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Debate over Engine House redevelopment proposal reveals frustration, confusion

By Mike Pettinella

Batavia City Council members on Monday night voted to set a public hearing for the application of a $1 million grant to redevelop the vacant Genesee County-owned Old Engine House on Main Street but several of them did so with a bad taste in their mouths.

Council members Robert Bialkowski and Rose Mary Christian questioned the process -- "this came out of the blue," Christian said -- while Kathleen Briggs sought clarification on the county's role in the matter and Al McGinnis said the City should be looking at providing more single-family homes.

All in all, the debate at times revealed the board's misinterpretation of and confusion over the proposal to let developer Thompson Builds of Byron turn the former restaurant (and historic building) into a commercial-residential building.

Christian said she was aggravated by "nonprofits that don't pay any property taxes and school taxes, and that I had to read (about this) in the paper before we knew about it."

Council President Eugene Jankowski corrected her, stating that the grant is "pass-through money" and doesn't come from city coffers -- and that the project puts the property "back on the tax rolls."

Molino pointed out that the Restore New York Communities Initiative grant has to be applied for by a city, town or village, but Briggs still wondered "why the county doesn't do something about it?"

To which, Molino replied, "I think they are ... they're disposing of it (by declaring it as surplus property) and putting in back on the tax rolls."

That prompted McGinnis' comment about the City needing "to concentrate our efforts" on single-family homes, and Bialkowski stating he had problems with the process.

"I didn't know about it until reading it (in local media) and I have not seen an RFP (request for proposal)," Bialkowski said.

He also questioned how Thompson Builds was selected and that he felt rushed into having to set a public hearing on the same night as Council's first discussion about it.

His comments prompted Molino to apologize, but the City Manager noted that his Nov. 22 memo to Council was "in the media packet" and he didn't have any control as to when it would be published.

"Also, the county doesn't have to dispose of public property through an RFP," he said.

The plan outlined by Molino, after discussions with the Batavia Development Corporation, Genesee County and Thompson Builds, is to convert the 14,425-square-foot buildilng for business use on the first floor and residential use on the second floor.

The project is in line with current zoning code.

"Mixed use (Commercial-Residential) is part of the planning processes that we have had for downtown property, and we have a developer that is interested in rehabiliating it," Molino said.

He also said that there is a huge demand for downtown apartments and that the project would have to go through all "proper approvals," including planning boards and the Historic Preservation Commission.

Council members John Canale and Patti Pacino backed up Molino's contention regarding the demand for living space, with Canale talking about the lack of "places to rent at a reasonable price range" and Pacino noting that there is a "whole generation (millennials) that we're trying to attract back to Batavia -- young teachers, professionals ... who aren't ready to buy a house."

Bialkowski said he was surprised that no one from Genesee County was at the meeting.

"The county is asking the city to give them $1 million so why don't they have someone here?" he said.

To which, Councilman Adam Tabelski countered with the fact the city has the opportunity "to team with the county and a private developer to make that (putting it back on the tax rolls) happen."

After Jankowski again said that state regulations require the City to apply for the grant and schedule a public hearing, Bialkowski still wasn't convinced.

"We're applying for the grant, and the county is getting a million dollars," he said.

Molino said that the money would go to Thompson Builds to help fund the $2.5 million project, prompting Bialkowski to say, "so we're giving it to the developer."

Jankowski tried to put the whole matter into perspective.

"The benefit is that we're taking surplus property and putting it back on the tax rolls," he said, moments before all council members voted to schedule the public hearing for 5 p.m. Dec. 4.

Redfield Parkway residents urge City Council to move forward with pillar restoration plans

By Mike Pettinella

James Owen said he would gladly give away his stake in Redfield Parkway's well-known pillars as long as the City of Batavia commits to repairing the stone structures that have served as guideposts to the VA Medical Center.

"Because of my generosity, I would sell it to the City for a dollar so the pillars could be restored, and I would also give the dollar so they can pay me for that amount," Owen said with a wry smile. "That, as they would say, it's now public notice."

Owen lives at 2 Redfield Parkway, with his sister, Kathy, They along with Jim Fitch of 3 Redfield and Don Fryling of 6 Redfield spoke at Monday night's City Council meeting and were supported by several other Redfield Parkway residents.

All spoke about the pillars' historical significance and urged council members to act sooner rather than later.

"We simply don't see much of this stonework anymore ... it is the duty of our community (to preserve history)," said Kathy Owen, who added that three estimates to repair the deteriorating pillars were given to the city in 2012. "Six years and nothing has happened."

City Council was made aware of the condition of the pillars, which consist of two inner gateway-monument-style pillars and two outer posts, a couple months ago, and asked City Manager Jason Molino to explore restoration options.

James Owen said the pillars "look good from the street" but the mortar is cracking and they are "starting to fall apart."

Molino pointed out a couple of issues: (1) the outer posts are located on private property and (2) the pillars likely wouldn't qualify for grant money since they are not historically or landmark designated.

One of the outer posts is on the Owens' property and the other is on the property of Michael Riggi, whose address is 384 W. Main St. (at the corner of Redfield Parkway). 

Fitch said his mindset, as far as financial responsibility is concerned, is that the pillars "are part of one entity, and they need to be considered that way. Reparing them is a big decision with long-term ramifications."

Fryling said the structres "should be maintained."

"Don't let them deteriorate to the extent that the city park shelters did (and had to be taken down)," he said.

All of the council members voiced their support of the restoration project, and some mentioned the unique nature of Redfield Parkway, with its pillars and full-length island leading from West Main Street to Richmond Avenue (and the VA Medical Center), and also spoke of the work of the Redfield Parkway Association members who put up flags, flowers and Christmas trees throughout the year.

Molino had suggested an assessment of the situation by engineers or a masonry company experienced in stone pillars. He also talked about acquiring a permanent easement from the two property owners to give the City the ability to repair and maintain the structures.

"If you're going to do it, do it the right way," he said. "Make the right investment that will be lasting."

In the end, City Council President Eugene Jankowski directed Molino to get some "pretty hard costs," adding that "we don't want to wait until January of next year, and we want regular updates."

Molino said he would have detailed information by the January Conference meeting -- noting that an assessment could come with a financial cost --- and said a decision could be made by spring and put out for bid.

Afterward, James Owen said he liked what he heard from Council.

"Well, I believe they're on the right track," he said. "I hope within a year the pillars of Redfield will be repaired so the community can see the future. I think it will be a big project, but with the proper people doing it, it should be done efficiently and up to code, and also it will last for another 105 years."

Photos at top -- James Owen, holding a piece of the mortar that fell out of one of the Redfield Parkway pillars, and his sister, Kathy, speaking to City Council. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

Annual membership meeting of The Landmark Society of Genesee County is Wednesday night

By Billie Owens
From Cleo Mullins, vice president, The Landmark Society of Genesee County:

Join us for the annual meeting of The Landmark Society of Genesee County at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29th, at GOART!, located in historic Seymour Place at 201 E. Main St. in Downtown Batavia.

Local resident and Landmark Board Member Richard Beatty will be presenting a program on the historic Buffalo Landmark designed by Frank Lloyd Wright -- the Darwin Martin House.

Located in the Parkside neighborhood of Buffalo, the restoration of the six-building complex is nearing completion. The project began in 1992 with the goal of returning the estate to its 1907 condition.

Beatty, a senior docent at the house, will tell the story of the rebuilding and restoration of one of Wright’s greatest early works.

A colored sketch of the Brisbane mansion or former City Hall by Don Carmichael and a sketch of the former St. James Rectory by Gail Thomas will be raffled off. For the suggested donation of $5 you can have a chance to win both of these framed sketches. The drawing will take place at Wednesday's meeting.

The pictures that we are having in the raffle are on display at GOART! in the hallway as you go to the bar area.  Come to the meeting and buy a ticket and you may go home a winner!

Our by-laws state that a person can be a director for two terms and then need to take a one year off the board and can then be re-elected. The treasurer doesn’t have this restriction.

In order to amend our by-laws to allow a director to serve three terms, we need a 2/3 affirmative vote of the members at a membership meeting.

We will be voting for three directors to serve a three-year term.

Genesee Society of Model Engineers hosts annual Holiday Open House with model trains in Oakfield on Saturday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Society of Model Engineers will host the club's Annual Holiday Open House on Saturday, Dec. 2nd, at the club's facilities located at 50 Main St. (Route 63), Oakfield (above the M&T Bank). The FREE event runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The club's facilities feature operating layouts in O Gauge (Lionel), HO & N scale as well as push trains for the little ones.

Refreshments will be served and club members will be available to answer your model railroading questions. A great family-oriented event filled with photo-ops and fun for kids of all ages.

Stairway access only.

"The Christmas holidays seem to bring back those childhood memories of a model train around the Christmas tree," says club President Mike Bakos. "Our members are keeping the tradition of trains and the holidays alive. We invite you to visit and enjoy one of Genesee County's best kept secrets."

This year's Open House will be one of the many "Ornament Stops" featured as part of the "Deck the Halls -- Christmas in Oakfield" celebration.

Starting at 11 a.m., the first 50 families to register at the village's Triangle Park will receive a small grapevine wreath. They can then embark on an ornament hunt by visiting many of the village's local clubs and businesses while gathering ornaments for the wreath.

The ornament hunt is just one of many activities that will be taking place in Oakfield throughout the day.

The Genesee Society of Model Engineers clubhouse is open Tuesdays evenings from 7 to 9. Business meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month. Visit

Public invited to meet John Kennedy school principal candidates this week

By Mike Pettinella

Press release:

This week, students, staff and parents will have opportunities to meet with the final two candidates for the position of principal of John Kennedy Intermediate School.

Lauren Combo, currently the director of Curriculum and Instruction in the Perry Central School District, will be at the school on Wednesday, Nov. 29, and Amanda Cook, currently the assistant principal at the Byron-Bergen Elementary School, will be there on Thursday, Nov. 30.

Each will begin their respective afternoons with the current principal, Paul Kesler, for a tour of the building, then visit a second-grade class to share a story with students. Afterward, each will meet with the interview team, then staff members. The afternoon will conclude with a meet-and-greet at 2:45 for all interested parents and teachers. 

A team of teachers, clerical and custodial workers, parents and administrators narrowed the field of initial applicants down to seven interviews and then four candidates. Those four were interviewed by the District Leadership Committee, including Board members Patrick Burk and Barbara Bowman. Out of those interviews came the two finalists.

Combo began her career in Le Roy as an AIS (Academic Intervention Services) math teacher for grades two and three, then as a kindergarten teacher. During that time, she took on the position of Elementary Math Curriculum coordinator, and worked as principal for two summer programs – including Batavia’s TEAM Literacy program.

After working as an administrative intern in the Perry District, she was hired by them as the director of Curriculum and Instruction. In that most recent position, she planned, implemented and evaluated instructional programs with teachers and building administrators; facilitated monthly data meetings; oversaw intervention and enrichment activities and programs; provided professional development; assisted in conducting K-12 observations; collaborated on the creation of a K-12 instructional technology plan; and was the test coordinator for all assessments and exams.

Cook began her education career as a Special Education teacher in Pavilion Central Schools. Five years ago she was hired as Byron-Bergen Elementary School’s assistant principal where she honed skills in instructional leadership and school operations management.

In instructional leadership, she developed and earned statewide recognition for a character education program using input from district-wide stakeholders; incorporated proactive and positive behavior practices within the school-wide student management program; led the design and implementation of local curriculum and bully prevention programs; coordinated service learning programs within the community; created student leadership opportunities to enhance school culture; implemented assembly programs to support classroom character education instruction; and partnered with teachers to complete professional observations as part of the APPR process.

In school operations, she coordinated scheduling and accommodations for NYS assessments, including the field testing of computer-based testing; managed student behavior through communication with teachers and families; developed time-efficient master schedules to maximize instructional and Response to Intervention times; facilitated building safety committee to ensure thorough and efficient practices; and implemented programs to streamline professional learning and evaluation processes.

Each candidate will begin her session with a brief biography and then respond to questions from attendees.

At the next Board of Education meeting on Dec. 5, Superintendent Christopher Dailey will recommend the appointment of one of these candidates to the Board of Education, with the intention of having the new JK principal begin work by Jan. 1.

Public information meeting on Pratt Road bridge project is Dec. 7 at East Pembroke Fire Hall

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Highway Department will be replacing the Pratt Road bridge over the Tonawanda Creek, with a likely construction start date of May 2019.

As a design of the replacement is underway, a public information meeting regarding the project will be held at 7 p.m. on Dec. 7th at the East Pembroke Fire Hall, located at 2623 E. Main Road in the Town of Batavia.

Timothy J. Hens, P.E.
Highway Superintendent

Redfield Parkway pillars, Old Engine House on City Council agenda tonight

By Mike Pettinella

What can be done about the deteriorating masonry pillars, walls and lighting that welcome motorists and walkers onto Redfield Parkway from West Main Street?

Batavia City Council members are expected to learn more about that situation tonight when they meet at 7 p.m. at City Centre Council Chambers.

In a memo to the board by dated Nov. 8, City Manager Jason Molino recommends that the city seek funding streams to conduct a “condition survey” of the four structures that make up the Redfield Parkway pillars – two inner gateway-monument style pillars and two outer posts.

He wrote that a grant from the Preservation League of New York State is a possibility, along with historical preservation grants from the Rochester Area Community Foundation and the Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo. The grant amounts range from $3,000 to $50,000.

One snag, however, could be that the pillars are not “historically or landmark designated,” Molino wrote.

Also, while the two monument pillars (equipped with lighting structures) are located in a public right-of-way and are owned and maintained by the City, the two outer posts are located on private property. All are showing signs of disrepair, with cracked and missing mortar.

“The condition of these posts varies, ranging from visible cracking of mortar to the removal of several stones,” Molino wrote. “After a review of the individual deeds of each property, it has been determined that the outer posts are individually owned and maintained, and are responsibility of each property owner.”

The condition of the pillars was brought to Council’s attention in September by Councilman Robert Bialkowski, who was responding to a letter he received. He proposed using $52,000 in funds earmarked for community development initiatives to fix them.

Tonight’s agenda also includes a proposal by Molino to apply for up to a $1 million grant from the Restore New York Communities Initiative to put toward the redevelopment of the vacant Old Engine House on West Main Street into a commercial/residential building.

Molino, in a memo dated Nov. 22, wrote that he has had discussions with officials from Batavia Development Corporation, Genesee County and potential developer Thompson Builds to rehabilitate the 14,425-square-foot historic structure.

Genesee County owns the property, but is “prepared to declare the property surplus should the project be funded and move forward,” Molino wrote.

Council will be asked to vote on a resolution tonight (during a special business meeting) to schedule a Dec. 4 public hearing for the project.

Le Roy students and staff helped support 45 local families for Thanksgiving

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

This fall, Le Roy Jr-Sr. High School, in conjunction with our Le Roy PRIDE Character Education program, ran our 5th annual Thanksgiving Feast Drive. This seventh-through-12th-grade effort supported 45 of our own families, equaling close to 200 people. Staff participated in four Turkey Tuesday Dress Down days by making a weekly monetary donation. Close to $1,000 was raised and used to purchase the turkeys, milk, eggs, bread and ingredients for pumpkin pies made by our FACS teacher and students! 

Students participated in our Stuff The Turkey Food Drive where grades partner up and compete against each other bringing in food under different theme days - Day 1: Macaroni Madness, Day 2: Can Jam, Day 3: Baking Bonanza, Day 4: Starch Fest, and Day 5: Kitchen Sink. The competition was fierce this year with the ninth- and 10th-graders making a huge final day push to win with 706 donated items. Grades 8 and 11 brought in 702 items and grades 7 and 12 had 675 items for a grand total, and new Stuff The Turkey Food Drive record, of 2,083. 

Last week, our counseling staff, school resource officer, principal, and assistant principal made the deliveries to our families. We would like to thank ALDI in Batavia and Tops and Save-A-Lot in Le Roy for their donations and contributions as well! 

From Principal Tim McArdle:
"We cannot thank our school community enough for their ongoing support of this effort. Five years ago we started by supporting 12 families and each year the need continues to grow in our community, and our students and staff step up and meet this need head on. Our staff continues to go above and beyond when students are in need, and we are so appreciative of their ongoing support of ALL students!"

"This effort is a great lesson for our students about giving back and the importance of helping others in their community. This focus is a common theme in our school and a character trait that is so important."

Law and Order: Oak Street resident accused of five residential burglaries

By Howard B. Owens

Davon St. John, 19, of Oak Street, Batavia, is charged with five counts of second-degree burglary. St. John is accused of five residential burglaries at five locations on Ellicott Avenue, Montclair Avenue, and Union Street, Batavia. One house was burglarized three times and the other two, once each. St. John was jailed on $50,000 bail, $100,000 bond. The burglaries were investigated by Det. Thad Mart, Det. Matt Wojtaszczyk, Det. Eric Hill, Det. Rich Schauff, Det. Kevin Czora, Officer Jason Davis, Officer Kevin DeFelice, Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Cody A. Eaton, 28, of Otis Street, Batavia, is charged with strangulation, 2nd. Eaton is accused of strangling another person at 4:23 a.m. Sunday at a location on Otis Street, Batavia. He was jailed without bail.

Natalie M. Cervone, 23, of Clinton Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Cervone was a passenger in a vehicle stopped for an alleged traffic violation at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 22 on Clinton Street by Officer Chad Richards.

Brandon J. Micucci, 18, of Main Street, Alexander, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Micucci was allegedly found in possession of marijuana at 9:15 p.m. Nov. 20 at DeWitt Recreation Area by Officer Stephen Cronmiller.

D'andre J. Cramer, 18, of Maple Street, Batavia, is charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle, petit larceny, and criminal possession of stolen property, 5th. Cramer was arrested in connection with a report of a vehicle theft reported Sept. 4 from a location on Columbia Avenue. There was also an alleged theft from the vehicle. He was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Jason Scott Hall, 28, of Rochester Road, Gasport, is charged with DWI, driving while impaired by drugs, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Hall was arrested by Deputy Howard Wilson following a DEC license check on Feeder Road, Alabama, at 11 a.m. on Friday.

Jake T. Flick, 23, of Oakfield, is charged with unlawful imprisonment, 2nd, harassment 2nd, and acting in a manner injurious to a child under age 17. Flick was arrested in connection with an incident reported at 2:54 a.m. Saturday by State Police. No further information released.

Invention contest nears final hours of voting

By Howard B. Owens

Tomorrow (Monday) is the final day of voting in the Dreamvention invention contest sponsored by FritoLay with a $250,000 grand prize.

Andrew Young Jr., a 14-year-old high school student from Alexander, is one of five finalists.

Click here to vote for his invention, the Toaster Shooter.

You can vote once each day (so today and tomorrow) from each of the devices you own -- computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. The contestant with the most votes wins.

Baby goats missing on Kelsey Road, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

These four baby fainting goats (myotonic goats) have been missing since yesterday from a residence on Kelsey Road, Batavia, near the church.

If you locate them, call Kim Schildwaster at (585) 813-3935.

UPDATE 1:53 p.m.: The goats are found and are safe.

Photo: Ribbon-cutting celebration at Batavia's Original

By Howard B. Owens

Kathy Ferrara, with her husband, Dan, children Marygrace, Daniel, Ashley, and grandson Brently, celebrated her purchase of Batavia's Original earlier this week.

After thanking the community, employees, and her family for their support, there was a ribbon cutting outside.

Previously: Batavia's Original, formerly Pontillo's, returns to local ownership

Note about the ribbon-cutting pictures. I messed up and forgot to change my camera settings when we shifted from inside to outside, so my ribbon-cutting photo was overexposed. Below there is a picture from the Kelly Birmingham of the Chamber of Commerce, and my photo in black and white.

Photos: Shopping local on Shop Small Saturday in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Sue Schultz checks out, with the help of Michael Mugler, her purchases at Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle this afternoon on Shop Small Saturday, a day promoted nationally to encourage shopping at locally owned businesses.

Locally owned retail businesses are critical to healthy local communities. Small business owners provide the support communities need to thrive and more of the money spent at a locally owned business stays in the local community to help the local economy grow.

For more:

  • Grow Your Own (PDF) by the Kansas City Federal Reserve (A guide for local communities on promoting support for small, local businesses)
  • The Shop Local Ripple Effect, by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance

For a directory of locally owned businesses, visit

Andrea Karas and Kasey Woodhouse shopping at Pollyanna and Dot and The Hidden Door.

Gerald Diskin shopping for shoes at Batavia Bootery with Kevin Stone.

Accident with injuries reported on the Thruway in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

A motor-vehicle accident with injuries is reported on the Thruway in the westbound lane in the area of mile marker 382.5.

Le Roy fire and Le Roy ambulance initially dispatched.

A Le Roy chief on scene reports three patients, all still in the vehicle.

Bergen dispatched mutual aid with extrication equipment.

UPDATE 11:14 a.m.: Mercy Flight requested to the scene.

UPDATE 11:16 a.m.: Mercy Flight out of Batavia is unavailable. Mercy Flight out of Buffalo is 20 minutes away. A chief says, "too far away." Mercy Flight is canceled.

UPDATE 11:18 a.m.: Patients have been extricated.

UPDATE 11:29 a.m.: A third ambulance requested to the scene, emergency mode.

No serious injuries after bicyclist struck on Main Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A bicyclist suffered minor injuries about 1:30 p.m. today after being struck by a pickup truck at the intersection of Main and Bank streets, Batavia.

The rider had a complaint of ankle pain and was transported to UMMC for evaluation.

Photo: Courtesy our news partner, WBTA.

Batavia woman, 19, killed in accident on Pearl Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

A 19-year-old Batavia woman died this morning after her 2004 Dodge Neon struck a tractor-trailer on Pearl Street Road at Wilkinson Road, Batavia.

Tori Nigro was pronounced dead at the scene by Coroner Karen Lang.

Investigators believe Nigro, who was northbound on Wilkinson Road, failed to stop at the stop sign at the intersection.

Her car struck the truck's passenger-side wheels. Her vehicle came to rest in the eastbound lane of Route 33 and the truck came to a controlled stop just east of the intersection.

No charges have been filed.

An investigation by the Crash Management Team is ongoing. Assisting in the investigation are Deputies Kevin McCarthy, Andrew Hale, Eric Andre, and Investigator Chris Parker. 

Assisting at the scene were the East Pembroke Fire Department, Corfu fire, Town of Batavia fire, and the Fire Coordinator's Office.

(Initial Report)

Crash with injuries and entrapment reported on Route 33 at Wilkinson Road, West Batavia

By Billie Owens

A motor-vehicle accident with injuries and entrapment is reported at 2745 Pearl Street Road (Route 33) at the intersection of Wilkinson Road in West Batavia. East Pembroke Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding. The availability of Mercy Flight is being checked.

"We believe the vehicle may be underneath a tractor-trailer," says a dispatcher.  "...Multiple vehicles." A BLS ambulance out of Darien is called for evaluations of patients. Fire police from Corfu are asked to shut down traffic on Route 33 at Read Road; Town of Batavia Fire Department is asked to close Route 33 at Hopkins Road.

UPDATE 1:26 p.m.: This is a fatal accident. More T/K.

Car, deer accident, with hunter firing shots, reported on Galloway Road

By Howard B. Owens

An accident with injuries and possible shots fired reported on Galloway Road, between Downey Road and Kelsey Road, Batavia.

The report is that a driver swerved to miss a deer and a hunter fired at the deer.

Town of Batavia fire dispatched but to stage at Fire Hall.

Mercy EMS dispatched.

Deputies are responding.

UPDATE 11:05 a.m.: Per a deputy on scene, Town of Batavia fire assignment is back in service.

UPDATE 4:06 p.m.: Per the Chief Deputy Gordon Dibble, reports of hunters firing rounds in the area were not substantiated. Initial investigation indicates a driver was eastbound on Galloway Road when two deer ran in front of the vehicle from the north, causing the driver to swerve. The driver struck a fire hydrant, shearing it off, in the area of 3321 Galloway. There were no injuries.

Law and Order: Employee accused of stealing drugs from UMMC

By Howard B. Owens

Janet L. Gatley, 48, of Niagara Falls Boulevard, North Tonawanda, is charged with falsifying business records, 1st, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, petit larceny, and violation of public health. Gatley is accused of stealing numerous controlled substances from UMMC, where she was employed. The alleged thefts were investigated by Batavia PD and the State Attorney General's Office.

Jordan J. Schunk, 18, of Alexander Road, of Alexander, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Schunk was allegedly found in possession of marijuana while in DeWitt Recreation Area after hours, at 8:58 p.m. Monday.

Jammie Lee Brown, 26, of Gates-Greece Townline Road, Rochester, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Brown is accused of grabbing and pushing another person while at a gas station on Route 19, Town of Le Roy, at 4:31 p.m. Thursday. Brown was jailed on $250 bail.

Kenneth Carl Niles, 26, of Route 88 North, Newark, is charged with petit larceny. Niles is accused of shoplifting from Walmart. Also charged, Scott James Gunkel, 38, of North Main Street, Newark.

Collin Wickings, 24, of Bergen, is charged with first-degree sex abuse. Wickings is accused of sexual contact with a child less than 11 years old. Wickings was arrested as a result of an investigation by State Police. No further information released. The investigation is pending.

Photos: Batavia Kiwanis Club's 10th Annual Free Skate

By Steve Ognibene

A few hundred people came out this morning getting their excercise in before today's Thanksgiving holiday sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of Batavia. This has been a great tradition enjoyed by many people.

Authentically Local