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office of emergency management

Two federal grants passed through state to Genesee County for emergency management

By Howard B. Owens

Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office today announced the distribution of two federal grants to support counterterrorism and emergency preparedness throughout the state, including grants totaling $142,325 for Genesee County.

The first grant is $114,967 from the State Homeland Security Program. 

Tim Yaeger, emergency management coordinator for Genesee County, said the funds will be used to maintain, support and enhance the services of the Emergency Management Office, Fire Coordinators Office, and Law Enforcement.  

"Our projects for this funding are still being finalized as we were just informed of the award," Yaeger said.

The county is also receiving an Emergency Management Performance Grant of $27,358. 

The EMPG grant is used to offset the cost of personnel for the Office of Emergency Management in Genesee County, Yaeger said.

"The safety and security of New Yorkers is the number-one priority of this administration, and we will continue to ensure our first responders receive the very best training and equipment, as we focus on statewide preparedness to keep our communities safe," Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement released by his office

"This federal funding is essential to every county across the state, and I thank our local, state and federal officials for helping bring these grants to New York, as we work to protect visitors and residents in the Empire State."

Emergency Management received grant to assist in fire investigations

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Emergency Management has received a $2,600 fire prevention grant from FM Global, one of the world’s largest commercial property insurers.

FM Global representatives presented the award to Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, which will be accepting the grant award at a presentation at the Fire Training Center, located at 7690 State Street Road, Batavia. It will be used to help fire investigators more efficiently investigate and determine the cause of a fire.

Because fire continues to be the leading cause of property damage worldwide, during the past 40 years FM Global has contributed millions of dollars in fire prevention grants to fire service organizations around the globe. Locally, the company has awarded grants to a number of New York-based organizations.

 “At FM Global, we strongly believe the majority of property damage is preventable, not inevitable,” said Michael Spaziani, manager of the fire prevention grant program.

“Far too often, inadequate budgets prevent those organizations working to prevent fire from being as proactive as they would like to be. With additional financial support, grant recipients are actively helping to improve property risk in the communities they serve.”

Through its Fire Prevention Grant Program, FM Global awards grants to fire departments — as well as national, state, regional, local and community organizations worldwide — that best demonstrate a need for funding, where dollars can have the most demonstrable impact on preventing fire, or mitigating the damage it can quickly cause.

To learn more about FM Global’s Fire Prevention Grant Program, or to apply for a grant, please visit

For nearly two centuries, many of the world’s largest organizations have turned to FM Global to develop cost-effective property insurance and engineering solutions to protect their business operations from fire, natural disasters and other types of property risk. With clients in more than 130 countries, FM Global ranks #561 among FORTUNE magazine’s largest companies in America and is rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best and AA (Very Strong) by Fitch Ratings. The company was named “World’s Best Supply Chain Risk Insurance Provider” in 2014 by Global Finance magazine and was voted “Best Commercial Property Insurer” in Business Insurance’s 2013 Buyers Choice Awards.

Photos: Rope rescue team trains with new equipment at Indian Falls

By Howard B. Owens

Members of Genesee County's rope rescue team trained at Indian Falls -- the site of many such real-life rescues over the years -- with a new rope system, called a Vortex.

The $25,000 system (including LED lighting) features a more sophisticated, and more effective and efficient, pulley system, making it easier to keep the ropes clear of obstructions and requiring less exertion of force to raise a patient lifter, making it easier for a medic to accompany the patient up the side of the cliff. 

Top photo: Christina Marinaccio and Jamie Call, the first team to descend and ascend with the new system. Marinaccio and Call are both city firefighters and volunteers (with Le Roy and Stafford, respectively).

To find out how you can do interesting things like this, help save lives and serve your community, visit

Incoming medical director briefs first responders on Ebola protocols

By Howard B. Owens

Every fire department in Genesee County was represented at a mandatory briefing Monday evening by Dr. Sara Connolly, the incoming medical director for the county.

Connolly briefed the chiefs and department representatives on protocols for dealing with Ebola patients.

It's a long shot that there will ever be a person carrying the Ebola virus in Genesee County, but county and state officials agree it's better to be prepared, trained at thinking ahead than to be caught off guard.

Such briefings are mandated for all first responders by the NYS Department of Health.

Connolly said she addressed triage and isolation issues and answered questions. EMS responders are instructed to ask patients at emergency scenes if they've traveled to West Africa within the previous 30 days. 

If the answer is yes, then first responders need to find out if the patient has had any of the symptoms of Ebola, such as high fever, diarrhea or vomiting. If yes, then the patient needs to be isolated as quickly as possible and the first responders need to avoid further contact with the patient.

Some misunderstandings were cleared up during the Q&A session at the end of the talk, Connolly said. For example, not everybody who gets Ebola dies, and we don't even have any idea how lethal, or not, it would be in the U.S. since there's been only one case of a person in this country who has died from it.

"We don't know what it's mortality rate would be in this country, with a good sanitation system and developed healthcare system," Connolly said.

Connolly is not yet officially the new county health director. That appointment could be finalized as soon as today.  

She is a physician at UMMC and specializes in emergency department medicine. She's a graduate of Princeton University with a medical degree from the University at Buffalo.

Every county is required to have at least one medical director, accounting to Emergency Management Coordinator Tim Yaeger, who overseas emergency response medical personnel. The position is responsible for training and ensuring that policies and protocols from the Department of Health are implemented and properly followed.

The director works closely with the Emergency Management Office and the county's Department of Health.

The Ebola briefing was required by the state, but Yaeger said it is a wise thing to ensure all emergency responders are prepared to deal with an Ebola patient, no matter how remote the possibility.

"We want to be prepared," Yaeger said. "Hopefully, nothing occurs here, but if it does, we want the public to know that we are prepared and ready to respond, and primarily to make sure those first responders are safe."

Photos: Firefighters practice confined space rescues

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County Emergency Services and the Town of Batavia Fire Department conducted a confined spaces drill yesterday at the Muller Quaker Dairy plant.

Nationally, from 80 to 100 people die every year in confined space accidents and even rescues can be difficult and dangerous.

Photos submitted by a reader.

Submitted Photos: Rescue at Buttermilk Falls

By Howard B. Owens

During the rescue of Brandon C. Smart, 34, of Batavia, and Michael C. Hayes, 24, of Rochester, yesterday at Buttermilk Falls, Le Roy, a member of Genesee County Emergency Management Services, D.R. Roblee, had his camera and took several pictures. The Batavian requested copies of those pictures and Tim Yaeger, director of emergency management, agreed to share them.

If you're unable to view the slide show below, click here.

Volunteers from five departments head east to assist storm-ravaged county

By Howard B. Owens

Fifteen volunteer firefighters from five companies in Genesee County are headed east this morning to assist in relief and recovery efforts in one of the hardest hit areas of the state from Hurricane Irene.

The volunteers gathered at the Emergency Servcies Training Center on State Street Road at 6:30 a.m. to be briefed on their mission by County Coordinator Tim Yaeger.

The group then headed to the Thruway to make it to Schoharie County by noon for a 72-hour deployment.

"They're in bad shape down there and now they've got more rain coming," said Yaeger, who was among the state's emergency coordinators dispatched to the region right after the storm hit.

The firefighters will be relieving other volunteers who have been working in the county since the storm hit last week.

"There's still places that are getting drops by Blackhawk helicopters of food and water because they're still isolated," Yaeger said.

Yaeger said it's amazing what these guys have signed up for with no pay. They will likely be sleeping on cots, living on pizza and pumping sewage out of basements during their 12-hour shifts.

They might also be called upon to deliver relief supplies to residents isolated by storm damage or just help with general clean up and recovery.

"And they're offended if I don't offer them a chance to go," Yaeger said. "These guys have been waiting for this for a week."

Darien Chief Dale Breitwieser couldn't make the deployment, but he was at the training center this morning to see off the three volunteers from his department.  He said it's events like this where you see that volunteers are a special breed of person.

"There will be volunteers there from all over the state and they'll all pull together," Breitwieser said.

Besides Darien, participating departments are Bergen, Town of Batavia and Stafford along with staff from Emergency Services.

Yaeger is not joining this group, though he may be deployed later today to Green County where a village of 700 people in the Town of Plattsville was wiped off the map. The town supervisor lost his house and his gas station and now he's trying to help his town through the devastation, Yaeger said.

The Albany Times Union has a photo slide show of the damage in Schoharie County.

County receiving disaster prepardedness grant to deal with pets

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County will receive a $29,195 state grant to help authorities deal with pets during major emergencies.

Acceptance of the grant was approved by the County Legislature's Public Service Committee today.

In 2010, the Office of Emergency Services drafted an emergency response plan for the county that would cover a range of contingencies for natural and man-made disasters. Part of the plan involves dealing with pets' safety because people often won't evacuate a dangerous location if it means leaving pets behind.

While voting in favor of the grant acceptance, committee Chairman Jay Grasso expressed concern that the government was spending money on pets in current economic conditions.

"Don't get me wrong," Grasso said. "I love my dogs. They won the dog lottery with me. But in these tough economic times, I just don't understand spending money on pets."

The grant is funded by the NYS Division of Homeland Security.

It will be spent on the purchase of mobile pet-sheltering equipment and training.

The emergency pet plan is being developed in conjunction with regional emergency partners Wyoming and Orleans counties.

County to test reverse 9-1-1 system tomorrow

By Howard B. Owens

The Office of Emergency Services will test the reverse 9-1-1 system at 1 p.m. Wednesday.

If you receive a call, no response is necessary.

The test will be coordinated with the Sheriff's Office and the Emergency Dispatch Center.

The test will also include test alerts through the NY-Alert system. Anybody can sign up for alerts through

NY-Alert provides individuals with messages either via phone, text, RSS, fax, pager or e-mail of incident-specific emergency messages or impending road closures and weather issues.

The service is free.

Volunteer departments on hand for 9/11 event in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

If you're fascinated by big fire trucks, Home Depot was the place to be on Saturday. Multiple volunteer fire departments from throughout the county, along with Mercy Flight, the Sheriff's Office and Genesee County Emergency Management Services were on hand to let the public tour their equipment and learn about local emergency services.

Emergency Management Coordinator Tim Yaeger said the Sept. 11 event was a way to remember the 343 firefighters and all of the civilians who lost their lives nine years ago and highlight emergency preparedness in Genesee County.

Yaeger also hoped the event would help with recruiting more volunteers, whether to the firefighting services, the Red Cross, Ameri Corps or other community organizations.

Within the firefighting services, there are numerous opportunities to volunteer Yaeger said. It's not all about rushing into burning buildings.

"You may feel that you’re not going to be a qualified interior firefighter, but you can be the driver of the apparatus," Yaeger said. "We need to get that truck there so we need those drivers there."

Volunteers are also needed to help prepare and get equipment ready and serve in management positions.

On 9/11 locals groups ask you to remember, prepare and volunteer

By Billie Owens

Genesee County AmeriCorps, RSVP and the Emergency Management Office are collaborating to host a local event on the Sept. 11 -- National Day of Service and Remembrance -- encouraging people to Remember, Prepare and Volunteer.

Funding is being provided by the Genesee Region Citizen Corps Council. Local emergency response organizations and other service agencies will gather together in the Home Depot parking lot, 4181 Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. that Saturday to distribute information, answer questions and recruit volunteers.

Fire trucks and other emergency vehicles will be on display and demonstrations of emergency equipment will take place. Home Depot will be conducting a Kids Workshop, too.

Bring the family to meet those who are already serving, learn how to prepare for emergencies, and explore volunteer opportunities.

For more information about this event, please contact the Genesee County Youth Bureau at 344-3960 and speak to Kathy Frank.

Honored member of local firefighting community laid to rest

By Howard B. Owens

Family members, friends and fellow firefighers gathered at the Corfu Fire Hall this morning for a memorial service for William Dix, who died Wednesday at his business, Jay E. Potter Lumber. He was 56.

Dix served the local firefighting community, and the community of Genesee County, for 40 years.

"He will be with us wherever we go," said Betsy Abramson during a short and dignified graveside service in Alabama following the memorial service. "Everyone who knew Bill so intimately, please, please, tell these precious little ones what a wonderful grandfather they had."

Genesee County's firefighting community honors William Dix

By Howard B. Owens

Hundreds of Genesee County's firefighters were in Corfu this evening to pay respects to William Dix, who died Wednesday.

Dix served as a deputy fire coordinator with Genesee County Emergency Services for 22 years as well as past chief of the East Pembroke Fire Department and most recently as commissioner with the East Pembroke Fire District.

Services for Dix will be tomorrow (Monday) at 11 a.m. at the Corfu Fire Hall with burial to follow in Alabama.

Well respected firefighter and community leader passes

By Howard B. Owens

Genesee County's firefighting community lost one of its highly regarded members early Wednesday when William Dix passed away while in his office at Jay E. Potter Lumber on Maple Avenue in Corfu.

Dix, a deputy fire coordinator with Genesee County Emergency Services for 22 years, was in his fifties.

In a statement, Emergency Management Coordinator Tim Yaeger said, "DFC Bill Dix will be deeply missed by his family and his fire service family, his dedication to his business and the fire service was never ending. Bill was always there when you needed anything, including a friendly smile and a handshake."

Dix was found dead early Wednesday morning after family members became concerned that he hadn't returned home from the office. His death is not considered suspicious. The cause of death is pending an examination by the Monroe County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Besides his duties as a deputy fire coordinator,  Dix was also the past chief of the East Pembroke Fire Department and most recently a commissioner with the East Pembroke Fire District. The East Pembroke resident logged more than 40 years in the fire service.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

State asks Obama to overturn FEMA denial of local disaster aid

By Billie Owens

New York is appealing last month's decision by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to deny disaster assistance to five counties, including Genesee.

The state's formal appeal asks President Obama to overturn FEMA's denial and provide aid to Genesee, Columbia, Delaware, Rensselaer and Sullivan counties for damages suffered from storms that occurred from July 25 through Aug.16.
Damage, debris and response costs in the five counties exceed $7 million, according to a press release from Tim Yaeger, coordinator of Genesee County Emergency Services.

“The...counties are reeling from this summer’s flooding and storms, which have caused severe damage and hardship,” Gov. Paterson said. “The repetitive nature of these events has strained local governments’ ability to implement the recovery process and placed a severe fiscal burden upon the state and its local communities.” 

FEMA maintains that Genesee and the four other counties sustained infrastructure damage that was "not of the severity and magnitude" to warrant a separate disaster declaration (from a storm system that hit Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chenago, Cortland and Erie counties).

But the state argues that New York had the wettest summer in 138 years and the third wettest in recorded history. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration reported rainfall greater than 200 percent above normal for July.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture calculated soil-moisture content in excess of 500 percent above normal range in the five counties named in the appeal. This super-saturation of the soil resulted in "immediate significant rises in creeks and streams for even minor rainfall amounts."

“A failure to provide this desperately needed support to some of our most impoverished counties will leave them vulnerable to increased damage from even moderate future flooding events," Patterson said.

Corfu's damage assessment was found to be $246 per capita for Genesee County. That's well in excess of the per-capita threshold for aid established by federal law and cited in FEMA’s own preliminary damage assessment.

Damage and debris/response costs for all 10 counties affected by the summer storms is estimated at more than $60 million.

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