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Two COVID positive cases in Elba, both under 20, reported

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

New Cases – As of 2 p.m.

  • Genesee County received two new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Elba.
    • The positive individuals are between the ages of 0-20.
    • The individuals were not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • One of the previous positive individuals has recovered and has been released from isolation.
    • One of the positive individuals is hospitalized.
  • Orleans County received three new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Albion, Gaines and Ridgeway.
    • Two of the individuals are in their 50s and one individual is in their 60s.
    • The individuals were not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Seven new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.

City firefighters to to flush and test fire hydrants next Tuesday and Wednesday south of Main, east of Jackson

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing / testing fire hydrants next Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 13 and 14 from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the general area of south of Main Street and east of Jackson Street. Homes and businesses nearby will be affected.

These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area. As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored. If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about five minutes or until clear.

This annual testing is essential to maintain the communities class III Insurance Services Office (ISO) public protection classification, and to assure that fire hydrants are operating efficiently for fire protection purposes.

Along with maintaining the fire rating, the test monitors the health of the city's water system, identifies weak areas in the system, and removes material that settle in the water lines. Checking each hydrant improves fire department personnel knowledge of the hydrant locations.

If you have any questions, or should notice a hydrant in need of repair, please contact the fire department at (585) 345-6375.

Designer and CEO of Franci Jewelry to speak virtually via debut of GCC Fashion Episode Oct. 21

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

Eleven years ago, Nicole Davis (top photo), CEO, designer and Buffalo native, created Franci Jewelry from her kitchen table. Since then, her extensive collections have been featured in prominent fashion weeks around the world including New York, Los Angeles and Paris, worn by celebrity clientele and also published in several national and international magazines, which includes the likes of Vogue Italia.

On Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 11:30 a.m. Davis will share her story virtually through GCC's Fashion Episodes. To watch Fashion Episode 20:1 Franci Jewelry with Nicole Davis, visit

All are invited to hear this self-proclaimed "mompreneur" describe the growth of her business, the importance of understanding one's target markets and making intentional, appropriate business decisions that match that target market.

This episode is the first of its kind made available by the Fashion Program at Genesee Community College. The Fashion Program has always been a flagship for the college. The knowledge and experience of the faculty and their dedication to their students has produced quality and professional workplace candidates and well-prepared transfer students since the program's inception more than 40 years ago.

Just last year, GCC renewed its articulation agreement with LIM for students in the Fashion Business: Merchandising A.A.S. program. Students who complete the track and degree requirements can seamlessly transfer to LIM to complete their B.B.A. in Fashion Merchandising, Visual Merchandising, Marketing or Management.

In addition, GCC is very excited to announce a new articulation agreement with Cazenovia College. This agreement provides a seamless transfer opportunity for GCC's Fashion Business: Merchandising A.A.S. students to Cazenovia's Fashion Merchandising B.P.S. and for GCC's Fashion Business: Fashion Design A.A.S. students to Cazenovia's Fashion Design B.F.A. degree program.

Anyone interested in taking advantage of these transfer opportunities through GCC is encouraged to contact GCC's Student Success Center at (585) 345-6805 or via email at

Noonan Drive resident accuses pair of females of removing a Trump campaign sign off his lawn

By Billie Owens

Two females are accused by a resident on Noonan Drive in Batavia of stealing a Trump campaign sign off their lawn. A black female and a white female allegedly took the sign, which the male resident retrieved.

They walked away and police were called. They are responding to the "pretty agitated" Noonan Drive resident, who is said to be out with one or both of the females on Oak Street now.

City School's new board president wants board to be more responsive to public questions

By Howard B. Owens
                  Alice Ann Benedict

Alice Ann Benedict is in only her fourth month as president of the Board of Education for Batavia city schools but she's already looking to make a significant change to a board policy that she said has bothered her for a long time.

Under the previous leadership of Pat Burk, who resigned suddenly over the summer, if a member of the public came to a board meeting and asked a question, Burk would inform the speaker, "We don't answer questions from the public."

Benedict wants to provide the public with public answers to board questions.

She brought the issue to the board's attention at Monday's meeting and Superintendent Anibal Soler Jr. suggested after the board discussion that the board hold off on changing the policy until staff can formalize the language and make a recommendation.

If the board adopts Benedict's suggestion, the district will offer a form on the district's website where members of the public could ask questions of the board. If the question is submitted prior to a set deadline -- such as 5 p.m. on the Thursday before the board's Monday meeting -- then either the board president or the superintendent would prepare an answer. At the next board meeting, during the "public speaks" portion of the agenda, the question and answer would be read aloud. 

Currently, Benedict said, if a question is sent to the district, either she or Soler answer it and the board never sees the question unless Benedict forwards it to them. Benedict would like the entire board to be informed of questions from the public.

During COVID-19 restrictions, members of the public are not attending meetings but once restrictions are lifted, Benedict wants the board to have in place a policy that would allow members of the public to ask questions. If questions are submitted in advance, they will be answered at the meeting. If not, the board president or superintendent will answer the question at a subsequent meeting.

Benedict expressed concern that some people, like herself, are not "quick on their feet" when it comes to answering questions, which is why she wants a built-in delay on answering questions so there is time for research and consideration.

"I always felt like before when I was on the board, I never liked the idea that if a community member took time to come to the board to make a comment or ask a question, we would never answer," Benedict said. "We would never answer the question. That really bothered me."

At first, Trustee Shawna Murphy seemed a little confused by the suggestion, noting that the public has always been allowed to speak at meetings.  After Benedict spoke more about her idea, Murphy said, "sounds beautiful."

Soler said it usually takes two readings for the board to adopt a new policy. He said the policy should incorporate best practices for dealing with public speakers and also suggested the policy should mimic what he said other districts do, which requires public speakers to sign up to speak hours in advance of the meeting "so people can't come and disrupt the meeting."

GCC hosts two virtual Open House events this fall, Oct. 17 and Nov. 11, register now

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Community College will host two virtual Open House events this fall for students and families to learn all about what the College has to offer!

The first event will take place online from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17, where participants will be able to listen to and watch presentations from all types of areas of the College including various Academic Departments, the Admissions team, Athletics, Financial Aid, Student Success, Student Engagement and Inclusion, and more!

These special Virtual Open House events will also give virtual attendees an opportunity to ask questions and get answers! A complete schedule of the virtual event presentations is available on the registration page for each event date.

Register now at to attend either GCC Fall Virtual Open House on Saturday, Oct. 17 or Wednesday, Nov. 11.

For more information contact GCC's Admissions Office at 1-866-CALL-GCC or by email at

When: Saturday, Oct. 17 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 11 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Where: Register to attend at

Who: Anyone interested in attending GCC!

Sheriff's Office employees union endorses Sheron

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Employee’s Association, the Sheriff Office’s largest union, proudly announces our endorsement for the Republican candidate for Sheriff, William A. Sheron Jr.

In these trying times of misinformation and anti-law enforcement, we need a Sheriff with strong leadership, knowledge, experience, and integrity. William Sheron checks off all these boxes. He has worked in all aspects of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and has served in multiple supervisory capacities throughout his 43 years within the department, including 21 years as Undersheriff. He is also a lifetime resident of Genesee County.

William Sheron is the most qualified person for this position and is the clear-cut candidate. His proven leadership offers the stability, transparency, and integrity that Genesee County residents demand and deserve going forward.

Pedestrian struck on Harvester Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle on Harvester Avenue.

The patient is complaining of leg pain.

City fire and Mercy EMS responded and a short time later, Engine 11 went back in service.

Deep cuts, tax increase may be needed to keep City Schools running

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia city schools are looking at a nearly $5.5 million revenue shortfall in the current fiscal year due to the global pandemic that has caused an economic retraction, and dealing with that shortfall is likely to mean the district needs to cut services and personnel, Superintendent Anibal Soler Jr. informed school board members on Monday night.

Soler told the board that state aid has been cut by 20 percent, or $425,000, so far. The state says it is "withholding" the funds but there's no guarantee the funds will be backfilled, nor that there won't be more "withholding" during the remainder of the year.

The state is facing a $16 billion budget shortfall and the deficit over the next four years is expected to grow to $66 billion.

That doesn't bode well for the future of school funding, Soler said.

The superintedent said he was trying to present the board and the community with a realistic picture of the situation the district finds itself in through no fault of its own.

"If we don’t sound the alarm now and it gets sounded for us, we may be seen as not being as transparent as we can," Soler said.

While a lot of people suggest cutting things like supplies and materials, that's only 2 percent of the school district's budget. The biggest portion of the budget goes to payroll and benefits -- about 70 percent, so if it becomes necessary to cut spending, that will be the area where the district can make up much of the projected shortfall.

"At $5.4 million, you start doing the math and that's a significant number of services or employees we have to change," Soler said.

The total district budget is $51,470,726 and is supported by $27,477,066.

The unknowns at this point is: Whether there will be a round of 20-percent withholding in August and December and whether Congress will at some point approve a stimulus package that includes funding for schools.

Soler said state education officials are leaning heavily on the idea of waiting to see what happens after the election.

If the cuts turn out to be permanent, Soler outline several possible responses:

  • Cut teacher aides to four days a week for a savings of $301,210;
  • Cut custodial work to four days a week for a savings of $246,126;
  • Go to 100-percent remote learning to cut transportation costs by $576,000;
  • Eliminate activities such as music for a savings of $143,551;
  • Cutting athletics could save $284,089;
  • Increasing class size to 28 pupils per teacher, the maximum allowed by the current union contract, could save $630,000;
  • Eliminating non-mandated staff, such as teachers for elective courses, non-graduation requirement courses, extra librarians, some tutors and counselors, an administrator, and some aides, could lead to another $3 million in savings;
  • Eliminating the school resource officer would save $54,000.

What to cut and how much is a matter of priorities and a balancing act, Soler said. For example, eliminating transportation would mean a cut in state aid for transportation in future years.

Also on the table for discussion, Soler said, is a dramatic tax increase. He took notice of the possible 89-percent property tax increase in the Town of Batavia as an example of the tough budget choices the pandemic is forcing on local governments.

"Obviously, I'm not saying that's our approach but we're probably not going to be able to come out of this with no tax increase," Soler said. "It's tough because they're (property owners) are also struggling with these economic conditions."

Board Member Shawna Murphy wondered out loud why the idea of a tax increase was such a heinous idea. She suggested most people in Batavia could handle a tax increase.

Another board member spoke up (it was hard to identify the speaker on the livestream of the meeting) and said many older residents have already put their children and their grandchildren through school and now live on a fixed income. She was hesitant to burden them with a tax increase.

"I have more concern for the older property owner," she said. "Their home is the last thing they're clinging to and we're asking them to make quite a sacrifice when they have no children in the system."

The district does have about $1.75 million in reserves but that money will run out quickly if other action isn't taken, Soler said.

The district will know much more about its financial situation by the Nov. 23 board meeting, Soler said. Until then, he said, the district needs to remain "stay the course and remain Batavia Strong" and study its options.

On another budget item, the board unanimously approved an amendment to the superintendent's contract that granted Soler a $4,800 annual raise, bringing his compensation to $164,800 per year. The board did not discuss the salary increase prior to the vote.

County planning agenda includes special use permit referral for Main Street Pizza building

By Mike Pettinella


The Genesee County Planning Board on Thursday will consider a referral from Paul Marchese, doing business as Just Chez Realty LLC, for a special use permit and downtown design review for improvements to the Main Street Pizza building at 206 E. Main St.

Documents submitted to the planning board reveal that the applicant wishes to create two apartments on the second floor and change the exterior of the building that is located in the Downtown Business Improvement District.

A letter dated Sept. 29 from Doug Randall, City of Batavia code enforcement officer, to county planners and the City Planning & Development Committee indicates exterior changes involve: adding an entrance door on the south side; replacing windows; and changing the nameplate on the north (front) of the building from MANCUSO to MARCHESE and installing “up lighting” on that side.

Additional enhancements include: removing existing awnings and exposing the original transom windows; installing a new aluminum-clad wooden door on the north side; and installing new aluminum-clad wood windows/door storefront in the center bay.

The special use permit is for “restricted residential use” to allow the two second-story apartments in an area currently used as office space.

Following a recommendation by county planners, the referral will go before the City Planning & Development Committee, likely at its Oct. 20 meeting.

The $489,000 project has been awarded $137,600 from the Batavia Development Corporation’s building improvement fund through the Downtown Revitalization Initiative.

BDC Executive Director Andrew Maguire said the project will be completed in two phases, with the second phase featuring the creation of three additional residential units upstairs.

Other referrals of note on this week’s Genesee County Planning Board agenda:

  • Review of zoning text amendments from the Town of Byron for a local law governing solar energy systems as they relate to the town’s comprehensive plans.

Planning Director Felipe Oltramari said smaller solar projects such as those on building rooftops, on private property and that connect to the electric grid technically are not allowed unless a local law such as this is in place.

Large-scale solar energy systems, including those under Article 10 in New York State, are not bound by local solar energy laws, but generally attempt to follow those guidelines, Oltramari said.

Currently, the Town of Byron is engaged in negotiations with NextEra Energy Resources on the Excelsior Solar Project, a 280-megawatt, 1,700-acre venture being developed under Article 10 with oversight by the state Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (Siting Board).

  • A zoning map change request by James Barsaloux in order for him to add local craft beer, food and live entertainment, specifically music, to his farm market operation at 8041 E. Main Road, Le Roy.

He is seeking a change in zoning from R-1 (residential) to C-2 (commercial), noting that the farm market business is a “grandfathered use in its current R-1 zone.”

Oltramari said that while the business is in an R-1 zone, it is surrounded by commercial ventures along East Main Road. A large parcel in an industrial zone is located across the road from the farm market.

  • A special use permit request from John Kula of Freedom Fellowship LLC, for a 3,200-square-foot three-bay auto repair garage and print shop at 254 Broadway Road (Route 20). This comes on the heels of the granting of an area variance for the project in August.

The public garage will be used for vocational training to support a ministry for those in recovery from substance use disorders, with work limited to light repair, tires, brakes and routine service.

One new COVID-19 case reported in Genesee County, person in their 50s residing in Elba

By Press Release

New Cases – As of 2 p.m. 

  • Genesee County received one new positive case of COVID-19.
    • The new positive case resides in Elba.
    • The positive individual is in their 50s.
    • The individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • One of the previous positive individuals has recovered and has been released from isolation. 
    • One of the positive individuals is hospitalized.
    • Currently, there are two active positive students at the Elba Central School District.
  • Orleans County received two new positive cases of COVID-19.
    • The new positive cases reside in Murray.
    • One of the individuals is in their 20s and one individual is in their 30s. 
    • One individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Two of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been released from isolation.
    • Seventeen new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.

Photo: This 14-pointer is a sweet treat

By Howard B. Owens

Deer season is upon us and Kirsten Currier, owner of KMC Custom Cakes in Alexander, bagged her own kind of 16-pointer, this one made with butter cake, vanilla buttercream icing, and covered and carved with modeling chocolate.

The project took about 50 hours and the buck weighs 56 pounds. It was about two feet long and two feet high.

Denizens of Bergen join forces to honor those in our armed forces with banners

By Virginia Kropf

BERGEN – Three Bergen organizations have joined together to honor residents serving in the military.

The Triangle Club, American Legion Auxiliary and Friends of Bergen are putting together a Hometown Heroes Banner Project to recognize Bergen servicemen and servicewomen who are serving their country in the United States Armed Forces. 

Heading up the project is Donna Gerrard, chair of the Bergen Triangle Club. Others assisting are: Sharon Debottis, Legion Auxiliary representative; Anna Marie Barclay, Bergen mayor; and Pat Swapceinski, respresenting residents of Bergen. 

Each banner will be 30 inches by 60 inches, with a double-sided photo. It will be made of vinyl material and will include a photograph of the serviceman/woman, name and branch of service.

Orders are being taken now through Feb. 26. After the banners are made, they will be stored until they are displayed beginning next Memorial Day in May through Veterans Day Nov. 11, 2021.

Banners will be displayed on poles located on Main Street, Rochester Street and Buffalo Street, beginning on Memorial Day weekend through Veterans Day. Banners will be stored by the village afterward and be displayed annually, but not necessarily on the same pole or street location, according to Gerrard.

To meet requirements for application, all servicemen/women must be a current resident of Bergen and/or a graduate of Byron-Bergen High School, and must currently be serving their country in one of the United States Armed Forces, i.e., Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Special Services, Coast Guard, National Guard.

Each banner will cost the family or sponsor a total of $200. This price includes the banner, hardware for hanging and banner storage. Banners ordered during the year will be stored until they can be displayed. Or any family can request return of their banner immediately following Veterans Day. 

Anyone may become a sponsor of this program by making a personal monetary donation, Gerrard said. Individuals and businesses are welcome to become a sponsor of the project by completing and submitting the sponsor form. All donations will be used for expenses beyond the cost of banners and hardware.

The deadline for submitting Hometown Hero Banner forms for next year is Feb. 26. Applications are available on the Village of Bergen website, at the Village of Bergen office or at Sackett-Merrill-White American Legion Post.

Veterans from all NYS zip codes have an advocate in Genesee County's Bill Joyce

By Mike Pettinella

“A vet is a vet, I don’t care where they live or reside.”

That, in a nutshell, sums up the philosophy of Bill Joyce, Genesee County Veterans Services director, who isn’t bound by geographical borders when it comes to assisting those who have served in the military.

Joyce is an East Pembroke resident who retired as a sergeant major after 40 years of active and reserve duty in the Army, with tours of duty in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. He accepted his current role in May 2012 and has positively influenced the lives of thousands of vets over the past eight years.

On Monday, he presented his departmental review to the Genesee County Legislature’s Human Services Committee, reporting that “I know that I’ve been busy” although the regional office has been closed due to COVID-19 and that no actual claim and appeals numbers are available.

His report indicated that his office had 6,410 contacts and provided 8,040 client services over the past year, with a portion of those visitations involving vets from outside Genesee County. During his time on the job, Joyce has become known throughout the state as someone who can be counted upon to find solutions.

“We didn’t close the office, despite COVID-19, which was not only beneficial for our (Genesee) county veterans but for our outside (the) county veterans,” he said. “Today, I had a call from a Dutchess County veteran that can’t get a hold of anybody down there. As long as I can work by email, telephone, fax, I’ll take them.”

Joyce said he has been frustrated over the Department of Veterans Affairs’ new Rapid Appeals Modernization Program, which “is nothing like it is supposed to be. It’s not rapid.”

He said that some veterans have been waiting for almost a year for their appeals to go through. But, although the regional office is temporarily closed, he said he has found other ways to network.

“The regional office was supposed to be doing the appeals – they’re no longer there, so now I’m doing virtual,” he explained. “A veteran comes to my office and we sit there in front of my computer with the judge on the other side or they’re sitting on their telephone and I’m sitting on my computer and the judge is on the computer. So, we have appeals going through and not waiting for the regional office to get back in gear.”

Joyce said he continues to take on referrals from the Department of Social Services, assisting wives and widows of veterans with pension issues and education for children in cases where the vet has a 100-percent service connected disability.

He also has a key role in proceedings at the Western New York National Cemetery located at Route 77 and Indian Falls Road in the Town of Pembroke.

Joyce has been selected to serve on a memorial committee set up to attain donations for family members of deceased veterans.

“The VA (Veterans Administration) cannot buy stuff,” he said. “It’s as simple as a golf cart for a wheelchair (bound) spouse or family member to visit their loved one (at the cemetery). This committee is formed at all national cemeteries to buy something as simple as a golf cart for family members to visit their loved ones.”

He said donations from businesses or individuals can be made through the committee, which is working on a memorandum of understanding to accept contributions.

Joyce also is organizing the honor guard in neighboring counties to be ready since construction of the cemetery is ahead of schedule.

“They had the consecration of the grounds two weeks ago and they put the sod over the ground that was consecrated and we had the honor guard there,” he said. “The building that you see from the road – it shouldn’t be there – that’s how far ahead of schedule they are. The one committal shelter that you can see from the road, it shouldn’t be there (for the same reason).”

For those wishing to view the progress at the cemetery site, drone videos are posted on the Genesee County Veterans Services website.

Joyce responded to a question from Legislator Gary Maha about the pre-need application for veterans to secure their burial plot at the cemetery.

“The pre-need makes you feel good; you know you have a place for burial,” he said. “As I tell all the veterans, when it comes to your house, it’s in two envelopes. One’s the shipping and the other one is probably a 6 by 12 with a VA emblem on the outside. Take your discharge (paper) and make a copy of it, and put it in that envelope.

“So, whatever family member is making the arrangements for you can hand that to the funeral director. Then, the funeral director calls the national cemetery administration and they see that you’re already approved (with a docket number).”

Joyce noted that the veteran’s spouse can also be buried in the same vault. More information about the pre-need application is on the website.

State launches COVID Alert NY, an exposure notification app with no tracking

By Press Release

Press release:

As of late last week, New York is thrilled to launch COVID Alert NY – the official Exposure Notification App created by the New York State Department of Health in partnership with Google and Apple. Now you can use your phone in the fight against COVID-19 and get exposure alerts, without compromising your privacy or personal information.


COVID Alert NY is New York State's official Exposure Notification App. This is a free smartphone app for anyone 18+ that lives and/or works in New York available for download in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The COVID Alert NY app notifies users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Upon receiving an exposure notification, the app will encourage users to contact their physician or the State Health Department hotline (1-833-227-5045) to get more information about quarantining and testing.

Anyone who downloads the app does not have to worry about being tracked, identified or having their personal information shared. The app is completely anonymous and does not track your location or movement. No personal data is collected. COVID Alert NY uses Bluetooth proximity-enabled exposure notification technology provided by Apple and Google, which is safe and secure.


The more New Yorkers using the COVID Alert NY app, the more effective it will be as a tool to fight against COVID-19. We need your help to rally your community to download and use the app.

The COVID Alert NY app puts the power in the hands of New Yorkers to protect their neighbors, friends, family and community at large. Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19.


The New York State webpage on COVID Alert NY is found at:

You can find a Frequently Asked Questions page here.

And in Spanish here.

To learn more about COVID Alert NY, visit:

Car vs. deer accident with injuries reported in Le Roy on Lake Street near North Road

By Billie Owens

A car vs. deer accident with injuries is reported in Le Roy on Lake Street (Route 19) in the area of North Road. The vehicle involved is a black Chervolet Equinox. Le Roy fire and ambulance are responding.

UPDATE 7:02 a.m.: A first responder says the accident is just north of the intersection of Lake Street and North Road, and that there was air bag deployment.

UPDATE 7:05 a.m.: Injuries are minor. Fluids are leaking from the vehicle.

UPDATE 7:14 a.m.: Law enforcement is en route.

UPDATE 7:22 a.m.: Le Roy fire is back in service.

Focus on the job at hand drives Genesee County DSS to serve 'efficiently and effectively'

By Mike Pettinella

Despite dealing with a public health crisis that has affected all of its programs and services, the Genesee County Department of Social Services has rolled with the changes to “continue to serve the residents of Genesee County efficiently and effectively,” the agency’s commissioner said today.

David Rumsey, presenting his departmental review at the Genesee County Legislature’s Human Services Committee at the Old County Courthouse, reported that the diligence of his 107.5 employees (including a part-timer) has “come to the forefront in 2020 during the COVID-19.”

“With their ability to adapt to a new style of remote working, virtual training and a different feel for how to conduct business, they persevered and continue to serve the residents of Genesee County efficiently and effectively,” Rumsey said.

His 30-minute talk was based on a seven-page report that touched upon programming issues relating to: family visitations; child residential placements; and youth and adult protective services; budget issues relating to personnel; Medicaid costs; family assistance and foster care; and staffing developments.

Rumsey said the agency was at 50-percent staffing through June 1 (it’s back to 100 percent now) and that made it difficult to deliver services.

“All programs and services, in part, have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said, adding that waivers were granted – and are still in place – for all program areas from conducting face-to-face interviews.

Child Protective Services Drop with Schools Closed

 With schools closed, child protective services decreased substantially, he said, as DSS was unable to get reports from school administrators. “We are seeing an uptick in CPS calls now,” he said.

He noted that the coronavirus hampered the agency’s ability to reunite families and perform court-ordered visitations until August, when DSS staff began supervising these visitations while adhering to all Center for Disease Control and Health Department COVID-19 guidelines.

Regarding foster care, Rumsey said the county had 69 young people in various foster care placements settings in August: 36 in regular foster homes; five in cluster homes; 17 in therapeutic foster care; and 11 in residential care. Additionally, two are at state training schools (detention) and one is at the New York State School for the Blind.

“The most prevalent reasons (for foster care) are still substance abuse and/or mental health issues of the caretakers or children” or the extreme acting out by the child(ren) that compromises the safety of the family members or community,” Rumsey explained, adding that costs to house foster children are substantial.

He said that placement in a “voluntary agency therapeutic foster home can typically average about $45,000 annually for board/admin, while placement in our own county foster homes, ranges up to $11,000 annually for board.

“We currently have 17 youth in placement with Hillside or Glove House therapeutic foster homes,” he reported.

The High Cost of Residential Placements

Rumsey said costs for residential placements for “our very high need and hard-to-place youth” affect expenditures and budget appropriations the most, with board and tuition expenses at residential treatment centers ranging from $145,000 to $230,000 annually for each of the 11 current placements.

He said that savings should be realized in 2021, however, as the state’s Family First Initiative is requiring Departments of Social Services to “reduce the number of residential placements by 30 percent and place those youth with families instead.”

The commissioner said that getting a foster child into an adoption setting takes time, thus keeping costs high. He said that of the 69 youth in foster care, 14 are freed for adoption.

DSS also intervenes when it comes to law enforcement and protective services for youth and adults, Rumsey said.

In 2019, New York State’s Raise The Age law stipulated that a youth can be prosecuted as an adult in criminal cases as long as he or she is at least 18 years old.

While the original concern was that more teens would be placed in both residential foster care and secured detention, this has not materialized, Rumsey said. He added that any increase in RTA spending or electronic monitoring should have no cost effect on the DSS budget as the state continues to promise 100-percent reimbursement on any RTA-identified youth.

Adult Protective Services Stretch Staff

Rumsey reported that Genesee County DSS has 161 cases in the Adult Preventive and Protective Services category, and that has caused additional strain on the staff.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, one worker was furloughed, which left four workers and one supervisor to oversee all the protective service for adult cases and handle preventive services (representative payee), utility referrals and guardianships,” he said.

On the subject of state-mandated Medicaid, Rumsey said New York has failed to live up to its promise to take over the administration of the program and sees “no light at the end of the tunnel.”

And, based on the requirement for a five-year look-back period for chronic care (nursing home), cases continue to take a great deal of time for eligibility determination, he said.

Rumsey said the department’s budget “remains on track despite the COVID-19 pandemic,” although a 20-percent cut of state aid looms.

“Personnel expenses are as budgeted, and we continue to experience a moderate turnover rate,” he said. “In 2020, we added two assistant county attorneys and one housing coordinator to our staff and hired a director of Fiscal Operations and Child Support (Jennifer Groff), five caseworkers, three social welfare examiners, two youth workers, an intake supervisor, intake clerk, and one part-time chauffeur. At the same time, we had one retirement, 10 resignations and two terminations.”

He said that only two of five vacant positions will be filled.

Medicaid Costs Fixed Through 2020

The county’s weekly Medicaid shares have been reduced to $153,807 per week, and will remain at the level through the first few months of 2021.

“This is the County’s local share of the entire Medicaid program, no matter how many additional people are enrolled or how many benefits are provided,” he explained.

Rumsey said the agency is providing temporary assistance for needy families at an average of 99 households per month involving around 203 individuals, with many of those being “child only” cases.

In closing, Rumsey defended and praised his employees.

“The work done at DSS does matter to our community. The job they do is not easy, and can be trying at times, and the role of this agency is often misunderstood,” he said. “Even with the additional stress the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on the staff and their families they continue to work hard and are dedicated in the services they provide. I commend them all for the job they do every day.”

County Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein echoed his sentiments.

“It has been six months and we are just really starting to get into our COVID experience of what we’re going to be living in for probably the next year to year and a half,” she said. “Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for the genuine and sincere care that your staff has demonstrated to our community. It is … appreciated by all of us here at the county because it is tremendous the pressure and the stress that is on every single person in the community and your staff.”

Commitee Passes Several Resolutions

In other developments, the committee approved several resolutions (to be forwarded to the full legislature) submitted by Mental Health Services Director Lynda Battaglia and Public Health Director Paul Pettit.

On the mental health side:

  • A contract with Jessica Kurzdorfer of Scottsville to provide additional psychiatric nurse practitioner hours at a rate of $95 per hour from Oct. 19 through Dec. 31. The pact calls for a maximum of 300 hours in that time period.
  • A contract with Spectrum Health & Human Services in Orchard Park for crisis after-hours services from Nov. 1 through Dec. 31 at a cost not to exceed $12,534. Battaglia said the number of cases has increased considerably since April.
  • A renewal of a contract with Consilium Staffing of Irving, Texas, for psychiatry services at the same cost as what already has been budgeted for 2020 and 2021.

On the health department side:

  • An agreement with FairBridge Inn & Suites on Federal Drive, Batavia, to provide temporary lodging for both COVID-19 isolation and quarantine of individuals who are unable to stay in their homes and have a home in which to sequester themselves. The contract, to run through Aug. 26, 2021, calls for a rate of $40 per night if the stay is at least seven days or a rate of $50 per night if the stay is less than seven days. Costs are covered by the county.
  • Acceptance of a $23,130 from the state Department of Health to support the county’s Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program. The grant period is Oct. 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021.
  • Contracting with Melissa Caputi of Batavia, an occupational therapist, to provide addition special education itinerant teacher services, classroom services and evaluator services in the Preschool Supportive Health Services Program retroactively for the period of Aug. 15, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The pay rate is established by New York State, with 59.5 percent of the service costs qualifying for state reimbursement, less any Medicaid payment on Medicaid-eligible children.

Jacobs announces Veteran of the Month program

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing he is now accepting nominations for his Congressional Veteran of the Month program.

To nominate a veteran who is a current resident of the 27th Congressional District to be recognized, constituents can visit to download the nomination form.

Once completed, nomination forms can be submitted to Rep. Jacobs’ office three different ways:

Email the form to:
Fax to (716) 631-7610
Or mail to the Clarence District office at 8203 Main St., Suite 2, Williamsville, NY 14221

“As a State Senator, my Veteran of the Month program was one of the most incredible and truly humbling programs I had the honor of conducting," Jacobs said.

"I am eager to launch this program from my Congressional Office and honor the truly incredible veterans of NY27 for their selfless service to our country and their communities."

Engine of Steve Barnes plane recovered, search for human remains continues

By Howard B. Owens

The engine of an airplane that went down in a swampy and wooded area off of Boyce Road in Corfu was recovered today after being dug out from under more than 10 feet of mud, Sheriff William Sheron said this afternoon.

"One of the biggest problems we've had," Sheron said, "is water going back into the hole. It's a very high water table right there."

The search for pieces of the airplane, which disintegrated on impact, Sheron said, is complete and the parts are being shipped to Nashville for further investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board.

The search for human remains continues. Mud has been removed from the crash site, Sheron said, and crews will sift through it in an attempt to recover more remains of the deceased. That process will go through at least all of tomorrow and perhaps into Wednesday.

Attorneys Steve Barnes and Elizabeth Barnes died in the crash at about noon Friday when the 2009 SOCATA TBM-850 fell from the sky as it passed over Genesee County.

The cause of the crash remains undetermined. A few minutes before the plane veered off course and started a rapid descent, the pilot, Steve Barnes, told an air traffic controller "everything is fine."

The plane does not have what is commonly referred to as a "black box" but some flight data is recorded on the plane. Sheron said the recording disk is about the size of a SIM* card (like you have in your mobile phone) and it has not been located.

More personal items of the victims were recovered today. Sheron said the ID of one victim has been recovered and other items have been recovered that were personal to the individuals.

"My team is doing a very, very thorough job on collecting human remains," said Coroner Jeff McIntyre. 

Today, he said, the team dug as far as the mini-excavator would go, McIntyre said. By that point, no other items related to the crash were being found so, he said, he's confident they've dug down as far as needed to recover any human remains.

The human remains are being sent to the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office for examination and DNA confirmation of the victim's identities.

*The acronym stands for subscriber identity module, or subscriber identification module.


Three more students at Elba High School test positive for COVID-19

By Press Release

Press release:

“The Genesee County Health Department has received three additional positive COVID-19 tests from students at Elba High School,” said Paul Pettit, Public Health director for Genesee and Orleans counties. “The individuals have been placed under mandatory isolation where they will remain until they are fully recovered.”

The Genesee County Department of Health is conducting contact tracing that is in process. Students and/or staff will be notified and placed under quarantine if they were identified as a close contact. Contacts will be expected to follow the New York State Department of Health quarantine guidelines

“The district is continuing its collaboration with the Genesee County HealthDepartment in identifying close contacts and testing symptomatic students,” said Ned Dale, superintendent of Elba Central School District. “We ask parents to be aware of COVID-19 symptoms and contact your child’s healthcare provider immediately if symptoms appear.”

Symptoms of COVID-19 include but are not limited to: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.

For information on school statistics, please visit the New York State COVID-19 Report Card.

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