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Nate McMurray's employer, owned by the family of his NY-27 opponent, placed him on leave without pay.

By Howard B. Owens

When Nate McMurray ran against Chris Collins in 2018 for the NY-27 congressional seat, there was no apparent problem with his employer, Buffalo-based Delaware North.

He kept his job. He kept his salary.

During his tenure as supervisor in Grand Island, he kept his job. He kept his pay.

Two weeks ago, Delaware North informed McMurray he was being placed on leave without pay. He wasn't given an explanation. 

Delaware North is owned by the family of Chris Jacobs, McMurray's opponent in the April 28 special election for the NY-27.

McMurray said he and his family are presently getting by on vacation pay and an earned bonus.

"I worked hard for the company," McMurray said. "I love many people there. But this is unquestionably difficult. I’ve expressed that to them."

Despite the loss of a regular paycheck, McMurray said he's committed to staying in the race.

McMurray made reference to his loss of wages today on Twitter and The Batavian reached out to him for clarification. He said he was limited in what he could say about the situation but confirmed that he had been put on leave without pay.

An attorney licensed to practice law in New York, McMurray is part of Delaware North's legal team.

Multiple attempts to reach the Jacobs campaign today for comment were unsuccessful. We also tried reaching out to Delaware North for comment and were unsuccessful. Messages were left in both cases.

Photo: Still from a video interview The Batavian conducted with Nate McMurray on Thursday evening at the Richmond Memorial Library. We intended to release the full nearly 50-minute interview once we've secured a similar and proportional interview with Chris Jacobs.

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Democratic chairs take legal step to name Nate McMurray NY-27 special election candidate

By Howard B. Owens

As part of the legal process required by the state for a special election, the eight-county chairs that comprise the NY-27 met last night and officially named Nate McMurray as their candidate in the April 28 election.

The chairs are Michael Plitt, Judith Hunter, Jeanne Crane, Jerry Zeller, Brittany Wells, Francine Del Monte, John Hurley (who attended via phone), and Cynthia Appleton.

The meeting was held at the Holiday Inn in Batavia.

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UPDATE: Press release from Nate McMurray:

Nate McMurray, the Democratic candidate in NY-27, issued the following statement in response:

“I am putting my full heart into this race. We all know this election is critical because we aren’t just sending a message to New York, we are sending a message to the entire country to say that we don’t want ‘politics as usual’. We don’t need another ‘Rich Chris’ using this position to make deals for themselves and their companies. We need representation and a message that includes everyone. We need to give the people of NY-27 a voice,” said Nate McMurray.

“Nate was our person from the start,” said Michael Plitt, Chair of the Genesee County Democrats. “His platform shows that he knows exactly what our district needs. He’s going to protect social security. He’s going to improve healthcare. After years of not having someone who represented our interests, Nate is someone who finally can.”

“I can tell you that Nate McMurray has created a grassroots movement here and has demonstrated understanding and concern for the residents of Wyoming County and beyond.  But it's more than that. He has reminded all of us that Liberty is a precious thing, not to be buried but held up to the light every day of our lives and when Nate McMurray goes to Washington, we know he will do that very thing," said Cindy Appleton, County Chair of Wyoming County Democrats. 

"Last night we ratified what we have known for a very long time: Nate McMurray is our candidate. We've been united behind him for over two years because he works like no one else we've ever seen to bring true representation to NY 27,” said Judith Hunter, County Chair of Livingston County Democrats.

“Unbelievably, the Republican powers that be have decided for the third time in the last dozen years that what this district needs is a rich guy named Chris who can't possibly understand what life is like for the ordinary voters of the 27th, despite the fact that the previous two times ended very badly. Unlike his opponent, Nate McMurray gets it.”

“A tough and well-deserving candidate,” said Brittaney Wells, County Chair of Monroe County Democrats, “Nate McMurray was officially designated last night by the Monroe County Democratic Committee for the Special Election in NY-27. The MCDC has complete faith that Nate will uphold his values as a fighter for families and a defender of the United States and the communities he will represent.” 

Jay Zona, County Chair of Niagara County Democrats, said, “Niagara County was one of the first counties to get on board with Nate for this special election.  He performed very well here in the 2018 election as a new name and we are looking forward to getting his message out.”

NY-27 candidate Mychajliw calls Jacobs a 'RINO', says he'll debate McMurray if Jacobs won't

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Congressional candidate Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. has announced he will accept a debate challenge from Democrat Nate McMurray, if Chris Jacobs refuses McMurray’s challenge to eight proposed debates across NY-27.

Mychajliw agreed to debate McMurray in all eight counties across NY-27 if Chris Jacobs declines the Democrat’s open debate invitation.

“Someone has to stand up for Republican values," Mychajliw said. "If ‘Republican in Name Only’ Chris Jacobs won’t, I will. Since RINO Chris Jacobs has a record similar to Nate McMurray, he is clearly afraid to debate him.

"Unlike Mitt Romney donor Chris Jacobs, I never said I supported abortion rights, favored gay marriage and opposed the death penalty. While Chris Jacobs is scared to stand up for his RINO, moderate record, I have no issue debating Nate McMurray.

If this proposal is accepted by the McMurray campaign, and Jacobs refuses to debate McMurray, Mychajliw will accept the challenge to eight debates.

“Voters should hear Chris Jacobs defend his record of increasing his own pay by $50,000 and his vote to fund Planned Parenthood," Mychajliw said. "RINO Chris Jacobs’ core values are very similar to Nate McMurray’s. Do we want to send an Albany moderate to Washington that is afraid to debate Nate McMurray? How are you going to take the fight to radical progressives like Nancy Pelosi and AOC when you’re afraid to engage Nate McMurray here at home?”

McMurray attacks Trump budget that cuts Social Security and Medicare

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, the Democrat running to replace disgraced felon Chris Collins, today blasted the newly proposed budget and vowed to protect programs like Social Security and Medicare from Washington’s financial mismanagement. The budget would explode the federal deficit and hurt seniors, while protecting massive tax cuts for the wealthy. 

“This is a bad budget, plain and simple," McMurray said. "I’ve been in business my whole life, and if I proposed a budget this poorly thought out, I’d get fired immediately. It will steal from seniors on a fixed income, give money away to the rich, and explode the deficit that our grandchildren’s children, as it already stands, will be paying for."

“Unlike my opponent, I didn’t grow up rich and I know how these programs provide a vital lifeline for working families here. But it’s clearer now than it’s ever been -- Trump lied when he said he’d protect Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. It’s all right there in the budget.

"The harsh reality is, people will die if there are cuts to these programs. Our local hospitals will close. The people of NY-27, and the media, need to ask Chris Jacobs why he supports these cuts that will hurt our elderly and devastate our communities.”

Chris Jacobs issues statement on decision by Rob Ortt to drop out of NY-27 primary

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“I want to thank Rob for his hard work and dedication to the Party and the people of Western New York. It has been an honor serving alongside him in the New York State Senate and he has always conducted himself with the highest degree of professionalism and has always been a true fighter for the needs of his constituents. I have no doubt he will continue to serve the people of Western New York with steadfast dedication and honor.”

Chris Jacobs releases statement on announcement of special election in NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Governor Cuomo has done everything in his power to give the Democrats an advantage in this special election, but Chris Jacobs has won tough races before. We are confident that on April 28th, Western New Yorkers will choose Chris Jacobs, a conservative who will support President Trump’s agenda, end sanctuary cities and stop the socialist government takeover of healthcare that will bankrupt Medicare for seniors over Nate McMurray, who wants to impose a socialist agenda, supports Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All scheme, opposes the border wall and supports amnesty.”

McMurray releases statement on governor officially calling special election for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, the Democratic candidate in NY-27, has issued the following statement in response to Governor Cuomo calling for a Special Election today. 

“After months of uncertainty, Western New Yorkers will finally get representation in Congress," McMurray said. " It is clear that our base is fired up and ready to send a message to Washington: The people of NY-27 aren’t simply going to fall in line behind a single party while Washington robs us of our Social Security and healthcare.

"We are going to remind them that we’re not sheep -- we are farmers, veterans, and hardworking taxpayers and we deserve real representation from someone who will stand up for our working families. I’m not going to Washington for any Party or political insiders, I’m going for the people of Western New York."

Australian television documentary dives deep into corruption of Chris Collins

By Howard B. Owens

The news division of the Australian Broadcasting Corp. has released an in-depth documentary about Chris Collins and his insider trading of the Sydney-based company Innate Immunotherapeutics.

It contains new -- at least new us -- as well as previously reported but largely overlooked information about the Collins, the trade, the company, and, most importantly, Australian law, and how Collins and Innate allegedly broke it.

The documentary also suggests, though doesn't spell it out, that Innate was itself a fraudulent scheme (while making no suggestion that Collins was aware of the scheme; rather, in fact, he may have fallen prey to it).

Jerry Zremski, the Washington bureau chief for the Buffalo News, and Michael Caputo, a political and marketing consultant who is a longtime friend of the former congressman, make several appearances in the documentary.

Questions for the NY-27 candidates: What about the Muckdogs?

By Howard B. Owens

We asked each of the candidates in the NY-27 special election in April: If you represent NY-27 what will you do to ensure professional Minor League Baseball stays in Batavia?

Nate McMurray:

As your next congressman, I will work with the team, the MLB, and Batavia officials towards a solution to securing the necessary funding for the Muckdogs. Preserving cultural treasures like them here in Western New York is something we can all assist in by spreading awareness about the team to a broader regional audience, participating in team events, attending games and sponsoring group outings to the ballpark for seniors and other groups. I am also proud to promote the Muckdogs and related events on my widely viewed social media platforms.

Chris Jacobs:

“Minor league baseball teams, like the Batavia Muckdogs, are cornerstones of our communities and major drivers of local economies. I’m saddened by the prospect of the Muckdogs leaving Batavia, but I’m not going to give up. In Congress I plan to use my office to meet with the owners and MLB officials to find a workable solution so families can continue to make memories and our local economy can continue to benefit.”

Are there questions you would like to ask the NY-27 candidates that are specific to Genesee County (not national political questions, but specific to the local community): Email them to We'll present the answers in the same format.

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Chris Jacobs attacks Mitt Romney for voting to convict Trump of abuse of power

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

"Mitt Romney joining the Democrats in voting to convict Donald Trump in this partisan witch hunt is unconscionable," said Chris Jacobs, Congressional candidate (NY-27) and state Senator.

"Democrats announced their intention to impeach President Trump on the day he was inaugurated, and they haven’t stopped their predetermined march toward impeachment since.

"This entire process has been a disgrace to the rule of law in America, but it ends today, despite Senator Romney’s best efforts to undermine President Trump and the will of the American people."

Chris Jacobs praises Trump's State of the Union

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Tonight President Trump emerged victorious from a partisan impeachment scheme, and declared to all Americans that the State of the Union is ‘stronger than ever before!’ " said Chris Jacobs, Congressional candidate (NY-27) and state Senator.

"For the past three years, we have seen a President resolute in putting America first and dead set against the socialist onslaught from the left. The results have record economic growth, new jobs, trade deals, opportunities for working Americans, and a return of the rule of lawmaking all Americans safer.

"President Trump set out to bring Americans together and has worked to build an America that works for all Americans, and tonight’s address reflected nothing less than his dedication to our great nation. I look forward to helping our President secure re-election this fall to keep the State of our Union prosperous for four more years.”

Nate McMurray challenges Chris Jacobs to a series of debates

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Thursday, Nate McMurray, Democratic candidate for the 27th Congressional District,  called on opponent Chris Jacobs to join him in participating in debates in each of the eight counties in the district prior to the Special Election in April. 

“While Chris is stooping to name-calling and divisive rhetoric, I’m proposing debates in every county across the district to give voters the information they deserve to make an informed decision on Election Day," McMurray said.

"Chris is running around shouting the word ‘socialist’ every chance he gets; which is funny considering I’ve been working for his family and making them money for years as VP of Business Development."

“Chris can keep name-calling if he wants, but I’m ready to bring the issues that matter most to Western New York families to the forefront. With Washington a mess, we should be talking about jobs, about taxes, about the fact that everyone needs to understand that party lines don’t matter in the voting booth when you’re struggling to put food on the table or you can’t afford to buy insulin.” 

The proposed dates for the debates are:

  • Feb. 17th: Wood Library, 134 Main St., Canandaigua, 7:30-8:30 p.m. (tentative)
  • Feb. 24th: Geneseo Riviera Theater, 4 Center St. Geneseo, 7:30-8:30 p.m. (tentative)
  • March 2nd: Location TBD
  • March 9th: Location TBD
  • March 16th: Location TBD
  • March 23rd: Location TBD
  • March 30th: Location TBD
  • April 6th: Location TBD

Chris Jacobs releases first radio ad

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The campaign of Republican Chris Jacobs launched its first ad today laying out the stakes in the upcoming April 28th special election.

“This race is a clear contrast between Nate McMurray who opposes the President’s border wall, supports Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All scheme and wants to impose a socialist agenda versus Chris Jacobs, a conservative who will support the Trump agenda, end sanctuary cities and defend New Yorkers from a government takeover of healthcare,” spokesman Christian Chase said. “Conservatives can send Nancy Pelosi a message and Donald Trump a conservative ally on April 28th.” 

The ad:

ANNOUNCER: Immigration, healthcare, taxes.  Three big issues, three big differences in the special election for Congress.

Chris Jacobs stands with President Trump… while Nate McMurray wants to impose the socialist agenda.

Chris Jacobs and Trump will finish building the wall and end sanctuary cities.

Nate McMurray opposes the wall and supports amnesty.

McMurray supports Bernie Sanders socialist Medicare for All Scheme that will take away your health insurance…

Chris Jacobs says no way. Keep your plan, keep your doctor, protect Medicare.

McMurray’s already raised taxes … and voted himself a pay raise.

Chris Jacobs stands strong with President Trump. He’s for the Trump tax cuts, dead set against the socialist schemes.

Chris Jacobs is conservative, he’s on President Trump’s team.

On April 28th send Nancy Pelosi a message and Donald Trump a conservative ally. Vote Chris Jacobs for Congress.

JACOBS: I’m Chris Jacobs, candidate for Congress, and I approve this message. 

ANNOUNCER: Paid for by Jacobs for Congress.

Republican attacks GOP candidate for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Stefan I. Mychajliw:

In light of United States, Senator Mitt Romney voting against Donald Trump and in favor of witnesses in the impeachment trial of the President, the Stefan for Congress campaign released Chris Jacobs’ financial support for Romney and fellow moderate Republicans that previously opposed President Trump. The American Conservative Union CPAC conference also refused to invite Romney to their national 2020 gathering.

Chris Jacobs has consistently been on the wrong side of Donald Trump by making numerous political contributions to moderates that opposed the President.

“Chris Jacobs is NY27’s version of Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. He is an Albany moderate that hurt conservatives by giving to those that opposed President Trump. Chris Jacobs, Mitt Romney, and Jeb Bush are kindred spirits. They’re establishment Republican insiders that cave when asked to stand up for President Trump,” said NY27 Congressional candidate Stefan I. Mychajliw.

According to the Federal Election Commission records below, Chris Jacobs donated the following amount to moderate Republicans that opposed President Trump: Mitt Romney: $5,000, Jeb Bush: $2,700 and Marco Rubio: $2,400.

“Chris Jacobs supports fellow moderates that opposed President Trump. He never gave to Donald Trump. I question the judgment of someone that even donated to disgraced Governor Eliot Spitzer but not President Trump. Jacobs gave to Jeb Bush, but never to Donald Trump. I was proud to volunteer on the Trump campaign in 2016 when it wasn’t popular. I’m a consistent conservative that isn’t claiming to support President Trump just because I want to climb the ladder to a higher elected office,” concluded Mychajliw.

Nate McMurray calls on Chris Jacobs to renounce NRCC 'smears'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, Democratic candidate for Congress, blasted the National Republican Congressional Caucus (NRCC) for launching a childish smear campaign just hours before he was unanimously endorsed for the upcoming special election.

“I grew up in Western New York and I know the people here a lot better than a bunch of out-of-touch Washington insiders who only care about lining their own pockets at the taxpayers' expense," McMurray said. "I know how hard folks here work, and frankly we are all sick and tired of being pawns in a partisan political game that seeks power for the sake of power.

"These same enablers who supported an indicted criminal just to keep NY-27 red are brazen to believe they have any credibility with the good people here."

The National Republican Congressional Caucus (NRCC), which is supporting McMurray's opponent, issued a statement yesterday calling McMurray a “deranged socialist loser."

“With money from corporate PACs, Washington lobbyists and billionaires, they insult the people of our region with this behavior," McMurray said. "They do not represent us and we cannot afford to continue to go without sensible and ethical leadership here. I reject the NRCC’s reprehensible behavior, and I call on my opponent Chris Jacobs to denounce it as well so that we can debate the issues like adults, draw contrasts between our resumes, and let the voters of NY-27 pick the best candidate for the job.

"Is that the best they can do? Immature, mean-spirited insults? Instead of talking about jobs in one of the worst job markets in the country, health care when countless Americans are going bankrupt over medical bills, they have the audacity to perpetuate hateful rhetoric that is representative of the extremely divisive state of politics today.”

Stefanik endorses Chris Jacobs for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a key member of President Trump’s impeachment defense team and a rising conservative star, endorsed Chris Jacobs today for Congress in New York’s 27th District. 

“In 2016 Republican and Conservative Party leaders turned to Chris Jacobs to reclaim a critical seat in the state senate that helped maintain control of the chamber and ensured a check on Governor Andrew Cuomo,” Stefanik said. “Now we’re turning to Chris again to win another tough election because he’s a proven conservative leader we can count on to stand with President Trump to defeat the socialist agenda of Washington Democrats, defend the Second Amendment, stop illegal immigration and put America first. I’m proud to endorse Chris Jacobs for Congress.” 

Jacobs was nominated Saturday by Republican leaders as their nominee for the 27th District special election. 

Jacobs is a conservative reformer, small businessman and New York State Senator representing Erie County in Western New York. First elected to the Senate in 2016 and re-elected in November of 2018, Chris has been a strong voice for Western New York, fighting against policies driven by New York City political interests that are harmful to the region. 

Prior to his election to the Senate, Jacobs was the first Republican Clerk elected in Erie County in 40 years. As County Clerk, Jacobs drove dramatic efficiencies without increasing the number of employees and ran the county’s Pistol Permit Division, where he gained recognition for his strong defense of 2nd Amendment rights during the passage of the New York SAFE Act.

Jacobs is the founder and owner of Avalon Development. Founded in 2002, Avalon has redeveloped many vacant and historic buildings in Western New York.

In 1994, Jacobs founded the BISON Scholarship Fund, a charity that has provided scholarships for more than 20,000 children throughout Western New York.

Jacobs and his wife, Martina, have a daughter, Anna.

McMurray releases plan for dealing with health care policy issues

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, Democrat running in the Special Election in Western NY’s 27th District, today released his proposal for protecting and expanding health care for seniors, working families, rural communities and small businesses.

With a growing rural doctor shortage and many rural hospitals struggling, the high cost of health care for small businesses, entrepreneurs and so-called “gig workers,” nearly 30 million people still uninsured, and Trump’s new attack on Medicare, McMurray said the time for action is now.  

“Insurance companies and big pharma are choking our economy, making people sick and driving families into bankruptcy," McMurray said. “The cost of insurance is up, deductibles are up, and co-pays are up, and the CEOs of drug companies and insurance companies are taking home millions.

"Meanwhile, rural hospitals can’t find doctors, and Trump is getting ready to cut Medicare. The system we have isn’t working for too many people, and we need to change.” 

McMurray put a particular focus on Medicare, which provides healthcare to America’s seniors.

“Medicare is one of the great successes of our nation," McMurray said. "Before Medicare, half of all seniors couldn’t afford health insurance, now everyone is covered because taxpayers and employers put money into the system with every paycheck.

"How dare Trump and his allies threaten to cut benefits. Our seniors paid for those benefits all their lives, and as Congressman, I’m never going to let Washington break that promise."

McMurray slammed Washington’s approach to health care in general, and called out Congress members for taking corporate PAC money from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, while protecting their profits, over helping families and small businesses.  

“It’s corrupt,” McMurray said. “Big pharma pushes cash to Congress members like they pushed opioids into our communities. The politicians they buy should be protecting us but they don’t, so we need to cure this sickness by electing people who will do the job.”

McMurray’s 4 Point Healthcare Platform includes: 

1.) Supporting rural hospitals by expanding debt forgiveness programs for medical professionals and doctors that work in rural hospitals and clinic and increasing funding for rural hospitals;

2.) Creating a single-payer health care system while protecting patients’ rights to choose their doctors;

3.) Blocking Trump’s Medicare cuts;

4.) Battling the opioid epidemic by reimbursing local hospitals and clinics for overdose treatment, and training all first responders in usage of Naloxone to save overdose victims’ lives.

 “Medical costs help cause two-thirds of all bankruptcies, and the average cost for small business for family coverage is over $20,000 per employee," McMurray said. "How many more small businesses have to go under and how many more families have to go bankrupt before we are willing to change? It’s time to break free and give Americans the health care they deserve."

Fact Check: According to the National Institute of Health, medical costs do not cause "two-thirds of all bankruptcies." The report states: " ... the magnitude of the bankruptcy effect is much smaller than previously thought: we estimate that hospitalizations cause only 4 percent of personal bankruptcies among nonelderly U.S. adults, which is an order of magnitude smaller than the previous estimates described above.

Parlato criticizes selection of Jacobs by GOP chairs, promises primary in June

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Yesterday, the county chairs held a closed-door meeting to pick career politician Chris Jacobs for the GOP ballot in the special election. This decision does not reflect the voice of the voters of NY27. Jacobs has voted to raise taxes and fees, funded planned parenthood, has been weak on the Second Amendment and voted to provide free college tuition. As a Republican in name only, he is the wrong fit for the constituents in the reddest district in New York State. 

As the true conservative, our message has resonated with voters. In six short days, we had over 2,500 voters sign our pick Parlato petition. Our campaign has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, our grassroots continue to build and we are gaining momentum as our movement continues to motivate and excite voters throughout the district.

We believe the voters deserve to have their voices heard. Therefore, we will continue our campaign and look forward to winning the Republican nomination in the June primary.

GOP county chairs select Chris Jacobs as NY-27 special election candidate

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

State Senator Chris Jacobs received the Republican nomination for the special election to Congress from Western New York’s now-vacant 27th Congressional District seat.

 “I’m honored by this opportunity and I want to thank the county chairs and my fellow candidates,” Jacobs said. “Western New York needs a strong advocate in Congress who will stand with President Trump and get results for the American people.”

“Governor Cuomo is doing all he can to hand this seat to the Democrats, but I’m prepared for the fight,” Jacobs said. “I’ve got a track record of winning tough races and delivering real results for this community and we’ll win this race by focusing on strengthening the future of Western New York by creating an environment for job growth, defending our borders and preserving our shared values and ideals.” 

About Chris Jacobs
Chris Jacobs is a conservative reformer, small businessman and New York State Senator representing Erie County in Western New York. First elected to the Senate in 2016 and re-elected in November of 2018, Chris has been a strong voice for Western New York, fighting against policies driven by New York City political interests that are harmful to the region. He has also been a strong advocate for government reform. The first piece of legislation Chris introduced in the Senate was term limits for all state elected officials.

Prior to his election to the Senate, Jacobs was the first Republican clerk elected in Erie County in 40 years. As county clerk, Jacobs was credited with reforming the operations of the Office’s Real Estate Division, which had fallen into dysfunction. Jacobs drove dramatic efficiencies and revenues throughout the Clerk’s Office without increasing the number of employees. He was also credited with building the clerk’s “Thank A Vet” Program, now the largest veterans discount program of its kind in the entire state. As clerk, he also ran Erie County’s Pistol Permit Division, where he received an accommodation for his strong defense of Second Amendment rights, especially during the passage of the New York SAFE Act.

A small business owner, Jacobs is the founder and owner of Avalon Development. Founded in 2002, Avalon has redeveloped many vacant and historic buildings in Western New York. Chris has received numerous awards for bringing older buildings and the communities around them back to life. His projects have focused on providing unique and affordable space for small businesses to thrive. Jacobs’ business experience is one reason he believes that small business creation and growth is critical to the region’s comeback.

Jacobs' first job after college was working in Washington, D.C., for former Buffalo Congressman and Buffalo Bills quarterback Jack Kemp. In 1994, Jacobs returned home to Western New York to start the BISON Scholarship Fund, a charity that raised donations to help send children to private and religious schools. BISON will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary this fall, over that time providing scholarships for more than 20,000 children throughout Western New York. Jacobs believes that all children in America, no matter their income or their address, deserve an education of the highest quality.

Jacobs grew up in Western New York. He is married to Martina Jacobs and they have a daughter, Anna. He is a graduate of Boston College and has an MBA from American University in Washington, D.C., and a law degree from SUNY Buffalo.

McMurray condemns potential pardon of Collins

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Nate McMurray, Democrat running in the special election in NY-27, issued the following statement criticizing the rumored presidential pardon for disgraced former Congressmember Chris Collins, who resigned from Congress following pleading guilty to felony insider trading. Collins was sentenced to 26 months in prison on Friday. So far, 14 Trump aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned.

“President Trump should not further the injustice inflicted on Western New York," McMurray said. "His own Justice Department pursued this case and won a sentence that includes prison time for Mr. Collins, a convicted felon. This should not be a Democratic or Republican issue; I urge all Republican candidates in this race, elected officials, and party leaders to stand unified in defense of the rule of law in America.

"Collins was a wealthy politician who acted as if laws don’t apply to him. We all need to tell him that America's laws apply to everyone. He must pay his debt to society and not have it wiped away because of his political support for the president. I know that these are the same Republican insiders who enabled and protected Collins, long after we all knew he was guilty while working people paid for his salary and pension. Now is the time for them to do what’s right. Join me.”

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