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Law and Order: Holland Avenue woman accused of trying to withdraw $1,500 from person's bank account

By Billie Owens

Cassidy Jane Hackett, 21, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree attempted grand larceny. It is alleged that at 1:23 p.m. on May 9 that Hackett attempted to withdraw $1,500 from a person's bank account. She was arraigned, released on an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia Town Court on June 24. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Travis DeMuth.

Jessica Nicole Weiss, 28, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and endangering the welfare of a child. Weiss was arrested after allegedly stealing merchandise from Walmart at 2:29 p.m. on June 10 while her 8-month-old son and 3-year-old daughter were with her. She was issued an appearance ticket for June 27 in Batavia Town Court. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Mathew Clor.

College president tells Ways & Means that Excelsior Scholarship is flawed, resulting in lower enrollment

By Lauren Leone

Genesee Community College President James Sunser made clear the college’s frustration with the New York State Excelsior Scholarship.

Last Wednesday, the Ways & Means Committee was surprised when Sunser told them, “The Excelsior Scholarship did not help us … It’s a very stringent program. If students don’t make the grade, they lose it forever.”

Sunser spoke about the strings attached to the award. Excelsior recipients must meet minimum grade requirements and plan to reside and work in-state for the length of time they received the scholarship. Otherwise, their awards revert to costly loans.

“The way that the Excelsior program works is that when you hit the income threshold, you get that tuition paid,” Sunser explained.

In other words, students with families earning gross incomes of $125,000 or less can receive full tuition to SUNY two- or four-year colleges.

According to Sunser, “When you tell a family that’s making $125,000 that you can go to any of these institutions that’ll accept you, then that becomes a problem” because students tend to choose four-year schools rather than local community colleges.

The declining population and smaller graduating high school classes in Upstate New York have also reduced GCC enrollment, therefore revenue. Between Fall 2017 and Fall 2018 alone, the undergraduate enrollment at GCC dropped from 5,900 to 5,530 students.

These numbers beg the question of whether the Excelsior Scholarship actually brings in more students to enjoy county and college investments. GCC leaders say the answer is no.

The lower enrollment factored into the 2019–20 GCC annual budget, which will increase slightly, .01 percent ($4,000) to approximately $40.2 million.

This year, the college is seeking additional local support, which has remained flat since 2015-16:

  • A $50,000 increase in annual county support to GCC;

  • A one-time $100,000 allocation for the college's Criminal Justice and Veterinary Tech surgical labs.

The Ways & Means Committee voted in favor of setting up and conducting the required public hearing on the college's budget request, at a date to be announced later.

At its next meeting at 4:30 p.m. on June 19, the two-part funding request will be discussed by the Ways & Means Committee.

Sunser said GCC will raise its full-time tuition by $100 per semester, totaling $4,350. Students should also be aware that there will be a $10 increase per credit hour for part-time student tuition, which totals $180 per credit hour.

He said he hopes the fact that GCC is one of the most affordable options among area community colleges is enough to counter the downfalls of the Excelsior Scholarship and draw students back to higher education in Genesee County.

Batavia man accused of Speedway robbery enters guilty plea

By Lauren Leone

Daryl Leach agreed to a plea deal this afternoon in Genesee County Court after being charged with the Feb. 26 robbery of the Speedway at Oak and Main streets, Batavia.

The 38-year-old Batavia resident entered a guilty plea to robbery, 3rd, and faces two to four years in prison.

Leach was found by investigators at a location on Swamp Road after the alleged robbery and was taken into custody.

Leach will be sentenced as a second-felony offender due to previous conviction and incarceration.

Judge Charles Zambito scheduled sentencing for 9:15 a.m., July 16, in Genesee County Court.

Law and Order: Man accused of screaming sexual obscenities, making sexual gestures to public then threatening to shoot cops

By Billie Owens

John J. Saddler, 31, no address provided, is charged with disorderly conduct with obscene sexual language and gestures. It is alleged that at 10:51 a.m. on June 7 on Jerome Place in Batavia that Saddler was observed outside screaming sexual obscenities and making sexual gestures toward the public. He was arrested and released on an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on June 11. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jason Ivison, assisted by Peter Post. While officers were attempting to speak with Saddler about the disturbance he allegedly caused moments earlier, he became belligerent and allegedly said he was going to shoot Batavia city police officers. He was then charged with second-degree harassment and is also due to answer that charge on June 11 in city court. Batavia Police Officer Peter Post handled the incident, assisted by Officer Miah Stevens.

Sean M. Madigan, 33, of Collegeview Drive, Batavia, is charged with forcible touching and unlawfully dealing with a child. Madigan was arrested after an investigation of an incident which occurred at a restaurant in the Home Valu Plaza on West Main Street Road in Batavia at 6 p.m. on Dec. 27. It is alleged that while he was working at the restaurant, he subjected an employee to unwanted physical contact and provided alcohol to subjects under age 21. After his arraignment in Batavia City Court, he was issued an appearance ticket and is due back in court on June 18. The case was investigated by Batavia Police Officer Kevin DeFelice.

Carlton L. Beardsley, 24, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, and Brittany M. Smith, no age or address provided, are charged with obstruction of governmental administration. It is alleged that at 4:08 p.m. on June 3 on West Main Street in Batavia, that they fought with police while police were investigating a reported assault that had occurred on West Main Street. They are due in Batavia City Court at a later date. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Shaneeka R. Wroten, 26, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Wroten was arrested on East Main Street in Batavia at 6:53 p.m. on June 6 after allegedly proceeding beyond the point of sale at a local store without paying for merchandise. She was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on June 18. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider.

Jessica M. Pfenninger, 36, is charged with petit larceny. She was arrested at 12:41 p.m. on June 6 after police investigated a shoplifting complaint at Dollar General on East Main Street in Batavia. Pfenninger was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on June 18. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Peter Post.

Crystal M. Bouter, 30, of Church Street, Medina, is charged with failure to appear in court on April 3. She was arrested on a warrant and issued an appearance ticket for June 11 in Batavia City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk.

Official White House announcement of Medal of Honor for Batavia resident David Bellavia

By Howard B. Owens

Official announcement:

On Tuesday, June 25, 2019, President Donald J. Trump will award the Medal of Honor to David G. Bellavia for conspicuous gallantry while serving as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army.

Then-Staff Sergeant David G. Bellavia will receive the Medal of Honor for his actions on November 10, 2004, while serving as a squad leader in support of Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, Iraq. Then-Staff Sergeant Bellavia was clearing a block of houses when his platoon became pinned down. He quickly exchanged an M16 rifle for an M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, entered the house where his squad was trapped, and engaged insurgents, providing cover fire so that he and his fellow soldiers could exit safely. A Bradley Fighting Vehicle arrived to help suppress the enemy, but it could not fire directly into the house. Then-Staff Sergeant Bellavia reentered the house, armed with an M16, and assaulted insurgents who were firing rocket-propelled grenades. He proceeded to kill one insurgent and wound another, who then ran to another part of the house. Then-Staff Sergeant Bellavia was soon engaged by another insurgent rushing down the stairs when the previously wounded insurgent reemerged to engage him as well. Then-Staff Sergeant Bellavia returned fire, killing both attackers. He then took enemy fire from an insurgent who had appeared from a closet across the room. He pursued him up the stairs and killed him. Soon thereafter, he moved to the roof where he engaged and wounded a fifth insurgent, who fell from the roof of the building. That remarkable day, then-Staff Sergeant Bellavia rescued an entire squad, cleared an insurgent strongpoint, and saved many members of his platoon from imminent threat.


David Bellavia enlisted in the United States Army in 1999. After previously serving in Kosovo, he deployed to Iraq in 2004 with Company A, Task Force 2-2, 1st Infantry Division. He was released from duty on August 16, 2005. David now has his own daily radio talk show for WBEN in Buffalo, New York. He continues to serve the military and veteran communities through a number of philanthropic organizations.


The Medal of Honor is awarded to members of the Armed Forces who distinguish themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their own lives above and beyond the call of duty while:

  • engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States;
  • engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or
  • serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

The meritorious conduct must involve great personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual above his or her comrades and must have involved risk of life. There must be incontestable proof of the performance of the meritorious conduct, and each recommendation for the award must be considered on the standard of extraordinary merit.

Le Roy PD looking for man accused of approaching young girls, asking about piercings

By Howard B. Owens

UPDATE 10:41 a.m.: The person has been identified and has been in contact with police. The investigation and interviews are continuing.  No further update from Le Roy PD pending further investigation.

A man is suspected of approaching young girls in the area of Wolcott Street School and asking them if they had any piercings followed by a request to photograph the piercings claiming he was going to post them on his web site.

Police are asking the public's assistance in identifying the man.

He is described a white male, late 20s to early 30s, with short/buzzed hair, wearing a gray t-shirt with an unknown logo and "size matters" on it, along with gray shorts, and gray shower shoes/slip-on sandals.

He was carrying a DSLR camera.

Police believe the man was picked up by another individual driving a red/burgundy four-door sedan.

The incident occurred around 3 p.m., Saturday.

Anyone with information on the identity of the male subject or anyone that has been approached or has had a child approached by the subject is asked to contact the Le Roy Police Department at (585) 345 6350.   

Law and Order: Jail inmate accused of clogging toilet, causing flood that damaged inmate phone system

By Billie Owens

Kevin Waleski, 31, an inmate in the Genesee County Jail, is charged with second-degree criminal mischief, a Class D felony. He is accused of damaging the jail inmate phone system on April 23. It is alleged that on that date he plugged the toilet in this holding cell, causing a flood. The water ended up in the basement of the jail and shorted out the phone system electronics, according to Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. He was arraigned on the charge June 3 and jailed without bail.

Jessica Nicole Weiss, 28, of Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. Following a child endangerment complaint at a local motel at 4:20 p.m. on June 5, Weiss was arrested on the charges. She allegedly left her young children alone in their residence for a period of time. Weiss was issued an appearance ticket and taken to jail for prints and photos. She is due in Town of Batavia Court on July 1. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kyle Krzemien.

Byron-Bergen capital project draws backlash from sixth-grade parents unhappy with busing plan

By Lauren Leone

Elizabeth Mundell was not pleased to find out her daughter will ride the school bus four times each day next year. And she let a reporter from The Batavian know it in no uncertain terms at the Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School on Thursday night.

Her sixth-grader will take the bus to Byron-Bergen Elementary, then go to the high school, back to the elementary school again, and head home after that.

Mundell worries her daughter and other sixth-grade students will be missing valuable learning due to extra transportation time.

The reason for all the busing back-and-forth? To accommodate the ongoing $20.5 million Capital Improvement Project, which began last summer and concludes next year.

The project is largely state-funded, and it aims to increase long-term school safety, energy efficiency and educational opportunities for students.

Yet in the short-term, until it is completed, sixth-graders will apparently bear the brunt of the transitions prompted by it.

Mundell, along with other parents, only recently received information about changes to sixth-graders' schedules for the upcoming academic year.

The central focus of the project is the elementary school classrooms.

For the past half century, since the summer NASA astronauts landed on the moon, they have not been updated to meet the NYS Education Department’s codes and regulations.

The sheer scope of the long-overdue renovations means they'll still be at it once school resumes in the fall.

As a result, it is the sixth-grade classrooms that will be relocated to the Jr./Sr. High School for the 2019–20 academic year.

Sixth-graders will be shuttled about between the elementary and high schools for different classes and activities at the beginning and end of each day.

Parents are learning more details about the poor conditions that necessitated the project as it moves along.

Classrooms were significantly smaller than the recommended size. According to an informational handout produced by the district, students have been receiving instruction in cramped spaces as narrow as closets and hallways.

Other district-wide improvements will include fire alarm and kitchen equipment replacements, removal of deadly asbestos, roof repair and ADA-compliant toilet facilities that will be wide enough for children's wheelchairs to access them for the first time. (The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990.)

The Capital Building Project was voted down on March 31, 2017, and did not receive enough support until the next vote on Sept. 21, 2017.

But many parents now say they were poorly informed about how the capital improvements, though badly needed, would impact their children's schedule when they cast their votes.

“We’ve been given so little information about what else was explored,” Mundell said. “Personally, I never would have voted for this capital project if I had known it would mean kids spending a year being bused back and forth.”

Parents also wonder if all the time spent on the road will interfere with daily instruction in classrooms.

Mundell said sixth-grade students may not be emotionally prepared for the turbulent schedule, and changes in learning environments may be particularly difficult for students with special needs.

“I recognize this is an easy solution, it’s convenient,” Mundell said. “I just don’t feel it’s in the best interest of these kids.”

In the midst of the changes, Jr./Sr. High School Principal Pat McGee and Assistant Principal Scott Bradley said sixth-grade supervision and administrative responsibilities will remain the same. Sixth-graders will be accompanied by teacher aides throughout each transition period, and students and teachers will still follow the elementary schedule.

In reference to the temporary, separate sixth-grade wing at the high school, McGee said, “What’s nice about that is it does keep them out of the way, they’re not caught up in the middle of the junior high area. They’re away from most of the high school activities.”

Mundell said parents seek more communication and transparency from the school board, administration and families.

School administrators intend to discuss the project with parents, answer questions and receive feedback before the next Board of Education meeting on Thursday, June 20.

BREAKING: Batavia's David Bellavia to receive Medal of Honor at White House later this month

By Billie Owens

When President Donald Trump drapes the Medal of Honor -- our nation's highest honor -- around David Bellavia on June 25, the Batavia resident will become the lone living veteran of the Iraq War to receive the honor.

Bellavia, who co-hosts a news talk show on WBEN, wasn't available for comment today. 

Bellavia is already a Silver Star recipient for his single-handed battle against a nest of insurgents during the Second Battle of Fallujah. 

He's also received the Bronze Star, three Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, and the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross.

The Batavian will cover the press conference in Buffalo next week and the award ceremony at the White House on June 25 at the invitation of Bellavia.

Photo: File photo from 2011 when Bellavia announced his first congressional campaign.

City issues statement in response to recent criminal activity

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In response to the senseless criminal actions over the past weekend, the City offers its condolences to victims, thanks those who responded, and commits to decisive action.

“The City shares in the grief felt by the families and friends of the victims, acknowledges the selfless acts by our citizens, appreciates the tireless work of Batavia’s finest, and thanks those who aided in the quick identity and arrest of criminal suspects this past weekend. Out of respect for those who gave their lives, and work so tirelessly, we commit to decisive action that will aid community crime prevention,” said Martin Moore, City of Batavia manager.

“The City will implement effective ideas, expand on successful neighborhood actions, and continue ongoing efforts to promote and ensure the safety of our community. We will continue to work cooperatively with community leaders, law enforcement, criminal justice officials, media representatives, neighborhood groups and business leaders to target criminals,” said Moore.

“Criminal violence and the loss of life is never acceptable and my sincere condolences go out to all those in the community that were impacted. It was encouraging to see people come forward and help the police quickly apprehend those believed to be responsible. To prevent violent acts in the future we must stay involved. If you see suspicious activity please report it to the police so that they can intervene and possibly prevent a serious crime from occurring. Over the next few weeks, City Council will be reviewing ways to assist our first responders and strengthen our public safety. Together we can make a difference,” said Eugene Jankowski Jr. City of Batavia of council president.

“The City of Batavia Police Department would like to thank the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, Genesee County Dispatch Center, New York State Police, Genesee County Local Drug Task Force, City of Rochester Police Department, City of Batavia Fire Department, Mercy EMS, the Staff in the ER at UMMC and Police Chaplain Don Shirk for the assistance over this past weekend with the major crimes that took place in the City of Batavia. Because of the support received, the Police Department as able to quickly identify and arrest both parties responsible for these senseless crimes,” said Shawn Heubusch, City of Batavia police chief.

“The City extends its gratitude to witnesses that helped us to locate, identify and subsequently arrest both individuals involved in last weekend crime. With witness accounts, our job is much easier and we are heartened to see the public’s cooperation and willingness to get involved when a crime like this occurs in their neighborhood,” said Chief Heubusch.

“The Fire Department appreciates the opportunity to partner with City Police and assist in a support capacity. We were pleased to share specialized equipment and department personnel to aid in the investigative process, and acknowledge the outstanding work of the City of Batavia Police Department during these (last weekend’s) unfortunate events,” said Stefano Napolitano, City of Batavia Fire Chief.

Ongoing community safety is the first priority of the City of Batavia. All of the City’s departments are committed to keeping our City a healthy, violence-free place where our families can live, work and enjoy our City.

Ways & Means Committee hears of Healthy Living Campus, proposed driver’s license act

By Lauren Leone

The Ways & Means Committee was briefed on plans for the Healthy Living Campus and determined the next steps for financing the project at its meeting Wednesday.

The proposed Healthy Living wellness collaborative project will house the United Memorial Medical Center, YMCA fitness areas, Office for the Aging Senior Center and communal gathering spaces.

UMMC provides affordable primary care, local medical specialists and illness prevention. The Batavia YMCA offers family recreation, fitness coaching and adult aging services. The Office for the Aging assists with health care insurance programs, caregiver services and nutrition.

Dan Ireland, president of Rochester Regional Health/United Memorial, believes these organizations form a strong, unified effort.

Ireland, addressing the committee, said, “What you heard from us really paints a nice picture that there isn’t a better synergy than the three areas working together to provide for our community.”

YMCA CEO Rob Walker spoke of the positives of the proposed campus. The collaborative project hopes to promote investment from health care providers. In turn, Healthy Living membership holders can reap the benefits of affordable care and year-round access to wellness facilities.

Walker said, “The whole idea here is that we’re not just under one roof, but we’re going to be actually working on programs together. Groups from the Senior Center, groups from the hospital, groups from the Y will have to get a committee together on what programs we want to run jointly.”

Ireland and Walker posed various building configuration options to the committee. In response to concerns about accessible parking due to traffic flows, they presented different designs that could offer 400–500 parking spaces on the campus. They said that the finished project could attract more families and members of the aging population to this community.

Committee members are seeking more information about development financing, accessibility and potential joint programming. The wellness collaborative will finalize its financial model prior to asking for funding approval from the county legislature in 2020.

Office for the Aging Director Ruth Spink suggested it would be beneficial to present the Healthy Living Campus to the community in order to gather more feedback. The presentation is tentatively scheduled to occur during a public hearing in October.

Later, County Clerk Mike Cianfrini brought forward a resolution to the committee opposing the state's proposed “driver’s license access and privacy act.” The county Clerk's Office opposes it because it obligates the county clerk to accept all identification from undocumented individuals when they apply for driver’s licenses.

If the assembly bill is enacted, the clerk must approve identification documents written in any language as long as they have been authenticated by a foreign government. Therefore, the clerk may grant standard driver’s licenses to undocumented individuals even if the documentation cannot be translated.

Cianfrini added, “In the event that we hypothetically do recognize a fraudulent document or if we witness somebody … illegally register to vote, the [privacy portion] of the law prohibits us from contacting the state, local or federal law enforcement.”

Committee members discussed how these licenses could be used to access other government services. However, Cianfrini said a standard driver’s license does not guarantee Federal REAL ID to undocumented individuals. Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, the government will require REAL ID-compliant driver’s licenses to board flights and enter federal facilities.

The resolution was unanimously carried by the Ways & Means Committee. According to the New York State Senate website, the bill is currently in assembly committee. It will travel to the state assembly and senate floors for passage thereafter.

The next Ways & Means Committee meeting is at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 19 at the Old Courthouse.

House fire reported on Horseshoe Lake Road, Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

A house fire is reported at 6000 Horseshoe Lake Road, Stafford.

All occupants are out of the house. There are animals in the house. 

The fire is at the rear of the residence and into the roofline.

Stafford fire and Town of Batavia fire dispatched.

Bergen, Byron, South Byron, and City of Batavia Fast Team also dispatched.

UPDATE(S) (By Billie) 9:03 a.m.: Flames seen in rear of structure according to callers to dispatch. Stafford's second alarm called. 

UPDATE 9:05 a.m.: Command on scene reports smoke showing from eaves, but no flames, of a single-story ranch house that's close to the road. Le Roy is called to Stafford's fire hall.

UPDATE 9:06 a.m.: Mercy medics are called to respond because of "slight smoke inhalation" by the homeowner.

UPDATE 9:08 a.m.: Elba is asked to fill in at Byron's fire hall.

UPDATE 9:09 a.m.: National Grid is called to the scene.

UPDATE 9:14 a.m.: Stafford command reports fire knocked down; checking for extensions. Stafford Fire Police are called in for traffic control.

UPDATE 9:17 a.m.: Le Roy, standing by in Stafford's quarters, is called to the scene. Oakfield is asked to stand by in Town of Batavia fire's station #1; Pavilion is called to Stafford's hall. The homeowner signed off, declining medical treatment.

UPDATE 9:34 a.m.: Caledonia, which was standing by in quarters, is moved to Le Roy's fire hall.

UPDATE 11:15 a.m.: The fire appears to have started in the kitchen. The homeowner believes a space heater was plugged in and in use at the site where the fire broke out, but it remains unknown if that is indeed what started the fire, according to scene commander Mark Dougherty, 4th assistant chief of Le Roy Fire Department. The house is heavily damaged, but it is unknown at this point if it's considered to be a total loss. Two cats lived there and one of them perished in the blaze; the other is missing. The family that lives in the house plans to stay with family. Video T/K.

Citizen assists officer in struggle with suspect who allegedly pulled weapon from his pocket

By Howard B. Owens
      Brandon Fogg

A local citizen came to the aid of a Batavia police officer who was attempting to apprehend a criminal suspect when the suspect pulled a handgun -- it turned out to be a BB gun -- from his pocket during the struggle.

The citizen stepped on the suspect's wrist causing him to drop the gun.

Brandon Fogg, 32, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, obstructing governmental administration, and trespass.

He was arraigned in City Court and ordered held without bail.

The incident began as a trespass complaint at 11:22 p.m., Tuesday, at a location on Ellicott Street.

Fogg was reportedly at a residence banging on the door against the complainant's wishes. 

Before patrols arrived, Fogg left the property. 

Officer Darryle Streeter observed Fogg in a passenger vehicle that was being driven with an illegal tire on it. 

Streeter initiated a traffic stop on Cedar Street near Ellicott Street. 

According to police, Fogg opened the car door and attempted to flee.

Streeter was able to grab Fogg and take him to the ground. Fogg allegedly fought with Streeter and during the struggle removed from his pocket what appeared to be a handgun.

At that point, an employee of a local business intervened and stepped on Fogg's wrist. When Fogg dropped the gun, Streeter was able to take him into custody.

Batavia PD did not release the name of the citizen at this time because the department has not obtained the citizen's permission to release it.

Law and Order: Three people arrested after Sunday's brawl on Pringle Avenue

By Billie Owens

Rebecca N. Mann, 30, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. She was arrested at 5:30 p.m. on June 2 after being observed allegedly fighting with another person on Pringle Avenue. She was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on June 11. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider, assisted by Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Edward Robert Freida, 47, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct and public lewdness. Freida was arrested at 5:30 p.m. on June 2 after he was observed allegedly fighting with another person on Pringle Avenue. During the altercation, Freida allegedly exposed himself to several people. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and jailed in lieu of $1,000 cash bail or bond. He is due to reappear in city court at a later date. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Quider, assisted by Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Nikayla C. Jackson, 21, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child and second-degree harassment. At 5:30 p.m. on June 2 on Pringle Avenue, Jackson allegedly had unwanted physical contact with a child less than 17 years of age. She was arrested and released on an appearance ticket and was due in Batavia City Court on June 4. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Lutey, assisted by Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Kevin Michael Waleski, 31, of Orchard Street, Oakfield, is charged with second-degree attempted criminal trespass and second-degree harassment. At 12:17 a.m. on June 2, police responded to a West Main Street residence for a reported physical altercation in which a subject attempted to enter a residence unlawfully. A subsequent investigation resulted in Waleski's arrest. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court at 8:10 a.m. bail was set at $2,500 cash bail or bond. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Peter Flanagan. Before being taken to jail, Waleski was being transported to UMMC for medical treatment when he allegedly began to physically resist patrols. He was subsequently also charged with obstruction of governmental administration in the second degree, and that case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Ernest D. Lane, 61, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt and aggravated family offense -- more than one offense within five years. Lane was arrested at 2:59 p.m. on June 4 following a complaint that he allegedly violated a complete stay away order of protection. He is accused of going to the home on Ellicott Street of protected parties. He was jailed without bail and was due in Batavia City Court this morning (June 5). The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer Christopher Camp. While he was being held on this case, he was issued a computerized ticket for aggravated family offense and second-degree criminal contempt. These charges stem from an incident on Ellicott Street at 8:55 p.m. on April 8. He was due in city court this morning to also answer those charges. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins.

Law and Order: Hart Street man accused of exposing himself to person at Batavia's Kibbe Park

By Billie Owens

Michael A. Jamil, 35, of Hart Street, Batavia, is charged with public lewdness. Following the investigation of a harassment complaint at 12:47 p.m. on May 20 at Kibbe Park, Jamil was arrested. He allegedly removed his pants while at the park, intentionally exposing his genitalia and his buttocks to another person several times while at the park. Jamil was later released on an appearance ticket and was due in Batavia City Court on May 21. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Peter Post, assisted by Sgt. Dan Coffey.

Daniel S. Kuczka, 75, of Walden Creek Drive, Batavia, is charged with trespass. He was arrested after he returned to Richmond Memorial Library at 3 p.m. on May 29 after being advised that he was no longer welcome there because he allegedly violated the library's code of conduct. Kuczka was issued an appearance ticket and is due in Batavia City Court on June 11. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Felicia DeGroot, assisted by Officer Kevin Czora.

Daniel H. Mooney Jr. is charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief and second-degree burglary. He was arrested after an investigation into a burglary on Jackson Street at noon on May 30. Mooney allegedly forced his way into a dwelling and damaged property while inside. He was arraigned in city court then jailed in lieu of $10,000 cash bail or bond. He was due to return to city court on May 31. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Peter Post, assisted by Officer Miah Stevens.

Thomas L. Powers, 66, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. It is alleged that at 5:57 p.m. on May 29 that Powers struck another person in the head with a broom on East Main Street in Batavia. He was located outside his Liberty Street residence, arrested and issued an appearance ticket. He is due in Batavia City Court on June 11. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Cronmiller, assisted by Officer Felicia DeGroot.

Vincent A. Sanfratello, 53, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief -- intentionally damaging property. It is alleged that at 9:56 p.m. on May 24 on Liberty Street that he destroyed property belonging to another person. He was released on an appearance ticket and was due in city court on May 28. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Miah Stevens, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Miranda Lynn Goetz, 28, of Vallance Road, Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. She is accused of stealing property from Sally Beauty Supply in Towne Center of Batavia at 7:17 p.m. on May 31. She was released on an appearance ticket and is due in Town of Batavia Court on June 13. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Mathew Clor.

New interim director of mental health announced at Human Services meeting, shared services debated

By Lauren Leone

A new interim director for Genesee County Community Mental Health Services was announced Monday at the Human Services Committee meeting.

Bernadette Bergman, the agency's board president, told committee members that the resignation of Director Ellery Reaves has been accepted and Augusta Welsh will serve as interim director through July 14 while the position is advertised.

If the job cannot be filled within 60–90 days, another interim mental health director from a neighboring county will fill the gap until a permanent director is appointed.

The prospect of sharing the agency's services with another county was also debated.

The committee discussed the possibility of a mental health director serving both Genesee and Erie counties.

Legislator Gordon Dibble noted the agency has not committed to shared services, but it is looking into other counties’ practices and whether a dual-county mental health director position would meet state requirements.

Committee members resolved to keep past experiences with shared services in mind as they continue to explore their options.

Welsh told the committee that Mental Health Services is collaborating with local school districts and nonprofit organizations like GCASA to reduce patients’ treatment costs and unnecessary emergency room visits. It is also seeking additional satellite locations to provide more convenient mental health and chemical dependency appointments to clients.

Welsh said the mandated new jail, once it's built, could serve as a prospective satellite site that could help maximize psychiatry services.

Also on Monday's agenda, Office for the Aging Director Ruth Spink informed the committee of slight increases in the per-unit cost of its ARC of Genesee Orleans home-delivered meals program.

The rate per meal will increase by 30 cents for home-delivered, congregate, cold/sandwich and frozen meals because state and federal funds cannot be used to cover meal preparation expenses.

“ARC is really struggling with continuing this program," Spinks said. "I think we’ve got a commitment to get through the next two years of this, but I’m not sure if they’ll be able to continue afterward just because of the increase in food costs and the increased cost in minimum wage.”

In order to prevent the end of the meal service after 10 years of success, the Office of the Aging and ARC will consider the possibility of a cooperative meal-service agreement with community organizations.

Similar to Mental Health Services, the Office for the Aging may partner with the new jail to offset rising food prices and wages of food service workers.

Lastly, the committee was provided an overview of an eight-month program for high school students that teaches leadership skills and good decision making.

City of Batavia Youth Bureau Director Jocelyn Sikorski expressed her satisfaction with the Genesee Youth Lead program and said it has garnered positive response from participants and local school districts as the 2018–19 academic year nears its end.

This community-based leadership development program immerses students in county policymaking and administration. Participants refine their problem-solving and teamwork skills during sessions that focus on a specific topic each time, targeting issues leaders in our county deal with.

These include: agriculture, health and human services, government, law enforcement, tourism, business, emergency preparedness, arts and culture, leadership opportunities, community service, team building, and job-readiness training.

“Great feedback from the kids with every session,” Sikorski said. “We evaluated every session, so we’re looking to gear up for next year. We start recruiting probably in the next week or two, and we’ll recruit all summer and then interview the kids in the fall again.”

The next Human Services Committee meeting is at 4:30 p.m. Monday, July 15 at the Old Courthouse in Batavia.

Man accused of grabbing tot in church nursery Sunday identified, charged with unlawful imprisonment

By Billie Owens

Press release and photo from the Batavia Police Department:

The Batavia Police Department investigated the potential abduction of a child during church services.

On Sunday, June 2, at or about 12:31 p.m., it was reported that a white male, later identified as Bruce Sattelberg (DOB:07/03/1947) was attending church services at EverPresent Church. During the service, Sattelberg got up from where he was sitting and left the sanctuary.

About five minutes later Sattelberg returned to the sanctuary with an approximately 1-year-old child. The parents of the child were sitting in the sanctuary attending the service a few aisles away. Upon noticing Sattelberg holding the child, the father approached Sattelberg and took custody of his child. Sattelberg then vacated the service.

The Batavia Police Department worked diligently, investigating every lead to locate Sattelberg.

Sattelberg was taken in to custody without incident and was issued an appearance ticket for unlawful imprisonment in the second degree. He is scheduled to appear in Batavia City Court at 1:30 p.m. on June 18.

Sattelberg has been barred from EverPresent Church and its functions.

We would like to thank the community and its citizens for all the assistance with locating Sattelberg.

The Batavia Police Department would like to remind everyone to be observant of your surroundings and contact the Batavia Police Department if you see or notice something suspicious.

The Batavia Police Department can be reached at 585-345-6350, the confidential tip line at 585-345- 6370 or online here

Two people charged with possession of lots of stolen items in Memorial Day bust in Pavilion

By Billie Owens

Press release from the Genesee County Sheriff's Office:

On Memorial Day, May 27, Deputy Ryan Young was dispatched to a reported disabled or abandoned vehicle on Peoria Road in the Town of Pavilion.

Deputy Young arrived on scene and located Stormy Watts, 21, of Stafford, and Daniel Lewis, 22, of North Chili, sleeping in the back seat.

Deputy Young made contact with both occupants who stated that they were waiting to call someone to bring them gas.

Upon investigation, it is alleged that Lewis was in possession of a firearm, being a convicted felon.

Numerous confirmed stolen items were allegedly located in the couple's possession. There were many other items allegedly found in their possession, but the Sheriff's Office is still attempting to locate the property owners.

Numerous vehicle electronics, handbags and wallets were seized.

If anyone has not yet reported a theft from their vehicle, please contact Deputy Young at the Genesee County Sheriff's Office (585-345-3000).

It is alleged that the larcenies occurred possibly in Monroe, Livingston and Genesee counties. These larcenies would have occurred between March and Memorial Day this year.

Lewis was charged with: criminal possession of stolen property in the fourth degree, a Class E felony; destroying physical evidence, also a Class E felony; criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, a Class A misdemeanor; criminal possession of a controlled substance in the seventh degree, another Class A misdemeanor; and unlawful possession of marijuana, a violation.

Lewis was arraigned in Town of Le Roy Court and is being held in Genesee County Jail in lieu of $2,500 cash bail or $5,000 bond.

Watts was charged with criminal possession of stolen property in the fourth degree, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Watts was arraigned in Le Roy Town Court and jailed on $1,000 cash bail or $3,000 bond.

Both subjects are due in Pavilion Town Court at 3 p.m. on June 4.

Genesee County Sheriff's Office was assisted by NYS Police, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Livingston County Sheriff's Office.

Suspect in Ellicott Street attack also accused of stealing a car, fleeing to Rochester

By Howard B. Owens

Benjamin Santiago Jr.

A suspect in last night's assault on Ellicott Street was arrested in Rochester and the allegedly stolen vehicle he was driving was recovered.

Benjamin J. Santiago Jr., 30, of Batavia, is accused of going to the home of Mark E. Collier, 35, at 9:15 p.m. to demand money of Collier, who has previously given charitable donations to Santiago, according to Batavia PD.

Collier denied Santiago's request and Santiago became upset, police say. He is accused of striking Collier several times with a blunt instrument causing significant injuries.

Santiago then allegedly stole items from the home and fled.

Collier was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital, alert and conscious, and is currently in stable condition.

Police say Santiago stole a bicycle after fleeing the scene and then stealing a vehicle from a residence in the Town of Batavia. Santiago apparently made it to Rochester where he was apprehended by Rochester PD.

Santiago is charged with first-degree assault and first-degree robbery.

Santiago has been arrested previously in and around Batavia, including a case involving problems at a local hotel that led to a multi-agency manhunt 2011. The two brothers in the case were later accused of trying to hire somebody to kill Santiago. Eventually, that case led to a prison term for Santiago. He was most recently accused of stealing $800 in tools from Crocker's Ace Hardware in Le Roy.

Police say:

This is an ongoing investigation. Members of the Batavia Police Department will be in the area between State St. and Ross St. attempting to locate additional evidence. If anyone observes any items that appear suspicious or may be of evidentiary value, please do not touch or move them. Contact the Batavia Police Department at (585) 345- 6350 to inform them of the item. A member of our Department will respond to investigate the item.

Assisting Batavia PD were City fire, the Sheriff's Office, Rochester PD, State police, and Mercy EMS.

Previously: Person reportedly assaulted on Ellicott Street in the city

Pastor says security team will 'tighten things up' in wake of today's tot-grabbing incident

By Billie Owens

A routine Sunday service at EverPresent Church in Downtown Batavia turned into alarm and some confusion around 12:30 today when a little boy in the toddler room was grabbed by a male guest and brought into the sanctuary while Pastor Jason Norton was preaching.

The man was immediately approached by ushers and he left the child, exited the building, and drove off in his blue Toyota. No one was injured. Someone snapped a photo of his license plate.

After communicating with nursery workers, the Emergency Dispatch Center was called straightaway and Norton said this afternoon that police are investigating the incident, which was dispatched as a "suspicious condition."

Norton would not identify the guest, but said he is elderly, from Rochester, and has only been living in Batavia for a couple of months and has attended services alone at 4 Batavia City Centre about four or five times. The pastor said he has no other information about him or his mental health.

"He seemed nice enough," Norton said. "But you never know."

The church, now in its sixth year, has about 50 to 55 congregants. A couple of young women volunteer for childcare during services and there is a security team in place that keeps an eye on things.

The guest that abruptly went into the nursery, though he had no family members there, had left the sanctuary to go to the men's room, which is in the same area as the nursery.

A nursery volunteer told Norton he attempted to grab one child and was asked about permission or family ties, something to that effect, confusion ensued, and he grabbed the tot's brother instead, proceeded to the sanctuary, and sat down.

"It happened so quickly," Norton said, adding that initially they were reluctant to talk about the incident publicly, thinking it made their security look weak.

"I said 'Maybe it is weak. We need to tighten things up,' " Norton said. "We don't know our weaknesses until they're exposed. This kind of thing can happen anywhere. That's the world we live in today. No one was hurt. It could have ended much differently."

Norton said the man "has been trespassed" -- meaning he will not be allowed back on the property.

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