wojtaszek said WROTB will continue a separate contract for operation of the lights and soundboard on concert dates.

As far as the 2021 lineup, he reported that seven of the eight concerts are confirmed. Currently, only July 30 is open. The other dates are June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16, July 23, Aug. 6 and Aug. 13.

Acts scheduled to visit Batavia Downs Gaming this summer include Don Felder, formerly of The Eagles; Molly Hatchet, and Steve Augeri, former lead singer of Journey.

In other developments:

  • Chief Financial Officer Jacquelyne Leach said that November was a “break-even month,” putting a further damper on the year that saw proceeds up by $1 million through February compared to the same time frame in 2019 before COVID-19 reared its ugly head.

“As a result, there will be no earnings distribution for 2020, but the surcharge, which goes to the municipalities (supported by WROTB) is $725,000,” she said, adding that the $64,000 in surcharge generated in November will be distributed in a couple weeks.

Leach reported that the $3.1 million Payroll Protection Program loan received by Batavia Downs Gaming for COVID-19 pandemic relief is expected to be “fully forgiven” per program guidelines.

She also provided projections for the 2021 operating plan with expected distributions on an annualized basis totaling $1.4 million in earnings and $812,705 in surcharges.

  • The board approved the corporations’ vehicle use policy, and was informed by Wojtaszek that plans call for downsizing the fleet, which is at about 40 vehicles currently.

He said WROTB could save money by reducing the number of cars and trucks, and giving a stipend instead to those who currently are using company vehicles extensively. Less than 10 people have use of company cars on an everyday basis, he noted.

  • Salaries for WROTB officers approved for 2021 are as follows: Wojtaszek, president/CEO/general counsel, $191,846; Leach, $144,746; Scott Kiedrowski, VP/Operations, $107,420; William White, VP/Administration, $107,399; Michael Nolan, COO, $119,704.

Cornell Cooperative Extension selects Sikorski as its new executive director

By Mike Pettinella

Jocelyn Sikorski of Alexander is the new executive director of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County.

Sikorski, who has served as executive director of the Genesee/Orleans County and City of Batavia Youth Bureaus since 2012, will begin her duties at the CCE office at 420 E. Main St. on Jan. 25.

“We are excited to bring Jocelyn on board,” CCE Board President Lucine Kauffman said in a media release. “She brings such a wealth of knowledge with deep roots in youth development and a true understanding of local community needs.

“She has a proven track record of management, advocacy and education, which translates well to the position of executive director.”

The agency’s search committee had interviewed two candidates – Sikorski and Julianna Frisch of Brockport – and both made virtual public presentations on Nov. 30 via Zoom.

Sikorski will take over the reins of the 100-year-old organization that provides programs in youth development, agriculture, nutrition, leadership, and community and economic development.

Recently, Sikorski played an integral role in the establishment of the Liberty Center for Youth afterschool program, which saw the relocation of the City Youth Bureau from MacArthur Drive to City Church’s St. Anthony’s campus on Liberty Street.

She holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from Brockport State College, and has worked for Genesee County’s youth bureau since 1999.

Her community and civic activities include serving on the Genesee County STOP-DWI Board, GLOW YMCA Corporate Board and Genesee United Way Board and Allocations Committee. She is a past president and board member of Batavia Kiwanis Club, and a member of the Leadership Genesee Class of 2007.

Genesee County Manager Matt Landers, speaking for county employees, said "while we are sad to see Jocelyn leave Genesee County government, we wish her all the best in her new position."

"Jocelyn has served the youth of this county well over her 21 years of service. I look forward to working with Jocelyn in her new role over at CCE and am confident she will serve that organization well for years to come," he said.

Landers advised that he and his staff will be reviewing the Youth Bureau in its entirety before determining the next step.

"Whenever a department head leaves, there is an opportunity to examine how service is delivered and an opportunity to reimagine county government," he said.  

An email to Sikorski for comment was not returned at the time of the posting of this story.

File photo by Howard Owens.

Youth Board backs RFP for possible outsourcing, but wants city to keep in-house program 'on the table'

By Mike Pettinella

A citizen advisory committee supports fast-tracking a request for proposal to outsource youth services for the City of Batavia, but hopes the city would consider managing its afterschool and summer recreation programs if none of the applications received are accepted.

During a Zoom videoconferencing meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Interim City Manager Rachael Tabelski and County/City Youth Bureau Executive Director Jocelyn Sikorski reviewed a six-page RFP with the City Youth Board.

The document, drafted by Sikorski, is earmarked to be sent out on Dec. 21 to local organizations interested in providing youth services to the city for the 2021-22 fiscal year that begins on April 1.

David Twichell, president; Paula Fischer, Kristen Gloskowski, and City Council liaison Al McGinnis represented the City Youth Board at the meeting.

“So, I guess that we're doing this as a cost-saving measure,” Fischer said, framing the city’s decision to move from an in-house operation to contracting with an outside agency. “Obviously, if things come in and aren’t a cost savings, we as a board would like to see what we could do within a budgeted amount … taking the 20-percent cut or whatever … to replace a youth coordinator, director … and hiring back part-time staff at the Liberty Center and running the program in the summer like we have in the past.”

The Liberty Center for Youth on the St. Anthony’s campus of City Church on Liberty Street serves as the city’s afterschool location.

“That is still on the table I would imagine,” she said. “I guess my question is that we’re putting out the RFP, but there still is that alternative that we don’t accept any of them and go back to running it in-house like we have for years.”

Tabelski countered by saying that it would be best to make that determination after receiving RFPs, adding, “I would hope that we find a suitable proposal.”

Sikorski concurred, stating that the city has the right to refuse any proposal, “but I think that we have community-based organizations that are capable of providing this service in Genesee County, who can make it work fiscally, not only to maintain the level that we’ve had, but also to save the city money, honestly.”

Twichell: Keep an In-House Plan on the Table

At this point, Twichell summarized the youth board’s position that it would like the city to keep its options open.

“We understand that the RFP is a good attempt to save the city money but we just want to have that left on the table that if push comes to shove, and the RFPs don’t pan out, then we might be able to set up, like we used to have it (although) we might have to reduce services at certain parks or whatever,” he said.

As far as filling vacant youth positions in the city, McGinnis said in a difficult budget year, Council wouldn’t be able to guarantee that this year.

Twichell responded, “We would like to make it aware that youth services, now, is the only department in the city without any staff.”

Tabelski explained that youth services are not classified as a city department, but are under the umbrella of administration, supervised by the assistant city manager (which is vacant at this time).

That prompted Fischer to ask if some of the administrative staff could be reassigned to the Liberty Center “like we did with (former employee) Lydia (Schauf) when we reassigned her to the YMCA during the pandemic when the youth center was closed.”

Tabelski said that Civil Service job descriptions prevented that from happening, but Fischer maintained that youth services, with a budget of around $234,000 (out of a $24 million city budget) shouldn’t “bear the brunt of your budget woes.”

“I don’t think that hiring one youth coordinator is going to break the bank or the budget,” she said. “And we’re talking about five or six part-time people … there’s a lot of different things that we could look at.”

Participation Fees: To Pay or Not to Pay

All agreed that the objective is to continue existing youth programs for Batavia and Genesee County, and the RFP incorporates that by listing eight key components: creative arts; library, media and technology; activities that include science, math and technology; homework help/tutoring; recreation and sports; science and nature; indoor and outdoor activities, and snacks/meals.

“There also is an assessment process to determine that the agency is meeting program goals and objectives, and continuing to participate with the county youth bureau,” Sikorski said. “We do several things collaboratively between the city and the county, and that relationship should continue.”

She mentioned events such as youth recognition awards, youth leaders conference, annual youth conference, and National Night Out. An outside agency running the program would have to comply with performance measures.

Cost to participants also came up, with Fischer pointing out a section on page 3 of the RFP that indicated “no, or very low cost to the City of Batavia families” for summer recreation.

“I am pretty sure the direction of City Council was that there would be no cost to families,” said Fischer, who, in recent weeks, has spoken out against what she perceives as the city’s rush to bring in another organization, such as the Genesee Area YMCA, to run the youth program.

Tabelski said she was not opposed to eliminating “very low cost” and leaving it as “no cost” for the summer rec program.

Fischer said she didn’t think it would be fair to have a city taxpayer have to pay an additional fee for their child or children to participate in city youth functions.

“I don’t think a city taxpayer should have to pay for their child to go – if you’re paying your city taxes, that should be it,” she said. “So, people paying taxes could be taxed again to send their kid to a parks program where someone else is getting it paid by their town or getting a sliding fee scale.”

Sikorski advised that if they go the route of “no cost,” then it would be free to all participants across the board “because if the town is contributing like they have for decades to that cost, then it’s applicable to everybody.”

“Working with other municipal recreation programs, there was at one point in time where our rules and regulations stated that they could not charge; (that) none of our programs could charge a fee,” Sikorski offered. “That changed in the early 2000s, and luckily a lot of our recreation programs do not charge. Some of them may ask for a donation for field trips or a small fee per week depending upon their child. And I’m talking small, I mean minimal, like $5 per kid.”

Scoring Based Upon Selection Criteria

McGinnis said the RFP needs to go out as soon as possible with the city’s 2021-22 proposed budget due to City Council by mid-January.

“We have a very tough budget this year … and this being a piece of it, we have to know where we stand,” he said.

Fischer, Twichell and Gloskowski said they were satisfied with the RFP and the timeline.

Tabelski noted that the RFP does not include a cost for these services.

“The reason you do an RFP is to find competitive pricing for services, so we don’t dictate a price to the market, we let the market come back to us,” she said.

She said the plan is to form a selection team after the RFP deadline of Jan. 15 -- with the Youth Board as part of that team -- to score the proposals, using a matrix that awards points for each of items in the selection criteria, as follows:

  • The eligible agency’s capacity to effectively, efficiently and immediately provide needed service, program design and developmentally appropriate programs;
  • The eligible agency’s proposal to meet the goals and objectives of the City of Batavia’s Youth Service & Recreation Plan;
  • The price of service;
  • The ease of utilization and accessibility of the Program to parents;
  • The capacities to provide ongoing staff development, staff availability, qualifications, rate of turn over, ability to fill vacancies;
  • The documentation that all applicable health and safety codes and licensure or registration requirements are met;
  • The fiscal solvency of the agency;
  • The capacity and experience in serving children with disabilities;
  • The capacity and experience in serving children and their parents where they are Limited English Proficient.

Tabelski said RFPs are operational and issued by the city manager or Department of Public Works, for example. Approvals are made by City Council once the RFP process is completed.

In this case, the selected agency, as well as those not chosen, are to be notified by Feb. 5.

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