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Adopt-A-Pet: Lemon Drop and Rex

By Billie Owens

My name is Lemon Drop. I'm a young, stunning spayed female Hound Mix looking for an equally stunning family. I am a great-natured dog who loves to hang with humans, play with other dogs and cuddle with all. My ideal home would have a comfortable couch to stretch out on, good quality food, a fenced yard or a human who loves to take long walks (with me, of course). If this sounds like a match made in heaven, come in soon!

I'm Rex, a young single black neutered male cat looking for lots of fun and games. I am an adventurous boy who, when I get the chance, loves breaking out of my cage here to play in the interaction room. Oh, and I love wrestling with dogs, too - they don't scare me at all! I came to the Shelter with a bad infection to my tail. It had to be amputated but I do just fine without it and I don't let it slow me down. So if you are looking for fun and action, you know where to find me.

Pachuco is very pleased with the initial response to his new Pet of the Week contest, but he wants to make sure everybody knows about it. He will select his first winner on Friday. To find out more, click here.

Man reportedly bit in face by pit bull

By Howard B. Owens

A man is driving himself to the hospital after reportedly being bit in the face by a pit bull at 234 Ellicott St.  Police are responding to the scene to investigate.

New Feature: Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

Hello, I'm Pachuco. My masters are Howard and Billie, who run The Batavian.

Every day I watch them work so hard on The Batavian that I wanted to do something to help out. I get a little bored sometimes laying in the office while my dad works, or sitting at home while my mom's tied up on the computer.

So I asked if there was something I could do, and mom and dad suggested that I become the "Pet of the Week Correspondent."

That's perfect, 'cause I know a good pet when I see one. A good pet is loyal and loving, a friend to lean on and just always there. They're also handsome, and everybody who meets me tells me how handsome I am!

But I won't discriminate on looks, if you're pet really loves you, I may pick your pet as Pet of the Week, too.

Here's what you do: E-mail me a picture of your pet -- dog, cat, ferret, horse, goldfish, parakeet or any creature you keep as a pet -- and each week I'll pick one Pet of the Week. Your pet should also tell me why he or she deserves to this distinction. Your pet doesn't need to write a lot, just something about the joy and fun he brings into your life, the special things he does.

E-mail your picture (JPEG) and story to "pets (at) thebatavian dot com." 

Each week, I'll pick one deserving pet. If I don't pick your pet this week, I will hold onto your submission for future consideration (yes, I'm a smart dog; I can use big words).

Here's the GREAT PART: If your pet is Pet of the Week, we'll send you a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds, so please be sure to include your name and address with your submission.

And please support our sponsor, Genesee Feeds. That's where I get all my food (well, except for the table scraps I sometimes mooch) and I love my meals from Genesee Feeds!

Adopt-A-Pet: Garbo and Sissy

By Billie Owens

Hello, I'm Garbo the fabulous! I'm going to be a big, friendly girl because I'm a Labrador retriever/Great Dane mix. I was picked up as a young stray, roaming around with nothing constructive to do. So now I'm in the decidedly austere Kennel 21 at the town pound. I deserve better! Firstly, I am good on a leash, something many of my ilk cannot say (truthfully). Secondly, I know and respond appropriately to some commands. (But more on that when you come visit.) Lastly, I'm a sweet goofball and oh-so-playful. But did I mention I'm a quick study, and let me also say ... "


Hey there, I'm insouciant Sissy. As you can see, I am a black-and-white cat in lounge mode. I enjoy doing, uh, not much, after having raised my first -- and last -- litter of kittens. I brought them to the shelter with me so we could each find a special home. I have to say, I did 'em proud. Them kittens was raised right! And now I'm spayed and ready to give people who love me, lots of love in return.

Adoption fee is $30. Unspayed/unneutered animals also require a $35 refundable deposit.

The Genesee County Animal Shelter is located at 3841 W. Main St. Road in the Town of Batavia. Visit Volunteers for Animals on the Web at <>

Hours are:

Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Wednesday 1 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Don't be a big Pansy like I am

By Peter O'Brien

This is me

A big pansy after I read this story.,2933,538724,00.html?mep

PORT TAMPA, Fla. —  Yolanda Segovia heard a knock on her door one morning, just before 8 a.m.

Her neighbor was on the porch, with a dog and a story.

Stacey Savige had found the little dog in front of an elementary school. He wasn't very big, looked like some sort of terrier. Burrs clung to his belly. His honey fur was caked in mud.

He didn't have a collar. Stacey had taken him to the vet and he didn't have a chip, either.

Now Stacey had to go to work. Could Yolanda keep him?

Yolanda is 47. She's a divorced mom with two boys. In recent years she has survived breast cancer and cervical cancer, lost her dark hair and eyelashes to chemo. A hairdresser, she hasn't worked since 2006.

"You can leave the dog here," Yolanda told Stacey. "But just for today."


Only finish it if you want to be teary eyed in a good way.

Lost dog found on Montclair Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

A reader found a dog and wants to help reunite it with its owner.  Her's what he says:

A dog just wandered down my street (Montclair Ave.) in Batavia, and walked right up on my porch where me and my dog were sitting. I had never seen this dog in my neighborhood before so Ii put a leash on him and walked around the surrounding block asking everyone i saw if they had ever seen the dog and nobody recognized her. So I called the shelter and they said nobody called about that one yet but to bring it in. The dog is a female looks somewhat like a jack russel white with black and tan patches, I was just wondering if you could post that this dog is safe at the shelter so if the owner or someone who knows  the owner might have a good lead for a happy reunion.

UPDATE: The owner saw this post and recovered his dog, according the the reader who sent this in.

Found: Beagle, Female, City of Batavia

By Martin Szinger

A beautiful female Beagle with no collar, tags, or ID, wandered up our driveway (Vernon Ave close to Main St.) on Saturday 5/30 around noon. She's around 2 yrs old, in good shape and obviously trained - so lost or abandoned, but not a stray. Is she yours?

We've taken her in and put a call into non-emergency city police dispatch to list her as found; also brought her by the county shelter, where they checked/scanned her for an ID chip, but there was none. None of the neighbors recognize her or have heard of a missing dog. We walk our own dog twice daily and "know" a lot of the local dogs, but not her...

Our best guess is that she's an "indoor dog" that somehow got out, and might not be licensed in the city, which is a big no-no, but still, her owner must be missing her badly so we'd like to get her back home. We're caring for her right now, but that makes two high-energy dogs and a five-month old baby in one house, so our sanity isn't going to last long!

If you know where this very nice Beagle belongs, please give us a call, Martin or Kath at 344-0957, or email me: martin.szinger at Thanks!

Joanne Beck suggests cats should be licensed

By Howard B. Owens

Joanne Beck wants to license cats.  I sympathize with her concern for the animals and the overburdened shelters that often take in far more unwanted kitties than they can handle.

The extra revenue, if directed toward shelters, could be put to good use, and the program might, overtime help in keeping better track of cat ownership.

We license dogs, so why not cats?

Well, let's look at the differences between dogs and cats.

Dogs, unlike cats, if improperly raised and handled can pose a significant public safety threat, especially when it comes to larger breeds.  It's important to be able to know who owns a particular dog.  Dogs who get rabies can also be a significantly greater public health threat than a cat with rabies.

Dogs, being pack animals, however, are far more likely to stick close to home, especially with good owners who exert alpha-like control over the animals.

Cats on the other hand are more independent.  They are not likely to wander far from a good home, but if allowed outside, they can take off for days at a time and possibly find a new place to live. Ownership, then, becomes much harder to track. 

A good dog owner can be expected to control a canine, but cats are beyond the same level of control.

So I question whether licensing is practical.

Then there is the lifestyle question: Cats are often more affordable pets than dogs. They are animals that people on more limited incomes can afford.  I would be concerned that any licensing scheme would hit the working poor harder than those who can afford to shrug off another $10 or $15 fee.

Sorry, Joanne, I'm just not buying into the licensing idea, no matter how well intentioned.L

News roundup: Free pet vaccinations today

By Philip Anselmo

Genesee County residents can get their pets vaccinated against rabies for free today at the County Fairgrounds on Main Street in Batavia from 4:00 to 7:00pm, according to WBTA. The clinic is sponsored by the county Health Department. Out-of-county residents may also use the service, but they have to pay $5.

News roundup: Shopping, rabbits and community action

By Philip Anselmo

Look no further than the front page of today's Daily News for all you need to know about what it's like to be the first shopper at a new Target store — Janet Saile bought Tic Tacs — or why rabbits make good pets — they "take up less space" than a cow — or, on a more serious note, how to stay drug free — "just walk away," says 15-year-old Tessa Williams.

For more on that last item, check out the article by Joanne Beck about National Night Out, a "fun night to learn how to make your neighborhood safer" taht will be held from 5:30 to 8:30pm August 5 at St. Anthony's Parish Center, 114 Liberty St.

This year's night out will include a new focus on drugs with the Drug-Free Marshals program and a venue for residents of Highland Park and Pringle Avenue to share their concerns during a special community meeting

There will also be youth activities, interactive games, a DJ, Safe Child identification kits, caricatures and information booths about ways to get or remain drug-free.

Today's sports section of the paper is heavy with local sports coverage — congrats to the staff for filling the whole front page with it. We got up a link in our Local Headlines about the Muckdogs loss, which is covered. But there's also a preview of the upcoming Empire State Games with a focus on some Batavia representatives on the hockey and basketball teams.

LeRoy beat Batavia 12-5 in the District 3 youth baseball championship game Tuesday for 9-10 year olds. The team will advance to the Section 1 Tournament in Olean where they will face District 8 champs Fayetville Manlius at 12:30pm Saturday.

As always, we encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News wherever the paper is sold. Or, better yet, subscribe at

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