Peter Zeliff to receive 37th Health and Humanitarian Award from Jerome Foundation

Press release:
The 37th Health and Humanitarian Award of Genesee County will be presented to Peter Zeliff of Batavia on Friday, Dec. 2, at an awards luncheon at noon at Terry Hills Restaurant. The award presented by The Jerome Foundation recognizes volunteer men and women of Genesee County who have helped promote the emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of the area’s residents. Nominations reflected “ordinary people who reach far beyond themselves to the lives of those in need, bringing hope, care, and friendship, and helping build a stronger, healthier community.”
In naming Mr. Zeliff for this year’s award, the Jerome Foundation will recognize him for his many volunteer efforts. He developed the WNY Aviation Adventure Camp for high school students interested in the field of aviation. He is spearheading an effort to bring back in 2023 the Wings Over Batavia airshow. Pete also has served on the Board of Directors of many local organizations. Currently, he is Chairman of the GCEDC Board and serves on the UMMC Board of Directors. He also volunteers for Wings Flights of Hope, Veteran’s Air Lift Command and the Special Olympics Airlift. In addition, he has supported multiple charitable causes in our community, including but not limited to, ARC, Crossroads House, CASA, ARC, GCC, Genesee Cancer Assistance and the Ricky Palermo Foundation.
In nominating Pete Zeliff for this award, Paul Battaglia stated that “in his own quiet way, Pete has been involved in numerous events that have as their sole purpose the betterment of the people of our county. Perhaps one of Pete’s largest contributions to our community has been his involvement in the development and capital campaign for the Healthy Living Campus. He has spent countless hours working on the planning and fundraising for this project.”
In his letter of support for Peter Zeliff, Ricky Palermo wrote that “Pete if a person who gives selflessly of his time, talents and treasures to our community. He has flown many at his own expense – including me – in need of medical care to other states so they can receive necessary treatment. Pete has dedicated his life to helping those in need and giving back to our community.”
The Health and Humanitarian Award luncheon is open to the public. Tickets are $25 and maybe purchased by mailing a check to The Jerome Foundation, PO Box 249, Batavia, New York 14021. For information call Chris Fix at 356-3419 or by email to Seating will be limited so early reservations are encouraged by Nov. 24.
Photo: File photo by Howard Owens