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Jacobs calls for accounting of unspent COVID relief funds

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has cosponsored legislation to require the President to provide a complete account of enacted but unspent COVID-19 funds.

“As Democrats move forward with their unilateral approach to force through a massive $1.9 trillion relief package, I believe it is imperative to know how much funding has already been enacted but remains unspent. That figure could be as high as $1 trillion.

“I agree that more federal assistance is needed to overcome COVID-19, especially for bolstering vaccine distribution, reopening schools, and supporting struggling local governments. However, we need to be targeted and fiscally responsible with our approach to avoid unnecessary spending and costly programs that do not address urgent problems.

“Since such a large amount of funding remains unused, it would be prudent to know what we have or have not spent before enacting additional legislation.

H.Res.127 was introduced by Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (MO-08) and would require President Biden to provide documents relating to unspent COVID-19 relief funding to Congress within 14 days of its adoption. To date, Congress has enacted over $4 trillion in stimulus funds through several relief packages.

Jacobs reintroduces bill that would block small businesses with Chinese ties from getting SBA assistance

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has reintroduced the No Small Business Aid for China Act (H.R. 1138).

“China’s growing malign activities – including intellectual property theft, corporate espionage, and cyber-warfare – directly threaten Americans and our small businesses," Jacobs said.

"The authoritarian Chinese government asserts its influence over major Chinese businesses and executives with the intent of destroying U.S. competitors. As such, they should not be able to access funds specifically designed to support American small businesses."

Rep. Jacobs originally introduced the No Small Business Aid for China Act during the 116th Congress. The legislation would bar any company that is headquartered in the People’s Republic of China, has more than 25 percent of voting stock controlled by Chinese citizens, or is affiliated with human rights abuses in Xinjiang Province from accessing aid from the U.S. Small Business Administration.

“Since taking office, I have advocated for a stronger position to confront China," Jacobs said. "American small business aid should only support American small businesses – that has become even more clear during the COVID-19 pandemic when a third of New York small businesses have closed and more are on the verge of bankruptcy.

“I am committed to supporting our small businesses and ensuring that China cannot take advantage of the American economy at our expense.”

Jacobs says Cuomo must be held accountable

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after it was reported last night that the FBI and the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney’s Office have opened an investigation into Governor Cuomo and senior members of his COVID-19 Task Force.

“For weeks, I have called for a full federal investigation into Governor Cuomo and his staff for their actions to cover up the disastrous impacts of the Governor’s directive forcing COVID positive patients back into nursing homes.

This investigation is long overdue but necessary to the grieving families who have been cast aside, smeared, and talked down to by this Governor for simply seeking answers surrounding the death of a loved one.

“I will keep working tirelessly until we have these answers. This investigation should leave no stone unturned and thoroughly examine the deliberate and willful action to withhold information from federal prosecutors and the public. The Governor’s actions represent one of the greatest betrayals of public trust during this pandemic. He must be held accountable."

Jacobs reiterates call for investigation into Cuomo and COVID deaths at Nursing Home

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is releasing the following statement after Governor Cuomo’s press conference yesterday and New York State Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt’s calls for NY Attorney General James to expand the scope of her investigation into Governor Cuomo’s nursing home death cover-up.

“I commend Senate Minority Leader Ortt and the entire minority conference for their tireless pursuit of the truth and their repeated calls for a full investigation. Attorney General James showed courage by releasing the report that has finally gotten grieving New York families closer to closure, but her work is not done yet.

"With the admission from the Governor’s top aide that the administration purposefully withheld information about nursing home deaths from federal officials, Attorney General James should continue her efforts and expand the scope of her investigation.

“The Governor once again tried to shift blame and avoid responsibility in his press conference yesterday, only to be met with a loud and public rebuke from members of his own party. He has proven he is not able to tell the truth or govern responsibly – as such, I am also reaffirming my calls for the Department of Justice to conduct a full criminal investigation into obstruction of justice. The Governor and his staff must be held accountable.

Jacobs has sent two letters, with the entire New York Republican congressional delegation, to the Department of Justice asking for a full and independent federal investigation into Governor Cuomo, (Health) Commissioner (Howard) Zucker, and administration staff.

Jacobs joins call for investigation into Cuomo administration

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined Reps. Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), Andrew Garbarino (R, NY-2), Nicole Malliotakis (R, NY-11), Elise Stefanik (R, NY-21), Claudia Tenney (R, NY-22), Tom Reed (R, NY-23), John Katko (R, NY-24) in calling on Acting Attorney General Monty Wilkinson to open a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his administration following bombshell reports that a top aide to Governor Cuomo just admitted that their office, in an effort to block a DOJ investigation, hid from federal authorities information on nursing home deaths caused by the Governor’s nursing home mandate.

“The Governor and his staff made a calculated and potentially criminal decision to withhold information of his reckless order forcing COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes, "Congressman Jacobs said. "Grieving New York families and elected officials have tried for months to get answers, only to be brushed aside by the Governor while he shamelessly accepted book deals and awards for his handling of the pandemic.

"This is now not only an investigation into the true toll of his disastrous directive but a criminal investigation into obstruction of justice. This new reporting details willful corruption of the highest degree and represents one of the greatest betrayals of public trust we have seen during this pandemic – the Department of Justice must launch a federal investigation immediately, and Governor Cuomo and his staff must face justice.” 

“The Department of Justice needs to immediately open an Obstruction of Justice investigation into Governor Cuomo and his administration. It's now being reported there has been a direct admission of their nursing home cover-up with the intent of blocking a DOJ investigation.

Congressman Zeldin said: "The families of thousands of dead New York seniors deserve accountability and justice for the true consequences of Governor Cuomo’s fatally flawed nursing home policy and the continued attempts to cover it up. It’s clear what's happening here is criminal.” 

Congressman Garbarino said: “It is clearer now more than ever that the Department of Justice needs to conduct a full investigation into the Cuomo Administration’s handling of nursing homes and COVID-19. Gov. Cuomo not only recklessly put New York seniors in harms’ way, he and his Administration admittedly hid the facts from the Department of Justice.

"This, along with the refusal to respect the several Freedom of Information Law requests, turned a misjudgment in policy into what very well may be one of the largest criminal cover-ups in New York’s history. On behalf of every New Yorker who lost a family member or loved one in one of these nursing home facilities, I am demanding answers and justice.” 

Congresswoman Malliotakis said: "This admission of a coverup proves what we’ve known all along; Governor Cuomo and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) made a calculated political decision to avoid answering questions and being the subject of legal investigations. The Governor should immediately resign, and the Department of Justice should hold Governor Cuomo and his administration accountable so justice can be served for the thousands of families who lost loved ones.” 

Congresswoman Stefanik said: "After yesterday’s bombshell report, there is absolutely no question that an immediate independent investigation from the U.S. Department of Justice is warranted. If there is no Department of Justice investigation into the Secretary to Governor Cuomo's public admission of federal crimes, a stain will remain on the entirety of the Biden Administration. I also call for a full transcript to be released of President Biden's meeting with Governor Cuomo at the White House, so the American people can be assured that President Biden is not complicit in this apparent criminal cover-up and admitted obstruction of justice.” 

Congresswoman Tenney said: "The latest revelation that Governor Cuomo’s administration deliberately concealed data related to nursing home deaths is unconscionable. I have been raising the alarm around this issue for more than a year and am proud to now stand with my New York colleagues in Congress to call for an immediate federal investigation into this matter. New York families need the truth and they deserve justice.”

Congressman Reed said: “The mountain of evidence, lies, and criminal conduct cannot be ignored any longer. The Biden Department of Justice must conduct an independent and thorough investigation into Governor Cuomo, Secretary DeRosa, and New York State. Regardless of our party affiliation, we should all be able to agree such an investigation is an essential step if we are going to achieve justice for the thousands of grieving New York families.”

Congressman Katko said. “The revelations being reported regarding New York State’s handling of nursing home deaths represent a massive breach in public trust. Hundreds of families across New York State lost loved ones as a direct result of the State’s disastrous nursing home policy. Reporting now shows the Cuomo Administration deliberately withheld this critical information from federal authorities. The individuals responsible for perpetuating this cover-up must be held accountable.” 

This report came after it was revealed more than 9,000 coronavirus patients were sent into New York nursing homes. In addition, New York Attorney General James released a report two weeks (ago) revealing the state had underreported nursing home deaths.

Jacobs joins rural broadband caucus

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has joined the House Rural Broadband Caucus for the 117th Congress.

“Expanding broadband access is critical to rebuilding and advancing rural Western New York communitie,” Jacobs said. "This need has existed for years, but the pandemic has amplified these needs as schools have moved online, telehealth services are being used more frequently and vaccine appointments are being made online, and Western New Yorkers are working from home."

The House Rural Broadband is cochaired by Reps. Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ-01), Mark Pocan (D-WI-02), Peter Welch (D-VT-AL), Rob Wittman (R-VA-01), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL-16), and Bob Latta (R-OH-05).

The Rural Broadband Caucus works in a bipartisan way to promote broadband deployment. Since its inception, the caucus has successfully secured billions of dollars for expanding internet access to rural areas.

“Students shouldn’t have to sit outside a restaurant to do homework, farmers should not lose revenue because they cannot compete with high-tech competitors, and small businesses should have every available resource to grow and thrive in Western New York,” Jacobs said.

“This has been one of my priorities since taking office, and I worked with my colleagues to successfully secure $635 million in funding for the USDA ReConnect Rural Broadband Program in the most recent appropriations bill.

C'onnecting our region is vital to our future, and I am committed to supporting efforts to improve access for Western New Yorkers. Joining this caucus puts me in an even better position to advocate for the needs of my constituents.”

Jacobs critical of COVID bill, doesn't do enough for farmers in NY-27

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after the House Committee on Agriculture met today to consider the agriculture portion of the proposed COVID-19 budget reconciliation package. 

"This legislation was crafted unilaterally without any input from the Republican members serving on the Agriculture Committee. While there is some good in the bill, it contains many unrelated, partisan provisions that fail to meet the needs of our farmers and my calls for targeted, bipartisan relief.

"In my district alone, there are over 4,400 farms who produce 22 percent of New York State's total agriculture sales. Western New York farmers supply schools around the country with dairy and supply grocery stores throughout the United States with produce, meat and eggs. The impact of NY-27 farmers on our country is significant, yet we have not held one hearing to assess the current needs of farmers, and my Republican colleagues and I were not consulted. 

“Republicans offered several amendments that would improve this legislation by supporting small producers, restarting the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program halted by the President and redirecting money toward high-speed internet in rural communities. Democrats rejected these amendments, once again refusing to work with us to craft a bipartisan package.

"It is my hope this does not become the norm for this committee for the 117th Congress, but rather we work together to support America’s oldest and most substantial industry."

Jacobs has served on the House Committee on Agriculture since his election in June during the 116th Congress. He was reappointed for the 117th Congress in January of this year.

Jacobs joins the Northern Border Caucus in Congress

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has joined the House Northern Border Caucus.

“As someone who represents a major section of New York’s northern border, it is critical I am in a strong position to advocate for border communities and economies," Jacobs said. "Cross-border travel and tourism are major economic drivers for our area, and they have been deeply harmed by the ongoing travel restrictions between the U.S. and Canada.

“In addition, cross-border families and property owners have faced restrictions for nearly a year as a result of COVID-19. My first priority is working with my colleagues, the Biden Administration, and our Canadian counterparts to open the U.S.-Canadian border with a safe and fair set of standards for both nations.”

The House Northern Border Caucus is co-chaired by Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21) and Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY-26). It was originally founded in 1994 and serves as an advocate and to analyze policies regarding the economic and political relationship between the United States and Canada.

“Western New York farmers, small businesses, major industries, and families all rely on cross-border travel and commerce. The Northern Border Caucus will allow me to work in a bipartisan way to ensure these groups are supported by northern border policies implemented at the federal level, and I look forward to getting right to work on their behalf."

Jacobs explains vote against giving Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene committee assignments

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is releasing the following statement after voting to remove Rep. Greene (R-GA-14) from her committee assignments.

“I am very troubled by a number of Rep. Greene’s statements and assertions. As someone who has spent over 25 years fighting for children and increased educational opportunity, I was particularly shocked by the video of Rep. Greene harassing a survivor of the Parkland school shooting. I believe her actions, whether out of extreme callousness or ignorance, disqualify her from serving on the House committee overseeing education policy.

“Some will say this action is unfair as other members have made outrageous and offensive statements and have not faced similar consequences. That is very true. It is my hope that starting today, we will hold all members to the same high standard of civility and decency. I believe it will dramatically improve the impact this Congress will have on the betterment of this nation.

Jacobs criticizes Biden for approach to COVID relief package

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is putting out the following statement regarding the vote today on the budget resolution to begin the budget reconciliation process. 

"Two weeks ago, President Biden preached unity, cooperation and bipartisanship. However, his actions have failed to match his promises. In addition to the more than 40 executive orders and actions he has signed, Democrats in the House and Senate are now working with his blessing to advance a massive, partisan COVID-19 package. 

"We passed a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package one month ago. While I agree there are still important issues to address, such as funding for local governments and boosting vaccine distribution, this unilateral approach to relief legislation is damaging and unproductive. 

"I was encouraged the President met with Republican senators this week about a deal. While I oppose using the reconciliation process for COVID relief, I am ready to address these challenges and will work with the administration and congressional Democrats if they meet us at the negotiating table."

NOTE: Republicans in Congress have opposed providing assistance to local governments who have lost revenue because of the coronavirus pandemic. Ten GOP senators met with President Biden to discuss a compromise relief bill, one that wouldn't include relief to local governments, but after the meeting, Biden rejected the GOP offer. Three days ago, we contacted a representative of Jacobs and asked for the congressman to clarify his position on aid to local governments and to explain the policy reason, not the political reason, Republicans oppose aid to local governments. This was the only response we've received, which doesn't really answer either question.

UPDATE: A member of the congressman's staff said he is working on an answer to my questions. This was not meant to be that answer.

Jacobs calls for COVID nursing home investigation in New York

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined the entire New York Republican Congressional Delegation in sending a letter to Acting Attorney General (Robert M. "Monty") Wilkinson requesting the Department of Justice immediately issue subpoenas for Governor Cuomo, the Secretary to the Governor, the New York State Commissioner of Health, and their staff on all documentation and communications related to their nursing home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to a thorough update on the Civil Rights Division's inquiry into New York State's handling of the COVID-19 crisis in nursing homes.

"Attorney General (Letitia “Tish”) James’ report proved what we have suspected for months," Congressman Jacobs said. "The actions of Governor Cuomo, Commissioner (Howard) Zucker, and administration officials have obscured the toll of the Governor's mandate forcing COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes with other high-risk elderly individuals.

"He had a duty to ‘follow the science’ and protect the most vulnerable in our population. Instead, his order can only be categorized as a failure in leadership and a betrayal of public trust. Rather than take responsibility for his actions, and work transparently to correct such a disastrous mistake, Governor Cuomo and his administration have tried to shift blame and obstruct elected officials pursuing the truth. A full and thorough federal investigation into this cover-up must be conducted, and those responsible must be held accountable.

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) said "Today, my colleagues and I continue the fight towards justice for the people of New York. We will work to ensure that Acting Attorney General Wilkinson and President Biden support this pursuit for the truth about Governor Cuomo and his administration, considering the scathing evidence presented in Attorney General James' recent report. Tens of thousands of innocent people in our great state died, and unlike the Governor, we care.” 

Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY-1) said "The families and loved ones who lost parents and grandparents and so many other New Yorkers care deeply about the Governor's attempts to cover up the true consequences of his fatally flawed nursing home policy. In light of the Governor's own Attorney General's report, it's clear that what happened here is criminal. These families and New Yorkers demand further answers and accountability, and we won't rest until they get it."

Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) said “For months, my colleagues and I have pushed for an independent investigation into Governor Cuomo’s mishandling of nursing homes that led to thousands of deaths during this pandemic. Even after there were alternative facilities to treat COVID-positive patients, the governor mandated nursing homes take COVID-positive patients even if they couldn’t care for them.

"Now, we learn that his department of health covered up the true number of lives lost and underreported it by thousands. In October, the Department of Justice announced that it was administering an inquiry into this matter, and I sincerely hope their investigation continues independently without any interference from the Biden Administration.” 

Congressman Andrew Garbarino (NY-2) said “I am grateful that the Department of Justice launched an investigation into Governor Cuomo’s reckless handling of the COVID-19 nursing home outbreak. The great people of New York’s 2nd Congressional District sent me to Washington to fight for them, and I am proud to join my colleagues in demanding justice for every Long Islander who lost a loved one due to these failed policies."

Congressman Tom Reed (NY-23) said “Thousands of New York families who lost a parent or grandparent due to New York’s disastrous nursing home policies deserve nothing less than full transparency and accountability. If the Biden administration and their Department of Justice are truly committed to following the spirit of independence and impartiality, they should join with us as we work to further uncover the depths of Governor Cuomo and New York State’s incompetence. It is the only remedy to ensuring such horrific public health mistakes never happens again.” 

Jacobs calls on Biden Administration to resume food relief program payments to farmers

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined colleagues in calling on the Biden Administration to resume payments for the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).

“Throughout the pandemic, farmers have supported the American people with dedication, despite facing severe hardships as a result of COVID-19," Jacobs said. "The CFAP program has been one of many successful programs developed by the previous administration to ensure American farmers, producers, and processors have access to the resources they need to continue to support the American people.

"The Biden administration’s decision to halt this program is irresponsible given the ongoing pandemic, and many farmers are in urgent need of this assistance.”

The letter signed by 15 representatives specifically calls on the Biden Administration to immediately resume the processing of applications and payments for the second round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) while the new USDA conducts its regulatory review.

The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program was created by the CARES Act of 2020, and the first round was implemented in May. It assists producers of agricultural commodities marketed in 2020 who face continuing market disruptions, reduced farm-level prices and increased production and marketing costs due to COVID-19.

Additional funding for CFAP was appropriated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, signed into law on Dec. 27th.

“Supporting American farmers is critical to stabilizing the United States’ food supply during the pandemic," Jacobs said. "CFAP has been a key support to farmers and has received bipartisan support in Congress. I urge the Biden administration to immediately resume the processing of applications and payments for this program to provide critical relief to American farmers."

Additional Info:

Jacobs loses corporate donors after voting against election certification

By Gretel Kauffman

Multiple corporate donors to U.S. Rep. Chris Jacobs (NY-27) have suspended contributions to the Western New York congressman following his objection to the 2020 Electoral College results. 

Jacobs received a total of $63,800 in donations from nine corporate PACs in the 2020 campaign cycle, campaign finance documents show. Of those companies, four -- accounting for $37,500 worth of Jacobs’s corporate donations -- have suspended contributions to some or all lawmakers in the aftermath of the vote to certify the presidential election results on Jan. 6. 

Jacobs was one of 147 Republican lawmakers who raised objections to the certification of electoral votes; he was one of four lawmakers from New York to do so -- along with Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11), Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21) and Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY-1). 

“I have a duty to represent my constituents and a constitutional duty to ensure the security and integrity of our elections,” Jacobs said in a statement at the time. “I do not take this decision lightly, but for these reasons feel it necessary to object to the certification of the electoral votes from contested states.”

Blue Cross/Blue Shield -- which gave Jacobs $10,000 in the 2020 cycle through its PAC -- announced several days after the vote that it had suspended all contributions to politicians who objected to the results.

“In light of this week’s violent, shocking assault on the United States Capitol, and the votes of some members of Congress to subvert the results of November’s election by challenging Electoral College results, BCSBA will suspend contributions to those lawmakers who voted to undermine our democracy,” President and CEO Kim Keck said in a statement. 

New York Life Insurance’s PAC, which gave $5,000 to Jacobs in the 2020 campaign cycle, has also suspended contributions to members of the U.S. House and Senate who voted against the certification of electoral votes, a spokeswoman for the company told The Batavian in a statement. 

“We will be evaluating our approach moving forward,” the spokeswoman said. 

Other companies have suspended PAC donations altogether following the vote, regardless of lawmakers’ stances on the electoral results. 

Those companies include the National Fuel Gas Company, which gave Jacobs $15,000 in the 2020 cycle.

The National Fuel PAC “contributes to candidates of both parties who support affordable and reliable natural gas access and delivery to fuel our homes, businesses and communities,” a spokeswoman told The Batavian in an email. “Every contribution receives considerable evaluation to serve those ends. In light of current events, we have hit pause on all of our political contributions.” 

The United Parcel Service -- which donated $7,500 to the congressman in the most recent campaign cycle -- announced in the days following the vote that it had also suspended all contributions to political candidates. 

Charter Communications and M&T Bank, which donated $5,000 and $1,000 to Jacobs in the 2020 cycle, respectively, acknowledged receipt of inquiries from The Batavian but did not provide a comment on the future of their PACs’ relationships with Jacobs. 

Constellation Brands, a Western New York-based producer and marketer of alcoholic beverages, contributed $7,500 to Jacobs’s campaign in 2020. Neither Constellation Brands nor the American Crystal Sugar Company, which donated $5,000 to Jacobs, responded to multiple inquiries from The Batavian

Delaware North -- which is owned by the Jacobs family -- also did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Batavian. Delaware North donated $7,800 via PAC to Jacobs in the 2020 cycle.

Batavia woman honored as Veteran of the Month by Jacobs

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has designated Margaret Peri of Batavia as the New York 27th Congressional District Veteran of the Month for January of 2021.

“Western New York is home to incredible veterans who not only served our nation honorably but have returned and dedicated their lives to serving our communities,” Jacobs said. “Margaret Peri has continuously answered the call to serve our nation, our local community, and distant communities that have been struck by natural disaster.

"Her selfless and dedicated service exemplifies what it truly means to be an American, and I am honored to designate her NY-27’s Veteran of the Month.”

Peri served in the Army from July of 1975 through September of 1978. Throughout her military service, she was a Chapel Activities Specialist, and her dedication to comforting and caring for patients at Walter Reed Army Medical Center earned her the Army Commendation Medal.

Following her military career, she served the people of Genesee County for more than 38 years in the Department of Social Services. She has also been a dedicated volunteer going on natural disaster relief mission trips to Ireland, Costa Rica, Haiti, and Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

Peri is also a member of the Eight Days of Hope Ministry and has been actively participating in food drives and food delivery for Western New York residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jacobs calls for reopening U.S.-Canadian border

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has joined a bipartisan group to call on the Biden Administration to work with the Canadian government to develop a cooperative plan to reduce cross-border travel restrictions.

“Reopening our Northern Border will have a direct impact on improving our local economy and allow for businesses and key industries relying on cross-border travelers to receive a much-needed boost,” Jacobs said.

“In addition to injecting needed dollars into our struggling local economy, opening the border is of great personal concern for family members who have been separated for almost a year and property owners who have been unable to maintain or even check on their homes.”

The letter, signed by 24 representatives including Rep. Jacobs and New York reps. Stefanik, Higgins, Katko, and Reed calls for the Biden Administration to develop a binational plan to cooperatively reopen the Northern Border and identifies five key actions that need to be taken:

  • Establish a Bilateral Plan for Restoring Travel – Both U.S. states and Canadian provinces have created extensive frameworks for reopening their respective economies based on public health metrics and criteria identified by public health experts. While these have guided reopening decisions in their respective territories, the U.S. and Canadian governments have yet to work collaboratively to use their existing frameworks to develop guidance for reopening the U.S. – Canadian border.
  • Prioritize Vaccines and Testing for All CBP Staff – Agents and staff of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) work on the frontlines to protect American interests and citizens. We need to ensure they have a continued supply of necessary PPE and that eligibility for vaccinations is expanded beyond its current level of only personnel within a 200-mile radius of a Veterans Affairs hospital.
  • Allow for Families to Safely Reunite – Since the travel restrictions were first implemented, Canada has expanded exemptions to allow family members and extended family members to enter Canada. However, the United States has yet to offer a similar procedure for land border crossings.
  • Develop a Policy for Property Owners – Individuals who own property in Canada have been unable to travel by car to their homes to conduct maintenance and collect necessary belongings, despite the ability to implement safe procedures such as a negative COVID-19 test before traveling and implementing quarantine guidance.
  • Ensure Reciprocal Access to Transit through Boundary Waters – During the coronavirus pandemic, Canadian boaters and boat tour operators have enjoyed access to U.S. waters so long as they did not dock at a U.S. port. U.S. boaters have not had the same reciprocal treatment from Canadian authorities. This has particularly harmed the U.S. boat tour industry, which has been unable to conduct unrestricted tours resulting in lost revenues.

“The Biden Administration has indicated through an executive order that they are pursuing a plan to open the U.S. – Canadian Border safely. I urge them to work collaboratively with the Canadian government to develop an actionable plan that puts a stop to the endlessly extended travel restrictions and uncertainty for thousands of businesses, cross-border families, and American homeowners,” Jacobs said.

Disgraced ex-NY-27 representative back on Twitter

By Howard B. Owens

Please join me as I discuss my experience in politics, business, and prison. What do you all want to hear about? #businesscoach #BusinessNews #PrisonReform #prison

— Chris Collins (@realC_Collins) January 27, 2021

Chris Collins, the former Congressman for the GLOW region who admitted in Federal Court to illegal insider stock trading and lying to the FBI, has reemerged publicly after being pardoned last month by former President Donald Trump.

Collins has started a new Twitter account under the handle @realc_collins. In his first tweet Collins posted a video explaining that as a businessman, politician, and former convict, he is ready to share what he's learned with the social media world.

"I have a lot to share with my many years of experience in the business world, the political world, and just current affairs," Collins said. "I hope you will join me on my various social media platforms and we can have a communication going forward."

Collins represented Genesee County in Congress from 2013 to 2019. He was the first member of Congress in 2015 to endorse Trump for president. 

Following an FBI investigation in 2018, Collins and his son, Cameron Collins, were arrested Aug. 8, 2018. The senior Collins was accused of tipping Cameron to a failed drug trial for a publicly traded company that Collins served as a board member. Cameron and other associates then began dumping stock before the news of the failed trial was made public. 

For months, even while running for reelection, Collins denied any wrongdoing and vowed he would be vindicated at trial and then in September 2019, he resigned from Congress and entered a guilty plea in Federal Court.

In January 2020, Collins was sentenced to 26 months in prison. His term was delayed because of COVID-19 and his incarceration in a Federal prison in Florida didn't begin until October. Two months later he was released after being pardoned by Trump.

These are my 5 I’s for the #DepartmentOfInJustice #DOIJ

1. Incompetent
2. Inefficient
3. Insensitive
4. Indifferent
5. Inhumane

— Chris Collins (@realC_Collins) January 28, 2021

Jacobs retains seat on House ag committee

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing that he is returning to the House Committee on Agriculture for the 117th Congress.

“Western New York’s economy and communities are directly supported by our agriculture industry,” Jacobs said. “Our farms, processing facilities, and agribusinesses provide thousands of good-paying jobs and present major opportunities to set our region up for future prosperity. It has been my mission to support our farmers in Congress – I made it a priority to be seated on the Agriculture Committee in July when I was first elected and look forward to carrying my work there into the 117th Congress.”

Announced earlier this year, Rep. David Scott (D-GA) will serve as Chairman, and Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA) will serve as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Agriculture for the 117th Congress. The Committee is charged with reviewing, developing, and advancing policies and proposals to support, improve, and further the needs of American farmers, agricultural businesses, and rural communities.

As of 2017, Western New York had more than 4,400 farms producing over $1.1 billion in products, representing 22 percent of all NYS agriculture sales.

“Serving on the Agriculture Committee puts me in the best possible position to advocate for our farmers and their needs,” Jacobs said. “These past few months alone, I was able to work with my colleagues to ensure the Commodity Credit Corporation was allocated necessary funding, increase investments for the USDA ReConnect Broadband Program, and pass COVID-19 relief legislation with direct support programs for farmers like the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP).”

“This term, there are major priorities that must be addressed. Our region needs improved broadband infrastructure, the agriculture sector needs new and younger farmers to ensure the longevity of such a critical industry, and we need to protect and support our farmers from unfair trade practices so they can access expanded markets and grow their businesses,” Jacobs said. “Finally, we will be in the beginning stages of developing a new Farm Bill early this year. I will be working diligently to ensure that the needs of Western New York farmers are met in that legislation.”

Jacobs calls on Cuomo to give ag workers priority for vaccine

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) sent a letter to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo asking for the agricultural workers to be authorized to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We owe our agricultural workers a debt of gratitude. They have supported our families and state economy throughout the entirety of this pandemic and are essential frontline employees,” Jacobs said.

“Without their efforts, millions of families in New York, and around the nation, would not have been able to acquire the nutritious food needed to survive the health crisis.”

“Currently, in New York State, employees of our farms, producers, and processing facilities are ineligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, despite their essential status and the recommendation of the CDC,” Jacobs said.

“The work they do is critical to the stability of our nation, and I have asked the Governor to consider granting them eligibility status.”

The Centers for Disease Control has recommended that Phase 1b of the vaccine rollout include agricultural workers as eligible recipients. Currently, the Governor has authorized only “public-facing grocery store employees” as eligible members of the food and agriculture workers category in New York State’s Phase 1b vaccine program.

According to NYS Comptroller DiNapoli, in 2017 more than 33,000 farms in New York State employed over 55,000 workers and garnered over $5.7 billion in revenue. In the same year, agriculture added over $2.4 billion to the New York State Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the state ranked in the top five of all producers for 15 different agricultural products.

“Not only is agriculture a major driver of the New York economy at a time when our state is facing massive budget deficits, but it is also a matter of health and safety,” Jacobs said.

“Allowing the men and women working on the frontlines in agriculture to receive the vaccine strengthens and stabilizes our food supply chain at this critical time.”

Jacobs backs Biden order that could make travel to Canada easier during pandemic

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is issuing the following statement in response to the executive order signed by President Biden, in part, calling for the study and eventual safe reopening of U.S.-Canadian land ports of entry.

“Cross-border travel is a significant economic driver for our region and of immense personal significance for many Western New Yorkers. For close to a year, border closures have prevented many Americans from reuniting with their families or even simply checking on property they own in Canada.

"We know how to open safely, and we need to implement these solutions. I urge the Biden Administration to work with the Canadian government to correct inconsistent policies and to expand cross-border travel.” 


Yesterday President Biden signed an executive order titled “Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel.”

The order reads in part:

(Sec 5, c, Land Travel) The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of HHS, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of CDC, shall immediately commence diplomatic outreach to the governments of Canada and Mexico regarding public health protocols for land ports of entry.

Based on this diplomatic engagement, within 14 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of HHS (including through the Director of CDC), the Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to the President a plan to implement appropriate public health measures at land ports of entry.

The plan should implement CDC guidelines, consistent with applicable law, and take into account the operational considerations relevant to the different populations who enter the United States by land.

Jacobs attends Biden inauguration, calls for national unity

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is releasing the following statement after attending the Inauguration of President Joe Biden.

“It was an honor to represent the citizens of the 27th Congressional District at the 59th Presidential Inauguration to witness the peaceful transition of power that has, and always will be, a cornerstone of our democracy. I wish President Biden and Vice President Harris well as they lead our nation and I commit to working with their administration to advance the interests of Western New York.

“This is a time to move our nation forward and unite. It is not the time for partisan agenda items – but actionable solutions that directly address the serious needs of the American people. We must work together to safely reopen our economy and schools, confront the national security threats facing our nation, and set a course toward future prosperity for small businesses, farmers and workers.

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