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Tenney lauds new rules package approved by House members

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today issued the following statement after the Rules package for the 118th Congress passed the House by a vote of 220-213. 

“This rules package is the first critical step in making good on our commitment to America. It rolls back the authoritarian policies of Nancy Pelosi and returns power back to the people, where it belongs. The provisions in this rules package will ensure a more transparent, accountable, and effective government. 

 “All legislation should be read and adequately understood before being considered, which is why House rules now require a mandatory 72-hour review period before a bill is voted on. The rules package ends proxy voting, requiring all members of Congress to show up for work just like the American people do each day. 

“Importantly, the rules package also re-establishes a super majority vote for any tax increase. After years of the Democrats’ inflation-fueling tax and spend agenda, this change will return fiscal sanity to Congress. I was honored to support this rules package and am eager to get to work on behalf of the American People.”

  • Some of the best provisions in the Rules package:
  • Eliminates proxy voting; 
  • Requires in-person committee hearings and markups; 
  • Creates a more open and accessible amendment process so the voices and views of Members can be heard; 
  • Enacts a CUTGO rule to ensure there will be spending cuts to offset any increase in mandatory spending; 
  • Requires a supermajority vote for any tax increase
  • Prohibits including instructions to raise the debt limit in a House budget resolution, budget reconciliation instructions, or a Budget Resolution Committee Report; and
  • Includes a single subject requirement to ensure legislation is narrowly focused on the issue at hand.

Genesee County's next Congressional representative will lead NY-GOP policy committee

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) (PUBLICATION NOTE: Tenney will represent Genesee County as part of the NY-24 in 2023/24) this week was elected unanimously as New York’s regional representative to the Republican Policy Committee. The Committee was created in 1949 as a forum for debate and to develop legislative proposals that promote commonsense conservative solutions. It also produces informational background materials for use by the House Republican Conference.

"I'm honored to have been chosen by my colleagues in New York to represent them on the Republican Policy Committee. I look forward to working alongside them and other members of this important committee as we provide a robust platform for debate and offer commonsense, conservative solutions to the many problems facing our nation today," said Congresswoman Tenney. "With the leadership and guidance of Republican Policy Committee Chairman Gary Palmer, who was just re-elected to his position, I am eager to get to work and deliver real results for the American people."

“Congresswoman Tenney will be a valuable member of the Republican Policy Committee in the 118th Congress. She is results focused, and her foreign affairs knowledge will be an asset to the team as we work to develop sound policy ideas. As the elected representative of the New York region, I know she will continue advocating for matters important to her constituents,” said House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Gary Palmer (AL-6).

Three questions for the NY-24 candidates

By Howard B. Owens

The race for the redistricted NY-24 is between Claudia Tenney and Steve Holden.  We emailed both campaigns three questions with the intent of publishing their verbatim answers. (NOTE: For the first hour or so this post was up, we said Mr. Holden did not respond; however, he had responded but the response did not come up in a search of my inbox. The campaign resent the answers and we were able to locate the original, timely response, using that sender's name in search. We've added his answers.)

What can you do as a member of Congress to make Congress less partisan and more productive? Would you renounce party membership if it would help Congress serve the American people better? 

HOLDEN: Now more than ever, our country needs political leaders who understand service and sacrifice, who are skilled and practiced in servant leadership, and who are trained to work with diverse teams to overcome obstacles and accomplish their missions. As a veteran with 20 years of military experience, both at home and abroad, I have those skills. I believe that members on both sides of the aisle will realize quickly that I am mission-oriented and eager to work with anyone and everyone, regardless of their party affiliation, to address the many challenges we face. I do not see members of the other party as the enemy, and I will always consider all opinions and ideas on their merit.

All that one person can do is be true to the oath that we swear as Congressional representatives “...I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter...” I will take that oath seriously. I don’t believe that renouncing party membership will help to better serve the American people. I am a proud Democrat, but I am also my own man.

If given the honor of serving in Congress, I will represent everyone in the 24th district, whether they voted for me or not. I am proud to have garnered the support of Republicans like Geneseo resident Dick Platt, a veteran of the Korean War, and many others whom I have met on this journey. I will never let my party affiliation prevent me from supporting legislation that I believe is good for America and good for the people in my district, regardless of who proposes it. That is how I will fulfill my oath.

TENNEY: As I took my oath of office last February, I was honored to reaffirm the bipartisan commitment to civility I first took as a member of Congress in 2017. If voters in New York’s 24th Congressional District return me to Washington as their representative, I will continue working with my colleagues - Republicans and Democrats alike - to promote constructive discourse, model positive leadership, and advance productive policies. Our country faces many challenges today. From rising crime to soaring inflation, families and small businesses are hurting. Our nation needs principled leadership now more than ever, and I have a strong record in Congress of working together to find solutions that deliver real results for seniors, families, and small businesses. After hearing heartbreaking stories from countless individuals across New York State who were locked out of nursing homes and cut off from their loved ones during the pandemic, I introduced the bipartisan Essential Caregivers Act. This bill ensures residents of long-term care facilities never again suffer alone in isolation without the support of their families, as thousands were forced to do in New York. This bill is a bipartisan win, with nearly 80 cosponsors from both parties. It is a compassionate policy solution that will meaningfully enhance the quality of life for seniors and their families. I am a lifelong registered Republican. I would not, nor is it necessary, to renounce my party affiliation. I would not advise anyone to do that, as robust debate in our free marketplace of ideas is the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic. 

What could you do as a member of Congress to bring more new businesses, start-up, homegrown businesses to Genesee County, to foster entrepreneurship in Genesee County? 

HOLDEN: As a small business owner, myself, I know how difficult New York State makes it for entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs to start and grow a business. Our state is routinely ranked as the worst place to do business in New York State. One initiative that would act as a strong incentive for entrepreneurship is a measure that I sponsor called the “First Employee Tax Credit.” This proposal is a payroll tax credit to assist small businesses with the disproportionate rise in costs that result from hiring one employee.

Another key factor in creating a climate where entrepreneurship can thrive is ensuring our rural areas have access to broadband. For far too long, broadband access in our rural communities has been nonexistent or inadequate. That is why I led the fight to get the fiber optic tax levied by the state DOT repealed. This particular tax was killing the potential for broadband projects in rural areas, with costs that increased in direct proportion to the length of cable to be installed. In rural areas where miles of cable are often required just to reach a single house, this tax was simply ridiculous. After three years of advocacy and building bipartisan support, I am pleased to report the tax was finally repealed in the latest state budget. This is important progress we will be looking to build on in the coming session.    

TENNEY: In both Albany and Washington, I have always fought to put the taxpayers first by upholding free-market principles that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. I grew my family's newspaper and manufacturing business in New York, so I know what small business owners face when trying to grow and thrive in this business-unfriendly state. To help our small business community, in 2017, I stood up to entrenched special interests in New York to support and pass the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which ensured working Americans could keep more of their hard-earned money. Today, while my opponent would eliminate the Trump tax cuts, I am an original cosponsor of the TCJA Permanency Act to make this vital relief permanent for small businesses and families. In addition to easing the tax burden, I am also focused on reducing the regulatory burden small businesses and entrepreneurs increasingly face. President Donald Trump’s administration required two regulations be cut before any one new regulation could be put into place. This was a policy innovation that effectively empowered job creators and small businesses and encouraged greater growth and innovation. The Biden administration has sadly returned to business as usual by once again embracing big government regulatory overreach. This makes it harder than ever for our small businesses and family farms to compete and grow, which is why I am fighting in Washington to restore sanity and discipline to the regulatory process. 

What do you think is the best Federal program, and would you fight to keep it if under attack, and what is one Federal program you would cut if you could? 

HOLDEN: One area of policy where I am in agreement with my colleagues on the other side of the aisle is the need to provide more funding and support for those who care for our most vulnerable residents. The Cuomo administration neglected this segment of our human services community for years, resulting in wages for direct care providers that were often less than the starting pay at fast food restaurants. Not surprisingly, this has created a crisis-level workforce shortage among the non-profit providers that care for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Providers cannot find or retain staff, programs are closing and individuals are not having their needs met. We made some headway in addressing this crisis in this year’s budget, with a 5.4 percent statutory cost-of-living adjustment as well as some recruitment and retention initiatives, but more still needs to be done. There is strong bi-partisan support on this issue, so you can be sure I will be working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make more progress.

TENNEY: There are a range of programs at the federal level that responsibly deliver targeted resources to those in need with strong oversight and accountability. One of these programs is the Community Services Block Grant, which provides financial assistance that is specific to local needs to advance core priorities like reducing poverty and increasing self-sufficiency. This program is about providing those in need with a hand-up, not a handout. I also have been honored to support the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program, which provides much-needed assistance to firefighters and first responders, helping fund vitally important training operations and equipment upgrades. But unfortunately, Washington never misses an opportunity to misuse and abuse taxpayer dollars. For instance, following passage of the partisan American Rescue Plan Act, nearly $800 million was spent on stimulus checks for convicted criminals. Then in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, as much as $80 billion was set aside for an army of new IRS agents that would be responsible for launching new audits of low- and middle-income taxpayers. And if all that wasn’t bad enough, President Joe Biden’s recent unilateral and unconstitutional decision to cancel federal student loan debt for high earners was especially egregious. This proposal, which will cost at least $300 billion, bypassed Congress and is blatantly unfair to those who paid off their college debt or who simply chose not to attend. These hardworking Americans are now stuck footing the bill for the 10% of Americans who still have debt outstanding, which includes doctors, lawyers, and other individuals with extremely high earnings potential. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Washington’s reckless spending. One of my top priorities in Congress to tackle inflation and restore prosperity to our region is to ensure greater fiscal responsibility. We should support those programs that work and eliminate those that do not while enhancing accountability and transparency across the board. 

Mario Fratto closes out congressional campaign with statement to supporters

By Press Release

Press release:

I want to start by saying thank you to God, my family, and everybody who volunteered, donated, and just gave us support along the way. I wanted to give the people a chance to elect someone that wasn't part of the DC swamp or just another career politician.

I am honored that the people in Wayne County, Ontario County and Seneca County chose me to be their representative and for the incredible showing in Genesee County. We were told by the polls that we were going to lose 52% to 6% and that we were being outspent 40 to 1. They spent millions of dollars against us on personal attacks, TV ads, and radio, and even had to phone in President Trump the night before the election. Before we even made the ballot they tried to have us kicked off. They did all of this to stop a guy who has never run for anything, and who is just a "forklift driver" according to one party boss. The establishment did this because they feared our message of traditional values, common sense, and America First policies.

In just 90 days we put together a grassroots campaign made up of carpenters, homeschool moms, small business owners, cooks, and so many blue-collar people who just wanted something better for themselves and their families.

I don't think that a candidate who has never run for any political office and got outspent the way we did against an incumbent, has ever had such a strong showing. If Claudia Tenney lives in Ontario County now, then we also beat an incumbent in their home county. This is a testament to how HARD our campaign worked. We ran an entire campaign with nothing but yard signs, mail, and people knocking on doors. If less than 7% of the votes shifted our way we would have won.

I am forever grateful to everybody we have met along the way who has offered their support and given up their time by putting their lives and families on hold because they believed in something. I did it with you and I wouldn't change a thing. We started a movement that we should be proud of. I love you all. Now I am going to take some time with my family and enjoy the little moments with my wife and son that I have been missing. God bless, and stay tuned! 

Tenney wins GOP primary for NY-24

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Claudia Tenney won the Republican Primary Election on Tuesday for the newly formed NY-24 Congressional District with 17,470 votes, or 53.9 of the total ballots cast.

Mario Fratto came in second with 13,0258 votes or 40.2 percent.

George Phillips, who was on the ballot but didn't campaign, received 1,939 votes, or 6 percent.

In Genesee County, Tenney received 1,162 votes, Fratto, 1,054, and Phillips, 107.  There were five write-in votes.

Tenney currently represents the 22nd Congressional District in Central New York.

Democrat Steven Holden and Tenney will face each other in the Nov. 8 general election for the NY-24.

Tenney says internal poll shows large lead in NY-24 primary

By Press Release

Press release:

A poll released this morning shows strong support for Congresswoman Claudia Tenney across New York’s 24th congressional district ahead of the state's August 23rd primary. Tenney is leading her two primary opponents by nearly 50 points. Tenney’s image amongst primary voters is overwhelmingly positive at 48% favorable, 8% unfavorable.
“Since we launched our re-election campaign in New York's 24th District, I have met with thousands of voters at hundreds of events across our community. As voters learn more about my strong conservative record, I am honored that they are backing Team Tenney. I am grateful for the outpouring of support from all across NY-24 ahead of the August 23rd primary. From the North Country to Western New York, voters are ready to send proven America First leaders back to Congress to restore freedom and to save our nation and our state. Our grassroots team is working harder than ever to spread the word about the August 23rd primary and the response from voters continues to be overwhelmingly positive.” said Congresswoman Tenney.
According to the poll, which was conducted internally, Tenney leads her two opponents by 46 points. While Tenney maintains a strong favorability rating of 48% amongst likely primary voters, this number jumps to 51% with conservative voters, 55% with pro-life voters, 58% with seniors, and 52% with gun owners.

Claudia Tenney says Joe Biden should be impeached in new NY-24 campaign commercial

By Press Release

Press release:

 Today, Congresswoman Claudia Tenney released her second campaign ad, renewing her call to Impeach President Joe Biden.

The 30 second ad, “Patriots Fight,” says:

TENNEY: How I feel about Joe Biden?

TENNEY: I see this guy as a talentless, career politician and completely derelict in his duty, which is why I’ve called for him to be impeached!

TENNEY: One of the things about the Republicans that is kind of frustrating at times is, we don’t fight.

TENNEY: We have to fight every single day, right now.

TENNEY: I stand up to the status quo in both parties, I have a core set of principles.

TENNEY: Can we preserve this Republic? It is all on the line.

TENNEY: It’s not easy to fight the fight that patriots fight, but it’s worth it.

“Whether it is Joe Biden’s dereliction of duty at the Southern Border or his disastrous retreat in Afghanistan, I have called for Joe Biden to answer to the American people in Impeachment hearings. I will not stand by while Biden and Pelosi trample on our constitution to push their far-left agenda. I look forward to working with a Republican House Majority next Congress to impeach Biden and hold his administration accountable for their numerous failures,” said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.

Tenney announces fundraising accomplishments in race for NY-24

By Press Release

Press release:

Claudia Tenney’s campaign announced today raising over $330,000 in Q2 of 2022. Claudia’s campaign has more than $1 million cash on hand for the upcoming election.

Over 1,900 donors, including 500+ new donors and President Trump's Leadership PAC, contributed to the over $330,000 Claudia raised this quarter.

“I am honored by the outpouring of support we have received from all across Upstate New York. The North Country, Central New York, Finger Lakes and Western New York are ready for change and looking for a strong conservative leader to hold Biden and Pelosi accountable. Our campaign continues to have the resources we need to win in NY-24 and take back the House this November!" said Congresswoman Tenney. 

Fratto receives endorsement of Genesee County Conservative Party

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Today, Mario Fratto’s campaign announced the endorsements of three county-level endorsements by the Conservative Party: Genesee, Ontario, and Seneca.

Genesee County Conservative Chair Julie Ann Bolas-Carasone said:

Let’s show everyone that the establishment politicians, that ignore us, and don’t work for us, will not be voted for. We need real leaders and that is Mario!

Mario made the following statement:

I am so grateful and honored to receive these Conservative endorsements. I am the only candidate who is from this district, and actually has skin in the game. I am raising my family here, and almost everybody I love and care about calls this district home. Claudia Tenney isn’t from here, and supports amnesty, Red Flag laws, overseas wars, and the woke transgender agenda. We won’t allow the corporate elites to buy this election, just to install another career politician. The people are waking up, and we refuse to be ruled by DC insiders. The establishment has failed us for far too long, and now their time is up!

Mario Fratto’s family has been in the district for five generations. He is an attorney and runs his family’s granite construction business. He is the only true America First conservative in the race and more information can be found at 

Video: Interview with Steven Holden, candidate for Congress

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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This is an interview with Steven Holden, a candidate to represent Genesee County in Congress as part of the new NY-24 district.

A resident of the Southern Tier, Holden was born and raised on a dairy farm in Oklahoma, spent 20 years in the military as a finance officer, and is an entrepreneur. 

In the interview, we discuss the roots of his political involvement and his political philosophy and delve into topics such as abortion, gun ownership, and foreign affairs (primarily Ukraine and China).

The Batavian will interview other candidates in the next few months if they make themselves available for at-length, in-person discussions of politics and issues.

New York's party-primary elections are tomorrow with the general election in November. CORRECTION: The local primaries are on June 28.  Because of changes in district boundaries, the State Senate and Congressional primaries are in August.

The Batavian interviewed Holden at the end of May but a busy community coverage schedule kept us from editing the video until today.

NY-24 candidate for Congress hails SCOTUS abortion decision

By Press Release

Press release:

Friday, Mario Fratto made the following statement:

Friday's Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade was a massive victory for the sanctity of life. President Trump promised to appoint justices that to the Court that would overturn Roe, and he did it.

This decision shows us just how important elections are. It’s imperative that we fight to protect the most vulnerable in our society, and nobody is more vulnerable than our unborn children. It isn’t enough to be pro-life just when it’s easy; we need representatives that will be pro-life when it’s hard.

Claudia Tenney voted to send millions to Planned Parenthood, knowing that they’re responsible for aborting more children than any organization in the country. Republicans promise to defund Planned Parenthood, but establishment politicians like Tenney send them millions of taxpayer dollars. Congressman Jim Jordan said that the bill Claudia Tenney voted for “is the worst bill I've seen in my time in Congress by far.”

I promise to never vote for such an abomination and to always fight for our conservative principles, with life being the most important of all.

Mario Fratto’s family has been in the district for five generations. He is an attorney and runs his family’s granite construction business. He is the only true America First conservative in the race and more information can be found at 

Fact Check: We wanted to confirm the claim by Fratto's campaign that Claudia Tenney voted to "send millions to Planned Parenthood."  We invited both Tenney's campaign and Fratto's campaign to provide documentation supporting or refuting this claim.  Only Fratto's campaign responded and provided links to two omnibus bills (bills that contain numerous legislative initiatives and are not single-subject).  The first one passed on March 22, 2018, during the 115th Congress.  It was supported by 145 Republicans and passed with a total of 256 yeas votes (77 Democrats voted no).  The yes votes included Rep. Chris Collins, the first Republican in Congress to endorse Trump for president, along with seven other Republicans from New York.  The second one passed on March 9, 2022, during the 117th Congress. For that omnibus bill, 155 Republicans voted yes and there were a total of 361 yeas. Eight Republicans from New York voted yes.

UPDATE 11:17 p.m., June 27:  Claudia Tenney's campaign responded after seeing this post.  A spokesman said he had not received our initial request.  Here is the campaign's response:

  • As an important point of clarification: Congresswoman Tenney did NOT support the March 9, 2022, non-defense funding bill - she only supported a narrower funding provision that was related to defense and security spending. This included a 2.7% pay raise for our troops and additional funding for border security. It's worth asking Mr. Fratto if he would have opposed a pay increase for our troops while they and their families struggle with record-high inflation, among other security-related funding provisions that were in the bill? Importantly, this bill had absolutely nothing to do with social spending or Planned Parenthood in any way, shape, or form. Tenney voted “No” on the portion of the funding bill that included non-defense/social spending for a variety of reasons, which she laid out on her website:
  • The second point is with regard to the March 22, 2018, spending bill Mario references. I’ll note first that this was supported and signed into law by President Trump. This bill did NOT earmark any federal spending directly to Planned Parenthood, as Mario implies, and most importantly, it maintained the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion or taxpayer dollars from being used by providers like Planned Parenthood to fund abortions.
  • Finally, unlike Mario, Claudia actually has a record to stand on and it is proudly one of supporting life and defending the unborn. Claudia has always supported prohibitions banning any and all taxpayer funding for abortions and she has never voted to send funds directly to Planned Parenthood. This is among the reasons she’s been consistently endorsed by pro-life groups, including Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), and was quick to release a statement applauding the Supreme Court’s recent decision overturning Roe and Casey, which you can read here:

NY-24 hopeful knocked off primary ballot, points to flaws in process

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressional hopeful, Finger Lakes contractor and Canandaigua resident Floyd Rayburn, learned the fate of his campaign today, after court proceedings in which his petition signatures were challenged by Claudia Tenney’s campaign. He will not be on the Republican Primary ballot for New York’s 24th Congressional District. However, candidates with signatures from well outside the district will remain.

Rayburn promised supporters to fight for small business owners; to combat inflation, including soaring gas prices, ensure equal pay for all through skills-based wages and revamp the failing education system.

“I’m disappointed that I will not appear on the primary ballot,” said Rayburn. “We ran into some issues with some of our petitions, knocking us down below the required number of signatures. At the time same, I’m frustrated with the disservice being done to the residents of this district. I had only 17 days to collect and vet more than 1,000 signatures. My opponents, however, had 38 days to do the same. Unlike Ms. Tenney, I sought out the approval of district residents and received their signatures in support of my campaign to represent them. Her petition signatures are from an entirely different district: the one she had initially announced her run for.

“I’d like to thank everyone for their support and their hard work on my behalf. It is my sincere desire to serve this district, and my country, in Washington. Rest assured, I will mount another campaign in the future and deliver on my campaign promises. Our struggling residents need help. They need someone from the district who understands their issues and someone who has put in time building the community and raising a family in it as I have. Claudia Tenney, a known ‘carpetbagger’ and divisive politician, is neither.”

Rayburn is a lifelong resident of the Finger Lakes region, a contractor and a small business owner who has completed projects and created hundreds of jobs throughout the Finger Lakes and Western New York regions. For the last 40 years, he has owned and operated one of the most successful masonry businesses in Upstate New York, helping to build the district with his own hands. Born and raised in Bloomfield, Rayburn grew up working on his family’s dairy farm and also understands the difficulties of the state’s countless farmers.

While Rayburn got support from within the district – with only 17 days in which to collect signatures –Tenney collected signatures for the redrawn 23rd Congressional District she originally announced she would run for in Central New York and the Southern Tier.

When the maps were redrawn again, Tenney abandoned her bid and decided to run for the 24th District seat which includes most of Oswego County, parts of the Finger Lakes, and goes into Western New York’s Niagara County. She is now running for a different seat, in an entirely different region of the state, yet she was allowed to submit signatures that are not only from counties outside the district she is bidding to represent but nowhere close to it. Tenney does not live in the district, as Rayburn has his entire life, she garnered little to no support from actual residents of the district, nor has she spent any time representing it throughout her political career.

Similarly, Mario Fratto, another challenger for the 24th District’s Republican nomination, received many of his signatures from outside the district as he originally set his sights on another. In fairness, he does have signatures from within the district as he is a resident of Geneva, which was originally considered part of the district he first planned to run for – an entirely different situation than Tenney’s move to find the path of least resistance.

Regardless of the situation, both candidates had unfair advantages by having 38 days – compared to Rayburn’s 17 – to collect nearly the same amount of signatures and by being allowed to submit signatures from residents outside the district which they had already collected. This is a disservice to those who reside in New York’s new 24th Congressional District, as one of their own is now denied the opportunity to represent them.

Claudia Tenney, candidate in new NY-24, releases first campaign ad

By Press Release

Press release:

In response to the ad’s release, Congresswoman Tenney released the following statement: “I have always stood up to insider politicians from both parties, fighting on behalf of New York taxpayers. I’m proud to be leading the fight in Congress to restore American manufacturing, secure the border and end Biden’s inflation crisis. We will continue earning the support of the hardworking people of New York’s 24th Congressional district and fighting for our shared conservative values in Washington.”

Claudia Tenney claims endorsement of Trump in new NY-24 congressional district

By Press Release

Press release:

“After reviewing the revised maps, which were released in the dead of night, I am announcing my candidacy for New York’s 24th Congressional District. As drawn, the 24th District includes areas I currently represent in Congress such as Oswego County,” said Congresswoman Tenney. 

Tenney continued “I am honored to have received the support of President Trump, Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, and multiple county Republican and Conservative chairs. In the coming weeks and months, I will work to continue earning the support of those in New York’s redrawn 24th District, which spans portions of Central New York, the Finger Lakes Region, and Western New York. It is a beautiful area of New York that I have lived in, represented, and know well. Now that this partisan redistricting process is over, I am honored by the opportunity to represent the 24th District in Congress.”

Tenney has deep roots in New York’s 24th Congressional District. She has represented portions of NY-24 starting in 2011 and previously lived in Ontario County. Under the new redistricting maps, 30% of NY-24 falls within the Syracuse Media Market, where Tenney has extraordinarily high name ID among voters. Tenney kicks off the campaign as the clear front runner with over 1.4 Million Dollars in her war chest.

In Response to President Trump’s Endorsement, Congresswoman Tenney Released the Following Statement:

“Thank you Mr. President! I had the honor to serve alongside President Trump in Congress and the privilege to call him a dear friend. Together, we cut taxes, secured the border and fought back against the Communist Chinese. With President Trump’s support, we can win this seat and continue fighting for his America First Agenda in Congress. NY-24 is Trump Country!” said Tenney.

President Trump has been a steadfast supporter of Claudia Tenney. Last June, he held a fundraiser at his Bedminster Golf Club in support of Tenney’s campaign and filmed an endorsement video. In April 2021, President Trump hosted Tenney at his Mar-a-Lago Club for a meeting. During her 2020 campaign, President Trump held a tele-town hall in support of Tenney and in 2018, the President visited Upstate NY to host a fundraiser for Tenney that raised over $650,000 for her campaign. Trump is also an honorary member of the House Election Integrity Caucus, which Tenney founded in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney was honored to receive the following endorsements over the weekend:

“Wyoming County was proud to unanimously endorse Claudia Tenney’s campaign just a few months back and we are honored to announce our official endorsement of Congresswoman Tenney in the newly drawn 24th district. Western New Yorkers are ready to send a strong conservative fighter to Washington this November. As the strongest Republican county in New York State, we are excited to have the most Conservative Member of Congress from New York as our next Congresswoman!” said Wyoming Republican Committee Chairwoman Ellen Grant.
“It is an honor to once again endorse Congresswoman Claudia Tenney for re-election in Oswego County and NY-24. Claudia has served the people of Oswego County with dedication, honor and integrity since her time as our Assemblywoman. In both Albany and Washington, Claudia has always stood out as a champion for our conservative values. We are thrilled Claudia will continue to fight for us in Congress and look forward to making sure she wins big this November,” said Oswego Republican Committee Chairman Fred Beardsley.
“Incumbent Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has a proven track record advocating for Upstate New Yorkers in Washington. Now that the Congressional District lines are finalized, Orleans County is excited to give Congresswoman Tenney a warm Western New York welcome. I am confident Claudia will be an excellent representative for Orleans County in Congress,” said Orleans County Republican Chairman Skip Draper.
“It was an honor to get introduced to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney and discuss her campaign for NY 24, that includes Wayne County.  She is passionate, experienced and a rock solid Republican.  Several of the Town Chairs that I have spoken to are behind Claudia all the way.  I am joining them and giving Claudia Tenney my endorsement for Congress,” said Wayne County Republican Committee Chairman MaryAnne Nicosia-McCarthy.
“This morning the court-appointed Special Master set district lines for US Congress and the New York State Senate. The Maps drawn by the State Legislature divided Livingston County into two districts 23 and 24. Chris Jacobs and Claudia Tenney received party endorsements, Today Claudia Tenney stands alone as our candidate for the 24th Congressional District. Livingston County is no longer divided into two districts. Claudia, a sitting Congress Member has a track record of strength and honesty in representing her electorate. Therefore she continues to have our support,” said Livingston County Republican Committee Chairman John Pauer.
“Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has always been the embodiment of what it means to be a Conservative. As the Wayne County Conservative Party Chairman, I am thrilled to support Claudia’s re-election campaign. Congresswoman Tenney has always had the support of the Conservative Party and she will again here in NY-24.” said Wayne County Conservative Party Chairman Mike Garlock.
“Claudia has been involved in Oswego County politics for almost 20 years and has represented us starting in 2011. We here in Oswego County are excited to share Congresswoman Tenney and her conservative advocacy with the rest of the new NY-24. I am honored to endorse her campaign on behalf of the Oswego County Conservative Party,” said Oswego County Conservative Party Chairman Ronald Greenleaf.

Democrats in new 24th congressional district, which includes Genesee County, seek candidates

By Press Release

Press release:

Recent redistricting created New York State Congressional District 24, the Lake District, which is 258 miles long and includes 14 counties, bordered by Lake Ontario to the north and the Finger Lakes to the south. It is one of the largest districts in the state and has no incumbent representative for Congress. The Democratic leadership in the district sees an opportunity to find a strong, qualified candidate that will create consensus and represents all western New Yorkers.

“We want to bring people together and appeal to the common goals of people in the district, like a clean environment, better access to affordable healthcare, voting and civil rights for all, and better education outcomes. We want our representative to reflect our culture of hard-working middle-class Americana, and speak for all of us,” said Elizabeth Passer, spokesperson and Oswego County Democratic Chair.

The new district encompasses constituents of rich and varied lifestyles and socio-economic backgrounds including farmers, business owners, and vacation homeowners, who make their livings in industries like agriculture, viniculture, technology, manufacturing, tourism, and more. This traditionally conservative part of New York State also includes many liberal voices who want their representative to work for them, too.

The Chairs of the 14 member counties of The Lake District are asking for interested individuals to send their resumes with a cover letter to The candidate needs an understanding of rural, town, and tourist community life as well as the current obstacles found on a national level. 

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