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Obama media

President Obama risks overexposure

By bud prevost

Kind of ironic that ABC news ran this story on Good Morning America. We were just discussing the other day that the president seems to be EVERYWHERE that a camera is turned on. Even more ironic that it's ABC (All Barack Content) that is running this news piece.

As I stated stated several days ago, it is near impossibe to avoid his image on TV, online, or in print. "Omnipresent" is the word used, which sounds rather Orwellian to me. The fact he is trying to do so much, so fast, without regard to future generations, scares me. And this news story just re-affirms what I already knew...this guy is charasmatic, and reads a teleprompter like nobody's business. But take aware the script, and he shows his true colors. "Cambridge police acted stupidly", or calling Kanye West a "jackass", just a couple of examples of speaking before thinking.

I'm sure I'll be called a name or two for pointing this out, especially if you are a young dem guy who has a serious man crush on our president.

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